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  1. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
  2. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    So who would you Americans prefer in 4 years time...O.J.Simpson
  3. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005

    Nahhh, he's in the slammer. How about your native son, Ahhhnold Schwarzenneger, Die Terminator?
  4. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    How about Chelsey Clinton.....
  5. hedonism96

    hedonism96 Porn Star

    Jul 22, 2008
    Kimiko, I admire your optimism. I just wonder if it will still be there in 3 years 364 days.
    Personally, I know nothing about the chap except he is black, lived overseas for many years and some consider him a socialist. To be honest, beyond that, I really don't give a fuck. I view all politcians who attain power as being corrupted by that power or else being limited by the execution of their "power". Tell me your thougts in 2012
  6. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Don't stay away.

    Don't stay away, but try to be more thoughtful next time. I enjoy investigating different points of view, and I try to understand why people disagree with me. Everyone has something to teach me. Nevertheless, an expression of hatred for those I admire, and values I have does not start a discussion. It seems to prevent the possibility of a discussion. :)
  7. Tom_from_northumberland

    Tom_from_northumberland OLD NOT BUT OBSOLETE

    Oct 13, 2008

    many a true word said in jest
  8. hedonism96

    hedonism96 Porn Star

    Jul 22, 2008

    Hey Igor, you sound like the Scientist you claim to be! You sound like one, and you write like one. I have to translate academic texts from Protuguese to English and your English sounds way sexier than mine (academically speaking, of course!!!!) Do you, perchance, speak Portugueses - Er, .... Brasilian Portuguese- that is, I would love to have you on my team?
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2008
  9. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    All you guys and gals do on the left is spout off how superior you're ideologies are. Sorry, I could not disagree more. My life is just fine under the right. I will say it again for you, seven years after 9/11 and you give the keys to our country to Obama??? That boggles my mind to no end. With his past and the people he associates with?, you are kidding right? You socialists are a disgrace the way you trashed Palin but then jumped all over me and like minded members who trashed Obama. Look in the mirror please, the level of hypocrisy on this site is overwhelming. Spread the wealth? to who? I work for my money, I need no handouts. Nothing personal Distant, just the way I feel and what I believe. Peace :) Dkr
  10. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008
    Originally Posted by deidre79 [​IMG]
    A+ couldn't have said it better, the nerve of these shmucks. Thank you Joe. They think they rule the world or something with their socialist ways. Bunch of nazis I say. Kimiko, that brick wants to debate you. :excited:
    Deidre you've been nothing but a real fucking bitch since you joined this forum and I am one of the many who are fed up with your lying, insulting, flat out stupid mouth.

    Now you and are fixing to have real trouble kid.

    You want a fight? Well now you got one. Let's see how you do in it.

    Stumbler, thank you for the humorous response,:) whose calling who names now? I will not sink to your level, I am better than that, just know that there is a segment of the population that thinks obama is scum. Yeah I am pretty fed up with you 2 slamming members and calling them names because they believe differently than you. Obama is an abomination. Righteousness delivered. Have a great day tomorrow. Dkr.......... fight? just tell me the place and time.
  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    I'm calling the names now because I've had enough of your name calling and bullshit charges. And of course if you're just gutter crawling slime it is harder to sink to a lower level, but I don't mind coming down there at all at least long enough to tell you what I really think.

    And this doesn't have a fucking thing to do with Obama or anyone else Deidre dear. This is just you and me fed up with your little tantrums and thinking you can get away with insulting people without getting as good as you put out.

    That's all you've done on this forum is run your ignorant mouth, call people names and then send out a bunch of kiss ass apologies and PM's really stupid ass game. That's why you and JoeDirty make a great couple because both of you are phony, slightly mentally unbalanced and big talkers with neither the brains nor balls to back it up.

    Now I gave you the benefit but you have erased all doubt now that you are anything other than a snot nosed little game playing brat. Who is actually I might add as dumb as a box of rocks.

    Your not even original and I would not be a bit surprised to find out your not even a female and just another sick fuck sock.
  12. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    Hmmmm, I remain skeptical about whether intellect was the deciding factor for many voters. :-| I agree that our president-elect is intellectually stronger than our outgoing president . . . but I'd lean towards the strategic talent of the campaign organizers that made the difference.

    After all, it seems that's what made the difference in getting GWB elected in 2000 to begin with.
  13. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    You phony little fucking parrot. You don't even understand the parts of this that might make sense if there was a complete thought behind them. What the fuck does 9/11 and Barack Obama have to do with other. Not one damned thing. That was seven years ago as you so ignorantly point out and nothing but bad has come out of Bush and his lies.

    What a twit. All you can do is come up with this brainless Rush Limbaugh Bullshit and pretend like you're thinking. If you had any brains you'd be embarrassed.

    And you don't need any handouts? Do you need roads and bridges you dumb shit. Don't you just love the military? Who the fuck do you think pays for that shit. Are those handouts, LIttle MIss Ignorant?

    Tell you what since you claim you have a job and earn your money, use some of it go out and buy a clue.

    PS Where's your boyfriend JoeDirty. I still intend to have a few words with him to. And don't try to tell me you're busy fucking because no one is going to believe either of you even know how.
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I think you underestimate Obama in this regard. As evidence I would point out that Barack Obama manged his own campaign especially after his loss to Clinton in Pennsylvania. He also assembled most of this transition team two months ago and they have been working on the transition ever since.

    I think even if it was not the most conscious thought in voters minds they were drawn to Obama's intelligence which is after all one of the qualities of a true leader.
  15. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006

    Historically speaking, the most "effective" leaders have been the ones with either the most compelling rhetoric, or the most organized political machinery to support them. But, this may be simply a semantic point . . . I suggest we clarify the terms:

    Talent = mostly from brain hard-wiring, often re-inforced by environmental factors, the way some folks more easily understand math.

    Skill = ability derived from learning and practice, becoming good at shooting free throws or welding steel.

    Knowledge = derived from digesting thoughts and ideas from myriad sources outside of yourself.

    If we're talking intelligence as purely a measure of IQ, I think you'd be hard-pressed to demonstrate that the voters made that a priority whatsoever. If we're talking "intelligence" as a blending of the 3 factors I've listed above, well he did demonstrate those things during this campaign . . . but so did Bush in getting elected in 2000 (our memories are so fuzzy about this recent history it seems)

    Obama has demonstrated Talent, Skill and Knowledge to get elected - but as we both know in modern politics, getting elected and being an effective leader require wildly different "intelligence". I hope it translates well for him, I truly do.
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    First a side note: I really think we should dredge up the thread you started on the human mind and how it works some time. I really enjoyed that thread and think something like this would be worth exploring there.

    Now as to the topic at hand. I agree with your clarifications and the role intelligence plays in talent, skill and knowledge. But I also see intelligence as something innate above and beyond those three things and the ultimate determinant of how well a person can blend those three factors. And as you agree Obama has demonstrated he can blend those factors quite well. But there is one more factor I would add: Reason; the ability to take in information, synthesis it and come up with the best logical solution or conclusion. And there are two aspects of this. One is to be able to do that in a systematic and logical process such as syllogisms, and the other would be more instantanous . In other words the ability to think on your feet at a moments notice. I also think Obama has displayed the ability to do both.

    But as you say having those abilities does not necessarily make one a good leader. That takes something more. The ability to communicate and inspire confidence. Obama has also displayed those qualties, and we might call that charisma. But notice I said voters being drawn to his intelligence was perhaps not their most conscious thought. I probabaly should have said they were unconsciously drawn to his intelligence perhaps not even realising it. That is the factor that, although they may not have recognized it, inspired their confidence in him.

    And I like you hope he can translate that not only into confidence but also into real action and that he does turn out to be as intelligent as we think he is.

    But as far as admitting that George Bush had anything near equivelant to Obama's intelligence or even his campaign; no I cannot go that far. My recollection was that Bush one his first campaign, not on his merits or his ability to communicate, but by the tried and true method of demonizing his opponent and making him look foolish with distortions and lies. i.e. Al Gore said he invented the internet. That has been a tried and true method of the republicans ever since Willie Horton and "Are you better off now then you were four years ago?" But I am happy to believe that the electorate is now more intelligent across the board to fall for those tactics anymore. Or at least they didn't work this time.
  17. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008
    Fine with me Stumbler, you are oh so mature, just know that I think you and you little followers are all full of bullshit. Righteousness delivered again. Get off your mountain top you hypocrite. Think of me as you wish, I really could care less. Box of rocks? :excited: I have boxed and backed up everything Stumbler, it is you who just can't accept the fact that not everyone likes your hero. Peace and have a great day. Dkr........that brick says it will debate you and Kimiko at the same time ;)
  18. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008
    Stumbler, again I will run my mouth just like you do. It wouldn't surprise me if you were a jackass. Are you? Oh you are so original with your know it all me me me attitude. Your girlfriends are just the same. Hypocrisy again Stumbler, please purchase a mirror for yourself and look deeply into it before you start preaching to others. Maybe you shouldn't it would probably crack at the site of a jackass. I gave you all the benefit of doubt and by your replies to me tonight, you proved me all wrong. Have a great day tomorrow. Dkr....you are oh so immature Stumbler, I hope someday you decide to grow up.
  19. deleted user 1548766

    deleted user 1548766 Porn Star Banned!

    Feb 27, 2007
    I just had to come out of "retirement" to respond to this bullshit comment....
    Boy, this is so fucking rich coming from you liberals, the kings of hate. :laughing:
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Well, well, well, speak of the devil and the lying little chickenshit psychologically disturbed little mouthy phony fuck shows up.

    You lying little bitch JoeDirty you came back because you can't leave. You're too fucking weak and too fucked in the head to stay away from here and you sick little fuck you love the abuse.

    Damn I wish I was gay or even bi right now so I could make you get on your knees and suck my cock while I slapped your face with every suck. But alas maybe the best I could do is have Deidre do it while you watched just wishing it was you.

    Trouble making worthless little hypocritical fuck. Tell us some more about you inner conflicts of wanting to be a God fearing christian that's addicted to porn and little boys and girls. We all get a kick out of that.

    PS Don't forget to check your phony apology thread. I was just there in your honor.