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  1. imported__2355

    imported__2355 Ungodly Intelligent And Attractive

    Oct 24, 2005
    Tats are cool, Chief, but you've already said no. Orders is Orders. She can get one when she's 18. As long as she pays for it.
  2. Texas Jammer

    Texas Jammer m<b>ASS</b>ter J

    Jun 1, 2007
    Master Chief, take it from a retired Master Chief...There are battles worth fighting, and in those battles I would go to the wire. There are battles which are not worth the grief they cause. So let me ask you a couple of questions.

    Is your daughter someone you are proud of, is she a loving part of the family or is she rebellious and a troublemaker.

    How will this covered tatoo change your daughter?

    I would suggest this, if you have a good relationship with your daughter, take her to the tatoo parlor yourself, make sure it is clean and select an artist who is talented. Then thank your daughter for not getting a tramp stamp at 15
  3. ElCasanova

    ElCasanova Porn Star

    Jul 27, 2006
    This is a basic need for a parent to protect their children. But if your wife has a tattoo, then your argument that you do not like to see tattoos on women does not have any value anymore. You have to decide if you are just going to pull the parent card and tell her that while she lives under your roof, she obeys your rules. Or you can try to compromise with her, tell her, that if she still wants a tattoo at age 17, then she can get one. Consider it a year before she leaves. And at age 18, she can get it anyway, so this way, you win in two ways. But make it a bonding experience, go get one with her as well. Just a thought.
  4. Bigburke709

    Bigburke709 Porno Junky

    Apr 27, 2010
    just get the tattoo
  5. footlovva

    footlovva Juggler of Jiggles

    Jul 30, 2009
    At 15 you never know when your mind is going to change. Not many tattoo artists will tattoo any one under 18 even with parental permission.
  6. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    Both of my daughters have tattoos, and were over the age of 18 when they got them. My oldest stopped with 2 very discreet ones on her back. However, her sister is a little more artsy and daring, no one I would call discreet. Most of her back is covered. I am in awe of the artistry and talent of this tattoo artist. I remember when she wanted to get her tongue pierced. Hell, I offered to pay for a tattoo so she wouldn't do that. I didn't win.

    Choose your battles wisely. Is she a good girl? Is this the worst thing she could do? At least she asked permission.


    May 1, 2008
  8. Sinnie

    Sinnie Porn Surfer

    Feb 2, 2010
    Being just a few years older than your daughter... I can understand why she wants one. But I'm with you on this one - she's not ready for it. And she might regret it later on.

    If you're in the US... I think even with parental permission you can't get a tat if you're under 18. But I may be wrong.

    Though, I do want a tattoo as well. I want a big, fierce lion on my upper back. (I'm a leo.)
  9. beninabox

    beninabox Porn Star

    Sep 6, 2008
    I laser people every day that thought they knew what they wanted at fifteen.
  10. "Naughty"

    "Naughty" Aussie Sex Siren!

    Feb 13, 2010
    Well I'm glad you think us older women look tacky and lifeless with tattoo's I have 13 and wear mine with pride.

    I'm 34,got my first one at 20 and plan on getting more.

    I don't care what you or society has to say about girls/women with tattoo's,I got them because I liked and wanted them for me,not for no fashion statement.:rolleyes:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2010
  11. MissK1975

    MissK1975 Porn Star

    Jun 5, 2010
    I better plead the fifth on this one.... but i can tell you that tattoos were not allowed in my house growing up. out of 7 of us kids, 4 of us had tattoos hidden on our bodies before we left home. Both my brothers had theirs done by a friend who made his own tattoo gun.... :eek: do you want to risk that?
  12. dogmeat2010

    dogmeat2010 Sex Lover

    Apr 2, 2010
    I made up my mind,and told her not until she was an adult and not living in my house. My second youngest daughter who is now 20,did the same thing when she was that age.It was alot worse then, i was on deployment and came home after 12 months and there she was.2 tatoos ,some freaky thing in her nose, and a pierced tongue.My wife warned me to some extent,but i wasnt prepared for that,she looked like a fucking coke machine.Needless to say she got ro\id of all the metal,which i deep sixed,as for the tatoos she now regrets getting them,she was a big help on this towards her little sister,told her this morning when they were leaving to go get this thing. I was surprised,she looked at me and said ok she wouldnt get one.Mom was all smiles,i did what a father should do. I missed so much of their lifes as they grew up,being gone alot,at least now i can make up for it/Master Chief:p:p
  13. imported__2355

    imported__2355 Ungodly Intelligent And Attractive

    Oct 24, 2005
    Now that you have stuck to your post on this one, you can find something else to be a little easy on that will please her as well and won't leave permanent marks.
  14. Peter40

    Peter40 Amateur

    Aug 24, 2006
    My daughter wants a tattoo, on her lower back. She's 19. At that age, we cannot say no, just discuss the pros and cons like adults. I feel she is still a little immature to make such a life lasting decision. Every summer since she was 16, we'd go on vacation and there was always these fake tattoo by the pool that lasted a few weeks. Every year, she would get one, on her lower back, just above her bikini line. She has two friends that have them already, and they come swimming to the house a lot. Now she wants one and not sure what we can do. She is not into drugs, does not drink, did so good in high school, she ended up getting a huge scholarship to a local college. This thread helped. I know she will end up getting one, it's been on her mind for many years. It's hard being a father and letting them go off and make decisions like this. I hope that one day, she does not regret getting it.
  15. anotheruser1

    anotheruser1 Porn Star

    Nov 24, 2009
    well im glad it went over somewhat smooth for you. good luck in the future
  16. imported__2355

    imported__2355 Ungodly Intelligent And Attractive

    Oct 24, 2005

    If she's set on the idea then the best you can do is research the tattoo establishments in your area and find one that is operated by an actual artist, and that maintains a clean shop with sterilized equipment. Then go over designs with her (this part might be better done by mom) noting the ones she likes and encourage her to pick one that is both artistic and tasteful.
  17. Rockprincess

    Rockprincess Celestial Princess

    Oct 29, 2006
    I always thought you had boys-wait until she gets to be a teen-ager...:eek:

    No, I wouldn't let my daughter get one at 15...
  18. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006
    WTF! A whole page of hand-wringing?

    Don't give me this shit, "You'll understand, one day, when you have a teenager."

    GG MC. Lay down the fucking law. Kids needs rules.

    She's gonna be mopey for a couple weeks and "HATE YOU"? Tough shit. She's 15. It's her job to hate you and be mopey. Don't like it - don't breed. All the fucking estrogen in this thread is gonna get my ass mugged by your little darling when they hit 25 and are smacked with the realization that the world doesn't bend to their will.
  19. dogmeat2010

    dogmeat2010 Sex Lover

    Apr 2, 2010
    Running behind today,are we, problem solved,told her no.simple as that.trust me she has rules. a woman needs to know her place,like i told the misses. im the boss i rule my castle woman and you will obey me and be the good servant i married you to be,well maybe not all of that but some of it/Master Chief but now i have my 2 grandkids here today, thinking about and getting some of those fake tattoos in a gumball machine and apply them to my to grandkids:twisted::twisted::twisted:
  20. Lioness

    Lioness A Fun Flirty Frisky Friendly Felion

    Jan 31, 2007
    A woman needs to know her place?? haha!! And look at how many of us women are HERE!!! :excited:

    Good morning to you
    Good morning to you
    We're all in our places
    With bright smiling faces
    Good morning to you!!

    I know a woman's place is at the end of a man's cock!! :p
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2010