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  1. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    This major news story was reported elsewhere, I think DL posted it.

    The fucking nerve of these folks, showing a snippet (you know a sound bite) of a speech, forcing the Obama administration to fire the poor woman. Oh, these evil people need to be brought down.

    They will in November when the Republican beat their sanctimonious asses.
  2. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    You must have accidentally missed this question tenguy so I'll re-post here where you can't miss it.
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I told you so


    By this morning's news cycle a new hero has appeared. Besides, Shirley Sherrod as Cinderella, we also now have the farmer Sherrod helped, Roger Spooner playing the part of the Jesus, pointing out the evilness of falsely accusing people, giving the example of him and Sherrod as shining examples of doing away with racism, and preaching peace, tranquility, brotherhood and the Golden Rule.

    You can expect Spooner to get a lot of air time in the next day or so and probably a movie or something about it. Maybe a docudrama about it on TV this fall or something.:)
  4. Whitey44

    Whitey44 Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2008
  5. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Ain't it the truth.

    Fuck, there are so many people trying to deny that race relations have taken a serious turn for the works yet every camp acted like armed soldiers facing each other on the battle lines and some threw a fire cracker behind them, and they started killing each other with friendly fire.

    No increased racial tensions my ass. And yes I do firmly believe we can blame conservatives/Republicans/Tea Baggers for that and their reaction to a black man being elected President of the United States.
  6. Whitey44

    Whitey44 Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2008

    Amen, Stumbler!
  7. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    We didn't fire her, the White house did,,that's there typical track record, run there mouth, before they investigate it thoroughly.
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    And can you believe that Ace? Of all the shithouse luck. Have you ever seen a better job of turning shit into Rose petals? I couldn't hardly believe it myself. What a fuck up. But one apology later and all of a sudden its the Cinderella story of the year, with all the warm and fuzzy feelings of brotherhood and harmony, and the Cinderella saved from the conservative attacks by the wicked conservative stepmother conservative blogger that tried to wrongly crucify a national liberal hero.

    I haven't heard the White House even mentioned in days. Well except for Shirley Sherrod's glowing reports of her conversation with our wonderful president.

    By the way Ace I'm not sure which party you're going to have to expel Breithbart from but you better do it quick before ACORN becomes a big enough hero after the injustice he did to them to receive federal funding again. Better not wait until Monday either.
  9. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
  10. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Ace I'm just marking this one and admitting I'm two responses behind and apologize for that. Which is a lot easier and safer than trying to apologize to my wife for not getting any work done around here.

    But just to see which way this thing is going what's going to happen when your favorite source has to drop everything they're doing in order to prove they are not "racist." How does that ring out to you? Instead of the "liberal press" Fox News becomes the "racist press."

    If the liberal/Democrats can discredit Fox News you guys got nothing, and I do mean NOTHING Ace. Without Fox, how are you going to beat back all the charges of racism and being a bunch of gun toting nut cases?

    And one more question Ace. According to your Tea Party schedule just when does the knock down drag out, fight back with anything you can get your hands on, dirty politics to win elections start anyway?

    Let me help you there. By my observations over the years it usually starts either right before or immediately after the Primary Party Elections. Check the dates of when your Tea Party backed candidates were selected and that's just about how far you are behind and why you're on the ropes in danger of getting knocked out before the 15th round in November.

  11. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I could be gone at any minute.

    President Obama would never be dumb enough to do that. But tune in Fox news and tell me what stories they're running with today?

    Actually they do. Remember Van Johnson (I think) the other black government employee that Glenn Beck got fired. His racist remarks got him pushed out.

    But your conservative blogger and film maker with Tea Party ties and claims to be a warrior for conservatives and conservatives cause missed and hit Cinderella this time and its been going down hill ever since.

    Meanwhile the only thing the White House is helping is to get this buried and behind them as quick as possible. Which they have done.

    No you're not but I am surprised to see you guys getting your asses kicked at it for once. We haven't been able to score big in dirty politics since Daisey.

    I was just alerting you to which direction the left is headed with this and if I was you I'd shut up and get moving because that was this morning.

    This afternoon the story is how Republicans in Congress keep holding up settlement payments to black farmers who proved they were discriminated against by the Department of Agriculture during the 80's and early 90's.

    Looking real there again Ace. Here's farmers who nobody questions is due the $1 billion they are owed by the government, and yet the Republicans just keep stalling and won't give them the money the government owes them.

    The GOP calls that being fiscally responsible. But I don't thing that's the way its going to be seen considering everything that's happened in the past few days.
  13. masterspetal

    masterspetal Porn Surfer

    Jul 1, 2010
    Quoted from stumbler to my reply: "Just one question. How many of those parties are out there carrying around racist and threatening signs in front of national TV?"

    The other parties don't use signs. They use their own mouths. But back to my original question....What party doesn't have racists in it?? The biggest issue here is that there are racists are everywhere. So I find it totally ridiculous that just the Tea Party would be singled out. If you watch TV you will find that people from every political party have racists. Why is okay for someone to stand in front of a TV camera and say that all "cracker" babies should be killed? No they weren't using a sign, they were using their mouth. Standing in front of a camera with a hateful sign is not something I would do, nor would I say something threatening either. But like it or not, the person with the sign, and the person using their own mouth, live in this country which does allow the freedom of speech. But it seems like there are some people out there who want the freedom speech taken away from a certain group of people, but not themselves. Be careful of what kind of freedoms you would like your government to take away, because very likely the freedom to voice your opinion on the web will soon be taken away too.
    And really, please just answer, what party out there has no racists? I cannot call myself a racist because I don't care what color people are. Last I looked we were all part of the human race. The only thing I have a problem with are stupid people or people that lack common sense. And I happen to agree with SOME of the Tea Party's platform. I would certainly hope that because of that I wouldn't be labeled a racist. Just as I would not label anyone from any political party a racists, even though we all know there are racists in those parties.
    Is it Social Justice that you want? I mean that seems wrong, I don't want my government to make any reparations to me or my family based on anything unless the government wronged me personally, i.e. their plane flew into my house or something. I want to hold my head high and earn my living not get a handout.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2010
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    None. Racism or prejudice in one form or another is quite common in the US.

    Now, please answer this question for me. How many parties allow the racists among them to parade their racism on national TV at their officially sponsored events?

    Ok well let's see if that's really ridiculous.

    We have agreed racists in one form or another are in all groups. So the next question is how many of those organizations allow their members and supporters to display their racism at their sponsored events in front of the whole world?

    Because while racism may be everywhere we are not seeing it everywhere right before our very eyes on TV, with the possible exception of Klu Klux Klan rallies.

    The only other place we've seen overt racism besides things like KKK rallies is at Tea Party protests, rallies and conventions.

    I do watch TV. I have never seen the Republicans, the Democrats, the Libertarians, of even the Green Party, parading around with racist signs in front of the national news media at their officially sponsored events. And if you have why don't you just go ahead and post them right here.

    Because everyone in the nation ought to be aware of that kind of racism and threat and reject and denounce them for even saying such a thing. Which if you look almost all organizations do, especially an organization like the NAACP.

    Yes we certainly do have freedom of speech and whoever said that does have a right to say it. But after that person said that if he was a member of a specific group and that group allowed him to say that and did not denounce him or expel him form their group would it be fair to associate both that individual and the group he belongs to with racism?

    This is an absolute lie. I have not heard one person anywhere so much as even suggest that Tea Party members and supporters do not have a right to carry around racist signs, make racist statements, or even write racist satire. NOT ONE.

    The only thing that has been said and proven over and over again during the past two weeks is that within the many different Tea Party groups racism is tolerated. And the "Tea Party" is trying to prove otherwise, but their association with obvious and glaring racists are cropping up faster than they can denounce and expel them.

    Try to be more careful about the lies you tell.

    Not me or anyone else I'm aware of is suggesting the government or anyone else do anything with or too the Tea Party. No one is saying Tea Party members do not have a right to parade around with racist signs and write racist satire and commit racist fraud just like the conservative, Tea Party associated blogger just did.

    The Tea Party and anyone else is perfectly within their rights to do that and I would have to defend that to the death if I had to no matter how disgusting I think the Tea Party is.

    But since they have been exercising that right at official Tea Party sponsored functions for all these past few months its also within people's rights to point out the Tea Party does in fact associate with racist and tolerate racism at their events.

    I've already answered that. None.

    Now, how many of those parties out there allow their members and supporters to parade around in front of the national media carrying racist signs at their official functions. Show me another group besides the Tea Party that allows that?

    Would you count the people who parade around in front of the naional media waving racist signs around in that group that lacks common sense?

    How about the leaders of the organization sponsoring the event? If they are not racist but allow racist to wave signs around at the events they sponsor, does that show common sense?

    No one I know of has tried to label you a racist.

    Just like no one I know of has said the Tea Party is racist. Very clearly what myself and the NCAAP has said and proven is the Tea Party needs to do something about the racists within their group if they do not want people to associate the Tea Party movement with racism and racists.

    You know like the NAACP did with the New Black Panthers. Publicly denounce them and reaffirm that the NAACP does not tolerate and will stand up against racism and prejudice no matter who is doing it.

    This just seems a little insane to me considering what this discussion is really about as well as the fact that you are alleging things that simply do not exist.

    Nobody I know of wants our government to do anything about the Tea Party, their racist and gun toting members, their agenda or anything else. No one is even saying the Tea Party and their members should not be able to say anything they want to.

    The question is does the Tea Party tolerate racism and racist in their group?

    There is ample circumstantial evidence the Tea Party does but the Tea Party denies that. And in fairness all of us have to give the Tea Party a chance to prove that they do not in fact tolerate racist or racism in their party.

    And they tried to prove that by expelling Mark Williams and the Tea Party Express. But only to have an even worse case of racism immediately appear on the national stage that also has direct ties to the Tea Party. So the Tea Party must now denounce and reject conservative blogger/film maker and popular speaker at Tea Party events Andrew Breitbart. Or continue to have the Tea Party associated with racists and racism.

    So again we have to wait and see if the Tea Party is going to disassociate themselves with an act of racism and the racist who committed it or continue to pay him to speak at their events.

    I wonder which one it will be?
  15. masterspetal

    masterspetal Porn Surfer

    Jul 1, 2010
    Ahhh...here we go. In my previous post I was not pointing a finger at anyone or at you. So my apologies for insulting you, or making you think that it was directed at you. And yes I would point out that the people carrying those signs lack common sense. People like that are part of the reason that race is still a hot button issue. That and hatred, and not being able to debate without having to resort to name calling. I do agree that the Tea Party should denounce anyone who would carry those signs. I know what our government is turning into, (which has nothing to do with our current president, this has been in the works for many years), and I know that the internet is basically the last true free medium to express views, and that the government, will limit us on it. And please note, I like you would fight to the bitter end to keep our freedoms, even if I didn't agree with something or someone on their beliefs. My concern is that when there is one issue that is front of the media so often such as these people holding these signs, some group will come along and put pressure on the government to limit it. Please don't take that personally, it can and has happened with so many other groups. So what I had to say in my previous reply wasn't a lie, and trust me I'm not insinuating anything, I've already seen this type of crap happen, so there is no insinuation. I'm speaking my views, without needing to resort to name calling. So anyone out there can call me a liar, as is their right.
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Maybe I was too strong, but that's because I am used to it around here.

    But in the very kindest of terms this statement .......... :

    ......... is obviously and glaringly not the truth.

    No one in this discussion or in the broader national discussion has so much has even insinuated that the government needs to take anything away from anyone or even interfere in any way.

    Do you deny that? And if so can you give some examples of anyone calling for the government to curtail anyone's speech or interfere in any way?

    I'll help you throw a fit over that if you can find me an example.

    But as it is now all I see is all sides of this issue exercising their rights to free speech in the public arena and court of public opinion. And as far as I know the last thing anyone involved wants is the government to do something because as we have already established and I have preached on this forum many, many times, there is no possible way I can limit someone else's right to free speech without also limiting my own, and I value my right to freedom of speech and expression far too much for that.