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    New users on the forum won't be able to send PM untill certain criteria are met (you need to have at least 6 posts in any sub forum).

    One more important message - Do not answer to people pretending to be from xnxx team or a member of the staff. If the email is not from forum@xnxx.com or the message on the forum is not from StanleyOG it's not an admin or member of the staff. Please be carefull who you give your information to.

    Best regards,


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  2. Hello,

    You can now get verified on forum.

    The way it's gonna work is that you can send me a PM with a verification picture. The picture has to contain you and forum name on piece of paper or on your body and your username or my username instead of the website name, if you prefer that.

    I need to be able to recognize you in that picture. You need to have some pictures of your self in your gallery so I can compare that picture.

    Please note that verification is completely optional and it won't give you any extra features or access. You will have a check mark (as I have now, if you want to look) and verification will only mean that you are who you say you are.

    You may not use a fake pictures for verification. If you try to verify your account with a fake picture or someone else picture, or just spam me with fake pictures, you will get Banned!

    The pictures that you will send me for verification won't be public

    Best regards,


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  1. ancient_red

    ancient_red Sensual Skeptic

    Nov 20, 2008
    Oh goodness! an animated smiley being beheaded! I'm so uncomfortable at the imagery! *shriek*
    Reminds me of several anime I've seen.
  2. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    No I don't think I would, someone who is driven by their Id is not who I want as a role model.
  3. Tightcuntlover

    Tightcuntlover Porn Star Suspended!

    May 13, 2007
    A full admin panel enables Private Messages to be viewed.....as any one single account can be accessed......so it can be done if that option is granted to any mod.
  4. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    Why would you not trust Chunky, piggit or ShakeZula to have members best interests at heart? If ShakeZula's responses to members tonight speaks of a mod I must have missed something? Do you still see how he goes around telling others to fuck off and then he continues to bait me...+ How wonderful. My first post tonight was sincere and the truth. The fact ShakeZula and others can never admit fault is sad and telling. The truth is in their sad words in fact. If members cannot see this behavior for what it is that is pathetic. +
  5. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    Did you get to the realization phase yet? When you do let me know. :laughing:
  6. Tightcuntlover

    Tightcuntlover Porn Star Suspended!

    May 13, 2007
    In my experience of forums over the years Deedee, which includes being friends with some individuals who have run their own set of Vbulletin boards, along with contact with numerous mods, some of whom I have met in real life, I think I'm in a position to say that different people have different reasons for wanting to become a mod in the first place.

    Although it is rare for mods to be actually paid, some have their internet connections for free, normally when the boards concerned are connected to a major ISP......

    some do it for the prestige and regard it almost as some kind of qualification to put on their CV.....although I doubt that would be the case with mods on a porn forum...for the most part.

    Some are invited to take on the task because they are seen as being good at encouraging members to post more......which is kind of trollish behaviour when you think about it........

    and some do it for the power....although that power would seem to be somewhat limited on a set of boards such as this one where almost anything goes and bannings are rare.

    I once invaded a certain set of private boards and pissed off the mods so much that they began making posts for me, under my name, which did not exactly portray me in a good light.....which means they were able to access my account......and therefore my personal messages too.

    However, as amusing as I find it that Shake Zula has become a mod, I feel he will very quickly become both bored and frustrated.....I mean, once he's found out whose socks are whose that it.......

    there will probably be those who suck up to him and ask him to share such information......but who's to say he wasn't sucking up to other mods in the past for that very same reason.

    That would certainly explain why sets of boards tend to get cliquey. ;)
  7. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    ;-) +
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2010
  8. chunky

    chunky Porn Star

    Oct 13, 2006
    I have read the vBulletin admin manual from cover to cover, and there is nothing in it to suggest that the moderators -- or even the administrators -- can secretly access Private Messages. The only way this can be done is to change the member's password to gain direct access.
    The moderators here can't do this, and the only time I have been aware of the admins doing it is when a member has forgotten their password and has no valid email address to make use of the "forgot password" facility.
    As the admin cannot read members' passwords, they have to change it and notify the member of the temporary password so that they can log into their account. If an admin changed your password to access your account, he wouldn't be able to change it back again, and the next time you tried to log in, your password would be refused.

    Just to clarify this issue, here is a list of which profile-features moderators can access and edit:

    Profile picture.
    Visitor's messages.
    Album pictures.

    That's all.
  9. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    When deidre79 is in the right mood she can be charming. How do you account for that? How do you account for her large number of friends and admirers?
  10. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    You ask and answer the question in the same post. How many times as she deleted you from her friends list, leaving you devastated and begging for forgiveness?

    How many on her friends list actively post, are still active on the site or are socks?
  11. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    Are you serious richief? I tried to be nice tonight like I always do and it still continues....shocking! ;) You should make a scientific graph of some sort kinda like red did and see what conclusions you arrive at. I have already made mine.
  12. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    Gotcha! ;)
  13. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    So.... she hasnt abused her "powers" against you.
    She hasnt threatened you.
    She may or may not have called you foul names (something you do to people frequently)

    So where does all this hate for her come from?
    You have said that there are posters that are your friends, but they dont share the exact same views as you. So your capable of befriending people that on paper you wouldnt like.....

    So why would some "little smart alecky posts" cause you to hate some people with such a passion when you befriend others that do not share your views?

    (I shant ask not to get a flame reply - but I would like a bit of an explanation because I'm actually curious about the answer)
  14. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I never "beg" deidre79 to go back on my Friends's List. I do welcome her back. For reasons of her own, she has emptied her Friends' List on several occasions. It quickly grows again. That, and the fact that her appreciation threads garner much praise for her, illustrate a point I have made on several occasions that deidre79 is one of the best liked posters here.

    The fact that deidre79's Friends' List is forever growing indicates that the posters there are active. I cannot answer your question about socks. Ask your even more repulsive friend, ShakeZula.
  15. Tightcuntlover

    Tightcuntlover Porn Star Suspended!

    May 13, 2007
    But Chunky......don't mods have the power to use a deletion wand......to delete one post....or even part of one post?

    You don't seem to have mentioned that option?

    And....the owner of a set of boards, ie, he or she who pays the bills.....has full control over everything...and can pass that privilege to whomever.
  16. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    I plead guilty, by the way, to making smart-alecky posts directed at Deidre. Put the cuffs on me, mods! There must be SOME kind of forum rule against making smart-alecky remarks.... :)
  17. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    The same why I account for the Third Reich.
  18. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    Have I ever said she has abused her powers against me SemiLunate? No I have not. Did I say she has threatened me? No I have not. I did in fact say she has called me foul names and treated me with indifference in dealing with forum issues when other favorites get obvious preferential treatment. That may be an abuse in my mind. I will always reciprocate hate directed at me here as if I have ever initially started anything with anyone. Show me if I have please. Where do you get off praising her and damning me? I cannot stand the cute little posts piggit and Kimiko make to flame again in their own way. You see her as angelic? I don't. You like others here have some kind of blind devotion to certain members and mods I can't stand, so what? Not everyone here is going to get along and I have stated my case so many times if you still don't understand I can't help you. Where again do you get off telling me my friends are all like me? Look at my list and tell me who shares mine? No one really the difference is they choose to act like adults instead of snotty nose kids who can't have the forum just as they like. I am sorry but this constant wave of blaming me is something I will not stand for anymore, You need to question your friends and the ones you admire so much on here for constantly mocking me for having an opinion you and they dislike again for obvious reasons that I will not accept. Is that a good enough answer?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2010
  19. chunky

    chunky Porn Star

    Oct 13, 2006
    If you read my post, you will see that I was referring to what moderators can edit on profiles. We can't access User Control Panels, and what we can do on the boards is common knowledge.

    Are you enjoying this bit of mischief as much as the first time you posted it?

    Shall we get Nophest in again? . . . . oh wait . . . . you didn't believe him the first time.

    You can carry on having your fun as much as you like, but it won't change the fact that Moderators cannot access Private Messages on this forum.
  20. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    Case closed. +