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  1. nophest

    nophest Sex Machine

    Mar 3, 2006
    You are making accusations against the mods and admins, saying that they are favoring others.

    Please state what wrong they did to you exactly. All the threads that were deleted are actually still visible for us.

    If you are right, I will ban them, if you have nothing to back up your claims, I will ban you.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. Distant Lover
      Go to the end of this thread.
      Distant Lover, Sep 3, 2022


    May 1, 2008
  3. mikelr

    mikelr Porn Star

    Nov 12, 2008
    Thats funny I don't care who you are.
  4. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    How wonderful, now you make a thread mocking me as well, is that it Nophest? My accusations are all mine and mine alone. This stems from when I first joined here and the extreme indifference I was shown then and am still being shown now. When you and the mods join in the lynching of me what does that say? Do you deny that the mods do not show bias in interaction with members here? They can favor whoever they want really, it affects me very little. Should I just tow the forum line? Please tell me. My complaints really began when my desire to have posts deleted were never answered while others seemed to have theirs deleted the same day. It seems you don't like a real forum either, only one with like minds. Do I need to praise you and the mods to stay? If you want to play god here Nophest and ban me for speaking my mind on this go right ahead, I simply don't care anymore. Stumbler pleaded that the mods should put a stop to me yesterday so I will ask you if his behavior here is any better than mine. Do what you will I am not afraid of moving on. Thank You +
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Lookn4awillin1

    Lookn4awillin1 Porn Star

    Jul 8, 2008
    So deidre makes an accusation that you say is unfounded and she is to be banned, yet others have made unproven accusations about her and they get a pass. Just making sure I got this straight.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. nophest

    nophest Sex Machine

    Mar 3, 2006
    I'm not mocking you. I just want to make sure that our mods are impartial.

    We ask our mods NOT to delete posts on request. They only delete them when they are real photos or real life information.

    You have been completely free to voice your opinion, just as they are.

    Did our mods threaten to ban you or delete some of your threads without reason? Did they reveal your socks (if you have any) or did anything else wrong?
    • Like Like x 1
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2010
  7. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Because deidre79 gets flamed more than any other poster, and because the mods have done nothing to reduce the acrimony here, despite this rule, "No stupid hateful posts," I can understand why she feels that the mods have been favoring her enemies.
  8. Rockprincess

    Rockprincess Celestial Princess

    Oct 29, 2006
    Give me a break, you seem to forget all the hateful, name-callings posts that Deidre puts on the threads...:eek: I just ignore her when she does it towards me(and she has)-I consider the source...If a person expects respect he/she has to show some towards others...
  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I'd shut the fuck up if I was you Distant Lover. This does not appear to be a game to me.
  10. Pericles

    Pericles Incendiary Instigator and Sensitive Sage

    Jan 17, 2005
    I once saw Deidre smoking in a car full of toddlers. Shameful.
  11. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    Thank you Lookn4awilllin, like I have said if the behavior of so many here lately in trying to demonize me constitutes what is acceptable what does that say? Does what I say here carry so much weight that the whole forum goes into some ban Deidre mode? I don't care anymore what anyone thinks of me but make sure of one thing, I will never sit quiet and accept the way I have been treated here. peace+Ln4aw1
  12. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    If I get banned, I get banned. I have not accused anyone of anything. To the best of my knowledge, I have not violated any of the Rules. You are the one who praises XNXX for allowing everyone to state their opinions. I just did.
  13. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    You are the one that needs a break Rock Princess, if you are living in some sort of fantasyland where you can post hateful comments about me please expect the same. I have never liked you and never will. Respect is a two way street, I have seen none from you.
  14. MrFors

    MrFors Young Master

    Apr 7, 2009
    This is ridiculous... No, this is not a game, but should we all be taking this forum with such venomous hate? Do we have to hold tightly to inconsequential grudges, until such bitter rivalrys and enemies are formed? For the love of god, just look up the page. See that link between FAQ, and Calendar?

    This is supposed to be a community. Surely, just as a real community, there will be arguments where beliefs and opinions conflict, but why did it get this far? Every one of us on this site is an adult. Can't we let bygones be bygones?

    This has descended into endless bickering, and the general discussion is slowly becoming flooded. Honestly, isn't the mature thing to leave it here, and move on rather then proceeding to threats of kicking people out?

    Don't worry, I'm getting off my little box :rolleyes: I know I will probably be ignored, maybe rightly, but I have to say my piece
  15. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Yeah and if you get Deidre79 banned instead for running your stupid mouth you'll be a big hero won't you.

    Deidre79 is not the real issue here. The credibility and integrity of this forum is by a man who just said he cares.

    You're a fucking fool to fuck with someone who is obviously not fooling.
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    If it was me Deidre79 I'd answer Nophest question and then shut the fuck up.
  17. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    Nophest you are mocking me by making this thread threatening me, questioning me and giving a pass to everyone else. So I don't get along with Chunky, piggit or ShakeZula, who cares? Alot of this is from that first year I was here and I have seen posts deleted with my own two eyes. It seems I can't voice my opinion without threats, witch hunts and thread after thread of trash about me you and others find acceptable. You should know better than me that I have no socks and never have. I will ask you again if the behavior of those spitting at me is acceptable? If it is I will play too, if it's not I won't either. +
    • Like Like x 1
  18. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    Bias and favoritism is a fact of life here and in the real world Distant Lover. We all gravitate to like minds and others who will agree with us or us with them. I do not expect to be treated any differently than anyone else here but when it is so obvious and in a hateful way directed at me, I can't stay silent. + peace
  19. ancient_red

    ancient_red Sensual Skeptic

    Nov 20, 2008
    I think this is something that could be settled right now, if you ask nophest to settle it.

    As for the rest, It doesn't matter what the rest of this forum thinks. It's up to Mgmt now.
    As for being ganged up on, I strongly doubt that anyone that matters sees you as a victim. You pick fights even with those who are trying to disagree from behind a 10 foot pole of qualifiers.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2010
  20. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    I was babysitting. shhhhh ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1