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  1. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
  2. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
  3. crazyazaindian

    crazyazaindian Porn Star Suspended!

    Apr 22, 2007
    if the cop didnt kill him he should of been hung by his balls and dick untill they tore off then sew them into his mouth noone should harm a small child if they do they dont deserve to live on this earth
  4. Druidoak

    Druidoak Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2008
    Damn I wish I could find my hip waders, your bullshit is getting deep. I never have nor will I ever talk about what I'm capable of, Uncle Sugar spent a lot of your tax dollars on me and I'm very good at what I do. Enough said about that.

    There were no links with this particular post of yours that I remember, so I only commented on what I read in this one post which I still contend is ignorant, stupid and let me add BULLSHIT.
  5. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I'm not going to mince words with you on this one Druidoak because it is very typical of the bullshitting phonies I'm referring to, to sit there and run their mouths without even bothering to know what they are really talking about and you just admitted that.

    See you're referring to this aren't you:

    Well I'm damn sure sticking to that one and fixing to prove it to you right now. Its easy to sit there and rub yourself with feel good emotions that you care about defenseless children being abused and killed. Well there big guy there is just about a statistical guarantee there is one being abused and possibly killed within less than a mile of you right now as we speak. Beaten, raped, mentally sexually and physically abused and what are you doing about it?

    Like I said this one is really heart wrenching but only because someone pointed out to you but otherwise its bound to be happening right under your nose and since you told me how much you care I'm sure you can tell me what you are doing about it?

    I also said because you happened to have this one called to your attention you claim to care about this kid. What about these kids.

  6. Ben Faker

    Ben Faker Amateur

    Nov 17, 2005
    For the love of God! those were traumatizing pics... Stumbler - Please tell us what you yourself have done to help these kids? other than use them for shock value, that is?
  7. Dpm

    Dpm Malaka

    Feb 29, 2008
    Dear Ben Faker;
    Please quit jumping into the end of threads and making conclusions based on what you read in a few threads. Please read the entire thread before opening mouth and inserting foot. Because some people around here will have at you about doing that.

    Thank you for your being a part here, Dpm :razz:

  8. gtrex

    gtrex Sex Machine

    Sep 19, 2007
    in a rather morbid thought, i wished that fucker did survive. death seems too good / too easy for this son-of-a-bitch
  9. piggit

    piggit A Fine Wine of a Woman

    Jun 11, 2006
    That was my initial thought, too. But then I realized how much it would cost to hospitalize, prosecute and perhaps house the guy for the rest of his life (which wouldn't actually be that long in a US prison), complicated by the thought he might get off completely, and concluded ... eh, I'm glad he didn't survive.
  10. chnrgr

    chnrgr Porn Star

    Mar 28, 2006
    In the American society I'm sure he would have been found mentally incompetent and spent many years living the easy life in an asylum before walking away a free man.

    The cop who shot him should get a medal.

    There is a lot to be said for some other countries where the punishment fits the crime. Steal and they cut off your hand. Steal again they cut off the other hand. etc.
  11. oldiegoody

    oldiegoody In XNXX Heaven In XNXX Heaven

    Sep 15, 2007
    There is a lot to be said for some other countries where the punishment fits the crime. Steal and they cut off your hand. Steal again they cut off the other hand. etc.[/quote]

    And what about the man or woman who is living in abject poverty and are stealing to feed their kids and themselves? They too are punished in the same way.
  12. chnrgr

    chnrgr Porn Star

    Mar 28, 2006
    No system is perfect.
    We have trials to judge the circumstances.
    It is sure better than giving them room and board for their crime, having honest citizens pay to support them and send them to college.
  13. oldiegoody

    oldiegoody In XNXX Heaven In XNXX Heaven

    Sep 15, 2007
    I suggest you go to live in one of those countries that punish in that way for a while and see what you think of their justice system after closely observing it. As a side note those kinds of punishments are used by the Talliban where they are in power.
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Glad you asked. I've spent all of my adult life thinking about kids and helping them through things like coaching wrestling, working in things like the Boys and Girls Club, working with parents I know to see if I can talk them out of raising their kids the same fucked up ways they were raised. I've volunteered at the school, mentored kids, and things as simple as just talking to them at sporting events, school plays, and even just in stores telling complete strangers; you done good kid.

    For the other ones the world over I try and remember that where ever bombs are falling they are also falling on kids, where ever cluster bombs are being dropped kids are stepping on them. Where ever bullets are flying they are hitting kids. And not matter what those terrorists did to us on 9/11 their kids didn't do a damn thing.

    I remember when ever we allow our selves to react with anger and emotion instead of reason, understanding, compassion and logic, were doing the same thing child abusers do, because its not just what we do, its how we think that allows violence, abuse, neglect and death to spread the world over and get to the kids. And I also remember every day not matter what color or religion the parents are kids and just kids and deserve to be carried for and taken care of. And most of all I never support things that end up punishing kids because they were born to shitty parents.

    And we all need to remember that when we bitch about welfare programs, advocate for drug testing parents on welfare and taking away their benefits if they test positive, complain about illegal aliens getting benefits and possibly worst of all allow us to think that putting a kid in foster care is better then leaving them with parents that might be fucked up but still love and care for their kids.

    This isn't a morbid thought its logic and reason. What did that kid really die of? Mental illness and violence. As I watch this thread progress and I see most people on it support and even glorifying violence I have to see them as similar to the guy who stomped that kid to death. No matter what we may think of him, in his own mind he believed the kid deserved it.

    Well chnrgr I think you got a lot in common with the man who stomped that kid to death. He also wanted that kid to suffer, he also thought violence was a solution but what he obviously didn't think was what might happen when he let his fear and hate get the best of him.
  15. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2008
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Since you already went back on your word to keep things civil between us I won't mince words with you either. You're being a hypocritical, delusional, prejudice, blinded fool with what you just said. And I will be kind enough to prove that to you right here.

    As I said to Druidoak you're delusional to not think if you really care about kids it is a statistical certainty that one is being abused, neglected or killed within a couple miles of you and maybe even within ear shot of you at this moment. And if you didn't wake up knowing that this morning and worrying about it this morning you don't care about kids as much as you claim to. But I sure hope what I've put up here and am saying now makes you think about it tonight before you go to sleep, because it never stops and goes on right here in our own neighborhoods and our nation every minute of everyday.

    You're a blinded fool if you didn't wake up worrying about the kids that are going to die today by guns, both on purpose and just as tragically by accident. You don't care about kids as much as you think if you support the individual's right to have guns but have never taught a gun safety class, taught kids about guns, taken them hunting or target practicing. You are actually supporting their deaths without doing anything to try and prevent them.

    You prejudice to contend that the kid that died at the hands of this mad man if good but the parents and kids of people are evil and are just using their kids for human shields. I would point out that even if that was the case which I think is just an excuse to make countries like the US and Israel not look so bad for killing kids, even if the parents are sick enough to do that, the kids are just as innocent and if they won't protect them, if we really care about kids we should protect them.

    But look at the extent of your prejudice. We the kids killed by US bombs in Afghanistan I put up being used as human shields? No, they were just sitting there eating breakfast when our bombs missed their intended targets. Are the kids killed and crippled by unexploded cluster bombs long after the battle is over being used as human shields no. But because of your prejudices you can't see that. All you can see is US good; them bad. So you can contend what happened to the kid in the OP you put up is terrible but what happened to those other kids is their own damned fault for being born to Muslims.

    And you're a hypocrite tenguy because everything you've put up here has a lot more to do with your personal dislike for me than it does you like or love of kids.

    Here's your delusional prejudices in action again. You got any idea how many children are raped beaten abused and neglected in the foster care system. The lucky ones end up living a life of constantly being shuffled from place to place never even having a stable life. There aren't people willing to adopt them, that's a sickening myth. As I have explained and others have witnessed just because people live in poverty, or do drugs, or live in bad neighborhoods does not mean they don't love their kids every bit as much as you do. If you really care about the kids then you would work to try and elevate poverty, you would support social programs to make sure they have medical care, adequate food and clothing and education for both their parents and them to try and end these cycles. Instead you always want to tout things like personal responsibility and if people make bad choices they should have to bear the negative consequences of those choices. But if you really loved and cared about kids, you'd remember they are not the ones who made those choices, so there is no way they can be responsible for them but they are actually forced to bear more of the hurt, damage and suffering then their parents.

    I'll say the same thing you said to me that's great tenguy, but you neglected to mention what YOU have done. But it does not change the fact that there are multitudes more kids in need of foster care then there are foster parents like the ones you describe. But there might be a lot more if things like being homosexual didn't automatically exclude someone from being a foster parent. But the fact is that if the only problems in the home are poverty and/or substance abuse and the kids are otherwise loved they are much better left with the parents while the system works with the family.

    And again you're being blind enough to only see one side of it. Let me ask you what was your experience when you were placed with strangers in foster care. Personally mine sucked and I wasn't even abused.

    If you really believe that what do you think we should do about it because there are millions of kids living in proverty right now and there are no foster parents for them and all welfare does is allow them to exist there. I'm all for raising taxes enough to do something to break these cycles are you?

    That was not a ridiculous thing to say, that is nothing but the obvious truth. Quite obviously before we can do something we have to think it first. And when you go around thinking some people are bad enough that they should be tortured and killed for what they do you are thinking the same thing the sick individual was thinking when he stomped that kid to death as well as all child abusers who for what ever sick reasons think the child has got in coming.

    I did tenguy, in exactly the environment you describe above and maybe its just my personal opinion but I think I turned out better than you did for the experience.
  17. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I'm just bumping this up because the site didn't and I damn sure want you to read it tenguy.
  18. oldiegoody

    oldiegoody In XNXX Heaven In XNXX Heaven

    Sep 15, 2007
    f you really believe that what do you think we should do about it because there are millions of kids living in proverty right now and there are no foster parents for them and all welfare does is allow them to exist there. I'm all for raising taxes enough to do something to break these cycles are you?

    can you imagine what could be done with the money that has been wasted in Iraq, hurting and killing more kids and creating more poverty!
  19. Dpm

    Dpm Malaka

    Feb 29, 2008
    Back to the subject matter of the thread:

    Has anyone added that this person was of Mexican-American descent and language may come into question in regards to the warning and shooting.
    Also it's said he was under the delusion the child was a demon.

    * the above information here, in no way says anything about my thoughts or opinion on this matter, it merely reports what I read *
  20. gtrex

    gtrex Sex Machine

    Sep 19, 2007
    and in an even more morbid thought (this story is riling me the fuck up) the cops should have just shot him and left him...to bleed out. little shits like this forfeit all right to "legal justice"