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  1. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    because watch , protest and complain is about all you can do now , the thug never played by the rules anyway :)
    He don't give a shit.

    Spy Planes, Signal Jammers, and Putin’s High-Tech War in Syria

    By Elias GrollOctober 6, 2015 7:54 PMForeign Policy Magazine

    Russia has been sending fighter jets, drones, and bombers to Syria to bolster the regime of Bashar al-Assad, generating concern and outrage among the United States and its allies. Far less attention has been paid to Moscow’s simultaneous deployment of advanced surveillance, signals intelligence, and electronic warfare equipment that could deal a new blow to the beleaguered, American-backed rebels working to oust him.

    In recent weeks, Russia has deployed the IL-20 surveillance aircraft, better known by its NATO name “Coot” and roughly equivalent to the U.S. Navy’s P-3 Orion, a mainstay of the Pentagon’s spy tools. The Russian plane is bristling with high-tech equipment like surveillance radar, electronic eavesdropping gear, and optical and infrared sensors. One of the Kremlin’s premier spy planes, it provides Russian forces with a powerful tool for locating rebel units and assigning targets to its fighter planes. In late September, Syrian rebels posted a video purporting to show the plane flying over a battlefield.

    The Russian buildup of intelligence assets and tools of electronic warfare also includes the deployment of the Krasukha-4, an advanced electronic warfare system used to jam radar and aircraft. Its presence in Syria was reported by Sputnik News, the Russian state outlet, which claimed to have spotted the distinctive jamming system in a video report on Russian jets at a Syrian airfield in Latakia. The system and its parabolas are visible at the 6-second mark in the video (below. not copied)

    The deployment of the IL-20, or Coot, is perhaps the clearest indication that Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to ensure his troops in Syria are not reliant on Assad’s forces for targeting information — and that they may be preparing for a ground combat role. On Monday, Moscowsaid “volunteer” troops would be heading to Syria to join in the fight there, a barely disguised sign that Russian forces could soon be directly battling U.S.-backed rebels inside Syria.

    Russia’s transfer of advanced electronic warfare tools to Syria is the latest example of Moscow’s so-called “hybrid warfare” tactics, which use deception and covert operations to achieve strategic objectives with a minimal use of military force. Indeed, the Krasukha-4 was also spotted in Ukraine and played a key part in Russia’s campaign of electronic warfare there, which Kiev claimed resulted in a disruption of cell service at times. The deployment of the Krasukha, which can be used to disable aircraft avionics, came at around the same time that Western policymakers publicly entertained the idea of establishing a no-fly zone over eastern Ukraine. The positioning of the Krasukha, in addition to other air defenses, prevented the enforcement of such a no-fly zone and kept Putin in control of the skies, according to Igor Sutyagin, a senior research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, a London think tank.

    Now, too, the Krasukha has been put in place as several countries are calling for the establishment of a no-fly zone in northern Syria. Sutyagin described the deployment of the Krasukha as an effective “no-fly zone for those who want to create a no-fly zone.” For now, there is no evidence that the electronic warfare system has been used against American and other coalition planes flying in the skies over Syria, but its presence has surely been noted by the American military.

    The use of cutting-edge signals intelligence and electronic warfare tools is indicative of Russian intentions in Syria. Jeffrey White, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and a 34-year veteran of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, described the rebels as not “that hard a SIGINT target,” using a shorthand term for signals intelligence, or transmissions plucked off the airwaves. “Do [the Russians] need their best and most sophisticated collection techniques and methods?”

    Russia’s use of the new tools — in particular the equipment designed to provide more precise targeting information — comes amid a fierce debate between Putin and the Obama administration over Russia’s true targets in its Syria air war. Russian leaders insist they are only hitting targets tied to the Islamic State, but rebel groups in the country — backed by senior U.S. officials like Defense Secretary Ash Carter — say Moscow is actually dropping almost all of its ordnance in areas held by groups fighting Assad.

    note; there is more for those interested enogh to google it , but that is about the guts of it.
  2. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    None of them play by the rules America n Co. included.

    If everyone involved were really serious about stopping ISIS in Syria they'd be doing more than just air strikes.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. kitty kush

    kitty kush This is Killuminati

    Dec 29, 2014
    WW3 is here..
  4. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011
    I heard Putin has made the accusation that the United States financed ISIS when it started to create a proxy force to oppose Assad. I don't know if he really said that. I only have it from one source.

    As to the assertion itself I don't know if there is any plausibility to it. But we do know that the CIA was in Benghazi a few years back, running Libyan guns to Syria through Turkey. (Chris Stevens died over that one.) So it wouldn't surprise me. Wouldn't that be something if Putin's right? Barack Obama, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, responsible for the Third Caliphate and 250,000 deaths. I almost want to believe it, just for the wow factor.
    • Like Like x 3
    1. kitty kush
      Isis is cia....old news
      kitty kush, Oct 8, 2015
  5. kitty kush

    kitty kush This is Killuminati

    Dec 29, 2014
    Just kidding Isis isn't cia ..we only arm train finance and protect moderate terrorists...lol...
  6. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    Well it is at least 'known' that the "good" rebels in Syria were supplied.
    Fat lot of good that's done , since it appears they've now been abandoned to the mercy of Putin and his [soon to be] puppet Assad .

    It is way past time the west realized that if you are going to interfere with another country , their system and culture , and governance,
    You better be prepared to back it up boots n all , long term , and be prepared to stay as long as it takes to put in place real solutions , that really work in the LONG TERM.
    just long enough to achieve short term gains , then cut n run as soon as you can get out of it.

    now let me think , , , ,,,,,,
    when did we have a good example ?
    oh , that's right.
    back in the 40's ,
    with Japan and Germany.
    They look like a success story to me.
    Anyone think of good examples since ?
  7. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011

    Not a joke.

    Everyone's got their eyes on the Middle East these days, but the South China Sea is even more alarming. Almost no one is paying attention. Hillary Clinton is paying attention. And people don't see the significance. Look at how Hillary Clinton has just stabbed Barack Obama in the back by withdrawing her support of the Transpacific Trade Pact-- which she helped to engineer. It took a lot for her to do that. It must mean China's hegemony in the South Pacific has gone beyond their ability to control. I would guess Hillary is betting on a major meltdown before the 2016 election.

    Not to diminish the Middle East. But they are at least equal in terms of threat. And Barack Obama himself ordered the Pentagon to abandon our multiple front doctrine (which throughout the Cold War required that the United States retain the ability to conduct strategic military operations in two theaters simultaneously).

    There is a great op-ed in the Wall St. Journal today, and it makes the case that this is precisely what runaway escalation looks like. This is 1935, repeating itself all over again. Last time, England was the status quo superpower that stood by and capitulated to Germany until London was blitzkrieged and the Empire faced an existential war. This time, we are the status quo superpower, and we are making the exact same mistakes that England made.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. kitty kush
      Yes China is about to start making big moves for those islands. Also I'd expect The other us.NATO vs Russia proxy war in the ukrain to be back in the news soon.
      kitty kush, Oct 10, 2015
  8. DaSpark

    DaSpark Sex Lover

    Oct 21, 2012
    The mistake was already made. We spent a fortune in lives, money, materials and trust in two terribly run wars. This is happening because other countries know we over extended ourselves compounded by atrocious plans.
  9. NoOneFamous

    NoOneFamous Porn Star

    Jan 19, 2012
    Let someone else spend lives and money in that hell hole
  10. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011
    That is precisely the Obama/Biden strategy.

    Israel is looking to Russia for leadership, because we've abandoned them. (Netanyahu recently had a sit down with Putin in his private residence. It was world headline news, but the United States media barely covered it.)

    Iraq is begging Russia to strike ISIS in its territory.

    Russia has ten navy ships in the Mediterranean and an unspecified number in the Caspian. Our Air Force is effectively grounded in Syria and Iraq. We can't give Iraq intelligence anymore, because Iraq now has an intelligence sharing pact with Russia, Syria and Iran.

    We just agreed to a nuclear proliferation treaty with Iran. The ink isn't dry yet, and the Supreme Leader of Iran has said there will be no further negotiations of any kind with the United States. They get $150 billion in blocked aid so they can continue building nukes with material support from Russia, and we get absolutely nothing.

    The United States yesterday rejected strategic cooperation with Russia in Syria and the Middle East.

    So, rest easy. Go back to sleep. That hell hole is no longer our problem. Alllllllll is wellllll. :)
  11. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011
    So... Bush. Right?

    Here's an idea. If this is all George Bush's doing, let's rouse him out of retirement and put him back in charge officially.
    1. DaSpark
      God forbid any of you accept that actions a President takes can last longer than one Fox News cycle.
      DaSpark, Oct 10, 2015
  12. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007

    Russia's rise in involvement in the Middle East will crash and burn as fast as their inaccurate cruise missiles do. This probably won't last six months.
  13. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011
    That would be a relief. I'll toast the notion with my coffee mug.
  14. Rixer

    Rixer Horndog

    Aug 2, 2008
    So we tried to start a regime change in another country and that country has asked their ally Russia to protect them from rebels. Now we feel butt hurt. We shouldn't be there in the first fucking place.

    Maybe we should feel the Bern....
  15. John227

    John227 Porn Star

    Sep 14, 2014
    When Netanyahu visited Putin in Russia and Russia sent war planes to Syria, I asked myself just how far off can WWIII be?

    As events are unfolding, it seems not all that far off!
    • Like Like x 1
  16. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    WWIII has been happening in slow motion since 9/11/2001, it will likely continue for another 14 years.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. kitty kush
      Well be lucky if we don't see mushroom clouds in the next 5 years..the slow motion shit is over. ...were in the end game now.
      kitty kush, Oct 10, 2015
  17. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011
    I don't disagree with you about this. But I think that the "World War" label should be saved for situations in which all of society is mobilized.

    Today's wars have been Orwellian. In the sense of a state of perpetual low grade war against amorphous adversaries. Look at the past six years. We've been at war throughout Obama's presidency, but to most Americans, the war is out of sight, out of mind, because the media are conspiring with the White House to portray us as being on the road toward peace.

    The United States hasn't been in total war since World War Two.

    That is what is coming, I think. You seem to disagree, and I hope you're right.
  18. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011

    I saved the Wall St. Journal photo of Netanyahu and Putin setting in Putin's living room. I want proof that it really happened.
  19. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Nah, it ain't proof, no more than the manned moon trek photos are proof.
  20. Savva

    Savva Sex Machine

    Oct 1, 2015
    This war in Syria is another attempt by the U.S. and NATO to eliminate a Russian Naval base.

    The same thing was unsuccessfully attempted in Ukraine. The US and NATO instigated a revolution in hopes that Ukraine would join NATO and they could take over the Base in Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula. They underestimated Putin's unwillingness to let NATO take over the home of the Russian Navy's sixth fleet.

    The revolution and policy of regime change in Syria is being done for the same reason. If the U.S. can destroy the Assad regime, the Russians will lose their Navy base in Tartus. Putin is no more willing to walk away from Tartus than Sevestopol.

    The revolutions in Ukraine and Syria, the refugee crisis and the expansion of ISIS into Syria are prices the U.S. is willing to pay in order to take these bases away from Russia.
    • Like Like x 2
    1. kitty kush
      kitty kush, Oct 10, 2015