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  1. jaggedmole

    jaggedmole Newcumer

    May 22, 2009
    At first I thought this was an issue between him and his wife. But good gracious. A sexual fantasy about him watching Derek Jeter having sex? I'm in.
  2. Jule

    Jule Porn Star

    Oct 17, 2006
    And I always thought golf was a boring sport and the people playing golf were just as boring... ;)

    I think the worst about all of the stuff going on is that his family is humiliated in public. But I guess money will help to console his wife. Lots and lots of money.
    It's a good thing though that his children are still so young. Imagine a 10-year-old having to read and hear about her dad hooking up with porn stars.
  3. Bukkake Bunny

    Bukkake Bunny Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2006
    Ugh. More celebrity gossip. Hey, look, another rich, self-centered scumbag. Big fucking surprise.

    Why is this news?
  4. Druidoak

    Druidoak Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2008
    So what. At least he was"playing through"the good looking turf and not shanking it in the rough.
  5. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Druidoak, glad to see you. What do you say you and I have a cigarette together and I'll buy you a drink if you want one, and we can discuss the current state of the forum if you haven't guessed by this already.
  6. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Bush Senior plays aerobic golf. He and his partners carry their own gold clubs, and try to get through the course as soon as they can. Of course, they would get even more exercise if they did not stop to hit the balls.
  7. Fluffy McNoo

    Fluffy McNoo Porn Star

    Aug 30, 2007
    You're scaring me now Stumbly... that's unnatural and... and... stuff like that there *trembles tremblingly*

    Bye for now - Fluffy McNoo. ;)
  8. Idokodi

    Idokodi Amateur

    May 27, 2006
    From what I remember hearing on the GOLF channel, Tiger's wife has actually known(or suspected) that's he's been nailing other women for awhile. She's been putting money into a private account(one he wasn't totally aware of). She also bought a little slip of land(the entire surface of a freaking island).
    I know no ones brought this up but I want to. The media is saying that all of his sponsors are dropping him. Not true.
    Accenture(sp?) dropped him because they don't deal with athletes, they're a travel business, understandable why they would drop him.
    Gatorade(last I heard) was just stopping his drink from coming out, not dropping him. And rightly so, he's always going to be a money maker as long as he can play golf.
    Nike will never drop him. His coffin will have that freakin' "swoosh" on it.
    He's not even being dropped by Gillette, they're just phasing him out of their commercials like he asked them to for privacy reasons.

    What he did was wrong, we can't even debate that(some of us can be jealous though), but the random girls coming out saying they slept with him is crap; without proof they're just an easy chick lookin' for a buck. He was an icon to millions, and over night, half of the world turns on him and treats him worse than they do Anton LaVey.
  9. xnxxenophobe

    xnxxenophobe Sex Machine

    Oct 8, 2008
    what a psychotic billionaire fuckwad this guy

    if youre gonna step out you dont step out with blabby cocktail waitresses and porn sluts with IQs in the single digits you go see discreet professionals
  10. Jule

    Jule Porn Star

    Oct 17, 2006
    Ew, I don't wanna see Bush Senior playing aerobic golf. :lol:

    But I have to admit, I always wanted to learn how to play it properly. Golf that is, not aerobic golf.
  11. Caduceus

    Caduceus Porn Star

    Nov 17, 2009
    13 women is hardly fucking his way around the world. His problem lies in who he chose to cheat with. Why is an athlete a role model for kids? Did Tiger Woods ever pride himself into saying, "I am a role model"? I can't seem to recall him doing so.

    The media is not responsible for the coddling and nurturing of the world's children. That is a parent and a guardian's job. Mr. Woods is not perfect, and shouldn't be relied upon to set an example for a nation's youth.
  12. Caduceus

    Caduceus Porn Star

    Nov 17, 2009
    He would have been better off having a sex tape leak onto the internet and selling it through a private firm, than having all these women unite against him for financial gain.
  13. Ryanovski

    Ryanovski Newcumer

    Dec 16, 2009
    his wife was gorgeous, he really fucked up.
  14. makeitrain435

    makeitrain435 Newcumer

    Dec 15, 2009
    cant be to bad she tryin to get him for like 50 million i heard

    IVA HARDON Porn Star

    Aug 11, 2008
    tiger woods is a fucking numbskull.lowlife losing wife cheating scumbag ..idiotic braindead bile blockhed rabid troll a toilet bowl licking disfunctional baffoon...maybe he should consider suing his brains for non-support..who now has a terribly empty feeling in his skull..a bungweed dweeby smelly crotched dillberry who fries up degerate turkey brains. is a horiffic stringy dillweed who eats unwanted festering sputum bags from hell and is now a decomposing weiner.:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
  16. WiltallicA

    WiltallicA Porno Junky

    May 28, 2006
    I don't give a fuck about tiger woods. He's rich, and has more shit than I will
  17. steviecom

    steviecom Sex Machine

    Jul 30, 2009
    I'm a big Tiger fan, I've watched him since he was 10. Tiger is just a guy who thought with the little brain, not the 1st guy and won't be the last guy. I don't blame the wife for leaving, Tiger screwed up big time. Your right, I never heard TW tell anybody to look up to him, he started his foundation but that was for the kids. Matter of fact I never heard Tiger say he was a good golfer. I'm tired of the whole damn thing, I want him back on the course. People made Tiger bigger than he is, not Tiger.He knows his way around the golf course, and from listening to the girls, he knows his way around the bedroom too.

  18. SexyLove381

    SexyLove381 Amateur

    Oct 5, 2007

    Just because you don't sign up for the role, doesn't mean you don't become a role model. I agree, sports figures and musicians shouldn't be role models, but nowadays, they are. Kids aren't writing essays about how their dad is their hero, it's Chad "Ochocinco" or Britney Spears.

    My biggest question is a general one. If you know you're a cheating louse, why the hell bother getting married???
  19. steviecom

    steviecom Sex Machine

    Jul 30, 2009
    Guys make mistakes everyday. Tiger is just food for worms in the end so he's a guy with nothing to lose cause he ain't taking nothing with him. American's problem with drama and image is not Tiger's problem. His only problem is with his wife and children and their relationship, that's personal, none of my business. I'm having problems pasting a story on this site I don't need adding Tiger's burdens to. That's to heavy. I'm surprised people are taking this so personal, it's not personal, he cost me no money or harm except I like watching him play golf, but I'm a golfer. It's just starting and going to get nasty i'm afraid. We just have to give it time, see what happens.

  20. VioletAshes

    VioletAshes Porno Junky

    Jul 6, 2008
    Every wonder if a woman cheated on her man and her man started beating her with golf clubs... and we all blame the man somehow???

    --- what the?

    Tiger Woods deserves a divorce settlement that takes away millions of dollars for him, but not a homicidal wife. In fact, just from her wife being so freaking violent we can see why he would be interested in other women. In fact I'm rather happy for Woods that he is rid of his wife. The moral of the story is to NOT MARRY these days.