1. Hello,

    New users on the forum won't be able to send PM untill certain criteria are met (you need to have at least 6 posts in any sub forum).

    One more important message - Do not answer to people pretending to be from xnxx team or a member of the staff. If the email is not from forum@xnxx.com or the message on the forum is not from StanleyOG it's not an admin or member of the staff. Please be carefull who you give your information to.

    Best regards,


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  2. Hello,

    You can now get verified on forum.

    The way it's gonna work is that you can send me a PM with a verification picture. The picture has to contain you and forum name on piece of paper or on your body and your username or my username instead of the website name, if you prefer that.

    I need to be able to recognize you in that picture. You need to have some pictures of your self in your gallery so I can compare that picture.

    Please note that verification is completely optional and it won't give you any extra features or access. You will have a check mark (as I have now, if you want to look) and verification will only mean that you are who you say you are.

    You may not use a fake pictures for verification. If you try to verify your account with a fake picture or someone else picture, or just spam me with fake pictures, you will get Banned!

    The pictures that you will send me for verification won't be public

    Best regards,


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  1. cijababe

    cijababe Virtual Mistress

    Jun 4, 2009
    Now it's just 'internet explorer cannot display this webpage'
  2. DownOnMe

    DownOnMe Porn Surfer

    Oct 8, 2010
    Down for 2 days

    This is the second day. :mad: :confused: :( I was more than a little surprised to see this working.
  3. SlayerEmperor

    SlayerEmperor Amateur

    Oct 16, 2010
    First off, calm down everyone...

    The website or servers are down, this does not mean the website was actually hacked.

    In fact, if the website had been hacked it would have been defaced. There would really be no point in hacking a server or website if you don't deface it after you do it...

    Second, I'm as upset as the next guy that the site is down, but keep cool, it's not like there isn't plenty of outdoor scouting that one could do to go and collect some pics and story ideas for when it comes back up...

    Third... Dinner, quit yapping with this cannibalism section already, we got the picture... should I add "tstststs" to that? Be careful I might go get some nice Chianti and cook your liver with it as soon as you fall victim of the withdrawals... If you are a census taker, all the better :p

    Fourth... But in all of this Where the hell are the admins?
    To whomever may have kidnapped them, we need a ransom request and some proof of life FAST!

    WTF? why are you guys bringing other websites that have nothing to do with it all into the discussion? -- Not you fuck8286, I think we actually got to thank you!
    Xvideos IS Xnxx. If Xvideos is down, Xnxx videos are down too.
    And so will be the other 2 or 3 sites that are similar and made with Xvideos.

    Truth be said, I wish the domain owner of Xnxx.com would wise up and hire someone capable (eg:. ME) of straightening out this mess with the website so that the pages and stuff are all individual, and that comments, forums and other posts are all part of the same community with the same user account... but that's like way too much to ask isn't it ? :p
  4. Jack-the-Rimmer

    Jack-the-Rimmer Porno Junky

    Apr 10, 2010
    It still would be nice if an admin dropped a note saying going to be down X amount of time because of X.....

    'Course it could be a ploy to get folks like me to visit the forum....been quite awhile for me.
  5. callmepaulus

    callmepaulus Porno Junky

    Feb 20, 2009
    This is a good site for checking to see whether its just you or the site thats down , saves you a lot of time trying to log into a site thats down.
  6. SlayerEmperor

    SlayerEmperor Amateur

    Oct 16, 2010
    you do know all you have to do is to use some internet proxy to go to the website to check if it's just you RIGHT? XD

    My opening this topic was rather rhetorical... having checked a proxy server base din UK I was rather sure the site was down... and pissed nuff about it to play stupid and see if a Mod or Admin would pick up on it... Guess NOT.... -_-
  7. Wimmers

    Wimmers Porn Star

    Nov 4, 2008
    The Chile miners were down for 69 days, 69 who said that? I can't take anymore.:eek:
  8. SlayerEmperor

    SlayerEmperor Amateur

    Oct 16, 2010
    Lol! Wimmers Wins! XD
  9. ItalianStallionDanny

    ItalianStallionDanny Porno Junky

    Jul 22, 2009
    help with the website

    I've been here for a while and a strange occurance has kept happening for past 2 days, I can't get on regular xnxx.com, I get to forums fine... However every time I click xnxx.com or sex stories/pornvids at the top etc... or of course type it in address the browser stalls and errors out and says it cannot reach it or pull up the page...

    Anyone know how to fix this?
  10. hibidedebajua

    hibidedebajua Newcumer

    Mar 16, 2010
    I have the same problem =/
  11. sexteacher

    sexteacher Newcumer

    Aug 12, 2010
    its an update on the main site or it down

    when you update an site your not able to go in it unless your the owner or the site is done thats all i know and speaking of witch were is the owner and what is his name on here
  12. arizona1664

    arizona1664 Guest

    this has been the subject of 2 threads already...see below!
  13. lithium71

    lithium71 Porn Surfer

    Aug 31, 2010
    All i know is its pissing me off. pornohub sucks balls compared to xnxx
  14. ready&willing

    ready&willing Porn Surfer

    Jun 28, 2008
    hope they fix it soon

    I think i'm going into withdrawal too, it's like when the internet goes down and all you wanna do is google something lol ^.^
  15. juggalojp223

    juggalojp223 Amateur

    Aug 17, 2010
    Its down for me and i have to do all this bull crap to get on here!
  16. christina2706

    christina2706 Dark Haired Beauty

    Mar 27, 2010
    I'm surprised it's still down. :(

    This sucks but I'm sure it will be back up and running in no time.
  17. fkmepleeeeeassse

    fkmepleeeeeassse Sex Machine

    Sep 30, 2010
    This webpage is not available.

    The webpage at http://stories.xnxx.com/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

    More information on this error
    Below is the original error message

    Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): Unknown error.

    hope it's fixed soon because i have something to upload...
  18. ThisFNG

    ThisFNG Porn Star

    Oct 4, 2010
    See, this is why I have over a hundred GB of saved clips on my Hard drive. Y'all need to stop thinking like grasshoppers and more like this little ant.

    Save your porn people!

    But remember. . .
  19. downwind

    downwind Sex Machine

    Jun 22, 2009
    It's the French, the god damn French on strike that has the site all fucked up!!!
  20. The Greek

    The Greek Porno Junky

    Nov 22, 2008
    If the site were down because of server maintenance, I suspect that the admins would have posted something to let users know. I'm more than a bit surprised that no admin has posted here to let us know what is going on. Makes me wonder a bit...