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  1. christina2706

    christina2706 Dark Haired Beauty

    Mar 27, 2010
    Unlike you, I'm not a bitch and I don't need permission to speak my mind.

    To answer your question- NO. I am not interested in you. What on earth would I do with a pathetic, racist, misogynist?? Aside from throw you off a cliff? :)
  2. mikelr

    mikelr Porn Star

    Nov 12, 2008
    I think you should just go away. We are wasting time and emotion on this idiot. I believe that someone like this should be removed from this social group because he lowers the IQ rating here by at least 50 points. Besides ladies did you notice how small his hands, nose and ears are?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2010
  3. MissMonica

    MissMonica Sex Machine

    Nov 10, 2009
    But it's fun kicking him around like the little bitch that he is.
  4. matrix86

    matrix86 Sex Lover

    May 22, 2009
    Oh christina...the hundreds of other things I could think of for you to do to him other than throw him off of a cliff. Throwing him off of a cliff is letting him off too easy :p
  5. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008

    Oh little boy paffy, isn't it rather late for you to be up?

    You are angry because we left the kitchen and some mistakedly click on your link. If you don't want women looking, then I guess you want men to see you. Hmmmmm.....

    And BTW - you are every bit a troll



    1. (in Scandinavian folklore) any of a race of supernatural beings, sometimes conceived as giants and sometimes as dwarfs, inhabiting caves or subterranean dwellings.

    2. Slang . a person who lives or sleeps in a park or under a viaduct or bridge, as a bag lady or derelict.
  6. christina2706

    christina2706 Dark Haired Beauty

    Mar 27, 2010
    I am but one person, I do what I can. But oh, the possibilities with your help! ;)
  7. mikelr

    mikelr Porn Star

    Nov 12, 2008
    As I read your posts here and apply what I learned in psych classes, you are an abusive coward. You are the type of person who preys on weaker people than yourself. I don't see you standing up to the men here. You are actually trying to win them over to your side. The reason for that is you are unable to. You are weak and pathetic. If you are ever confronted by a real man you would piss you pants literally and run home to beat and rape your chihuahua. We know you don't run your mouth like this in real life or you would be in the hospital. Go away!
  8. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    I knew there was a reason I liked you.
  9. pafaib

    pafaib Sex Lover

    Dec 31, 2009

    ALL white men and women should stick with there own kind and preserve there race and never ever Cross breed with the likes of niggers .


    Truth of the matter is that White women in general are Bunch of WHORES ... I mean seriously .. fuking a black man ? How low can you get ?? It's like your inviting yourself to get Aids and Stds .. since record number of them seem to have it .

    If only they used logic instead of there Vaginas to think .

    P.S : I am not a troll by any extent I just believe Whites should preserve there race and not interbreed with ANY other race except Whites .

  10. MissMonica

    MissMonica Sex Machine

    Nov 10, 2009
    I think I should start this, anyone can feel free to continue it if they can come up with others...

    What have we learned about Paffy in this thread?

    1. He's a racist
    2. He comes from a broken home
    3. He's an e-thug (meaning he couldn't hold his own in the real world)
    4. He's a sexist
    5. He's a virgin
    6. The fella's LOVE him
    7. His IQ is lower than his post count
    8. He can't speak English
  11. aesopstails

    aesopstails Ridiculously Happy

    Jun 21, 2008

    I hope no one interprets my comment as racist, because that couldn't be further from the truth, but this ass is mouthing off about white supremacy and the pictures he's posted don't look like he's white himself... WTF?
  12. christina2706

    christina2706 Dark Haired Beauty

    Mar 27, 2010
    I was thinking the same thing! I think it's safe to say he's a confused little man.
  13. aesopstails

    aesopstails Ridiculously Happy

    Jun 21, 2008
    I agree with you on all but the "man" part!:laughing:
  14. matrix86

    matrix86 Sex Lover

    May 22, 2009
    Man...this thread just gets better and better, lol.

    ~superiority complex

    Why do you say whites need to keep the race strong?...YOU AREN'T EVEN WHITE!!!
  15. Baddog_WOOF

    Baddog_WOOF Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2009
    Now I remember why I want to kill white trash.

    I don't indulge that feeling, since I don't feel a need to spend my life in jail, but I do know with certainty that killing sorry white trash like Pafaib would be a benefit to society.
  16. pafaib

    pafaib Sex Lover

    Dec 31, 2009

    I am not White

    By ethnicity I am Persian from my fathers side and my mom who is also Iranian but she is white .. and can trace back to coming from Russia ( My moms side )

    I am just showing support for White people to not Cross breed with niggers or any other race .... Whites should only be with Whites .

    If only the White men can get there Whore women to keep away from the Niggers aids infested horse dicks
  17. onenauhgtygirl29

    onenauhgtygirl29 The Nauhgty Night Prowler

    Apr 9, 2008
    You are awesome Miss Monica. :)
  18. matrix86

    matrix86 Sex Lover

    May 22, 2009
    Us whities don't want you coming to our defense. A person's skin should mean absolutely nothing. By what you are saying, whites should stay with whites, blacks should stay with blacks, Asians should stay with Asians, Latinos should stay with Latinos...am I right?This means you should never be with a white woman (if any woman would be crazy enough to have you, that is).

    There is NOTHING wrong with interracial relationships. Just because someone's skin is a different color doesn't mean you shouldn't associate with them in any way. Man...I really can't wait till you go off to college and start running off your mouth (assuming you're actually brave enough to do so in the first place). I would LOVE to see you walk up to a black person and say this shit to them, lol. Oh...that's right...you're an e-thug. Unless you're protected behind a computer, you aint gonna say shit to anybody.
  19. pafaib

    pafaib Sex Lover

    Dec 31, 2009

    Just skin color ? is that why African Americans world wide have the highest crime rate .. no matter where they are ?

    Is that why there IQ is the lowest of all NO MATTER WHERE IN THE WORLD they were tested ?

    Is that why they make up only 13 % of the population yet commit over 65 % of all crimes committed .. U can be sure its 70 % or above .

    They have the highest rape rate .. murder rate of any other race .

    And they even include Mexicans and other ethnicties as WHITES .. so they can make blacks look better in there Sub-human like behaviour of Crime .

    I'm an e-thug ? Man quit talking shit .. I've said this stuff even in school .. I've even gotten the Hottest chick in the Class Named Bianca to flirt with me .. We dated for a short while too ( YES SHOCKING I KNOW WOW ! )

    Just because i like to act like an idiot to lower my self to ur levels so u can understand me better ..does not mean i am a moron .
  20. MissMonica

    MissMonica Sex Machine

    Nov 10, 2009
    The fact of the matter is you are a racist moron.