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  1. dogmeat2010

    dogmeat2010 Sex Lover

    Apr 2, 2010
    My 15 year old daughter came to her mother and me, and asked us if she could get a tatoo on her hip of a heart.Mom said yes,but dad said no.I explained to her that i dont like to see tatoos on a female, she said that mom has one,which she does, but she is my daughter and she lives in my house,wife wants me to reconsider,should i, are should i stick to my guns/Master Chief:confused::confused:
  2. smcaaphd

    smcaaphd zOMGorgeous

    Oct 4, 2007
    Maybe you should or she might go out and get one anyway!! If you agree, make sure you have a couple of conditions!! YOU get to choose the tattooist, that way you can at least make sure she's going to a good place to get it done, and if she decides to have more in the future, when she's no longer living in your house, she has an experience to measure other artists!!
  3. tim929

    tim929 Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2009
    Master Chief, you are in a position I do not envy. I am not a big fan of tattoos myself and if I had a 15 year old daughter asking me if she could get one I think my brain would melt. There is alot to be said for the word "no" but if you wife has already ruled on the case the word "no" becomes pretty hollow. I would put my foot down until she is 18 personaly...but thats just me. The other thing I would do is sit down to a double bourbon, neat.Maybe a couple of them....
  4. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    My sympathies are with you, and I'm personally dreading the day I have to confront this issue. But the fact is, you've got a losing position and it's time for a diplomatic, semi-graceful retreat. If you insist on saying no, the chances are she's going to defy you and get the tattoo on the sly anyway. And you also have the conflict of opinion between you and your wife to contend with. I guess you just have to ask yourself, is this where you really want to draw the line in the sand with your teenager. My feeling, for what it's worth, is that it's not. Good luck!
  5. anotheruser1

    anotheruser1 Porn Star

    Nov 24, 2009
    what she wants, the location, and why she is doing it would all be deciding factors. for me personally i would tell my daughter not no but hell no. but she used the trump card by getting moms approval. good luck man their is no easy answer
  6. Lookn4awillin1

    Lookn4awillin1 Porn Star

    Jul 8, 2008
    Fifteen seems a little young, but at least she isn't asking about starting birth control? If by chance she already is using birth control, then a tatoo is the least of your worries. Boys are so much easier.
  7. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Actually, I would find the birth control issue much easier to deal with than the tattoo. I know what I was thinking (and doing) at 15, so I'm not taking any chances. We'll have "the talk" long before that. In fact, given my daughter's precociousness, I'm thinking we might have it next week!
  8. Lookn4awillin1

    Lookn4awillin1 Porn Star

    Jul 8, 2008
    Knowing how I was at fifteen, if I had a daughter that wasn't on birth control I'd probably drop a morning after pill in her OJ everytime she had a date...just kidding, but damn I'm glad I raised a son and not a daughter.
  9. Lioness

    Lioness A Fun Flirty Frisky Friendly Felion

    Jan 31, 2007
    Well, I just got my first one a couple of weeks ago. It's a small Claddagh that looks like a delicate bracelet around my wrist, but it took me YEARS to finally decide what I wanted.

    For me, 15 is too young for a tat. Both my sons have tattoos now, but they were in their 20s and on their own when they got them. I told them when they're 18, they're adults. My oldest son did get his eyebrow pierced when he was a senior in high school and I wasn't thrilled about that. Fortunately, his college soccer coach told him to remove it if he wanted to play.

    Tattoos are a lifetime commitment and can't just be washed off if she changes her mind.

    Even if you say no, she will more than likely end up with one anyway, but maybe you can stall it by saying she can get one when she's 18 and can pay for it herself.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2010
  10. anotheruser1

    anotheruser1 Porn Star

    Nov 24, 2009
    the one thing you may have on your side i forgot to mention earlier, as far as i know, in the united states it is illegal for anyone under 18 to get a tattoo. xnxx law professors may chime in on this and give better info.
  11. Lioness

    Lioness A Fun Flirty Frisky Friendly Felion

    Jan 31, 2007
    I started at 15 and he was 18...
  12. Lookn4awillin1

    Lookn4awillin1 Porn Star

    Jul 8, 2008
    I love sluts!;):kiss:
  13. billblondel344

    billblondel344 Porn Star

    Apr 29, 2007

    who is the boss in your house, you or mom ?the boss wins out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;)
  14. ABEODD

    ABEODD Sex Machine

    Feb 24, 2007
    Compared to what most daughters on this site seem to want to do to their Daddies that is pretty tame, so I should let her get it...... :)
  15. mikelr

    mikelr Porn Star

    Nov 12, 2008
    I had this conversation with my daughter when she was 17. Her mom said she didn't care and that it was up to me. I knew this was a test. I found out later that she didn't want to be the villain by telling our daughter no. She wanted me to be the asshole. When my daughter asked all I said was, "Honey I am not going to give you a decision right now. Before I make my decision I want you to think about it for a couple of days". When we talked again she convinced me that she was sincere about wanting her tattoo. So I said as long as your mother doesn't care I might as well help you find an artist. Hero for a day! Sorry Master Chief you have already lost. The good news is she will still be Daddy's girl either way.
  16. love_chocolate

    love_chocolate Sex Machine

    Apr 18, 2010
    Well, when I walk around the Mall, and see all the ear-rings, studs, on the ears, eye brows, lips, tongue, belly, and other places probably better not to be discussed by parents, a small tattoo on the hip doesn't seem like much to ask for!
  17. mikelr

    mikelr Porn Star

    Nov 12, 2008
    I also got to help control it by being there. She also trusts my opinion more.
  18. lovespunk

    lovespunk Sex Machine Suspended!

    Feb 16, 2010
    Tattoo's are not the best idea for young girls, let her see what it looks like on older women, very tacky and lifeless, and it will be there for life unless she gets lazer treatment, and that can leave a mess.

    It is a fashion statment, and I have no doubt in a few years they will be out, like so many other pointless items.
  19. PxXxP

    PxXxP Porn Star

    Dec 16, 2009
    If the child has permission of someone that is either a parent or guardian accompanying them, that kid is in the clear. I too dread the day when I have to talk to my kids about tattoos, because I have a few.

    Usually parents stick together with these issues, but if her mother wants to bring your child to get a tattoo you have a right to disapprove of it. It took two people to create your daughter, so it is a mutual decision on anything in regards to her.
  20. KrissyW

    KrissyW Newcumer Suspended!

    Jun 4, 2010
    I agree with you.

    I do not not like tattoos because they are like clothing.

    I prefer to be nude.