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  1. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    So giving a member an offensive nickname is grounds for Shake to be censored, then I will ask the same to be done of you. You strut around with your high morals for all to see and then dive into the gutter when it suits you and call me "Killer", all I see from your post is hypocrisy.
  2. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Which is yet more evidence, if more was needed, that she is simply not capable of being rational. She made no effort to even TRY to understand what was going on here, or what Nophest was trying to say. She saw no reason to engage her brain before she opened her mouth. She reacted from the start of this thread in her usual and entirely predictable fashion: combative, insulting, vindictive.
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    You know in fairness you ought to admit there was no pack involved in hounding Deidre. In fact this was completely typical of the fights and controversies Deidre79 consistently started where there are always as many defenders of Deidre79 as detractors.

    That should be obvious as well as it is usually Deidre79's friends that will keep the argument going for days.

    And you think I'm a bully. I think I'm a fighter. As well as a person who actually tried to save Deidre79.

    Deidre79 is obviously self destructive and if you can't hardly stop that in the real world its even harder here.

    But I do hope you hang around MisterX. One, because if you do I think you will come to see the truth of things. And two, this is actually a great place to spend some time and have fun and even get top know people.

    You just happened to walk into a very rare and unique situation.
  4. combatvet_ny

    combatvet_ny Amateur

    Nov 23, 2009
    First i just want to say that i have had no problems with any mods and infact had help from shake to resolve something. So i dont have any reason to beleive any of the stuff that deidre said about them and i wont change my opinion of them unless i see proof (which there has been accusations from deidre as well as some that has been directed towards her). But Im all about being fair and evenhanded.

    This is what i read when i first joined this site about what not to post.

    By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

    I am not saying that deidre should or should not be banned but telling lies about people was not on the list of things not to post. Volgar, hateful, obscene and threataning post. are on the no no list. (she has done all of these) So by all rights she should be banned for all of that. But she is not the only one with posts like that. Stumbler has posts with all of that in it too.

    I agree that people should take responsability for their actions. I also beleive that since this an adult forum and every one here is supposedly adults maybe they should act like it, not act like little kids. You dont have to like someone just be mature about it.(I have seen four people act like bickering kids, Deidre and Stumbler being the biggest ones.)

    If this is truely nophest's house then i have know complaint about him banning anyone that keeps this crap up because it does get old fast. (Thats why i dont watch jerry springer anymore, it was the same old tune.) But there has been times she was actually being good (The three people you would invite to dinner thread, She went like six or so posts) ANd when i say good i mean she was being mature, there was no vulgarity or obscene anything in the posts between her, Richief, Ancient red and Dante alighieri when stumbler showed up and started goading her. I wont say she never starts anything and shes a perfect angel. People has seen how she can be but instead of just ignoring her like mature people would the goad her even more (99 percent of the bickering is between deidre and stumbler. Probably doesnt help when stumbler tells every one that she is really a guy when he has shown no true evidence to support his theory.)The most mature thing that could have been done from everyones part in this isnt to basicly say im right your wrong throw in abunch of expitives then say shut the hell up, but say i dissagree with you then if the person continued their spewing to ignore them. (some people have done this and i applaud them)

    I applaud this. Its better to let people see whats going on than to hide it. But because this has gone on for such a long time across many different threads, people may still think that the mods are being bias because they will never see all ove what went on. ( i have no real opinion either way and i dont really care)
  5. Incubus

    Incubus Horned & Dangerous

    Aug 2, 2006
    BAN NOPHEST !!! :eek:

  6. combatvet_ny

    combatvet_ny Amateur

    Nov 23, 2009
    Actually stumbler when people starting ignoring her you would start in on her again. Im not saying you didnt try to get her to save herself. but i think it was personally motivated. With her gone you have no one to harrass.
  7. combatvet_ny

    combatvet_ny Amateur

    Nov 23, 2009
    I agree kimiko. She is very irrational.
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Here's what you could learn if you would look.

    I usually did ignore Deidre's attacks on me and others.

    But not when Deidre79 is hurting innocent hard working people with her/his/its lies.

    Check it out yourself. I picked my Battles with Deidre79 very carefully.
  9. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    She post twice, before she slipped back to insulting behaviour with this.

    My response was, I think measured and free of any hatred.

    Reds first post in reply to her was pulling her up over her previous posts and her stance on religion.

    Here is her next eleven posts.

    I kept out of the argument till post #77, and again I think I was restrained in my response.

    Again her next set of posts. some of them a little benign but a lot inflammatory, one accusing me of paedophilia.

    So I replied ,again with restraint.

    Can you see the pattern emerging or do you need more proof of her unreasonable behaviour. Now point out where I was goading her as all I see is myself responding to her posts.

    I apologise for the length of this post. :laughing:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2010
  10. combatvet_ny

    combatvet_ny Amateur

    Nov 23, 2009
    As it happens, I did look at some older threads going back a couple of years. I never say she was innocent or an angel, Because she did start alot of stuff. But i did notice that of late, you were not picking battles carefuly, you kept them going or got them started.( Like you got it started in the three people you would like to invite to dinner thread. She was actually being the most mature in that thread when she was going back and forth with anciant red and richief. There was no need to come to the aid of anyone there because they had it handled. But when you joined in it set her off. Just as i notice that she set you off when she joined in your diagreements with other people.
  11. combatvet_ny

    combatvet_ny Amateur

    Nov 23, 2009
    richief you might want to reread the goading part again. What i actually said was "when i say good i mean she was being mature, there was no vulgarity or obscene anything in the posts between her, Richief, Ancient red and Dante alighieri when stumbler showed up and started goading her. I wont say she never starts anything and shes a perfect angel."

    The argument you guys had goin on was the most civilized i had seem involving her in a long time. She went off after stumbler joined in on the fun. What happened was like saying that 3 f-22s (you red and dante) needed help defending against a wwi biplane (Deidre).

    It is rare for her to refrain from spewing obscenities but you three actually had her actually being mild. And i say you did a great job at it too. And i applaud you for that since it seems like everyone else tends to loss it after just two or three posts with her.
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    No look back at the thread again. Diedre79 was being anything but innocent because if you look while everything was fine on that thread, and no real reason for Deidre79 to have any posts deleted, she very politely asked Ejls to delete here posts.

    That was nothing but another vicious set up in part of Deidre79's game because she/he/it knows the mods do not delete individual posts in the GD and so when Ejls didn't delete her/his/its posts Deidre79 could do what she/he/it has done at least a couple times, which is go ballistic and swear up and down the moderators were discriminating against her/him/it and showing favoritism to others.

    I instantly recognized the deliberate set up because I watched Deidre pull the same trick on Piggit, and was not about to let her/him/it sucker Ejls into a false claim.
  13. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Although I seldom if ever initiate flame wars, I have often been flamed by ShakeZula and richief simply because I like deidre79.

    69magpie's attacks on me have been even more bizarre. He claims to be a friend of deidre79, but he flames me because I take her side in flame wars. His reasoning is that by taking her side in these altercations, I somehow prolong them. In such thinking, he over estimates my power, and the malevolence of those he ought to be confronting.
  14. combatvet_ny

    combatvet_ny Amateur

    Nov 23, 2009
    I never said she was innocent. And she asked for them to be deleted due to a lack of judgement. Thats the closest you will ever hear her admit to being wrong. But in that little dispute she had goin on she had no one backing her.
  15. combatvet_ny

    combatvet_ny Amateur

    Nov 23, 2009
    so in reality people saw how she was being. There was no chance of her making anyone sound bad. she was painted into a corner so to speak.
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    No, no, man if you don't believe he read this thread. Mods are not allowed to remove individual posts in the GD. Deidre79 knows that as well or better than anyone.

    That is exactly how she set Piggit up and initially launched her false attack that the Mods were discriminating against here and favoring others. That was months ago. Maybe longer than that. And Deidre79 used the same ploy later. She politely requested her posts to be deleted and when they weren't because the mods don't delete individual posts for anyone except as specified, Diedre79 once again tried to claim that was proof of discrimination against her/him/it. Total complete hurtful and actually harmful bullshit against totally innocent people.

    I don't see how anyone can defend that.
  17. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009

    You get flamed by me not because you like deidre but because when you take your stance along side her you will never admit she as done anything wrong, when it is blatantly obvious that she as.
    You will not criticise for fear of her showing you her true feelings towards you, which at best are someone who can carry her books home from school.

    Views on deidre apart and on a personal level I do find you an agreeable chap, with generally restrained views which show in your posts. Whether you believe this or not is up to you.

    From my point of view I can't make my mind up about her banning as a punishment, she told lies and spread falsehoods about the mods and admins and I cannot think of any other punitive measures that could have been taken.
  18. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    No, she made the attempt to besmirch ejls's name, when she was called on it she resorted to her usual tactics of hiding it under a tirade of her vitriolic posts, she in fact held the brush and the paint pot and she knew where the corner was.
    She was given the chance to state her proof of bias or apologise she ignored the bossman and even started to call him biased, as soon as she did this she tied the rope around her own neck and stood on the trap door, all Nophest did was pull the lever and ban her when she left him no choice but to do it.
  19. combatvet_ny

    combatvet_ny Amateur

    Nov 23, 2009
    I never had and still dont defend that. If someone wants to beleive something no matter the evidance going against it then there is no point in continueing or escalating the situation. My problem is the people flaming it and stooping down to other peoples level.. And i do mean both sides not just hers or yours.
  20. combatvet_ny

    combatvet_ny Amateur

    Nov 23, 2009
    I never said it wasnt her that got herself into the corner. And i think you were doing things right. But my problem was that you had it handled, then someone othe than the original four people involved in that dipute poured gas on the fire.