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  1. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Segregation and discrimination was legal in the US until the late 1960's. It never was legal after slavery ended in the other countries.

    Our aboriginal people were not even citizens of the United States until the 1930's. Interracial marriage was illegal in many places up until the 1970's. And both Australia and Canada are making amends to their aboriginal people while our Native Americans are just getting a settlement for the billions they'd been ripped off for the last time.

    By the way Native Americans are also treated differently in the US paid out of trust funds and considered their own sovereign nation.

    Why because they are glaring examples of western racism and the idea that black and brown people can be exploited. Or because Middle East and African Nations never started with alleged stated belief that all people are created equal?

    Most the EU and most other places where racism is the exception not the rule like it is here in the US. Currently on glaring display over the objections to building a Mosque near ground zero and the laws that try to legalize racial profiling.

    What is baseless is the claim that we are ahead of other countries when we have Tea Party members and others calling our president a nigger and calling for his assassination.

    Racism, prejudice and discrimination is very much alive and well in this country and actually getting worse not better because of things like the Tea Party, Race baiting on the right by people like Rush Limbaugh and people turning their backs on the real values and ideals in this country because minorities are starting to outnumber what has always been the white dominate class.
  2. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    True enough. But considering your views on thinning the worlds population I think you would be equally dangerous as a leader, just less obvious. ;)
  3. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    Haha, I didn't know the Tea party was calling for Obama's assassination. Can you show me proof of that? You're not inane at all, you have such well researched and objective views of things. :rolleyes:

    By the way, way to go kiddo, you did it again. You beat yourself in an argument. Yes, it's terrible that some people hate Obama, yet he was elected when he was a member of a small minority in a country. I'd say that is more proof than anything of America's progressive ways. Give me a call when an Irish guy is made into the chairman of China or a Muslim guy is put in charge of France. An aboriginal in charge of Australia? Think the majority would vote for that? A black guy in England? A Korean guy in Japan? Oho, go get 'em tiger. ;)

    You're so much fun.
  4. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    During the American Revolution slavery was legal in each of the 13 rebellious colonies. It was illegal in England. The British Army issued several emancipation proclamations to the slaves. The Declaration of Independence complained about that with this charge against King George III: "He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us."

    After the American Revolution the British Navy took the lead in suppressing the slave trade. Slavery was outlawed in the British Empire in 1834.

    The The Dred Scott Decision of 1857 meant that slaves who escaped to free states in the North could still be returned to their owners in the South. When this decision was made, escaped slaves were welcome in Canada.

    During the Second World War blacks in the U.S. Army were often treated better by the English than by their white American comrades. The English often said, "I like these Americans. I just wish they did not bring so many white ones over with them."
  5. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    Is anyone going to tell him it is 2010 or should I? :rolleyes:

    P.S. Not to imply that you're a broken record with a keyboard, but you already tried that "slavery outlaw" argument in another thread and were pretty well embarrassed. Do you just recycle these things? Get some new material...honestly. :confused:
  6. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Do you actually think I'm advocating some kind of genocide? I don't think providing birth control information to people falls into that category. As far as I know, Paul Ehrlich never advocated killing people either.

    So before you say something that stupid again, try engaging your brain.
  7. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    What do you think someone like Sharron Angle is talking about when she advocates a "second amendment solution" to the problems she thinks have been created by the Obama presidency? Here's the quote:

    The tea-baggers are not stupid enough to come right out and say someone should shoot the president. Or, at least, most of them aren't that stupid. No, they speak in code words that anyone can interpret correctly if they pay attention. Why do you suppose Ronald Reagan opened his 1980 campaign for president at the Neshoba County Fair? What happened in Neshoba County in 1964?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2010
  8. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    You behave like such a whiny partisan child, I do feel nothing but pity for you. I mean, do you read what you post? I ask if it is tea party policy to assassinate Obama, as Mr. stumbles implied it was. This was obviously a sarcastic comment and a rhetorical question because the answer is no and he is an idiot. But rather than let it go, you try to say that because one woman said something rather cryptic about the second amendment and Harry Reid, this obviously means that the tea party wants to kill Obama....whaaaaaaa?:eek:

    Talk about a serious leap in logic. Honestly...listen to yourself. The best part is that even if it was a veiled assassination threat, she made it against Harry Reid--not Obama. And best of all, she has nothing to do with Tea party policy, meaning what? Meaning you are so desperate to try to prove that "the other side" is evil that you will stoop to lumping them all behind the one bad person you can find. You know what that is? It's racism, that thing you hate so very much. You are generalizing an entire group of people because of the words of one, the very foundation of racism. Tell me that isn't irony. :rolleyes:

    But you know what? I don't think you'll understand any of that, I don't think you're bright enough. So let me just flip your own silly arguments on you.

    I believe all liberals want to assassinate Bush. Why do I believe this? Because of this quote from loved and lauded liberal Gore Vidal:

    "Bush? I couldn’t jump into the screen fast enough to kill him off! Thats one murder that I missed not committing"

    And the reply from fellow liberal Joy Behar? "Well, sadly it's too late now."

    So clearly from these quotes we can see that liberals want to assassinate Bush, right? I mean hell, unlike yours, the threat wasn't even veiled. Right? Wrong. Of course these two do not speak for all liberals in any way shape or form. Any more than that woman speaks for the tea party movement. Stop ignoring common sense just to make the world make sense. You can't understand complicated things so you simply lump everything together and simplify it, and in the process, you lose it. You are pitiable.:rose:

    You can find some lunatics who want to kill Obama, I can find some who want to kill republicans. And you know what that means? It means lunatics still exist, and they are just that, lunatics. When you try to make a lunatic speak for the other side, rather than just speaking for insanity, you do a disservice to everyone, including yourself. And you show how incapable you are of forming a meaningful argument. Stop acting like such a child.
  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Sure no problem.



    And death treats to president Obama have increased 400%.


    Anything else I can help you with?

    I'd say everything I just posted shows the opposite especially the 400% increase in death threats.

    But the election of Barrack Obama says much more to the intelligence, organization, and gifted leadership of one man against the utter and undeniable failure of conservative/Reublicans.

    Notice how you change your argument from there's only some kind of fun and gentle benign racism in the US. Nothing to worry about. Just much adu about nothing.

    Now it well the US isn't as racist as other countries even though they obviously have a much longer history and track record of racial equality than we do.

    And remember this also started when I commented to Kimiko that I found it both interesting and encouraging to see that overt racism was not necessarily tolerated like it is in the US.

    So you're backed up to another thread by now haven't you?
  10. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2010
  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    How long have you been on this forum now? And how many times have you used just about this same exact impotent dodge?

    I think you're on track for a new forum record.

    Man you lie a lot. Here's the statement:

    Not a word about Tea Party policy in that is there? I already told you you don't get to make up lies and your own head and argue those instead of what people actually say.

    Well hey lets also throw in the Tea Party members showing up to public meetings where president Obama was going to speak wearing guns and carrying signs that said the tree of liberty needs to be refreshed with blood.

    Let's throw in the comments from Sarah Palin its time to lock and load. Let's throw in the couple of wackos that took that shit serious and killed people over it.

    Oh yeah that makes it all right. There's nothing wrong with suggesting Harry Reid should be killed she wasn't referring to the President. Yeah that's the ticket DanteAlighieri?

    However the 400% increase in death to President Obama does as well as the hateful propaganda spouted by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.

    What Tea Party policy Dante? So that to me will you? But in the meantime are you really out of touch so much you don't know Sharron Angle is the Tea Party sponsored candidate.


    Man this whole thing started with you claiming that racism was some fun and joking sort of benign thins we should not even take seriously.

    What ever happened to that part of your argument?

    If it was the words of one you would have a point but since we've given you examples of many you don't.

    And here's one more. The Tea Party ads trying to claim President Obama is the equivalent of Hitler and Stalin.

    Oh you betcha Dante. Kimiko is not bright enough. Yeah, lots of people are going to believe that.:rolleyes:

    And what office did you say Vidal and Behar were running for or elected to. What political party did you say they represent?

    Apples to oranges but what's even more laughable than that is trying to change this all around to Presidential assassination instead of your ridiculous claims that racism is benign in the US and the Tea Party is not racist.

    That's what I'm laughing my ass off about.

    If Sharron Angle doesn't speak for the tea party how come the Tea Party says she's there candidate?

    See that kind of think is really stupid don't you think? She's the Tea Party candidate but does not speak for the Tea Party. WTF??

    Oh man I do laugh when you get on one of this arrogant condescending kicks after you've made an utter fool of yourself again and have no idea how many here can see that clearly.

    But as we've pointed out and even provided sources for the Tea Party has a very big problem with attracting racists and extremists and also promoting that through their own rhetoric and ads.

    So you really do look ridiculous here in blue and white.
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Really tenguy let me ask you a question since some of them may be your neighbors. How many people have been arrested for threatening or even planning to harm or kill President Obama'?


    How many were arrested for threatening or planning to kill president Bush?

    I think the threats are more credible in this instance which is why in your source the secret service agaent speaking to congress says the threats are no greater than with Clinton and Bush but if they want him to explain it will have to be behind closed doors.

    I think it would be very much in the Secret Service's interest to down play both the number and severity of the death threats against our president.

    But you could be right and the story may have been exaggerated.

    It doesn't really change the facts though tenguy. Racism is not some benign thing not to be taken seriously. The Tea Party does use a lot of racist and violent rhetoric, and they are primarily the far right and white tail end of the Republicans.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2010
  13. ItalianStallionDanny

    ItalianStallionDanny Porno Junky

    Jul 22, 2009
  14. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006
    I hear his purple shirted thugs will beat you down with baseball bats if you resist the will of the administration.

    Everyone should fear the purple shirts and just do what they say so we won't get hurt. :excited:
  15. ItalianStallionDanny

    ItalianStallionDanny Porno Junky

    Jul 22, 2009
    I don't understand your intended sarcasm.
  16. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006
    No sarcasm, my 70s throwback friend. We should all fear the purple shirted thugs and simply go along with whatever they tell us to do so that our families are safe.
  17. ItalianStallionDanny

    ItalianStallionDanny Porno Junky

    Jul 22, 2009

    70s throwback?

    What is your stance on the voter intimidation tho? and the charges dropped...
  18. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006
    I support my President in all things because I'm a patriotic American. Doubt lets the terrorists win! :excited:
  19. ItalianStallionDanny

    ItalianStallionDanny Porno Junky

    Jul 22, 2009

    Allright my little lemming.
  20. ss89406

    ss89406 Porn Surfer

    Jul 14, 2010
    If Obama is the Answer, how Stupid was the question?