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  1. Milo Cronos

    Milo Cronos The Sexual Intellectual

    Aug 29, 2011
    I grew up around adult material readily available or accessible in the 70-80's with the magazines and books created back to from the 50's as well as the 60's. I learned we needed to realize the differences of whether people are referring specifically to the sexual acts of others by their sexual preferences independent and irrelevant of their gender.

    The suffix sexual relates to the predetermined early onset of sexual ideas and the predilections of an individual's sexuality ie; transsexual, bisexual and straight which in all technicalities straight might be considered monosexual. I'm getting to my point that............ If I refer to a transgendered woman I'm acknowledging the girl inside of which medically diagnosable dysphoria means he's a woman and she's a man!

    So when I say she male or drag queen I'm being very direct, but respectful to the semantics as most of our best sexual language was introduced through from some form of smut softcore to hard whether directly or indirectly. Bisexuality is as simple as a taste for all sexual organs (the skin your in, included) rather than the limits of one sex. Whether we act on it is a matter of definition and if we are curious that's not the same and no reason to deny of ourselves gender specific activities.

    Just a rambling thought..........................and in case I bored you?

  2. VenusInFurze

    VenusInFurze Online Odalisque

    Oct 30, 2012
    Transsexual is not an orientation, it's an identity. There are straight, bi, and gay trans people. Old medical literature that diagnoses trans people as being mentally ill with dysmorphic disorders is about as accurate as it was when it said homosexuality was a mental illness.

    There are people with body dysmorphia of course, but I have a LOT of trans friends and none of them are like that. They don't hate their bodies. They just feel like their gender doesn't match and they want to reconcile the external and internal.

    My girlfriend is trans. She is NOT a man.
    • Like Like x 3
    1. Jack Mine
      That was very direct and to the point and understandable to read, thank you.
      Jack Mine, Apr 21, 2017
      E DOG, Milo Cronos and VenusInFurze like this.
    2. seafoam1
      Sometimes trying to figure out who likes who and what that makes them and how they identify just gives me a headache.
      Let's just all do each other, that will be more fun.
      seafoam1, Apr 21, 2017
      E DOG, Milo Cronos and VenusInFurze like this.
    3. Milo Cronos
      Milo Cronos, Apr 21, 2017
  3. Milo Cronos

    Milo Cronos The Sexual Intellectual

    Aug 29, 2011
    With all due respect and with no intention of arguing I assure you................
    Your friend is transgendered I gather with gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder (G.I.D.) for which is as I say medically diagnosable otherwise legal transformation could never be possible, dysmorphic is something totally different agreed "she's not a man" as I stated initially. This has been identified also with the word transsexual of course, but if we were to use original meanings and there's no intention of transitioning (not to be confused with can't afford or there are complications beyond their control) then she/he would have been considered a transvestite.

    Considering their sexual side as gay, bi or straight (as you can imagine) gets even further complicated even for the people themselves dependent on their identity and against the odds of their biological self in reality. I felt it was easier to explain their sexuality when we (in the older days) would use transsexual, transvestite or she male to describe their approach toward sex. I know the meanings and identifications have become more obscure now, but I can't say it's really made anything better for it as more complicated them it has to be?
    1. Sanity_is_Relative
      It can be medically diagnosed if a doctor is willing to do the real and factual genealogical testing required to define the entire genome string that defines mental and physical sexes. It is not as simple as XX or XY, there are many variations in between, think XYXX, XXYY, XYYY, it comes down to the hormones that we are introduced to during our development and our lives.

      My fiancee has no delusions of who she is supposed to be, she was born with a penis but has never been a male. Her voice is feminine, he movements, everything is feminine, she was meant to be a girl.
      And transgender people can be any sexual orientation under the sun, I know a FTM pre-op that is a massive skank that is willing to fuck anyone, but I also know a MTF that is completely abstinent and intends to be forever.
      Sanity_is_Relative, Apr 21, 2017
      VenusInFurze and Milo Cronos like this.
    2. Milo Cronos
      For the record the medical diagnosis is more commonly referred to as psychosocial assessment and is conducted in concert with medical and mental health professionals as per the DSM something similar to this (for those interested)
      You are however correct as there is no standard gender screening tool, but there are acceptable guidlines to approve surgical transitioning which has standards, as I wrote this in hopes of having this discussion for more clarity I see it's working. Thank you Milo
      Milo Cronos, Apr 21, 2017
  4. VenusInFurze

    VenusInFurze Online Odalisque

    Oct 30, 2012
    I don't think it's a matter of gender identity having anything to do with their approach to sex though. Gender is separate from orientation. I don't see how denying that makes it less complicated. Male or female is one thing. Attracted to male or female is another. They're separate from each other.

    And transvestism doesn't necessarily correlate to transgenderism or a particular sexuality. Most cross dressers are straight men, not gay drag queens or trans people wearing the clothing that suits their gender identity.

    I guess it's complicated but human beings in general are complicated and trying to reduce them into narrower categories or conflate two things into one is dismissive of that.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Milo Cronos

    Milo Cronos The Sexual Intellectual

    Aug 29, 2011
    I agree that gender identity has nothing to do with sexual predilections although I would assume sexual thoughts would be somewhat obscured as transvestism has much to do about the sexual realm even by definition (ie; proper semantics for proper representation) A person, typically a man, who derives pleasure from dressing in clothes primarily associated with the opposite sex. (1920s: from German Transvestit, from Latin trans- ‘across’ + vestire ‘clothe.’) As you so well pointed out drag queens and cross dressing is a subsection removed from the definition in that it is a form of characterisation not of content and on that I quote your last line:
    The whole point of this so far deep discussion.
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