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  1. NicoleDeLint

    NicoleDeLint Porn Star

    Jan 23, 2017
    The last thing that I will say on this topic is that simply because there are disparities from group to group in this country or anywhere else is not proof of institutional racism .

    There simply may be differences in natural ability or in the willingness to put in the work or on the dependence upon a culture of victimization
  2. NicoleDeLint

    NicoleDeLint Porn Star

    Jan 23, 2017
    And there are still people in Japan who want to restore imperial Japan .

    There are always going to be a few nutty people around .

    Yes there are Klan rallies still but when was the last time you actually heard about a Klan lynching in this country?

    I hope that you are not suggesting that people should not be allowed to express themselves politically .

    And as far as I am concerned political correctness has the ultimate agenda of forcing people that they don't agree with to shut up even if that requires legislation .

    If that doesn't frighten you well then you're part of the problem
    • Like Like x 1
    1. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path
      Yes, it's true, there are always going to be nutty people around, but that's why civilization can't ease up in fighting against their hateful beliefs. There was a time when yes, the klan would lynch people, but it's thanks to cultural progression and the opposing of racism that we still don't live in that time. And while there haven't been lynchings, there have been countless hate crimes since the inauguration. Did you hear about the Indian man who was shot in Kansas? His killer said "get out of our country". That's skinhead behavior right there. Look, I love free expression as much as the next guy. I love this site specifically because of the freedom it gives me when it comes to writing erotica. But you can't deny that certain forms of expression are threatening and downright dangerous to our society. It's just like yelling fire in a movie theater. Genocides have been started by simple civilians shouting for the persecution of a certain group of people.
  3. NicoleDeLint

    NicoleDeLint Porn Star

    Jan 23, 2017
    I don't think there's anything wrong with yelling fire in a crowded movie theater if indeed there is a fire .

    But what you are saying is that there are certain forms of speech that should not be allowed .

    I don't understand why hate speech from the right is so much worse than hate speech from say Muslims who are the most vehemently anti-Semitic group in the world today. Not to mention the most misogynistic .

    If you look at the fact that raped have increased in Sweden 1400% in the last decade or two in the Muslim areas . When you look at the large number of sexual assaults in Germany in Cologne New Year's Eve a couple of years ago perhaps we should be careful about allowing large numbers Of Muslims into any western country .

    I'm sure you consider what I just said to be hateful but I think that females in our society need to be protected from people who have a history of sexual domination .

    Political correctness should never trump common sense .
    • Like Like x 3
    1. chris4sylvia
      The reason why rapes in Sweden have increased so dramically has nothing to do with the influx of immigrants, but the changes in how sexual offences are collated.

      It is documented that EVERY sexual offence now gets seperately collated; for example where as previously if a husband raped his wife once a day over a period of a year it would be just one charge of rape over multiple times, it is now a charge for each individual rape.
      chris4sylvia, Mar 20, 2017
  4. NicoleDeLint

    NicoleDeLint Porn Star

    Jan 23, 2017
    Here is something written by a black activist in the 1960s . no one talked about censoring this even though this is one of the most violent defiling things that I have ever read. This is Eldridge Cleaver suggesting that it was correct for black men to rape white women as a political act. By the way he suggested the black man should practice raping Black women first .

    This is why I say only hate speech from the right is considered to be censorable.

    "[W]hen I considered myself ready enough, I crossed the tracks and sought out white prey. I did this consciously, deliberately, willfully, methodically. Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man's law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women...I felt I was getting revenge. From the site of the act of rape, consternation spread outwardly in concentric circles. I wanted to send waves of consternation throughout the white race."

    Eldridge Cleaver, 1968[2]
  5. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Political Correctness and Diplomacy are not synonymous.

    Political correctness is exactly as you suggest, 'control over the opposition'.

    Diplomacy is being politically connected, for several advantageous reasons.

    Diplomacy is required for legislative reasons on immigration.

    Political correctness is used to prevent reasons for adjusted legislation for immigration.
  6. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Why bring up racism?

    Racism only exists in this country for one reason.

    The provocateurs keep racism alive and well.

    The keep it alive for political reasons, they keep it alive for the victim status only, it's political advantageous at the voting booth...only, with no victims they have no votes.

    The special rights councils around this country are backed by tax dollars, brainwashing the victims into believing that they so deserve more rights because society has made them the victim.

    Its a vicious cycle that will never end until the ''collective victims'' decide that they no longer what to be the well manufactured victim of society.
  7. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    By "racism" you mean "hostility to blacks." Why do you think hostility to blacks persists, despite efforts to suppress the expression of it?

    That is a serious question. I would like for you to think about it for awhile before giving me a well though out answer.

    On the internet one can find expressions of hostility for Jews and Orientals. Nevertheless, Jews and Orientals tend to make better incomes that white Gentiles. Why do you think that is? Again, I would like for you to think about the question for awhile, before answering.

    I invite anyone else to answer too.
  8. NicoleDeLint

    NicoleDeLint Porn Star

    Jan 23, 2017
    This is an excellent response. My personal feeling is that there is an entitlement culture within the black community they feel that they were the only group to be enslaved and that because their ancestors had to endure this they should receive special attention.

    I believe that there is also a sense that there is something effeminate about black males and book learning. These are not characteristics found among jewish or Asian cultures so it is not surprising that they do better economically

    I wish that I had a better answer in fact I wish I had any kind of answer . And I'm afraid to say that in the inner cities we may have developed or allowed to develop a culture of men and women children.

    Any group that regularly uses phrases like mamas to describe women and even more disturbing to regularly use the word crib to describe a place to live To me suggests a group stuck in an early stage of emotional development.

    It really makes me sad because there is a rich heritage that earlier generations of black Americans brought to this country and is now almost entirely lost in this new entitlement generation .

    And I am completely confused why people feel that Obama was so put upon compared to other presidents . He receive the Nobel peace prize before he ever did anything for example . He served only about a year in the Senate before starting to run for president and clearly was too immature and too inexperienced to become president .

    Bill Clinton had been a successful governor from Arkansas and people not only disagreed with him but he was actually impeached .

    But still poor Barack Obama was disliked because of racism ?

    The truth is that Barack Obama could never have been elected had he not been black .
  9. NicoleDeLint

    NicoleDeLint Porn Star

    Jan 23, 2017
    To the person who said that there has not been an increase in rapes in Sweden but it is essentially a collating problem I have to say that this is the most rationalized argument that I have ever heard . You want to so badly not to acknowledge an immigrant problem that you will come up with anything to excuse inexcusable behavior . I wonder how you would feel if a woman in your life were to be raped by such an immigrant . To excuse these animals is to demonstrate your deep misogyny. To most reasonable people consequences are necessary for unreasonable behavior but for you political correctness is more important than dealing with a very dangerous Group of people .
    • Like Like x 2
  10. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    The only suppression of expression going on in the US is the Uber left denying freedom of speech to those who do not parrot their beliefs. On the Berkley campus, a Trump T Shirt can spark a riot in moments and fill safe spaces with weeping snowflakes for weeks.
    This alone should tell us just how tilted we have become in the last decade.

    But nowhere in America does a T Shirt with an image of Obama spark unrest or rioting. It may get one poor service in a Waffle House in rural Georgia, but the wearer need not fear for their safety. A black family may be denied a loan for their new house in suburban America, but if based on discrimination it will be so well buried in legal doublespeak even the victims might not recognize it for what it is. Mixed race marriages even 20 years ago sparked debate; today, the debate occurs only in whispers in internet chat rooms where identity is a closely held secret.

    Contrary to what the Berkley minions would have us believe, the world does not revolve around them or their extremist views.
    On the internet one can find hostility for anything one desires; Jews and Orientals are not special in that way. One can find hostility for motherhood and Apple Pie, and kittens and puppies. It is, after all, the internet.
    One can also find support for any bigotry or hate imaginable, even a political movement that died in a Berlin bunker over 70 years ago.

    President Obama threw a spotlight on what was billed as racism and sparked a debate. Under other circumstances this would be good; the open debate of issues has always been a guiding light of American Society. Unfortunately, the hate and spew on all sides from Obama's spotlight infected us poorly. And it continues today.
    On the left, haters daily twist and bend any hint of Trump into an unrecognizable tangle of lies and deceit.
    On the right, defenders blindly defend a pompous gas bag even when they didn't vote for the fool, just to deny the Left success.

    Meanwhile, the robbers in Congress continue their plunder of the public trust and wealth for personal gain.
    Our war with Jihad continues, but we are not winning.

    The division that Obama's spotlight exposed is diverting Americans from the real villains among us. We should not be transfixed on a "race problem" that is at most an irritant in our daily lives. The days of Jim Crow are almost dead. Not yet dead, but close.

    Looking back, America has not had civilized discourse since the days right after 9/11. For a brief period, we were shocked into civility among ourselves. For all too brief of a period.

    The name calling, the lies, the twisted "facts" used to be constrained to fringe web sites. Today, one can find it shouted loud on the floor of the Senate and the House of Representatives and from the pulpits of election campaigns.

    Is it too late? Are we well and truly fucked?
    • Like Like x 1
  11. NicoleDeLint

    NicoleDeLint Porn Star

    Jan 23, 2017
    I guess that we have to let white women be fucked by non-white men multiple multiple times before we begin to see the truth .

    Rape is ok is long as it is not by a white men.

    Women are caught up in the political correctness role.

    I am tired of protecting them . If this is what they need to learn the truth then let the truth happen
    1. shootersa
      You prove Shooters point.
      shootersa, Mar 23, 2017
  12. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008

    Hush....an alias
  13. NicoleDeLint

    NicoleDeLint Porn Star

    Jan 23, 2017
    The bottom line to all of this is the Liberals love to attack Nazis because that way they can feel superior and because the governments that sponsored them have been gone for 80 years we don't really have to go to war with anybody. It remains interesting though That liberals prior to World War II were strangely silent when there were real Nazis and Nazi governments
  14. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Franklin Roosevelt prepared the United States for World War II. He tried to provoke the Germans into hitting the United States first, and succeeded in provoking the Japanese. He did this when most Americans, and certainly most Republicans, wanted to avoid the conflict.
    1. Distant Lover
      The United States and Great Britain could have avoided World War II. I am glad we did not.
      Distant Lover, Mar 23, 2017
    2. shootersa
      By not hog tying Germany?
      How would they have stopped the plunder Japan was into in South East Asia even before WWI?

      And the liberals were just as much, if not more so, isolationist before WWII.
      shootersa, Mar 23, 2017
  15. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    There are obvious differences between Hitler and Trump. Trump is too old to dream of territorial expansion. Unlike Hitler, his life has usually been happy, so he does not have Hitler's chronic anger and hatred.

    The similarities between Hitler and Trump are superficial. Trump has decided to appeal to the same demographic Hitler appealed to. This is the demographic of white men who are angry about their economic circumstances in life, and who choose to direct that anger at ethnic and racial minorities.
    1. shootersa
      You insist that Trump appeals to angry white men. The demographics from the election have been shown to you several times.
      Trump appealed to the wide swath of middle America; men AND women, of all education levels, all ages, and all economic levels. His support has a broader based than any Democrat has had in perhaps 50 years.
      shootersa, Mar 23, 2017
  16. NicoleDeLint

    NicoleDeLint Porn Star

    Jan 23, 2017
    Trump may hate Muslims and I have no idea why because these are people who are full of love and are unbelievably tolerant in and of themselves .

    I am certain that these attacks in London today and the attacks in the Brussels airport had nothing to do with Muslim jihad and will likely prove to be just a big misunderstanding .
  17. NicoleDeLint

    NicoleDeLint Porn Star

    Jan 23, 2017

    You might find this article interesting in that you have cleared liberals of Nazi sympathies during World War II .

    It's worth the read but you are the self-appointed master of facts .
  18. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Hold that thought for a minute....


    Muslim Leader Tells American People: ‘Muslims Do NOT want Peace’
    You can’t put it more succinctly.
    Americans need to understand the true wickedness of a religion many bobble-heads call “peaceful.” To Muslims, without worldwide Sharia law, there can be no peace.
  19. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I skimmed it without reading it closely. Joseph P. Kennedy supported the New Deal, but he was not a typical liberal of the time.
    1. shootersa
      Well, you should read it.
      Fascinating look back at pre war politics.
      shootersa, Mar 23, 2017
  20. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I doubt Trump hates anyone. He knows that most of his supporters hate Muslims, so he exploits that hate.

    I am pretty sure that the man responsible for the London terror killings was a Muslim. He may have been born in Great Britain. He may even have been a convert, but he was probably a Muslim.