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  1. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    You moron. Figure out what a "dodge" is before you speak on it.
    Why don't you lecture me on the good and evil of cap and trade again. That was splendid, and while you're at it, lecture me on lying. You claimed that tea party members were calling for Obama's assassination, I ask again, because you are retarded and things must be repeated, show me some proof. One person is not "members," and you have not even produced one person. Claiming that multiple members of an organization are acting in a certain way is simple implication that it is the organizations goal to act in such a manner. You don't get to use general terms like "tea party members," and then claim you weren't implicating the tea party. If they were no reflection of the tea party, then you would not preface it with "tea party," you would simply say "people," if they are a reflection of the tea party, than you are claiming that is tea party policy. Not too tough to figure out there kiddo. If you want to slander the tea party, do it, but don't back down once you have. At least be man enough to hold to one argument you sad little snake. :laughing:

    Oooh, more "tea party members," but I'm sure you're not implying that it is tea party policy to behave in such a manner? Silly boy.;)

    Sheesh, that is horrible though, I guess it's a lot like people calling for the death of bush and burning Bush puppets wherever he spoke. It happens to every president bright bulb, get with the times and stop trying to blame the many for the actions of a few outlying lunatics.
    Oh boy, and what did she mean by "lock and load?" Today when I was riding in the car I called "shotgun," and I'm not an Obama fan. What do you think I meant by that, Dan Brown?

    And those shit serious wackos? Well, so far the only violence at tea Party rallies has been perpetrated by SEIU and one liberal guy bit the pinky finger off a tea party guy. So unless you have some hidden gems the media can't find, give it a rest.

    Context you fucking moron. I never said it was "all right." I showed that it happens on both sides and that, for the ten thousandth time, you cannot condemn one without condemning the other. This just in: Lunatics have many different loyalties.
    As tenguy just showed you, he is getting as many death threats as every other president. No, your hero is not a unique snowflake. Stop pretending like it hasn't happened to every president. And if death threats did elevate earlier this year, gee, I'll take crashing economy for ten thousand Alex, and not "he's black."

    I've never heard Limbaugh but I've seen Beck a few times and if the stuff he rambles on about is hateful I think you need your ears checked. Oh right, you don't know what he rambles on about, because you get tidbits out of context from thedailykos, my mistake. My apologies, I forgot you were a complete android for two seconds there.

    I'm still failing to see what this has to do with the tea Party wanting to kill Obama. Or have you made another course correction? Good lord, it's hilarity.

    My thoughts? You're blind and skipped over it? I already explained to you that you have zero comprehension and I was talking about the banality of the word racism because of its overuse, not of the effect. Remember what I said about repeating things for retards? It still applies. Don't make me repeat myself a third time.

    I'm sorry am I out of the loop? The words of many? many what? many sides of yourself? :rolleyes:
    Will you share with the rest of the class? Or will you just say it? And again, every president gets compared to Hitler by the opposition, it's terribly cliche but they still do it. Did you magically forget the mustachioed attacks on Bush? No, of course not, just keep pretending that ONLY Obama gets death threats, ONLY Obama gets called names, ONLY Obama gets compared to Hitler. What is the weather like in candy land?

    Well you being on her side isn't going to help much.:(

    In all fairness, if Kimiko isn't that bright, you are the abyss of night. At least she can make a coherent argument and does not need everything repeated five times.

    Your point? The attack against Angle was that she was a tea party member, NOT that she was running for office. Behar and Vidal represent the liberal viewpoint and are both strong voices in the democratic party. I love how you try to distill things until you get them to where you want them though--didn't think I'd notice? Silly boy again?
    Actually you and Kimiko brought the safety of our dear president into this. Are you so thick that you can't even keep track of who's saying what?

    And here we go, repeating for retards. Never said racism was benign, said the word was benign, you simply cannot read things in context. And I never commented on the tea party being racist, I commented on your lie about the tea party wanting Obama dead. Which you are swiftly backpedaling from. But if you want a statement--no, the tea party is not racist. Want to prove it is? You'll need more than one member supposedly saying "nigger." Why, I believe that Harry Reid himself made a comment about Obama's negro dialect. And unlike your claims, that is actually on the record. Do I get to call all democrats racist now because one of them said that? Silly boy to the third. :laughing:
    If Harry Reid doesn't speak for all democrats, how come he is their candidate? Ouch. Turn about is a bitch. And generalizing is fun, fun, fun. Wouldn't you say?
    See you don't think that through do you? He is a democratic senator but doesn't speak for all democrats? WTF??

    You're fun to poke.

    Your intellect peaks where mine begins. Get a ladder.

    As I have pointed out, the liberals have a problem of attracting extremists and racists.

    So do you pull your head out of your ass or do you stay in partisan land? Where lunatics only exist on the other guys team? Insect.:rose:
  2. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Let me try to understand this, it's okay to post a link to an inflammatory piece about how the groups like the Tea Party have caused an increase in death threats by 400%. A quick search shows two very credible sources saying the exact opposite, threats are down and the number of threats is at normal level.

    It appears that the expressed purpose of your post and the link, was an attempt to prove that the Tea Baggers were racist. You would be more credible if you had researched your source before posting it.

    But all is justifiable to you because you think the Tea Baggers are racists, it's okay to lie and distort the facts to prove your point, right?
  3. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    This particular lunatic is running for the U.S. Senate, supported loudly and ardently by the Tea Party movement. Insult me and belittle me all you want -- all you do is diminish your own stature.
  4. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    All do better than that I'll illustrate one for you.

    Hey everybody and Dante what follows is one big dodge because Dante here has said some very false and stupid things like racism in the US is benign and sort of a joke and now would rather talk about anything else except hm making a fool of himself again.

    Why because your own form of racism, the idea that there is no racism in the US and that its all just some bad joke, and are not looking just like the fool you actually are.

    I've already proven that Cap and Trade is just more proof of the lie that conservatism is in this nation, and the hypocrisy of conservatives/Republicans/Tea Baggers are hypocrites for opposing what they originally proposed themselves.

    I don't have to lecture on lying. Its enough just to point them out and prove them with sources while you just babble.

    Tea Party members (since some of them are in fact KKK and Aryan Nation) were not only calling for President Obama's assassination, they carried both guns and signs calling for violent revolution because they lost an election.

    Hey we're not the ones spitting in people's faces, carrying signs with President Obama depicted as an African Witch Doctor. We not the one's calling for second amendment solutions or using gun references. That's been the Tea Baggers all the way. And the only thing that has changed is they figured out how disturbing that was to most Americans so they and you have been backing away from the racism, threats and actual violence ever since.

    Really? Then you need to tell the Tea Party that. Or here's a real revelation for you actually look something up and research before you just run your ignorant foolish mouth.

    The Tea Party is the one claiming all the signs, the guns, the threats of violence and threats of assassination isn't them. Its the "others." They try the same phony excuses you are. So when Tea Party members put up a bill board comparing President Obama to Hitler and Lenin, that's not the Tea Party. That's not the state Tea Party. That's just some Tea Party members that did it on their own but does not reflect the sentiments of the Tea Party.

    Fucking laughable. The Tea Party is supposed to be the new political force but its not them doing all this bad stuff, its the "others" who in many cases just also happen to be Tea Party members.

    I already said this stupid lie isn't going to work but I guess you're a slow learner. I didn't say assassinating president Obama was Tea Party Policy. After all they would all be arrested wouldn't they.

    What I said and stand by is that the Tea Party is at base gun toting racists that preach violence, armed revolution and assassination is an acceptable way of dealing with losing an election in Democracy.

    But since the vast majority of the country doesn't go along with that and in fact oppose it the Tea Party has been busy trying to distance themselves from the base of their own organization.

    That's also why Tea Party backed candidates like Sharron Angle and Rand Paul suddenly have to re-invent themselves and lie and contradict themselves once they get in a real election because they suddenly find the majority of Americans think they are bat shit crazy. So they publicly flip-flop and think they can get away with that.

    You're the one trying to run from your own stupid statements and preach brainwashed right wing propaganda no matter how many times you're proven wrong.

    I admit that the increase in death threats has been denied by the Secret Service. What I haven't seen is the actual numbers those are based on.

    But despite that the fact remains that many more people have been arrested for threatening President Obama or even planning right wing terrorist attacks against blacks and President Obama.

    And that is coming from the far right wing and that makes up the majority of Tea Party Members.

    Ok once again (and I'll re-post this so you can find it) tell me what is the Tea Parties policy? What is their platform?

    In the meantime are you denying that Tea Party members carried guns to public meetings? Are you denying that Tea Party members have said the second amendment (in other words guns) were the answer instead of using the democratic process?

    Answer these Dante because all you're doing is babbling.

    Yes we've always had those lunatics as you call them. What we haven't had until now is an organized political party reaching out to those lunatics and reafirming their desire for violence and murder is justified because after all President Obama isn't just a black man; he's worse than Hitler and Lenin.

    That's the difference here. Its also what the Tea Party and you are desperately trying to deny and distance themselves from because they suddenly figured out the majority of voting Americans really don't support racism, gun violence, civil war and assassinations.

    And you know what's great about that. Instead of growing in support and members the Tea Party has to keep chopping off members trying to distance themselves from what is in reality their base.

    I think you're trying to do the same thing Sarah Palin did and failing just as miserably as she did.

    See, Palin and others went around making lots of references to guns and armed revolution and assassination and then far right lunatics actually went out and started doing it, so not wanting to get blamed for getting people killed all of a sudden they do two things.

    One, try to deny that their reference could be construed as a call to violence, murder and assassination. And two, drop the gun references and tone down their rhetoric because they know the criticisms are true. And I really don't think they mind so much that people are actually getting killed over it. They just don't want to get blamed for causing it.

    No I saw lots of scuffles and threats at public meetings. I saw lots of Tea Party members carrying guns, signs calling for armed revolution and glorifying racism.

    Like I said the Tea Party is constantly trying to reinvent themselves and distance themselves from their true base, but the evidence continues to mount.

    There were Tea Party members on the airways all day long yesterday trying to deny their racist roots while at the same time there's the billboard comparing President Obama to Hitler and Lenin.

    What was the Tea Party spokesman's answer to that? That billboard does not reflect the feelings and membership of the Tea Party. When it was pointed out the billboard was paid for by the Tea Party they had to go into instant damage control and claimed it was just individual Tea Party Members not the state or national Tea Party.

    Hey I know Tea Party guys. How about taking a little personal responsibility for your own party?

    No you didn't. What you showed was a writer and entertainer (you know like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh on your side) acting on a TV program.

    What I'm talking is a political party and candidates running for public office for that party that use references to assassinations and armed revolution and has since their inception.

    A political party that is now trying to back away from their own actions and statements because they figured out they were really politically unpopular.

    Oh good. Then so you're the expert and not tenguy. Great then you can answer the same question I asked him.

    How many people have been arrested for actually plotting to kill Barack Obama before and after his election as president?

    How many arrested for even threatening President Bush's life.

    Here's you chance to prove me wrong hot shot. But I'm betting you can't ans won't. One because you're wrong and two because all you can really do is run your mouth.

    Once again, how many people have been arrested for actually plotting to assassinate president Obama. How many where the threats were relevant enough to arrest someone over?

    How many for Bush did you say?

    What a great illustration of the phoniness of both you and Glenn Beck. Thanks for reminding me. You know, the part about encouraging and provoking people to violence, a few people getting killed, then publicly denouncing violence and killing, and then turning right around and doing it again.


    That's because you were lying then and are still lying now. I said the Tea Party and others (on the far right) are racist at base, and support armed revolution and assassination of President Obama and others.

    And I've proven that multiple times now with sources. You're trying to divert everything to the far rights calls and threats to assassinate saying that's not official Tea Party Policy even though its something that was first encouraged by Tea Party members at public meetings.

    But you're right about the hilarity of you making such a fool of yourself with nothing more than circular logic and empty rhetoric.

    You know what else is hilarous. Your stupid, just dumb as a box of rocks lies and unartful dodges. Here's your statement with highlights.

    Multiple examples of Tea Party members resorting to racist depictions and slurs against president Obama, examples of Tea Party member taking guns and signs calling for blood to Public meetings, examples of actually Tea Party members and Candidates advocating assassination as an appropriate course of action for losing an election.

    Sure I will. With glee, because you where stupid enough to even ask.


    course of action for losing an election.

    You're turn Dante. Let's see your proof of this?

    And I will point out again that you have failed to provide a credible source since you got here as far as I know and cannot seem to be able to answer the simplest of questions?

    Why is that? Because you're just spouting right wing noise machine false propaganda out your ass, perhaps.

    course of action for losing an election.

    Show them to me. Show me an ad posted by the Democrats comparing President Bush to Hitler and Lenin?

    I mean you're not just trying to bluff your way through are you?

    course of action for losing an election.

    Well just keep making up lies Dante but I already told you they won't work and you're making a lying fool of yourself instead of just a fool.

    I never said any such thing as only Obama gets death threats, called names or is compared to Hitler (although you still need some proof of that claim). That's just some stupid lie you made up in your own head because you can't refute what I actually did say.

    course of action for losing an election.

    How much would you like to bet? What makes you one of the biggest fools I've ever seen on this forum is Kimiko doesn't need me or anyone else on "her side." She's already proven herself to be one of the most intelligent, consistent, insightful and sexiest members on this forum and anyone who's been here any length of time knows that and consequently knows that you are full of shit as well.

    I need to get headed out to the mountain so I'll leave this here for right now because the idea that Kimiko is not intelligent or that I have no intelligence will be instantly recognized as a really, really stupid thing to say.

    See you later though tough guy.:kiss:;)
  5. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    Good one, you really got it there. Let me summarize your thoughts, because you do not have the intelligence to do so. And then I can answer my own summary rather than that disaster you spilled on the page above.

    You repeat about eight times that I said racism was benign. It seems you actually cannot read in context and that is why you are alone on this issue. I said the accusation of racism was benign because it is over used, not the action of racism. You are still retarded.

    You once again say that cap and trade is a right wing scam, but forget that it is the energy policy of your beloved Obama; once again making yourself look ridiculous. I think you have contradicted yourself about thirteen times alone on that single issue.

    You say it is alright what Vidal and Behar said because they are "acting on TV," but then you condemn Glenn Beck who is also on TV for doing the same thing they did. In other words, you're still a one sided dolt--and you're a hypocrite.

    You claim the Tea Party should be blamed for the words of one of their candidates. But then you wont say that the democratic party should be held responsible for the words of Harry Reid. In other words, you're still a one sided dolt--and you're a hypocrite.

    You show posters of Obama as Hitler and say it is shameful and proof of right wing sickness. You forget about the pictures of Bush as Hitler and forget to call that left wing sickness. In other words, you are a one sided dolt--and you're a hypocrite.

    You kiss up to Kimiko.

    There you go, a penny for your thoughts and a dollar for the summary. If you want what authors call a hook line, an even shorter summary of your thoughts, I can oblige:

    "Only right wing people are racist, only right wing people make death threats, only right wing people should be held responsible for what they say. I'm completely bias and blind. I can't read in context."

    See, it's not so hard to make things clear and concise. You just can't form your thoughts properly, the sign of any intellectually challenged individual. Poor guy. :(
  6. bacterius

    bacterius Porn Star

    Apr 10, 2008
    This sums up pretty much the current situation.
  7. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    You do what ever you want to there Dante because I've already told you what I'm going to do and I'll do it my way.

    But right now I think I'll have another beer, a few hits off Grandma's bong and fuck.
  8. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008
  9. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    This is about the most intelligent post I've ever seen you make.:laughing:
  10. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006
    Why President Obama loses by winning

    By JOHN F. HARRIS & JIM VANDEHEI | 7/15/10 6:13 AM EDT

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0710/39772.html#ixzz0triD9tPx

  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    You lie again Dante, trying to change the actual arguments and points made because you can't logically and rationally argue what you said and what others say so you continue these impotent and stupid dodges.

    Remember Dante you started with this stupid little pack of fucking lies.

    How can you be this stupid?

    I never said any such thing. What I said and have proven is the Tea Party began with clearly racist overtones, advocating violent revolution, and carrying guns to public meetings, and suggesting assassination was an acceptable alternative to majority rule.

    You asked for proof and Kimiko provided this:

    So then you try to dodge all that by trying to lie and say I claimed assassinating president Obama was "Tea Party Policy."

    Kimiko presents you with a quote from Sharron Angle, the Tea Party's nationally announced chosen candidate in Nevada, and you try to claim that does not count because she didn't suggest Assassinating President Obama.

    That's how plain fucking stupid you're arguments are and its little wonder you are now trying to run and cloud the issues like a squid in the water.

    Another glaringly stupid lie Dante. You're actually God awful terrible at this.


    And as far as Joy Behar goes I can't find a single reference to her even being a democrat let alone a spokesperson for the democratic party so if you got proof put it up Dante, because you've already proven what an outrageous bullshitter you really are.

    Really Dante? Well lets see about that. If what you're saying is true you can provide examples just like I did for you.

    And if you can't well then you're just a phony bullshitter aren't you?

    Once again I'm calling a bullshit on this one too and point out that if what you're saying is true you will have no problems citing examples.

    And if you can't or don't you're not just a phony bullshitter you actually do what you falsely accuse others of.

    No, bullshit again Dante. Once again here is exactly what you said:

    Its not my job to try and figure out what you MEANT to say. Try this:


    But just to prove that you do believe and claim racism is benign I call your attention to the word underlined in red. You are calling racists "inept" or clumsy, unskilled; incompetent. Racists are just harmless little jokes to you. So if racists are incompetent then racism must be benign.

    That's how stupid your arguments really are Dante. And it is a delight to expose them.

    What stupid impotent lies you tell Dante. Once again, here's the actual discussion:

    The "others" are the one's actually calling for President Obama's assassination as well as threatening assassination, and actually planning to assassinate President Obama. Now those others may or may not be official Tea Party members but one thing for fucking sure there genius they are not liberal/Democrats.

    But we've clearly demonstrated the Tea Party's racism as exposed in their racist attacks, their racist signs and slogan's and don't forget all the jokes that have been passed around referencing President and First Lady Michelle Obama to monkeys (one of Deidre's favorite references).

    However, since racism is really unpopular to the majority of Americans, with the obvious exception of people like you who think racism is benign and racist are inept, the Tea Party has had to try and distance themselves from the racist views of many of their members.

    Again Sharron is a nationally promoted Tea Party Candidate and she clearly referenced assassination as a cure for Harry Reid which can't be a more glaring example of the Tea Party apparently agreeing.

    Sure haven't seen the Tea Party refute or deny that have you?

    Again just remarkably stupid Dante.

    As proof of Tea Party racism I have presented the actual signs carried by Tea Party members depicting President Obama as an African Witch Doctor. And I have provided you with a university study that documents the racist tendencies of Tea Party Members.

    Once again you're just trying to babble and cloud the issues because I think you actually are smart enough to realize how stupid many of the things you say are.

    First cite what you're talking about. I bet we can all get another laugh out of what you think is "evidence." So do that. Stop just babbling your bullshit because you can't admit you're wrong but can't shut the fuck up either.

    But I do remember on incident over something Harry Reid said. Reid apologized for it and everyone just went on. Happens all the time. But I don't recall anything as Reid calling President Obama a nigger or an African Witch doctor, or a Kenyan/Muslim. And I do remember Tea Party members and others on the right claiming and saying those things.

    Other than that Harry Reid is most definetly a spokesman for the Democratic Party. He's the Senate Majority leader after all and will be again.

    But go ahead and show me where Reid has been racist, called for violent revolution, and suggested assassination as a remedy for US majority rule.

    Never mind you can't. Because you are after all just a brainwashed bullshitting phony that does not even own your own knowledge.


    What a ridiculous bullshitting phony you are and the grandest fool I've seen on this forum in sometime.

    We do? All sides have their extremists I agree. Show me viable examples of liberal/Democratic racism though.

    Can't can you? And you know why? See above.

    Glad you reminded me about this Dante. I've been meaning to point this out again. There is no question I am a liberal/Democrat partisan. In fact I was elected as a democratic precinct committeeman.

    But what happened to your bullshit claim that you are not partisan. Fuck, how stupid was that Dante?:excited:
  12. WhaWhaWha

    WhaWhaWha Registered Self Abuser

    Jul 17, 2007
  13. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Yes exactly what I've been pointing out all along. Instead of responding to what I actually say you make up a bunch of bullshit lies in your own head and then try to argue that because you can't refute what I actually said.

    Stupid and obvious dishonest dodging technique lots of people try to use.

    The retarded one would be the one who continues to deny the very words he actually wrote, and the thoughts they conveyed just because he said some really stupid things and then got called on them.

    And the charge that you think racism in the US is "benign" is further supported by your claim that racists are just "inept" or incompetent.

    There is now getting around this one Dante but by all means keep trying because I revel in your foolishness and ignorance.

    Ok let's take this one at a time. I PROVED Cap and Trade was a conservative/Republican idea to allow major polluters to keep on polluting while we convert to green energy, as long as they can get someone else to pollute less.

    Do you actually have any idea what that really amounts to? A coal fired Generator can pay some rancher in Wyoming, Colorado, or Montana for example to leave their land in natural grass which is exactly what they do anyway.

    But what makes this so stupid on your part, yes it is a part of President Obama's energy policy, and if some fuck as stupid as you are wouldn't have tried to fake a video of president Obama saying his energy plan will cause energy prices to skyrocket you'd know that because that is what he went onto explain. The conversion to alternative and renewable energies must have some help, support and protection, like cap and trade, for the industries we all ready have and consumers.

    Well since all you've done is tell lies for the last several posts there's no sense changing now is there Dante.

    I never said any such thing as I think its alright for Vidal and Behar to have said anything even remotely suggesting killing a president or anyone else for that matter. I am so opposed to killing or even suggesting it or even violence I vehemetily oppose the death penalty.

    Now see how you lie?

    But let's look at another one; lie that is.

    I condemn anyone who uses or even suggests violence or killing people and that includes Vidal and Behar, and even supporters of the death penality.

    But the real problem you have here is claiming Vidal and Behar are spokespersons for the Democratic Party. Vidal is clearly not. In fact in his own way he claims to be a conservative. And I cannot find a single reference to Behar even being a democrat let alone a spokeswoman for the Democratic Party.

    Glenn Beck on the other hand is largely responsible for creating and promoting the Tea Party, so he definitely speaks for the Tea Party when he suggests poising Nancy Pelosi. Its still assassination even if they don't use a gun.

    See what allegedly passes for thinking in your brain.

    Still lying Dante. I've proven the Tea Party has been directly related to racism. I've proven that Tea Party Candidates and spokespeople for the tea party have advocated violent revolution and assassination as an acceptable remedy to losing an election.

    None of that comes from just one candidate. Its coming from the most visible and promoted Tea Party candidates there are as well as their rank and file right wing extremists.

    Again give me the words of Harry Reid and lets have a look at them.

    But don't you also need more than one example? After all we have presented you with several examples of Tea Party racism.

    Or are you claiming Harry Reid or other prominent democrats have advocated armed revolution and assassination.

    Same choice Dante. Either back up what you're saying or prove yourself to be nothing but a bullshitting phony.

    No I said it was proof of Tea Party racism and ultra right wing extremists which the Tea Party had to instantly try to distance themselves from even though the advertisement was paid for by Tea Party members.

    See the Tea Party is just like you. Trying to deny the obvious, cover their tracks, flip-flop and hope everyone is as dumb as they are and notice.

    Actually I don't recall liberal/Democrats depicting or even comparing President Bush to Hitler. But if I had I would have certainly objected to them. Especially if they were showing up at democratic functions and public meetings. I would throw a fit over that and publicly condemn any liberal/Democrats that resorted to such a thing.

    That kind of emotion packed extremism is absolutely stupid no matter who does it and must be condemned where ever it found.

    But speaking of found, have you found any pictures of liberal/Democrats attending public meetings and rallies with signs or pictures of President Bush to Hitler?

    You need to do that because you might be right about this but you've already established yourself as such a phony bullshitter I've got no reason to believe you.

    No offense Dante, but are you gay?

    No you can't. You're a ridiculous bullshitting phony who could not pour piss out of a boot if the directions were on the heel. You'd have to hold it above your head and look first.

    Just like you said at the start of this, this is a great example of you making up stupid lies in your own head about what I said because you can't refute what I actually did say.

    And here's just how stupid this really is Dante. I may slip up occasionally especially in informal writing, but I try real hard not to use absolute terms like ALL, ONLY, EVERY, because you have to be an idiot to do that. Which of course is another of your consistent fallacies.

    There is no way in a world as complex and diverse as this one than that absolute terms will ever be factually true. It would be patently stupid, irrational and illogical to try and claim that only right wing people are racist, advocate violence, or assassination.

    There are bound to be racists on the left, and extremists who might even advocate violence or assassination. But those are the extremely rare cases on the right while racism, advocating armed revolution, and assassination are much more prominent on the right and in fact actually make up a significant percentage of the Tea Party base.

    You made me laugh out loud at this one Dante. Even you know what a verbal ass kicking you've taken here and how badly you have presented yourself and your ridiculous right wing noise machine brainwashed false propaganda.

    And that is the truth.
  14. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    In that case.
  15. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    You're actually a lot worse at bluffing than you are at debate and you're God awful terrible at debate.;):kiss:
  16. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008
    Does anyone like Obama anymore? His policies are so anti American I see very little reason real red white and blue Americans ever would, not here. It seems the left is just as mad, are they not? Supporters on here skew his popularity in the States. As the first African American to become President he could have done so much better, don't you think? I do. He does not realize his power and sadly uses it in the wrong way. Is that enough?
  17. misterbo

    misterbo Sex Lover Suspended!

    May 13, 2010
    Ya, but what if nobody hates him???:mad:
  18. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    He has lost the independents, he has lost his own base,,,,,his policies are over after this election in November.
  19. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    What is this I hear Levi and Bristol are an item again? How did that happen?...drugs? I certainly hope we can reverse his Acorn like trend. ;)
  20. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Dumber than hell,,,maybe he see's a meal ticket in the future...