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  1. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    If they have real concerns and they want to have an honest debate, they should frame their comments accordingly. Some do, but most of what I'm hearing IS spiteful ranting, usually accompanied by howls of "socialism!"
  2. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    It's funny how they all say they don't listen to him...but none of them will disavow him, no matter what he says. It's becoming increasingly obvious that he's their new puppet-master.
  3. mrdk

    mrdk Porn Surfer

    Jan 30, 2009
    LOL, that's it? He got elected? That's an "accomplishment"? It is, of sorts. I asked what he's ever done in his life, and the answer is NOTHING. He has done NOTHING. NOTHING. Do you understand this? He has run nothing, started nothing, accomplished nothing, built nothing, inspired nothing, created nothing.... Nothing. Zero. Nada. He can't claim distinguished legal career, in fact, he lost his credentials. He can't even practice law, and it was his own lack of integrity that did it.

    He has NEVER run a business. He has never successfully adminstered even a dog pound. No program or office or anything else he has done has ever been a success. They have all been insignificant or abject failures.

    He only got elected by telling you NOTHING, and letting you imagine a "savior" of your own creation. He is and was and remains NOTHING.

    Wow, you really don't know anything at all, do you? Your sentence above is pure garbage, and yet, you actually think you're arguing something.

    And what rash of bridge failures has there been? Could you please point to them? Oh, wait, it doesn't exist, that's just another pile of dog manure.

    LOL! You really, truly are utterly and completely clueless, aren't you? We're in a recession globally because there's massive excessive debt, caused by decades of runaway spending, some by private sector and individuals, but mostly sponsored by government. Fannie and Freddie, for instance, inflated the housing market for two decades, then poisoned the securities markets with bad loans, and now the books have to be rebalanced. IN other words, we have to UNDO the damage of decades of government trying to violate financial laws of risk vs return, and then trying to profit from it. In other words, the CAUSE of our financial problems is PRECISELY what Obama is promising to "cure" them.

    See, now there's the problem. You spout the F word instead of intelligence.

    LOL! You have absolutely no clue what you're spouting on about. You do not understand math, conservativism, OR economics in even the slightest bit.

    And so you think that piling on hundreds of billions of new government debt, to temporarily hire people to produce nothing is going fix this? Again, you are so utterly clueless, that it is absolutely stunning. Where do you think that this money comes from? ANSWER THE QUESTION YOU MORON!

    Here's where it comes from: The people who have investment capital. If we run out of them, and the treasury can't sell bonds, then we're going to PRINT IT. If we start printing money, we're going to eventually have massive inflation and currency collapse. Check out WWII era economics in Europe and modern Zimbabwe, as examples.

    You asked who is going to invest? Well, nobody. Nobody is going to risk a damn thing on economic expansion, when they can have gauranteed small returns from the government. The government, you twit, is sucking EVERY DOLLAR OF CAPITAL from the private sector. It is compounding the lack of credit by removing the money that would otherwise be available as risk capital. Then again, since you have no clue whatsoever about business, finance, or entrepreneurship, you do not understand any of this.

    You can build roads under the whole country is paved over, and it will NOT do anything but hire a few union grunts that work for construction companies and some state agencies. That's it. That doesn't in the slightest change the economic problems. All it does is allocate risk capital and borrowing to the backs of the taxpayers and we have generated not a single new thing in the process. We'll be trillions deeper in debt with concrete monuments to stupidity to show for it.

    With the exception of drilling (which I'll get to in a minute)

    LOL! You're clueless, aren't you? Could you explain how ANY of this works, and why it's supposed to work? Of course not. You have no idea why we stopped producing steel, why we're not mining minerals, why nothing's built here, and why we're not investing a red cent in future new ideas and products. Here's a hint... Money from Congress NEVER helps. Why? Because money from Congress is politically allocated and politcally allocated money is freaking useless. It comes with strings attached to ensure that no profits are generated and nobody benefits from it except the politicians who can buy the votes of the ignorant and stupid.

    You really do not know, do you? Do you know what a cost/benefit analysis is?

    Just a short time ago, the EPA just issued a new round of "emissions standards". And, there was a new round of fuel economy "standards" raised as well. The guesstimate of the cost of complying with these two, just between GM, Ford, and Chrysler is about 50 BILLION. And what will we get for this fifty billion investment? Nothing. Long ago, the diesel standards reached the point where any environmental or health benefits became minimal. The EPA has not conducted original research to justify it's rulings in decades, and whatever benefits it claims are little more than the scribblings of a monkey, in terms of scientific validity.

    I'm ignorant? Your comments literally explode with it. Sure, the price of imported oil at the moment is "cheap", but it's extremely volatile. And, lots of drilling rigs are idle... that's because they're engaging in "exploration", you dummy. You know, what you do when you have money to "explore" with. But we don't need to "explore". It's been done. There's HUGE fields of very conventional and inexpensive oil to retrieve that's available RIGHT NOW... well, except that the government's just taken it off the table. Oh, and you apparently are completely unaware of any of this, because your comments are not about this in any way.

    HEY, go back and read my comments again. You'll notice, to your chagrin, that I did NOT mention "oil shale". If I had wanted to talk about oil shale in the Alberta fields, I would have. But, no, I did not. I'm talking about oil that's cheap and easy to get to conventionally. Oh, wait, you only repeat what lying politicians tell you, and you're so gullible and stupid you actually believe them. I'm not talking about oil shale, though that's huge. What I'm talking about is MASSIVE NEW FINDS of conventional oil in Utah, Colorado, Montana, N Dakota, and Wyoming.

    But, let me guess, you don't know what finds I'm talking about. And your comments on oil shale are predicated on the assumption that the price of oil will remain "cheap" for now. Well, you dimwit, it won't when the currency collapses and we can't pay for oil in our own currency, and we have to pay for it in either hard goods or gold.

    Who'd you parrot in order to post that pile of steaming crap? It is total nonsense and we all know it.

    This is a joke. Bush "slipped is friends sweetheart deals". Oh, man. You are such an imbecile. Look, so long as you remain a bootlicker for a political party, you will never know, nor believe anything true. The president cannot do that. The process by which leases are auctioned is utterly out of the control of any president. He cannot steer an auction, nor can he hand out "deals", you moron.

    What you didn't say, and what is the truth, is that there has been a many year process in place to finally open a huge reserve to drilling, and Salazar did nothing but cancel EVERY FUTURE LEASE AUCTION THAT COULD BE CANCELLED LEGALLY. IN other words, he just slammed shut ALL possible future development.

    Why? Because they want to find a way to prevent it from EVER being developed. Just like the idiocy where we took our largest deposit of best coal in Utah and created a monument to political corruption from it. So, we're burning MUCH dirtier coal than we need to be, because Clinton had to pay off some campaign contributors. He created a "national monument" by presidential order to seal off forever, our best and largest coal deposit in the country.

    Look for Obama to do precisely the same thing. Obama is wholly owned by radical fringe special interest groups, and is just as corrupt as all the other criminals running the Chicago political machine.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2009
  4. mrdk

    mrdk Porn Surfer

    Jan 30, 2009
    I have a far better idea. How about in two years, after everything I've told you proves true, you come grovelling back to me and ask why I know what I know, and I'll introduce you to... reality.

    It'a a fascinating place. It does not alter from political whim, it doesn't change because some half black person makes speeches, or anything else. Reality is... it exists.

    I am confounded by the supreme arrogance of the left-leaning types here who actually believe all the stuff they've just swallowed in order to join what they percieve is a "mass movement". You actually think that the rules of economics just changed? That debt is now good? That governmental allocation of a vast amount of our economic output is good?

    Reality never changed, and you were never right, nor were the two Bush presidents, nor Clinton, either. All ceded economic policymaking to the left, who has been, for the last 40 years, continually moving to place more and more economic control and fiscal direction under the direction of Congress and public agencies. Our percentage of GDP under the control of, and mandated by, congress or other parts of the federal government continues to grow and has for a LONG time.

    Laughably, some here argue that "conservatism" is a lie. No, conservatism built the country, and your version of liberalism has torn it down, and has pretty much been the rule of the day for the last half dozen decades, plus. Despite the downright silly arguments that "conservatism failed", it has not. It is the ONLY thing that has actually ever worked.

    This country has been in an economic leftward drift since before FDR, with only two slight rightward corrections, one under JFK and the other forced upon Clinton by a GOP congress. For all his social and other successes, Reagan made little rightward progress, because he was opposed bitterly by a Democrat congress that simply could not understand why people loved him and hated them.

    JFK made a huge statement and his plan to return wealth back to the private sector was a success. However, it was small, and succeeding presidents LBJ, Nixon, Ford, and Carter continued the downward spiral. Reagan managed small successes in tax policy, but lost the battle for fiscal responsibiilty and it has never been regained again.

    Now, Obama has managed to make giant leaps into the chasm of "fantasy economics", similar to the old USSR and other failed countries around the world tried, where economic activity is directed by the central party, which controls the government. It is gauranteed to fail. It cannot do otherwise.

    I can say this with perfect certainty, simply because it is perfectly gauranteed to fail. Economics is not a political game, like getting elected. It is a system with rules and reactions. YOu cannot violate them and succeed. Obama, and apparently, lots of readers here, also have not the faintest clue, either. They cite Keynes, for instance, who was about as clueless as Obama. Yet, they cannot point to a single success, ANYWHERE on the globe, anywhere in history, for what they want, yet, still believe in perfect faith, that it will happen, if you just have the right miracle worker in office.

    You see, there's a slight (well, it's a universe apart, but not that most people even recognize it) difference between "conservative" economics and what's now popular. The difference is that people who are commenting here actually believe that a centrally directed, planned, and controlled economy works. Conservatives believe that the only way an economy will sustain indefinitely, is for individuals to have economic freedom, so they can recognize and respond and make wise choices.

    So, while "free market" economics works ( and none of you seem to have a clue what that means ), it has a chaotic outcome. In other words, it is subject to cycles, corrections, and large errors by large players. But, all of these are self correcting, because those who make the mistakes are removed from control.

    REAL economics has up and down cycles, and they are unavoidable. It has disparity of outcomes between individuals, and both spectacular successes and failures. In other words, capitalism is the ONLY means by which we can avoid near universal death without political revolution.

    Yet, despite the fact that nowhere on earth has or is centralized economic control a success, you still believe in it. You still believe that political direction of resources and confiscation of wealth for the benefit of the minority will somehow create utopia. It is the largest mass delusion ever to exist. Of course, it's about to be "undelusioned" by complete economic collapse brought about by your political "god", but you'll still be so ignorant and gullible you'll never be able to recognize reality and understand why and how reality happened.
  5. mrdk

    mrdk Porn Surfer

    Jan 30, 2009
    since you're the one who is totally wrong about everything, it will be entertaining, at least. Presumably, you'll keep lying to yourself and will never recognize the truth. Oh, well, I'd love to have you see truth and start being a champion of it, but self delusion is the first requirement to be a liberal...so, not much hope there, at least on my part.

    Sure, I hear Rush now and then. He's on two local stations here. He's funny and entertaining and all that. Perhaps if you listened you'd figure that out and stop the silly nonsense about him "leading the party". That's so hilarious, because the GOP and Limbaugh have been so far apart over the last decade or so, they have born little resemblance to each other's philosophy. He's apparently, though, still a Republican. Given that there's two parties of substance, with no alternative, and the GOP being at least open to conservative ideas, whereas the Democrats are lifelong sworn enemies of the people, it's at least understandable, if you're trying to influence public policy. Choose the party where you can have some success... No mystery there.

    Of course, you have no idea what you're talking about when you're talking about "failed ideologies". Conservatism is a proven success. It built everything this nation has and is, including freedom, wealth, prosperity, and security.

    This business of profligate spending, borrowing, the government encouraging massive debt ( freddie and fannie, for instance ) has nothing in common with conservatism, but then again, I can see why you'd try to distance yourself from your own ideology and it's gauranteed and proven failures. I suppose you might try to blame this on the GOP, and in an odd sort of sense, that's probably true, since they've done little besides be Democrat style liberals for quite some time. You could blame them for failing to be conservatives, but that hardly squares with your insistence they've been proponents of a 'failed ideology", since the ruling ideology for hte last half dozen decades has been YOURS, and it IS A PROVEN FAILURE.

    Every problem you can cite or observe is directly the fault of YOUR ideology of centralized direction of economic, fiscal, and industrial policy. It was FDR that created Fannie for instance, and yet, it was Clinton that ballooned it into the ticking time bomb that went off and showed the economic system with socialism's inherent toxic waste.

    It was Bush's failure, for instance, to buck the lies of the left, and turn Fannie and Freddie OFF. It should have been done 50 years ago, but then again, it simply wasn't recognized that it would be allowed to grow like cancer.

    Obama's cure, then, is to try to spend so much money, he reinflates the economic bubble. If he succeeds, the collapse will be EVEN BIGGER. What has to happen, is that the toxic stuff has to be written off, charged off, the unsustainable industries shut down and written off, and new profitable ones start up in their place. Consolidation of the banks and other industries has to be undone by the spectacular failure of all the oversized and over inflated monsters that the government keeps trying to prop up.

    Instead of stagnating our economy with forcibly attempting to keep the bad mortgages in play and keep the REAL level and a REAL level of ownership (not a debt bubble) return. Instead of tossing trillions of dollars of debt onto the taxpayers for the folly of overgrown institutions, they need to fail and the investors take their losses.

    And then, we need to create an environment to enticing and so attractive to business, that it spawns here by itself. ZERO corporate and business taxes. Massive regulation repeals, undo myriad bizzare and pointless envirowackononsense rules, etc, etc.

    Government CANNOT create profit. Profit is what creates jobs and pays your paycheck. Profit is what pays the taxes to pay for the government. Profit is what hires people. Profit is what allows banks to lend to buy a home. Profit is what allows builders to build homes. PROFIT is what has to be made, in order to recover. Yet, Congress is demanding nobody profit, and those who do, should be punitively taxed.

    I have news for you, intelligent people avoid punitive taxation. So, they avoid risk, avoid investment, and just live off what they own. Totally self defeating economically, but people have finite lives, and the tax rules spur them into bad behavior, killing off the future.

    But then, you understand none of this.

    Perhaps you should try running your own business. Man, that would be so enlightening.
  6. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    You're not very good at stating your phony bullshit nor defending it.

    Worn out ultra right wing total bullshit. All this was claimed during the election and thoroughly debunked then. I'm not going to go back and address that again when it is obvious that Obama has a track record in accomplishments in exactly what he's doing now: Leadership.

    You're just spouting election campaign bullshit long after the election is over.

    Liar!! And just down right stupid and obvious lies at that. Obama has administered several programs, not to mention one of the most intelligent and successful presidential campaigns in history, has been successful in getting elected to state senate, US senate and President of the united states. He's had nothing but success not failure and only an idiot would try to claim otherwise out of bitter histeria over losing an election.

    But he's there isn't he? With the highest confidence ratings in history. The best and most intelligent transition in modern history. Accomplishments that have already changed international opinion of the US in a little over a month in office.

    What did George W. Bush accomplish in eight years you loud mouthed phony?

    Who do you think you're bullshitting there Mrdk? You sure didn't answer the questions now did you. And you can't because as soon as you do your whole theme runs down to a pile of dripping bullshit.

    Pure loud mouthed phoniness on your part.

    This bridge collapse for one fool.


    And reports like this Mr. Not Know It All:

    Across the United States, there are about 600,000 bridges. The Federal Highway Administration reported in 2006 that one quarter of the nation's bridges were at risk. The American Society for Civil Engineers said in 2006 that it would cost nearly $10 billion every year for the next two decades to fix them.
    But the funds used to repair and maintain the country's bridges and highways are drying up. Some of the money comes from the Highway Trust Fund, which Americans pay for through taxes on gasoline. Faced with higher gas prices, more commuters are carpooling, taking mass transit or driving less, about 4 percent less in May alone compared with a year ago. [​IMG] Interactive: Check troubled bridges in your state »
    The federal Department of Transportation predicted taxes will fall far short of what's needed for improvement projects -- leaving many projects delayed or even canceled.


    That's about 30 seconds worth of googling just to prove you're talking out your ass.

    Again you want to completely dodge the real questions and then try to blame it all on Freddie and Franni what a joke. Ever heard of "preditory lending," "leveraging," "hedge funds," relaxed regulations, mismangement? Only a fool would ignore the real causes and then try to blame it all on Freddie and Fannie. And here's the proof so easy and obvious. This is a global financial collapse. The bank fraud and failures are all over the globe in countires that don't have a thing to do with Freddie and Fanni.

    And you want to try and claim I'm the one who doesn't have a clue?

    As opposed to what the phony senseless bullshit and absolute lies that your spouting off? You saying it takes a lot of intelligence to spout off things like that and have them proven false with 30 second google searches?

    I know that's all you've got because you can't prove a single one of your phony talking points.

    Just lying again and the only way you can do it is to overlook both the short term and long term benefits of all those projects.

    But let me hear it then Ace, what are YOUR solutions?

    OK just to prove which one of us is really the Moron I'll answer your question. It comes from the only place it can come from; GOVERNMENT.


    The majority of US economists have taken this same position while you're just talking out your ass which would make you the moron.

    Its real telling how you conveniently ignore the fact that Bush and the Boys have already sold our economic asses to foreign countries like China while they created a $10 TRILLION NATIONAL DEBT, all but collapsed the value of the American dollar against other world currencies and left Obama and the rest of us holding the bag.

    Instead you just want to run around screaming about something that hasn't happened just like my hysterical old grandmother.

    When were they investing big mouth? Answer that question.

    Was the private sector investing big mouth?

    Is credit moving? Was investment taking place? Did we have to bail out the financial industry under George W. Bush? Are we going to have to bail out more banks to get credit moving again?

    Answer those questions hot shot and then we can determine who the real "twit" is.

    The obvious answers to the questions I just asked you are proof enough that you're the one talking our your ass.

    Oh I see. It won't require goods and construction materials. It won't provide pay checks that can be used to purchase goods and services. Every dollar spent in a community doesn't change hands an average of seven times before the value of that dollar is depleted.

    I think it is painfully obvious and should be embarassing to you to make such a stupid statement.

    Once again where was that risk capital being spent? It wasn't and only a fool would try and contend that without the stimulus package it would magically materialize.

    But tell you what, instead of just talking out your ass, spouting bullshit lies and screaming hysterically why don't you actually try to educate yourself.







    So far I've got a whole 90 seconds worth of google searches to prove you're either lying on purpose or actually dumb enough to go around believing your own bullshit.

    Man you are such a walking talking joke.

    Yeah, the steel industry collapsed in the 1970's because of congress. Not because it was way cheaper to export the steel industry to foreign country where people would do the same work for pennies a day.

    And sure we're not mining all the same minerals we always were except in the areas where the minerals already ran out. We got no gold mines, no coal mines, no uranium mines. I won't even waste another 30 seconds to show what a fool you are on that point.

    And we didn't have a booming economy before Bush took office. We haven't had any new innovations. We haven't had any new businesses or entrepreneurship. There's no Apple computer, no Dell, no internet, no Microsoft. There's no cell phones. There was no Dot Com boom.

    There was no housing boom for more than a decade. There was no records set on Wall Street. The American people never enjoyed an economic boom until Bush was elected.

    One of has got to be a fool here Mrdk and if none of those things happened it would be me. But since they did its YOU.

    Obviously far better than you do.

    Yeah right there Mrdk. There was no mismanagement on the part of the Big Three Auto Makers. There was no mistake in continuing to manufacture inferior gas guzzlers. There were no astronomical salaries for management. No corporate jets. No outsourcing of jobs to other countires.

    It was all just the EPA.

    Man you do make me laugh.

    Two kinds of bullshit here Mrdk. One is your claim that there is no scientific data behind emmissions which include both gasoline and diesel and have been addressed by individual states because the federal government would not take action and tried to block them when they did.

    But the real laughable one is the idea that those had anything to do with the collapse of our auto industry and the millions and millions of jobs and businesses that depend on it.

    Well let's see who's ignorant here Mrdk. I've only spent 35 years working in the oilfield and am doing that right now so let's compare expertise.

    The price of oil is down and will stay down for the next several years because they gouged the price for all they could while they had the Oilfield CEO and Chairman of the board in the White House. It always happens then the Republicans are in control and then ends when the democrats get elected.

    Here's exactly what you said:

    OK so you put up the sources Mrdk. Put up or shut up. Provide the documentation that these oil reserves exist and they are not locked in oil shale. It easy to sit there and run your mouth. Let's see some proof.

    Just to show one more times out of a half dozen times in this one post that you're just spouting bullshit that you don't even know, the oil deposits in Alberta are oil sands not oil shale.

    One of us is gullible and stupid so lets see who it is. You put up the proof that there is cheap and easy oil reserves that exceed the oil in the middle east.

    One of the sure signs of stupidity is someone who constantly contradicts themselves. May I remind you that you said the exploration has been done and now here you're claiming "MASSIVE NEW FINDS" of conventional oil in Utah, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming. Especially since I've lived and worked in the Wyoming oil and natural gas fields for most of 35 years except for the few years I've spent working in Colorado and Utah I'd really like to see these new massive finds you're talking about, that have more oil reserves then the Middle East.

    Put them up or admit you're just bullshitting about things that you don't even know.

    I damn sure don't. The only oil I'm aware of is the well known reserves that happen to border irreplacable National Parks. But put them up big mouth.

    Who's being the dimwit here? You're the fool claiming we've got oil we don't and advocating we continue to be dependent on foreign oil which is also running out. You're the one advocating we accellerate our doom instead of developing non-oil based energy sources.

    We can supply 90% of our energy needs with biomass production of hemp for bio fuels. We can develop wind and solar. We can develop new energy sources. And we can do all that quicker then we can drill for oil that does not exist and would still make us dependent on foreign oil.

    35 years of working in the oilfield but just to prove once again that you don't have the faintest idea of what you're talking about I'll go ahead and invest another 30 seconds in google searches.








    Let's see what another 30 seconds on google says and then we'll know who the real "imbecile" is.











    The largest coal reserves known are in the Powder River Basin. They are still mining it at record rates and it is the cleanest coal available.

    At the risk of being redundant: LIAR!!
  7. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Its a groveling date then big mouth.

    No it doesn't and that's just a fact. There is no reality, no facts, nothing but personal perception or in your case mis-perception.

    Talk about "supreme arrogance." You're the walking talking epitome of it.

    You still fail to admit that our economy and the rules that govern it has changed. You refuse to admit it has failed.

    What an absolute hoot. I can't stop laughing. As if the "left" has been in charge of the government for most of the past 40 years. It the right, the republicans, the so called conservatives that have been in power for most of the past 40 years.

    When conservatives constantly cry for no government interference, no regulations, no taxes, and then run to the government to bail them out it can't be anything else but a lie.

    You mean the railroad barons, the monopolies, the corruption. You say those built this country. Bullshit, the working middle class built this country and all the conservatives you're talking about did is rip it off for their own greed.

    Liberalism as you call it has always been necessary to stop the greedy and corrupt.

    Absolute lie. The conservatives/Republicans and special interests have been the rule of this country for most of the past 40 years.

    Yeah sure, one look at the great depression and the one we could very possibly be looking at now would tell a fool that.

    For someone who claims the reality exists you sure don't have a grasp on it at all.


    Republicans controlled both the presidency and the Senate for six of Reagan's eight years in office.

    I always laugh when conservatives try to claim JFK. And I laugh even harder when people try to claim that Ronald Reagan managed some conservative success when all he actually did was drive up both the budget deficit and national debt. Once again making conservatism as it is preached and practiced in this country a lie.

    Yeah sure there Mrdk, the EU with stronger economies and a higher standard of living simply do not exist.

    Right and under the guidance of mostly conservatives since 1980 what we are looking at right now is SUCCESS. What a laugh.

    Not me. I site the Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman.

    Now about the EU fool.

    Stop it Mrdk. You're killing me here I tell you, you're killing. I'm laughing so hard my sides are splitting.

    WISE CHOICES Brahaha!! Man that is rich. We've had to bail out our financial industry, our banks, wall street, the Auto Industry because of their "wise choices"??


    No they're not. They're given even bigger bonuses at tax payer expense.

    What capatalism?? You mean the one where the rich just keep getting richer and the poor just keep getting poorer. Any fool can see that is not sustainable and never has been. That's what most revolutions start from.

    It would be a very common thing for one person to look at the majority of the rest of the world and think its all of them that are delusional instead of himself.

    Considering I just proved you wrong about a half dozen times in a two posts before this you shouldn't be the one running your mouth.

    But I'll do it again a few times more just to rub your nose in it.

    Well let's see who's telling the truth here Mrdk.







    Conservatism as it is preached and practiced in this nation is a lie and you're a liar. The greed and corruption that has always threatened to destroy this nation has always had to be checked and dealt with.

    As in: Steal a horse and they'll hang you. But steal a railroad and they'll make you a Senator.

    Well let's see about that. You say Reagan was a conservative don't you?

    U.S. president [​IMG] Party [​IMG] Term years [​IMG] Start debt/GDP* [​IMG] End debt/GDP* [​IMG] Increase debt ($T) [​IMG] Increase debt/GDP [​IMG] Roosevelt/Truman D 1945-1949 117.5% 93.2% 0.05 -24.3% Truman Harry Truman D 1949-1953 93.2% 71.3% 0.01 -21.9% Eisenhower1 Dwight Eisenhower R 1953-1957 71.3% 60.5% 0.01 -10.8% Eisenhower2 Dwight Eisenhower R 1957-1961 60.5% 55.1% 0.02 -5.4% Kennedy/Johnson D 1961-1965 55.1% 46.9% 0.03 -8.2% Johnson Lyndon Johnson D 1965-1969 46.9% 38.6% 0.05 -8.3% Nixon1 Richard Nixon R 1969-1973 38.6% 35.7% 0.07 -2.9% Nixon2 Nixon/Ford R 1973-1977 35.7% 35.8% 0.19 +0.1% Carter Jimmy Carter D 1977-1981 35.8% 32.6% 0.18 -3.2% Reagan1 Ronald Reagan R 1981-1985 32.6% 43.9% 0.65 +11.3% Reagan2 Ronald Reagan R 1985-1989 43.9% 53.1% 1.04 +9.2% Bush GHW George H. W. Bush R 1989-1993 53.1% 66.2% 1.40 +13.1% Clinton1 Bill Clinton D 1993-1997 66.2% 65.6% 1.12 -0.6% Clinton2 Bill Clinton D 1997-2001 65.6% 57.4% 0.42 -8.2% Bush GW1 George W. Bush R 2001-2005 57.4% 64.3% 1.15 +6.9% Bush GW2 George W. Bush R 2005-2009 64.3% 68.2% projection
    +3.9% projection



    It is the supposed ideal of conservatism that have been in control for the past 40 years and especially the past 25 years.

    Updated 5 January 2009
    Year Congress President Senate (100) House (435) 2009 111th D D - 55*** D - 256 2007 110th R D - 51** D - 233 2005 109th R R - 55 R - 232 2003 108th R R - 51 R - 229 2001 107th R D* R - 221 1999 106th D R - 55 R - 223 1997 105th D R - 55 R - 228 1995 104th D R - 52 R - 230 1993 103rd D D - 57 D - 258 1991 102nd R D - 56 D - 267 1989 101st R D - 55 D - 260 1987 100th R D - 55 D - 258 1985 99th R R - 53 D - 253 1983 98th R R - 54 D - 269 1981 97th R R - 53 D - 242 1979 96th D D - 58 D - 277 1977 95th D D - 61 D - 292 1975 94th R D - 60 D -291 1973 93rd R D - 56 D - 242 1971 92nd R D - 54 D - 255 1969 91st R D - 57 D - 243 1967 90th D D - 64 D - 247 1965 89th D D - 68 D - 295 1963 88th D D - 66 D - 259 1961 87th D D - 64 D - 263 1959 86th R D - 65 D -283 1957 85th R D - 49 D - 232 1955 84th R D - 48 D - 232 1953 83rd R R - 48 D - 221 1951 82nd D D - 49 D - 235 1949 81st D D - 54 D - 263 1947 80th D R - 51 R - 246 1945 79th D D - 57 D - 242 http://uspolitics.about.com/od/usgovernment/l/bl_party_division_2.htm

    Yeah right. It wasn't predatory lending, it wasn't leveraging, it wasn't relaxed regulations under George W. Bush, it wasn't unbridled greed, it wasn't hundred million dollar salaries and bonuses, it wasn't mismanagement, it was just FDR and the Democrats.

    What obvious conservative lie that is Mrdk.

    Oh yeah. Sure it was only Freddie and Fannie. Yeah that's the ticket.

    So are you saying that what we really need to do is allow another great depression and then start World War III to get us out of it?

    Sure you bet. Allow another great depression, start another world war which would be the only thing that would get us out of it just like last time, and then set it up so the rich, powerful and greedy can do it all over again.

    Yeah, that makes a lot of sense to someone like you.

    Ok so then you can tell me why all those things have just stopped. Are you telling me there's no profit in businesses, there's no profit in building houses, there's no profit in selling groceries and gas? See that doesn't make any sense does it. All those things stopped before Obama got elected and not because we couldn't afford profits. Because we couldn't afford corruption and greed.

    Liar!! How can you possibly claim that by allowing tax breaks for the rich to expire it means congress is demanding nobody make a profit.

    I got news for you, there is not one example where cutting taxes on the richest five percent of Americans has resulted in investements. Trickle down economics was a bigger lie then Reagan's pledge to reduce the cost and size of government. Time and again studies have shown that cutting taxes on the rich does not increase investments, or anything else.

    Conversely under Clinton who did raise taxes on the rich the economy prospered and he left office with a budget surplus.

    I understand enough to expose your bullshit.

    I did for about 10 years which is where I figured out that conservatism as it is preached and practiced in this nation is a lie.
  8. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Thank you, I soooo needed to be lectured about reality by someone who could write what you just wrote with a straight face. :)

    Someday, you MIGHT graduate to Step 2 of the program.
  9. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    The United States moved to the left during most of the twentieth century because most voters wanted it to.

    In his October 28, 1980 debate with Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan said,
    " [FONT=&quot]I have submitted an economic plan that I have worked out in concert with a number of fine economists in this country, all of whom approve it, and believe that over a five year projection, this plan can permit the extra spending for needed refurbishing of our defensive posture, that it can provide for a balanced budget by 1983 if not earlier[/FONT]."

    David A. Stockman was Ronald Reagan's Director of the Office of Management and budget from 1981-85. In his book, The Triumph of Politics: How the Reagan Revolution Failed, Stockman made it clear that it was never possible to cut taxes, raise defense spending, and balance the budget as Reagan promised, without making deep cuts in Social Security, Medicare, and military pensions, and without eliminating farm and business subsidies. He added that Reagan did not demand those reductions because he knew that most of the people who voted for him supported those programs. In other words, Reagan's economic policies were fradulent.
  10. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Let me understand this. The guy who was the director of the budget under Reagan, said that Reagan's budget promise was fraudulent and he did this in a book he was trying to sell, right?

    And who exactly was committing a fraud again??
  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Ronald Reagan was nothing but a fraud who lied to the American people from before his election until the day he left office.

    He ran on a platform of cutting the government, cutting the budget deficit, cutting the national debt and instead actually increased all three of them.
  12. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    I really didn't expect you to be a fan. But, what does this have to do with my comment to DL?
  13. ~Orpheus~

    ~Orpheus~ Wrathchild

    Apr 30, 2008
    And yet he was elected twice,

    overwhelmingly by the American people.

    So, are the American people easily fooled?
  14. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007

    Then or now?
  15. ~Orpheus~

    ~Orpheus~ Wrathchild

    Apr 30, 2008
    Haha! Good question.
  16. Kadri

    Kadri Porn Surfer

    Feb 26, 2009
    (holding my head after taking 3 hours to catch up on what I missed while running errands)

    mrdk, you sound like you think that a change in government from one that you think had the wrong idea is a bad thing. I can only assume that you think that a world of corporations that have no taxation, no watchdog groups, no limits on how and where they can expand, and no concern for anything other than corporate greed, is what is best for our country? Because that is a change in the opposite direction from the one you are complaining so strongly about.

    But do you really think that the kind of unrestrained greed that kind of economy would produce would be a thing you can trust. You would have CEOs that only care about the impact on their wallet, and would think nothing of giving as little to their work force as they could get away with, while charging as much as they could get away with for their goods and services. Basiclly the richest would become the untouchable elite, and the poorist would be ground underfoot. You basically seem to think that corporations should go on a feudal system of lords and surfs. And we all know about the results of that. Dark Ages, warlords, and plague.

    Of course, I'm just taking the results to the same extreme as the methods you would have us use. And are you really one of the hold outs that wont believe the research on global warming and the results of unrestrained development untill it's too late? Your kind seem to think that if you burry your heads in the sand long enough the world will stop falling appart. If we just ignore the problem, and do nothing to stop it, the world will go on... without us.
  17. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Simple. Reagan was the true fraud and knew it when he campaigned, knew it when he gave speeches and knew it when he claimed to do things.

    Reagan had the best public relations people ever assembled in government.

    Popularity is easy to attain especially when the primary function of his white house staff was to make the president "look good." Reagan also left office with high approval rating. It took awhile to figure out how bad he screwed us.

    But despite his popularity at the time he is not generally considered a "great president" now.

    We'll just have to see. But then if we're being fooled wouldn't you be one of the fooled? Didn't you say you voted for Barack Obama tenguy?

    And we'll just have to see who has the last laugh.

    But one thing I'm sure of is right or wrong Barack Obama does have the well being of the American people at heart. That was never once true of Ronald Reagan who was a puppet for big business and money.
  18. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008
  19. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Yes but I take solace in the fact that you proving me wrong is a very rare occurrence while me proving you wrong is routine.

    And one would be you.

    You and your senseless contradictions.

    There you go lying again tenguy. I laugh all the time and a lot of that time its at you.

    I think its the obvious truth. As an example Ronald Reagan was the king of outsourcing our jobs to other countries. He wasn't the master mind because he really had no mind of his own, just the lines on the scripts that were written for him.

    But under his signature with the help of his republican senate he's the one who started our job migration.

    Obama on the other hand wants to create new jobs here that can't be outsourced.