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  1. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Where's your poll Deidre79?

    And in the meantime:

    You've been here a long time tenguy. You're supposed to be able to think fair and objective. Just in your opinion by your own observation and experience is Deidre79 telling the truth when he claims the moderators on this forum discriminate against him and show others favoritism?

    Do you believe that's true tenguy?

    Same question to you Distant Lover. I mean come on Deidre79 is wrecking multiple threads which I think we could stop if you just answer my question.

    By your observation and experience have you seen the moderators on this forum discriminate against Deidre79 and show favoritism to others?
  2. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    It is so, so sad to see someone lose it as you are, please seek help for your unhealthy obsession with Deidre.
  3. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I have not noticed, but I have not been looking. What I have seen is that you, who are much older than deidre79, behaves less maturely.
  4. bacterius

    bacterius Porn Star

    Apr 10, 2008
    I had decided for a while to ignore your comments, since they are very naive and I think you are another blind follower of Obama, in your eyes he can do no wrong and with someone like that there is no point debating. If I (who obviously am one of the less serious members of this forum) have you on an ignore list, I don't want to know which list the rest of the forum has you on.

    However I will respond to this post in hopes (maybe in vain) that you will realize how blindly you are following Obama. Poll numbers suggest support for the policies made. Obama, like all politicians was elected and should follow the will of the majority of the electorate. Right now he is following his agenda and not the agenda of the people. That is called dictatorship. Granted that is too harsh of a word and not worthy to describe the current government, but there is no democracy when the will of the people is not being followed.
  5. ItalianStallionDanny

    ItalianStallionDanny Porno Junky

    Jul 22, 2009
    My Name is Daniel and I support this post!

    Also there is a song I'd like to direct you to stumbler that fits your Situation

    Finely orchastrated by Metallica.... If you don't like the music than atleast read the lyrics... It holds a very dear message.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2010
  6. combatvet_ny

    combatvet_ny Amateur

    Nov 23, 2009

    I second this. There was a speach obama gave at the beginning of his term were he said that he will visit all 57 states. There is 57 states of islam, not of the U.S. He also stated that we are the biggest muslim country, but again if my history is correct then this country was founded on christian beliefs (No i am not against islam and im not christian so dont think this is some religous hate im trying to spew) and is majorly christian. He has done nothing but kiss ass of other countries. Im not saying he hasnt done anything for this country but if he had it isnt something big.
  7. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Lets start here. I formally believe that on balance so far Barack Obama is the most intelligent, effective and hardest working president I've seen in my lifetime.

    But at the same time in my eyes he has also done many things wrong. He's made many mistakes, and he has not been consistent enough and strong enough in pushing his and the democrats agenda instead of being mostly in the middle of the road.

    No, President Obama is far from perfect, and in fact always reflected in his negative poll numbers are progressive/liberals/Democrats that firmly believe President Obama has sold them out.

    I would think it would readily apparent to you that I neither know not care how many people have me on ignore or what other lists I might be on. And since I was 14 years old I've also never cared what others thought or said about me, although I've always been willing to listen to criticism and advice from people I actually do admire and respect.

    All I really care about is discussing, debating and occasionally fighting in what is the most intellectually stimulating environment I've ever found in the context of a fun and sexy adult play ground.

    And whether other people like that or not is of no concern to me. I don't live my life according to what other people might or might not think about me. If I did they would be the ones living my life instead of me.

    First as I have established here and other places I am not following President Obama and the Democrats blindly. I read, research, follow multiple news sources, and note their failures as well as successes.

    But I think you have just provided ample proof of the exact form of blindness you just accused me of.

    Why to you say President Obama is not following the will of the people. He is actually doing for the most part exactly what he said he would do if he got elected president and the majority will of the people in this nation voted for him.

    Or are you using the health care reform polls that showed at the time of its passage a majority of Americans opposed the reforms as your proof. But your proof would be proven false on two counts. A majority (as high as 70% in some polls) favored health care reform when it was first proposed. The opponents of health care reform resorted to the exact same scare tactics, misinformation and outright lies they've used for the past 100 years and yes those worked, to scare a majority of Americans for a short period of time.

    But now that health care reform is a reality and people are finding out what it really does to the majority of Americans now support the new health care reforms.

    So president Obama is in deed and in fact acting according to the true desires of the majority of Americans.

    Poll numbers will always fluctuate. They can serve as guides. But should never be used as the sole determination for making decisions and implementing policy because they are too variable.

    The only poll that will really count for President Obama are the polls where people vote in 2012.

    But I have to say that right now the Democrats are in a better position to retain control of both the Senate and House of Representatives than I would have ever believed possible
  8. combatvet_ny

    combatvet_ny Amateur

    Nov 23, 2009
    stumbler, if you actually did read anything about obama it must have been from the fiction section.
  9. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006
    Fun airport music! I just freaked out that old lady sitting next to me! :lol::cool:
  10. bacterius

    bacterius Porn Star

    Apr 10, 2008
    People did vote for Obama on the promises for policies, but those policies when turned into law were not what people expected. It is easy to say 70% wanted to change health care, surely I agree too, but not what he eventually changed them to. When people realized what he wanted to do, that is when the polls changed. The majority of the people do not want the changes he is making. Rather than listening to the people he is bulldozing his ideas through. And those scare tactics, are the same ones that elected him in the first place. Using people as sheep is not a one way street.

    I would like to see where did you get the info that most people support the reforms? That will only be truly visible in November. I assure you that reality will be short lived once all these socialist ideas are reversed.

    It is not only poll numbers, millions of people tried to make their voices heard through town halls and their state reps, point is no one listened to them. Obama did not listen even when he lost the Massachusetts seat. There is no voice louder than that. As I said it will all change in November and hopefully we will both be here to witness it. I hope that in November if things change for the Democrats you will acknowledge that Obama's way is pissing off a shit load of people, and if even then you do not realize that Obama has lost its base, then you are truly blind.

    keep your head in the sand.
  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    The policies in reality never are exactly what was promised. Every president ever elected no matter how extreme on either end of the political spectrum move towards the middle. Because Politics is in fact and reality the art of compromise.

    But here's where your theory of public opinion polls falls apart. First public opinion polls can shift on a single event, they can also rise and fall almost weekly, and most of all they are a very poor way to make decisions on complex issues that take a great deal of time to actually do.

    The public's opinion can also be dramatically influenced at any given time by scare tactics, false information, or even misunderstandings.

    Leaders and government cannot base their decisions on public opinion polls. And the only public opinion that really counts is the voting booths. And that is based on a politicians overall performance not on any given opinion poll at any given time.

    President Bush remember had pretty low poll numbers at the end of his first term and was re-elected.

    Here ya go. And there are also other polls showing the same thing.


    And your right about the real poll being in November but I point out both the GOP and Tea Party swore they would use the anger and animosity of the American people for passing health care reform against the President Obama and the Democrats.

    That was a bad bet that already has them in a minority and is getting worse everyday as people begin to actually enjoy the benefits of the health care reforms. And the liberals/progressives/Democrats are promoting those positives as hard and as fast as they can.

    Anything claim even a million is a gross exaggeration that has been thoroughly debunked. But let me grant your millions by admitting there were millions watching it unfold on TV. Tens of millions maybe in a nation of 300,000,000. So no majority is represented there.

    And it is further diminished by the fact that a large number of the objections are coming from people like me who is outraged President Obam and the Democrats had a chance to create a public option insurance program and they chicken out. Lots of us wanted to go all the way to a single payer system like some of the ones in the EU.

    But while we don't like it and were disappointed which was reflected in the opinion polls its not like we're going to be voting for Republicans or Tea Party candidates in November.

    Which is absolutely meaningless for two reasons. It in no way reflected the national opinion and secondly since being elected Scott Brown (I think it was) has turned out to be quite moderate and just helped the democrats pass financial reform legislation.

    Sure there is bacterious in fact that was no voice at all and since when one election in a state define the United States of America.

    Here is my best analysis. This coming mid-term election should have been an absolute given for the Republicans to re-gain control of the House, Senate or most likely both. That is a consistent US voting pattern which divides the power because Americans actually do prefer that.

    But instead the Republicans have not gained any significant lead over the democrats and worse as the election season kicks off instead of gaining a seat in Nevada and retaining a seat in Kentucky the democrats are now on track to win both races now when they written off just a couple months ago.

    And in the meantime the Tea Party has instead of being an asset turned into a national distraction and created even more deep divisions further depleting an already minority base.

    That's the way I see it and I am actually excited and optimistic about the coming November elections and will most certianly watch them with you.

    And if I'm wrong it won't be the first time. But right now I'm feeling pretty good.

    We will see.
  12. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Poll: Health care plan gains favor

    Updated 3/24/2010

    By Susan Page, USA TODAY
    WASHINGTON — More Americans now favor than oppose the health care overhaul that President Obama signed into law Tuesday, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds — a notable turnaround from surveys before the vote that showed a plurality against the legislation.


    Here are some more recent polls: June 30, 2010

    The Kaiser Family Foundation is the latest survey outlet to see positive movement on the health-care reform bill. In their May poll, 41 percent approved of the bill and 44 percent didn't. Their June poll has flipped to 48 percent approval and 41 percent disapproval. That's the fourth poll in a row to show improving numbers for the legislation.

  13. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    Haha, forgive me if I see certain irony in liberals now using polling about health care to make a point. When the polls were against health care I'm quite sure they were "meaningless," now that they are for it, the left can't get enough of them; and suddenly the peoples support means something, when their lack of support meant nothing.

    And while the right was all about health care polls before, now they don't find much meaning in them.

    "When it's for me, I'm for it. When it's against me, I'm against it."

    Ahhh partisan politics, there but for the grace of god go I.
  14. ancient_red

    ancient_red Sensual Skeptic

    Nov 20, 2008
  15. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
  16. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    I always loved that clip, it's one of those life paradoxes.

    "These vaccines are going to make it so there are less people alive on the planet."

    I mean, you of course know what he means, but it doesn't change the upside down nature of the statement.

    'We're going to save lives but cutting down on them."

    "We're going to make the world a better place by taking you out of it."

    "We're going to save children by stopping children from existing."

    This is fun.
  17. ancient_red

    ancient_red Sensual Skeptic

    Nov 20, 2008
    I never know when people are being serious. But anyway, yeah better survival rates means fewer people alive at once, surprisingly.
  18. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I have a great deal of respect for polls. I certainly acknowledge that Obama's approval rating has declined since his inauguration. I have said on several occasions that I think he should have worked on the economy before addressing health care.
  19. roadtoad58

    roadtoad58 Porno Junky

    Aug 19, 2007

    Just keep giving money away driving up the national debt with nothing to show for real smart thinking only by a usless libril Roadtoad:)
  20. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007

    If you are worried about the national debt, did you complain when George W. Bush started two expensive wars while cutting taxes? :confused: