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  1. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Here are all the top Trump aides who have ties to Russia

    1. shootersa
      shootersa, Apr 17, 2017
  2. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Good. Release them. You know that the Democrats can lay their hands on his returns and could arrange to release them. Don't wait for Trump to do it; it's unlikely he ever would. There's no percentage in him releasing them now, it would only give his unsupporters new material to spew about. It doesn't matter what's in his returns, unsupporters would spew.
    So, release the damn things and spew on.

    Or, just keep on spewing about it. You aren't going to listen to Shooter any more than Trump is going to listen to unsupporters about his tax returns.
    1. shootersa
      duplicate post
      shootersa, Apr 17, 2017
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Rachel Maddow’s excellent reporting on Trump and Russia is driving Fox News crazy

    1. shootersa
      shootersa, Apr 17, 2017
  4. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Most are former aides. But, what's the point? Every transition team has contact with most foreign governments before taking office. Want to explain why this triggers you so?
    Or is it just that your handler told you to post this?
    • Like Like x 1
  5. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    The point is there is mounting evidence that members of the Trump's campaign actively colluded with Putin/Russia to sabotage our presidential election. Another point is corruption among members of the Trump campaign that may include money laundering. And the major unanswered question is how deep do Trump's ties to Putin and Russian money goes.

    Which is a major reason we need to see Trump's tax returns. And if not all us at least the members of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees need to see them. Which is another thing that is being blocked by the Republicans on those committees.
    1. shootersa
      Mounting evidence?
      Post it.
      Not the circumstantial slanted bullshit like; "Trump administration has contact with Russia" with no proof of anything shady.
      Post it. Show it. Quit copying and pasting what your handlers tell you to.
      What money laundering? SHOW YOUR PROOF

      Or at least explain in clear terms exactly how it is that Trump and/or Putin and/or the Russians might have sabotaged the election.

      You mean because the DNC servers got hacked and e Mails exposing democratic corruption got posted?
      Was anything exposed untrue?
      Was anything exposed fake?
      shootersa, Apr 17, 2017
      msman likes this.
  6. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    Now the above post must be a joke. Trump didn't need any help to beat Hillary. She did all of the work.
    You suspect money laundering and want to see his tax returns? Please read that over and see if you do not laugh at it yourself.
    Do you actually think Trump would include money made from money laundering on his tax returns knowing he has been audited every year for a long time and will be audited for many years in the future.
    You do have a sense of humor.
    1. shootersa
      Ease up on Stumbler.
      He just posts what his handlers order him to.
      He has no choice in the matter.
      shootersa, Apr 17, 2017
    2. Hellcat41979
      Especially since they are so hung up on the theory that Trump has possibly cheated on his taxes. Yet anyone with more then two brain cells would realize that. First Trump's tax forms are already available to an organization who's sole purpose is to find tax cheats. Two this same organization is very good at keeping track of everything owed to the government and will go after anyone that doesn't pay up. Finally when said organization finds tax cheats that are high profile like Trump the news gets out.

      The irony is the whole argument they are making is the same one the Birthiers made in regards to Former President Obama's birth certificate.
      Hellcat41979, Apr 18, 2017
      msman likes this.
    3. msman
      Sort of bad that they do not even realize it and never will.
      msman, Apr 18, 2017
  7. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Publicizing Federal Tax returns are not important...Trump won without publicizing them.

    To this day, yes, this day, still no evidence that Trump won the election due to any Russian involvement.

    The only mounting evidence that is abound lately, the batshit lunacy form the leftists has gone full blown meltdown.
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    We can always count on the PR hacks trying to lie for Trump.

    No Trump did not win without releasing his tax returns. Trump own PROMISING TO RELEASE HIS TAX RETURNS as soon as they were not under audit.

    Another typical lie and bait and switch by Trump, his PR hacks and their many many socks.
    1. shootersa
      ............. OK. And are they done with their audit?
      shootersa, Apr 18, 2017
  9. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    I just think it is so laughable that the "supporters" (as @shootersa might say) are still under the delusion that he can't release them because he's under audit. The IRS did make a statement stating that there is nothing that prevents him from releasing them to the public at any time.

    He's hiding something. Or just a liar...
    1. shootersa
      ......... or is dropping more baubles for the unsupporters to gather round and glare at.

      You people continually underestimate Trump.
      Just like you did before November 9
      shootersa, Apr 18, 2017
    2. anon_de_plume
      I do think you're funny in that you both incessantly defend Trump, but also claim he's irrelevant.

      Talk out of both faces much?
      anon_de_plume, Apr 18, 2017
    3. shootersa
      Shooter can ignore most insults; he just considers the source.
      But, referring to Shooter as a Plexiquint; well, it doesn't do much good for you to smile when you say that.:mad1:
      Shooter is asking Supreme Commander for special permission to convert Anon into a Plexiquint.:p
      Then we'll see who has the last laugh! :smuggrin:

      Cause as everyone knows, a Plexiquint can eat it's own face.
      shootersa, Apr 19, 2017
  10. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Well we know Trump is not just a liar. Trump is a pathological liar who lies constantly. But Trump is definitely hiding something in his income taxes. And the kindest theory I've seen is his tax returns would show he is nowhere as rich as the claims he is. Or as some speculate his tax returns would show his connections to Russian money and who owns him. Like some of these guys.

    Trump has deep ties to organized crime — federal investigators know it, and the public is catching up

    1. shootersa
      shootersa, Apr 18, 2017
  11. freethinker

    freethinker Pervy Bear

    Aug 17, 2009
    • Like Like x 1
  12. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011

    You're the one under the delusion.

    The "audit" has nothing to do with it.

    He didn't have to release them to get elected, and now it doesn't matter to anyone but snowflakes.
  13. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    You can always tell when you are dealing with a plastic bubble reactionary who lives in their own little fantasy world when they claim a majority of the people in the country are "snowflakes" but not them.

    Majority of Voters Want President Trump to Release His Tax Returns

  14. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011
    Lots and lots of snowflakes.
  15. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    And a majority of Americans want to see Jessica Alba or maybe Emma Watson naked. Doesn't mean they have a right to demand it. Even if they are public figures and should do what we tell them to.
    And richer than rich to!
    AND they probably talk to Russians!
  16. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    But some people have the idea that people must do as they demand. Don't know where they got such an idea. Maybe those on here that keep demanding so much and receiving so little from their demands are little kids who have not grown up yet. In a few years they will learn crying and throwing a fit does not work on grown people. It just makes them look like fools.
  17. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    If the audit have nothing to do with it, why did he use it as an excuse to keep them under wraps?
  18. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    Damn man, smarten up. He got some democrat votes for that. Most of them he wouldn't have gotten no matter what he showed.
    He is just showing how little he cares about what some snowflakes want. They just can't understand it. Everyone gets a trophy.
  19. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010

    View attachment
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I have been saying for a long time now the dossier put together by the former British spy Christopher Steele has far more credibility then the PR hacks and Trump supporters are willing to admit.

    REVEALED: FBI used contested Trump ‘British spy’ dossier to obtain FISA warrant against Carter Page

    1. shootersa

      Bring out the evidence. Lets see what that rascal has been up to.
      shootersa, Apr 19, 2017