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  1. treen

    treen Porn Star

    Mar 20, 2007
    Infidelity hit the headlines, good and proper, thanks to Tiger and his 'wicked ways' as they keep describing his indiscretions. He has slipped up, obviously, and left evidence all over the place, just as Bill Clinton did. These women have kept all of the necessary proof of an affair (for a long time, I might add) just in case!
    I suppose that's the price to pay when you're incredibly famous, and dating a 'financially challenged' cocktail waitress.
    Can a relationship survive an affair? Can an affair actually repair a broken relationship, or improve a stale marriage?
    I have always considered an affair, fling, one night stand or even a flirt, as some form of marital aid.
    Its remarkable how many people I know who have been closely affected by an affair or 'indiscretion' and are now stronger than ever.
    They have forgiven, but not necessarily forgotten, and both are now making far more efforts, it’s kicked the complacency into touch.
    That can only be a good thing, surely.
    Admittedly the initial anger, disappointment and hurt can provoke some extreme reactions - if the stories about Tiger's 'club-wielding' wife are to be believed.
    I've seen the effects of that shock, but after some adult conversation, improved communication and plenty of understanding, it is possible to put all of that anger behind you, move on and improve the flagging relationship.
    I'm so sorry for Tiger’s wife; it’s a hell of a way to find out about his 'personal sins'.
    Why don't men just admit, and women accept, that they are never that pure, and all, regardless of how committed to their God, are capable of succumbing to temptation.
    There is no criticism of the women involved in Mr. Wood's 'personal sins'. Isn’t that a relief for sluts like me?:kiss:
  2. Fluffy McNoo

    Fluffy McNoo Porn Star

    Aug 30, 2007
    Seriously, the man has a name like "Tiger Woods" and they expected him to be a chaste and virginal? Am I missing something here?! :confused:

    If people wanted that kind of mindset, they should have chosen someone to front all the advertising campaigns with a name like "Sloth Eunuch"..! :rolleyes:

    Bye for now - Fluffy McNoo. :cool:

    P.S Personally, I feel darned sorry for his wife.
  3. treen

    treen Porn Star

    Mar 20, 2007
    she needs the support now
  4. Whitey44

    Whitey44 Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2008
    With the money Tiger has made by simply hitting a ball around with a stick, I can't feel too sorry for him, or his wife. ;)
  5. catrina604

    catrina604 Porn Star

    May 2, 2009
    I don't care this is an issue between him and his wife and non of our business.
  6. nate556

    nate556 Porno Junky

    Sep 10, 2008
    ZOMG!! A man cheats on his wife! no one has ever done THAT before!
  7. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    I do too, but I imagine she'll be able to console herself with the money she'll be able to extract. :)
  8. SilverLycan

    SilverLycan The XnXX Alpha Wolf

    Jul 31, 2008
    I wonder what the ring will look like.

    I forget the exact numbers involved in the Kobe formula, but I do know that this forgiveness ring is going to make Kobe's look like a dusty pebble.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2009
  9. Rixer

    Rixer Horndog

    Aug 2, 2008

    I'm right there with you. Whether they split or stay together, they'll still live a life only few can dream of.

    Personally, I think Tiger should have limited his extra affairs a long time ago. Even Santa stopped after three Ho's.
  10. Bluekur

    Bluekur Porn Star

    Aug 21, 2006
    I'm curious how many holes in one he's gotten while yelling out... "FORE... Play.."?:eek:
  11. Lioness

    Lioness A Fun Flirty Frisky Friendly Felion

    Jan 31, 2007
  12. Whitey44

    Whitey44 Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2008
  13. Wimmers

    Wimmers Porn Star

    Nov 4, 2008
    Too many discrepancy's on his score card.:cool: He knew the chances he was taking and the headlines they would cause.:confused: He does well in the U.S. and British opens, but needs to stay clear of the legs open.;)
  14. treen

    treen Porn Star

    Mar 20, 2007
    i never pair up with a married man
  15. Caduceus

    Caduceus Porn Star

    Nov 17, 2009
    He wanted a little on the side, who can blame him.:excited:
  16. Fluffy McNoo

    Fluffy McNoo Porn Star

    Aug 30, 2007
    From what I've been reading recently, apparently all the professional golfers are doing pretty much the same thing. It's just unlucky for him, that he got caught.

    And as people here said, the huge divorce settlement his wife is sure to get, will help soften the blow, at least a little.

    Bye for now - Fluffy McNoo. :cool:
  17. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    He wanted a little on the side!!!! :eek:.........try 13 little'ns so far, and the lies and bullshit he probably told them as well, also the chances he has possubly spread sexual transmitted diseases to his wife.

    It shocks me that some on here say it's got nothing to do with us what Tiger gets up to in his private life.......when someone promotes thamselves as wholesome and one of the good guys then gets caught fucking his way around the world, then in my opinion that privacy thing gets thrown out the window.

    Also what message does Tiger's action send to his millions of junior fans, They'll all be saying..."If Tiger can do it then why not me". He's a major role model and i dare say there's millions of pissed off parents trying to figure out what to tell there kids.
  18. DrewLongstrider

    DrewLongstrider Porn Star Banned!

    Aug 29, 2009
    Am I the only one who is all too sick of hearing about this non athlete Tiger Woods?!
    Give us a break! A golfer feeling he has to apologize for being a human being? The media is once again trying to tell us how to think and feel.
    Change the channel, don't feed the media trolls!
  19. aroachwashere

    aroachwashere Porn Surfer

    Dec 15, 2009
    Hes a moron plain and simple!
  20. catnip99

    catnip99 Newcumer

    Oct 3, 2009
    why did tiger woods get married for anyway? he could have remained single like derek jetter and have all the white woman that he wants!