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  1. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Did you guys remember to stand up and perform your salute while saying those words?


    Oceania was at war with Eurasia: Oceania is at war with Eurasia: Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia:
    Oceania is aligned with Eastasia: Oceania has always been aligned with Eastasia:

    Oceania was at war with Eastasia: Oceania is at war with Eastasia: Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia:
    Oceania is aligned with Eurasia: Oceania has always been aligned with Eurasia:


    You guys are such good puppets. Yes, it is always different. Yes, it always stays the same.

    Hush....an alias
    • Like Like x 1
  2. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011
    So.... if you ask if torture works, you're a fascist?

    And.... if you admit that torture works, you're a fascist?

    Or did I miss your point?
  3. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    What came first, the chicken or the egg?
    Perhaps you're just a fascist, and have always been a fascist who is now liking the idea of torture.

    Take up my challenge, then see how much you like it in that I'm reading a whole lot of bunk from folks who's experience with torture or even combat for that matter was at best when a girl-scout held their face down in the snow.

    IOW, a whole lot of talk from those that never walked the walk.

    Hush....an alias
  4. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011

    Listen to me, you fucking weirdo.

    If people liked it, there'd be no point.

    I'm for it because we're at war and death is no threat to these psychos, so torture's worth a try. You don't get that. Whhhhhatever!

    You got tortured.

    Fucking shame.

    That means you're just about as qualified to talk about it as that idiot John McCain.

    Thanks for your service.

    Now screw.
    1. Hush
      [​IMG] That was easy....

      Hush....an alias
      Hush, Nov 30, 2015
  5. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    You sure are some kind of something.

    Tell me something here Hushy-baby, how are these Muslim terrorists restrained from killing?, how are these Muslim terrorists restrained from gaining information to kill their enemies?, how are these Muslim terrorists restrained from torturing their potential enemies?, how are these Muslim terrorists restrained with the Geneva rights?, how are these Muslim terrorists restrained from traveling the world producing more havoc, terrorism and total destruction of those that are not true believers and followers of Allah?

    When you can accurately, logically and least of all rationally,, then and only then you might convince some of us that enhanced interrogation tactics are wrong, but until then, keep spouting that leftist/bleeding heart bullshit.
  6. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    OMG....It is unbelievable how absolutely oblivious you are that you totally miss what was contained in that post, me even giving you clear and blatant hints to finally put 2+2 together, yet your answer keeps coming up 2+2=5 (and yes even that analogy will go right over your head).....Furthermore, I have laid out very clearly how this has NOTHING to do with fighting terrorism, yet everything to do with the getting the U.S. population to gratefully surrender their own rights as the very foundation of American principals is chipped away at, altered and changed.......Forever, irrevocably.

    The U.S. military and intelligence communities have ALWAYS tortured those they deem have information they want, and will always continue to do so...Right or wrong. However as access to information and news has finally become available to the general public of all sides, the U.S. which before was just questioned by others as to breaking their own policies and agreements regarding torture, now have the American public questioning them with undeniable proof.

    The reason they are questioned is that they have lied to their own people....Oh sure, anyone with half a brain would have realized that, yet you have the many who "hope" it isn't true in that it then legitimizes their torture round the world and destroys the ability of the U.S. government to apply pressure because of it............The old policy was "Torture an American Citizen (including waterboarding) and we will not only prosecute you, we will hunt you down and kill you as a threat to the American people" is now gone, forever.......In that no one will accept the double standard.

    There are numerous Acts and Conventions that outline what is and is not acceptable: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torture_and_the_United_States and we have now "proven" which is very important that we have broken every one.

    However, as said what did it matter? We have always done so, are doing so now, and will always do so.....

    It matters in that this hiccup is now being used as an opportunity to have the American people ONCE AGAIN give up one more right to our own government. I also laid out to you through first hand experience how governments will abuse that opportunity to extreme degrees given a chance.....and learned how to do so by OUR government and others.

    Our government from the lowest to highest levels has tortured our own people when they feel it is in the greater good. We have always done so, are doing so now, and will always do so.....However, that has had to be kept very quiet in that the people as a whole will not accept it.

    The American People by being accepting of torture, and agreeing that it has its place.....has just in so many words agreed that it is okay to use on our own citizens, that it doesn't have to be saved for rare occasions, doesn't have to be hidden away, and by their own agreeance that it is okay in situations that our government sees fit to use on others.......Is now okay to be used on them.

    I asked you to determine "who loses and who gains" to determine the motive and the initiator.....The terrorists lose nor gain anything, so who does?

    Since 911 everyone has been giving up the farm piece by piece due to their own fear.....and it is perpetuated by the puppet like regurgitated rhetoric that you guys like spouting off to try and sound hard core right.

    Yet no one is willing to stand up and take responsibility for their own security, part of which is saying when something is WRONG. It is not about sides internally, left or right.......IT IS ABOUT YOUR OWN FUCKING FREEDOMS, our GOD given rights, and the liberties secured and fought for by our forefathers.

    ....and you dumbfucks are too lemming like brainwashed to simply try and sound tough or cool to see it.

    I've LIVED it on the other side for 24 fucking years! I literally rounded the globe much of it on foot to escape it, be it from my home, slavers, or oppressive governments and after fighting and clawing to get back to what should be the safest place on earth you morons are giving it all away.

    So how about instead of being some blind follower for once you use your brain and come up with the answer for yourself.

    I'm now insulated and untouchable.....You are not, so you better figure it out.

    Hush....an alias
  7. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    I'm going to correct you on one point; our treatment of Japanese POWs.
    The few that there were got the same humane treatment German and Italian POWs got.
    They didn't deserve it, but they got it.
    How, you ask do I know?
    Because my dad was in the Navy, and his ship transported Japanese POW's from the South Pacific to Hawaii.
    He told me how they were treated. Everyone on the ship hated them, but discipline was maintained, and they treated the POWs humanely.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. M4MPetCock

    M4MPetCock Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 15, 2012
  9. Hellcat41979

    Hellcat41979 J.A.F.A.

    Dec 3, 2013
    I'm all for treating people the way they want to be treated. The problem is the people in this case insist on a double standard. They slaughter anyone they wish to expand their beliefs while demanding to be treated like a human.

    If they want to be treated like a human then they shouldn't act like a rabid animal and if they act this way then they should have every resource used to stop them.

    Personally I prefer a beacon bit enema before they are executed. Then there's the pig blood coating for our soldier's bullets. If they want to use their religion to justify their actions then we should use it also.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    You sure took the time to say alot here, yet not one single answer to any of my questions.

    Which is not surprising to me, along with the simple fact, that you have not stated one fucking thing that I already dont know, all except for your little ''résumé'', which, could be embellished a bit.
  11. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Waste of my time....I'll leave you guys to your stupid is as stupid does cuz stupid is all we got.

    Hush....an alias
  12. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    You're one to do the judging, when you can't answer simple questions, who, really is the 'stupid' one.
  13. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011

    I stand corrected and I don't doubt it, that we kept up appearances with the one or two out of a thousand who made it back to the world with all five essential limbs intact. ;)
  14. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011
    In the immortal words of Deval "mini-me" Patrick, the ISIS problem is simply a failure to love.