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  1. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Redo That Voodoo

    By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: July 15, 2010

    Republicans are feeling good about the midterms — so good that they’ve started saying what they really think. This week the party’s Senate leadership stopped pretending that it cares about deficits, stating explicitly that while we can’t afford to aid the unemployed or prevent mass layoffs of schoolteachers, cost is literally no object when it comes to tax cuts for the affluent...

    So $30 billion in aid to the unemployed is unaffordable, but 20 times that much in tax cuts for the rich doesn’t count...

    Republicans remain committed to deep voodoo, the claim that cutting taxes actually increases revenues.

    It’s not true, of course. Ronald Reagan said that his tax cuts would reduce deficits, then presided over a near-tripling of federal debt. When Bill Clinton raised taxes on top incomes, conservatives predicted economic disaster; what actually followed was an economic boom and a remarkable swing from budget deficit to surplus. Then the Bush tax cuts came along, helping turn that surplus into a persistent deficit, even before the crash...

    elief in the magical powers of tax cuts is a zombie doctrine: no matter how many times you kill it with facts, it just keeps coming back. And despite repeated failure in practice, it is, more than ever, the official view of the G.O.P.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2010
  2. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    This is an absolute lie ItalianStallionDanny. President Obama and the Democrats cut taxes on the middle class, they extended unemployment benefits and subsidized COBRA payments for middle class people who lost their jobs to the recession caused by the Greedy upper class bankers, stock brokers, finance managers and hedgefund operators which were actually bailed out by President Bush and the congress before President Obama with the TARP program.

    Do you deny that?

    What the fuck does this have to do with the money President and the Democrats had to spend to stop the recession, help middle class and poor Americans survive it and get the economy moving again.

    They've actually been brilliant about it and the economic numbers are beginning to show that. They've actually started to add jobs after losing 8 million jobs under Bush.

    This is fucking babbling insanity. If middle class Americans or anyone else does not want to purchase health care insurance they can pay a fine or a fee. But in the meantime the benefits of the new health care reforms especially for middle class people like me so far out weigh any other objections I'm all for it. And now so are a majority of Americans once they begin to learn what is really in the reforms instead of the lies like you tell.

    Again absolutely false. Where do you get this bullshit. Better yet what rock do you live under that you do not know the US Supreme Court has ruled twice now that people have a personal right to own guns and no city or state can prevent that.

    And show me one liberal gun control law even being proposed. Show me that.

    Bull Fucking Shit ItalianStallionDanny. President Obama no anyone else in the federal government has raised taxes on guns and ammunition. That's just a really stupid lie.

    There have been no new federal regulations on gun purchases since President Obama became president. And if there are post them or admit you're just bullshitting about this one too.

    Bull Fucking Shit Again ItalianStallionDanny there have been no new federal taxes on guns and ammunition since President Obama got elected.

    If there were you could post them.

    This made no sense at all. So fuck it.

    Oh no ItalianStallionDanny the Tea Party springs from the bile of the likes of Glenn Beck who nearly invented it and certianly promoted it and I will attack any party or anyone who advocates violent revolution, assassination, racism, and extremism.

    Tell you what. Since you seem to be so hot on them I would also oppose any fucking fool who took a gun to a public meeting with signs calling for blood and the fucking idiot who actually left a loaded gun at a public meeting doesn't have enough good sense to own a fucking gun. That's a walking billboard for gun control.

    And those are also your Tea Party members.

    More lies. No one violated, disregarded and diminished the Constitution of the United States more than George Bush.

    And your Masons and Catholic Church conspiracy bullshit just proves you're a fool.

    Like I've never heard or seen the History of the Free Masons and all the other New World Order fucking bullshit and like it said it just reinforces the evidence that Tea Party members are a bunch of nut cases.

    I just did and that is one of probably a dozen or more pictures like that I can show you. Everything from people calling for armed revolution to depicting President Obama as an African Witch Doctor.

    I will oppose people who call for armed revolution and assassination of public officials because they lost a fucking election and don't want to live under the constitution they claim they defend.

    Listen phony. I've already proven with the help of others on other threads where you've made a fool of yourself that racism, calls for armed revolution, advocating assassination for a remedy to majority rule, and flip flopping are the hallmarks of the Tea Party.

    Not an instance where the far right fringes are saying these things. No the leaders of the Tea party saying them. Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle, Glenn Beck. Tea party founders and political stars and actual candidates for the Tea Party Doing that.

    By the way did you hear about the Tea Party leaders response to the NCAA charges of racism where he wrote a blog saying "us colored people don't like the emancipation proclamation, we colored people don't want to have to work, we colored people want to have the government take care of us." And called President Lincoln the greatest racist that ever lived.

    It was so stupid it was only up for a couple hours but racism has now become a Tea Party brand.

    I've already told you you grandstanding phony that I oppose racism where ever it is. But the Tea Party absolutely has so many cross references to racism that they bobble back and forth and Mark Williams is flip flopping backing up and its already to late because he just nationally fucked up.

    Again just empty false bravado Dante. Laughable and pathetic at the same time. But funny, Really, really funny.:excited:
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Really, can I check and see how you're responding?:)
  4. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Oh fuck this is just too great not to put up. I can't fucking believe it. Mark Williams is one of the Tea Party founders and prominent spokesman. Yesterday he got into an argument on CNN with NAACP president Benjamin Jealous and then in response to that wrote this letter.

    Here it is:

    No, no racism there is there?:excited:

    And remember this is the Tea Party's response to the NAACP's charge of racism.

    That's what passes for thinking in the Tea Party.
  5. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    Hey Stumbler, you may want to stop taking things out of context. Or better yet, just stop taking things anywhere. That letter was written as a satire after Williams attacked the NAACP for calling black people "colored," people. Even your liberal blogs recognize it as "an apparent attempt at satire."

    It was a poor attempt at humor to be sure, and that guy isn't too bright; but the point remains that he was attacking the NAACP for their own racism and their treatment of "colored people" in a satirical fashion. Now I didn't expect you to get that because satire is by it's very nature subtle and you are stupid. Thanks for playing.

    P.S. I'm glad you aren't desperate. :rolleyes:
  6. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    No shit satire this time not benign racism or inept racists.

    Now Dante explain how the NAACP is racist?

    Let's see you try to do at least that much.

    Oh yeah sure, sure Dante, he was using that Satire to defend the Tea Party against the NAACP's charge of Tea Party Racism, and that proves its the NAACP That's racist.

    Excuse me did you say the NAACP is an alleged national political party? Would you be that stupid? Or are they an organization that has tried to help minorities overcome racism in the US and find a better life.

    That's you're national leader up there Dante and I wouldn't cut him down too much because I think he's way brighter than you and he's dumb as a box of rocks.

    But either way the Tea Party just took what could be a fatal blow.

    By the way Harry Reid now leads Sharron Angle by about six or seven points as another testament to the what passes for Tea Party thinking.

    I'm glad you're such a big easy target for exposing Tea Party thinking. You're right up there with ItilianDanny.

    PS That is the most hateful, divisive, prejudiced and disgusting thing I've read in 30 years.
  7. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    Don't pretend like you now know what satire is little buddy, you were going full throttle claiming that was a clearly "racist" letter. You had no idea it was satire because your mental standing remains as low as an untouchable in India.
    You fucking MORON. I never said I thought the NAACP was racist, I said Mr. Williams claimed they were racist and his satire was an attack on their racism. If you read what he said--rather than cherry picking what you want--you would see he thinks the NAACP calling minorities "colored" people is racist and the NAACP keeping "colored" people unmotivated to improve their lives by keeping them comfortable with things like welfare is also racist. It's a compelling argument and one I've heard before, relying mostly on the devil you refuse to recognize rather than the devil you know.

    But whether or not you agree with it, it has nothing to do with my own opinions and you still CANNOT READ IN CONTEXT.

    HA. HA. HA. Where did I say ANYWHERE in my post that it proved the NAACP was racist? I said Mr. Williams believes that the NAACP is racist and that is why he wrote the satirical letter mocking their use of the word "colored", whether or not he can prove that by his means has no affect on me.

    You cannot read.
    I did not even use the words national political party in my post and I did not even allege anything in my post. I simply showed that you do not know what satire is, or you are too stupid to recognize it when everyone else does. Where do you get this crap?:rolleyes:

    Many things you consider "helpful" to minorities from the NAACP, Williams considers hurtful. But that discussion gets into things way beyond your mental frame so I am not even going to start it. Suffice to say, you cannot read.
    My national leader? I am not a tea party member you vapid midget mind of vapor.

    My god...you just say shit, don't you? I'm convinced you don't even think, you just move your fingers and say shit (an apt description in more ways than one). Not to mention that even your implication was a grammatical error in which I apparently became the leader of tea party movement. You make me laugh, thank you. :laughing:
    That is your opinion and it is a waste of time. I'm sure you'd love if they fell apart, but then, you are completely bias and completely worthless.
    Again, my level of give-a-shit just fell through the floor. Sharon Angle is foolish and Harry Reid is a snake, only a very "special" person could root for either of them. Do you think everyone is as blind as you? Do you think we're all little partisan robots who wet their pants when poll numbers come out with "our side" winning? Enjoy you're half of the world, I'll continue to enjoy the whole thing.

    I'm glad you're such an easy target for exposing a lack of thought. You're right up there with--who am I kidding? You're in a league of your own. :kiss:
  8. liltxsmile

    liltxsmile Firecat

    May 26, 2010

    LOL. I live much futher south!! :)
  9. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    I may be taking your tone as dripping with sarcasm, but I'll answer you as if you're being earnest :rolleyes:

    Here's what a credible, responsible, legitimate political "party" ought to do in order to get themselves in a position where they can constructively address the concerns of their constituents:

    1) indicate their platform without equivocation
    2) elect accountable leadership
    3) be clear about what they would specifically accomplish if elected
    4) actively distance themselves from the extremists seeking to co-op the movement

    The Tea Partiers have #1 partly complete - 2 through 4 are ~zilch~ thus far. Your attempt to paint my critique in an extreme light doesn't eliminate the fact that the Tea Partiers, mostly by being inept organizers, have - by default - invited the racists into their midst. They're there - I've seen and listened to them myself, in person. These guys have been at every Tea Party event I've visited, read about or heard about. Not once have they been asked, or told, to go away to my knowledge.

    I'm not talking about the softcore folks that get a little squirmy when a black guy sits in the booth next to them at McDonalds, either - I'm talking about the guy who firmly believes with all of his heart that our current president is a defective, inferior human via skin color. To suggest that these guys add anything of value to the process (besides morbid and unintentional humor) is silly. You don't want me to think you're silly, do you?

    If the Tea Partiers were serious, their so-called leadership would be announcing loud and clear that racism in every and any form is not welcome within their process and then ask the obvious racists to go away when they show up. They haven't and they likely wont - I believe they kind of like the intimidation factor. We're pissed off and dangerous - eeewwww, you better take us seriously :lol: The longer they get press, the less impressed I am with them as a group and individually.
  10. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    You and Williams are trying to call it "satire" I'm calling it the most racist, the most prejudice, most offensive and dumbest fucking thing I've seen in more than 40 years and the Tea Party is going to get killed over it if they do not publicly denounce Williams and try to invent yet another form of the dozens the Tea Party has tried.

    And do I need to point out again you phony fuck that even you called it bad.

    The significance of it is this is what passes for thinking in the Tea Party. First accuse the NAACP of being racist and then turn around and write one of the most offensive things possible. And I mean with offensiveness not seen since the 1960's ending segregation and passing civil rights.

    It was such a monumental fuck up he had to take down within hours but its already too late. Anytime someone tries to claim the Tea Party is not overtly racist all we have to do is present that letter.

    You're a Tea Party supporter aren't you. The Tea Party is claiming the NAACP is a racist organization aren't they? And you support all that including the "satire" so what makes the NAACP racist.

    And do I also need to remind you Mr. Phony Fuck that you've said dozens of times not that the Tea Party is not racist.

    Well, well Dante I like the color of your own racism although you like to think its benign and racists are inept (including you) but do you have any idea how old the NAACP is? Of course not. You'd never bother to actually know something before you ran your mouth.

    The NAACP is more than 100 years old and picked a name to reflect what they wanted to achieve at a time when "Colored People" was the politically correct term in a completely racist and segregated society they were in at the time.

    And instead of keeping blacks on welfare you idiot fuck they originally organized to help fight the lynchings of black people in the south. They fought for civil rights and for education and for colored people to pull themselves out of proverty and dispair not exist in it on welfare.

    That's it right there. All the racism, prejudice and lies for the past 100 years and you just showed you personally own it in your own fucking head.

    You pull this phony shit time after time on thread after thread by now Dante sweetheart and you didn't even get away with it the first time.

    You just gave you sickening opinion in the quote above this you condescending racist fuck.

    Hey dumb fuck you gave your opinion right here. Let me highlight it a little for you this time.

    Can't miss that can you especially the part where you are agreeing and supporting him by claiming this is the "devil" we refuse to recognize.

    Who can't read you dumb fuck. You're and Williams are claiming the NAACP is racist and what I pointed out is the NAACP is not a recognized national political party like the Tea Party Claims to be.

    An alleged national party I might add that is on the news everyday claiming they are not racist while their national leaders publish something like that.

    Racism in satirical form is no more fucking acceptable than any other kind of racism you pitiful inane drone.

    Oh wait I forgot it is for you because you believe racism is benign and racist are just inept little jokes.

    Absolutely and that hate and resentment of helping minorities is so apparent in Williams letter. That idea that black people don't want to work and just want to collect welfare. The idea that they are just ripping us hard working white people off. And the idea that racism doesn't exist here except inside the NAACP.

    That's why a graduated to calling you phony fuck. You go in thread after thread pages of posts supporting the Tea Party, challenging anything someone says bad about them, defending their leaders and their supposed policy and then turn around and try to claim your not a Tea Party supporter.

    So fucking phony.

    Did you notice you said "say shit" repeadly and failed to make any sense here?

    You know. Just saying before you criticize anyone else's writing.

    No you lie as usual Dante. I never said you were a Tea Party leader. You are a Tea Party supporter and every bit as partisian in their favor as I am for liberal/Democrats.

    I admit that. You try to fool people. And succeed at only being a fool.

    I've actually loved the Tea Party since its racist, gun totting, assassination promoting inception. For the very reason what is exactly happening right now. They have chopped off the extreme far right base of the Republican Party and exposed themselves for nut case extremists.

    All they've managed to do is expose and discredit the Republican base and further divide an already weakened party.

    Without the Tea Party I think the US electorate would have followed past traditions and elected a Republican majority in the House and Senate. But thanks to the extremism of the Tea Party democrats are starting to look pretty good in November.

    Again I can only laugh at you bouncing like a coyote in a leg trap trying to get away from your obvious partisanship in favor of conservatives/Tea Baggers.

    That's about all you preached since you got on here and when you get your snotty nose wiped with it you suddenly don't belong.

    Fucking hilarious.

    Just took another verbal ass whooping boy. Just keep talking and you'll get another one junior.
  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Oh sure Old Tool take all the fun out of it with deep and careful analysis and dry humor.;

    Couldn't you just fly off the handle and call someone a motherfucker one time? Just to see what it feels like?
  12. liltxsmile

    liltxsmile Firecat

    May 26, 2010
    DonteAligheri, that was just one example, remember when Tom Tancredo at the Tea Party Convention said that many of the people who voted Obama into office “can’t even spell the word vote or even speak English,” which brought loud applause from the crowd, why would they apploud at that?:confused:

    Then to make it worse he said that it was a good thing that McCain didn’t win the election otherwise we would be see him and Rep. Gutierrez receive awards from NCLR for introducing and implementing an amnesty bill. It seems Rep Gutierrez's heritage is a problem with the Tea Party.:eek:

    Tancredo also announced that he was going to be working with Roy Beck (Executve director of NumbersUSA, a anti-immigrant group with strong ties to white power groups). Why would they work together?:rolleyes:
  13. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006

    sure thing, motherfucker


    hmmmm, I guess that was OK - but I'd rather be one than call one :rolleyes:
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Fuck I can't believe how that made me laugh coming from you Old Tool.

    Simper Fi go fuck the mothers.
  15. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    You can call it whatever you want, the fact is that it was satirical and you are the only person on the world who thinks he can change something by changing its name. :rolleyes:
    You are stupid and I pity you. I said it was poorly written and a bad idea, not that it was "bad," in your sense of the word. He isn't good at humor, but that does not change the fact that he was trying to make a point through humor and you were too thick to get it.:rolleyes:
    When anyone tries to claim a group of millions of people aren't racist you will produce a SATIRICAL letter from one person to prove that they all are racist? You're reaching new levels of inane, I'll give you that.

    No, I'm not a tea party supporter, if you had actually achieved this thing called "comprehension," you would see that in an earlier post I already said as much.:rolleyes:

    But guess what you dimwitted firefly? The world IS NOT black and white. Just because I don't support the tea party, does not mean I make shit up and attack them either (like you), I am simply indifferent to the tea party. I'll defend them against unfair attacks just like I do for anyone. If they can actually get a hierarchy going and get one united message out, then I can support them or disagree. As of now they are millions of individuals who hold certain ideas and ideals in common but have no solid foundation.
    I want to hug you, you're so angry and so pathetic. It's like the tantrum of a confused child. The Tea Party is not racist. I will NEVER paint anyone with a broad brush, I will never blame millions for the actions of a few. That kind of generalized thinking is exactly why racism exists, people make sweeping statements about a race of people after a few people of that race do something bad. It is ironic that you and all your friends argue against racism but behave like the worst kind of broad brushing racists.

    This is all nonsense and makes me want to comfort you that much more. You are so very sad and your foolishness is endearing because you are so dedicated to it.

    You just attacked me by yelling about the NAACP, when only an hour ago I explained to you that my opinion on the NAACP was not the same opinion as Mr. Williams, I was merely explaining his. You were too foolish to comprehend that though, and I can't make those words any smaller for you.

    I hope no one else is reading this, for your sake I really do. You are so pitiable in your poorly aimed anger. In that quote you highlighted it says right in the quote, "he thinks," as in Mr. Williams. That was not my opinion and I explained that fact so very clearly and multiple times. The "devil" claim was what his opinion "relies" on, again, nothing to do with mine. I was educating you on Williams and you attack his opinion as mine, you are so sad.

    You simply cannot read and that is why me educating you is such a waste of time.

    So you're saying that only political parties can be racist? Then I guess the Nazi youth is not racist. Really, stop embarrassing yourself.
    You are welcome to your opinion, sadly, the world disagrees with you and comedy is often used to make a point.
    I believe the word racism is benign, not the action. Fourteenth time I've repeated that for you little blessed idiot. :rolleyes:

    Why is the WORD racist benign? Because it gets overused, by people like you. You diminish it every time you try to attack a million people with it when you have no idea how they truly feel.

    FUCKING IDIOT. You actually do not know what satire means do you? He was saying that the NAACP does not believe black people want to work hard. It is SATIRE, SATIRE you idiot, his comedy is an attack not an opinion.

    I defend them from unwarranted attack because I don't play sides, something a pea brain like you will never understand.

    Thus far I have defended them from the racist attack because it is a childish and weighted attack. You cannot call a million people racist because a few idiots say something. That is racism, generalizing millions of people because of a few is racism. I am defending them from it whether I support them or not. Because unlike you, I do not support racism and inflame it.

    If someone called the democratic party racist because of the words of Harry Reid I would defend the democrats just as quickly. You just don't get it, you can't comprehend my actions because they are fair and unbiased, something you forgot long ago. You do not blame millions for a few, that is painting with a broad brush, that is "fucking racism."

    Thank you, you admit that you are a one sided fool who will always be bias in any argument. That is all I wanted to bait you into admitting, there is nothing to say beyond this point because you have admitted you play for a team and therefore your opinion is meaningless to me; as it is not actually your opinion, just whatever your "team" tells you to believe. Thanks. best of luck in the life being lived for you. :rose:
  16. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    Lovely liltx, you are cherry picking examples of a few people and calling millions racist because of their words. I will do no such thing. You must know that there are a few people on the other side who have said things equally foolish, right? You can search them yourself, I can get them for you if I must. But either way it is a waste of our time, because the point is that you cannot hold everyone responsible for their words.

    If you want to call millions racist because you found a quote from one guy, I wish you all the best. But if you want to call millions racist because of one guy, you do not know the first thing about racism--or irony.

    It sickens me every night to see people following the medias lead and becoming the very thing they think they are fighting against.
  17. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    I agree with everything in your post, they do need a better defined platform and a hierarchy of leadership, I have already said as much. But this quote simply will not do. You are too smart to say it, and so I think it must be an anomaly or an accident that it somehow got into your otherwise level headed post.

    The Tea Party DOES NOT need to apologize for the words of a few people; they do not need to say they are not racist. And to demand that they do, kind of makes me think you have been getting fired up by all the wrong and illogical people.

    If the Tea Party must apologize for the words of one person, then the democratic party must apologize for every sign that painted Bush as a Nazi, then the democratic party must assure us at every meeting that they are "not racist." The black panthers certainly must apologize for their new leader, then they must make a public statement that they are "not racist." Obama and his administration must apologize for Van Jones, and then they must apologize for dropping the charges against the racist in the black panthers, then Obama and his administration must publicly state that they are not racist. Etcetera... Sound silly? That's because it is. Yet it is exactly what you demand of the tea party. :rolleyes:

    Maybe that example is too subtle, my point is this. We do not demand an apology from EVERYONE every time one person among them says something foolish. We do not do this because we acknowledge that picking up after idiots is a full time job, so we simply shrug and accept that they do not speak for the whole. I think you need to take a step back and look at your own words. The media is doing something simply obvious to this movement, they have targeted it from day one, and now demanding a sweeping apology for a sign we have seen a thousand times before? Blaming everyone for the sign rather than the idiots who put it up? This is not the way the world works, it never has been. You acknowledge idiots as outliers and I will not accept for one second that this movement should be treated differently than any other. They owe no one an apology because they did nothing wrong. Make the man who said the words give an apology, demanding things beyond that is the demand of a lynch mob.

    I will not paint anyone with a broad brush--I am not a racist.
  18. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Bullshit Dante sweetheart. I've been watching Williams all morning trying to do damage control after just glaringly proving that the Tea Party at the highest level is in fact very racist. So racist in fact Williams couldn't even see it in himself until he wrote that letter. Which will never go away.

    Yeah you're right, it didn't come off well. Maybe he should have done a video of him in "black face" singing Mammy and then read his letter, from the leader of the NAACP to President Lincoln.

    Racist satire, or racist humor is racism in action you idiot fuck.

    No I will take the letter written by one of the most visible and vocal LEADERS OF THE TEA PARTY, and use that to prove that the Tea Party does in fact have racial overtones and welcomes racists into the highest levels of the party.

    Listen dummy. The Tea Party now has only two choices. Publicly denounce and get rid of Williams or wear the "racist party" label.

    You just hide and watch.

    What a stupid ridiculous lie Dante. All you've done since you got on this forum is defend the Tea Party and tried to deny they are racist, tried to deny they promote violent revolution and assassination as a remedy for losing an election, and even stick up for Williams as just having a little harmless humorous fun because racism is benign and racists are inept in the US.

    Again what a phony fuck you are and so so obviously. All you've done is babble false right wing noise machine propaganda just to have it proven to be just that. We've gone on pages of you denying proof while you still blindly support and stick up for the Tea Party and make excuses for them.

    Hey what's all the trouble about. The Tea Party was just trying be funny. And besides we all know niggers don't want to think for themselves and expect the government to take care of them at our expense so what's the big deal?

    There's a summery of you and the Tea Party Dante.

    Oh yeah you're not a Tea Party supporter. How stupid can you be to prove yourself such a fucking liar in back to back statements.

    The actions of a few? No, not hardly. Far right wing racist and white supremacist groups flocked to the Tea Party. Racism was on display at every Tea Party event. And now one of the founders and leaders of the Tea Party has provided written proof of entrenched racism at the highest levels of the Tea Party.

    Once again dunce, racist satire or racist humor is racism in action. There can not be any better proof than that.

    Absolutely I am dedicated to exposing the lies and destruction of conservatism and especially extremist racist groups like the Tea Party.

    Conservatism as it is preached and practiced in this nation is a lie. The most expensive lie in history and that needs to be addressed.

    Especially when conservatives form a party that supports racists at the highest levels, and advocates violent revolution or assassination because they lost an election and don't want to have to live by majority rule.

    Bullshit Dante you've had your own racism on display since you first got here. Preaching the conservative/Tea Bagger party lines that blacks are being held back by welfare and social programs, and its made them too lazy to work.

    You also endorsed that view in the same paragraph where you were allegedly just explaining Williams racism.

    I can assure that some are not only reading this. They've actually been following it and have watched you make an ignorant, loud mouthed fool spouting right wing noise machine they've seen knocked down 100 times.

    This is another really laughable loops we get into. You write words that convey thoughts and beliefs and when you suddenly see how unpalatable those beliefs are you try to claim your words didn't mean what you wrote.

    You did the same thing on the other thread denying you said racism is benign but then proving you actually believe it is because racists (you included) are just funny little inept people. Nothing to worry about.

    Gee for being such a waste of your time you sure put in enough of it trying to run away from your beliefs and statements while avoiding answering all questions or providing any sources at all to back up what you're saying because you can't.

    No anyone or any group or any political party can be racist if they want to be. But in the case of being a racist political party the problem is the vast majority of people will vote AGAINST RACISM. So they can be racist but now win any elections. That's why the Tea Party is trying so hard to deny their racist association.

    And doing what may actually be the worst job in political history of doing that.

    Williams just killed them.

    Most certianly and this time the point was that Tea Party leader Mark Williams is not only an active racist, his racism (just like you) is so ingrained he can't even see it himself.

    I don't care how many times you deny the inner truth you can't face you've proven yourself to be a racist in the Tea Party mold much more times than you've tried to deny it.

    Besides I dissected your statements and showed where your claim that racists are inept in your opinion proves you think racism does not really exist and its really just a way for black people to get ahead and still get your tax dollars because they're too dumb and lazy to work for a living.

    I now only know how you really feel I've proven that about a half dozen times now with your own words.

    But yes you do believe racism is benign and racists are inept. And not just because you said those very words. But because we can see that very attitude in everything write even defending overt and disgusting racism as just a funny little joke that didn't go over too well.

    Just keep supporting and defending the Tea Party and Williams for their obvious racism and now racist attacks.

    But as the rest of us know racist satire or racist humor is racism in action.

    You know at this point I think the only one you can be trying to fool with this bullshit is yourself and you're doing a bang up job of that.

    You have defended the Tea Party from the racist views they hold because you hold those exact same views and beliefs Dante.

    No question about that.

    You would? How by actually providing the allegedly racist statement made by Reid just like I've asked you to do several times now.

    But even if you can prove Harry Reid is in fact racist that would be one voice you've provided when we've provided you with about a dozen examples of Tea Party racism from their very beginning to this very day.

    Now in your brainwashed state of denial you're the one who can't look beyond your pre programmed snippets. But as I already said. You hide and watch. Mark Williams is going to have to get publicly kicked out of the Tea Party or the Tea Party will sink with him long before November rolls around.

    And thank you again for providing even more proof that you are just as partisan as I am but can't admit it. And continues to try and fool people even himself.

    Fucking ridiculous phony bluffing fuck. I have admitted I'm a partisan and you have proven you're a phony self deluded liar.

    What an obvious lie. She provided you with concrete examples of racism pervading the Tea Party at every step and every level.

    But tell you what. I'll all you're senseless bluff. Yes, by all means show us those racist and silly things from the left Dante.

    Or are you just fucking lying again?

    In the meantime you cannot deny that the Tea Party does in fact tolerate racism and racist even at the very highest levels of the party.

    She's never did any such thing. What she did was demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that the Tea Party does in fact support active racists at the highest levels of the party.

    What sickens me is people like you who come on this forum preaching conservative and Tea Party lies while you defend their racism because after all it is your own.

    Oh yeah you're no Tea Party supporter.

  19. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    Sharon Angle here in Las Vegas has now injected GOD into her campaign, she has claimed that GOD told her to run for the office against Sen. Reid.

    That one statement hers secured my vote against her. We need no one in congress who claims to talk to GOD, instead of congress they should be in a mental hospital.

    Sarah Palin also fits the same mold.

    They want a right wing Christian(socalled) theocracy. Next anyone not following their dictates and beliefs would be tortured and killed by the new AMERICAN INQUISITION. Or maybe they would bring some converts over from Spain to help them out.

    Maybe will need to elect some Islamic Republican extremists to counter them.
  20. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010