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  1. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Sensing the urgency of your arousal, sliding my hands around your lush ass as my tongue renews it's attack, lashing at your sopping clit...wanting to bring you quickly to orgasm this first time...my wet fingertip teasing suggestively at the puckered entrance to your anus...
  2. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    I dont need to be invited,,I already cum.
  3. Emily23XXX

    Emily23XXX Studette

    Oct 6, 2008
    Not hesitating I wiggle my butt back, moaning as your finger tip penetrates my butt!! I then continue my dancing, wiggling on your very talented tongue, grinding my wet pussy on your lips as my orgasm quickly approaches!!!!
  4. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    Well, at the end of the day, she had the opportunity to look through all her posts and threads and collate the evidence of her abuse by mods. She didnt do it. That in its self speaks volumes.

    If I had proof that someone as being biased and unfair towards me, I'd spend the hours I needed to collect it all so then my accusations became facts. Hell, she complained so much about Shake, Piggit and Chunky you'd have thought she'd have jumped at the chance of finding her proof so she could get them banned!

    Either she couldnt be bothered or she simply couldnt find any real justification.

    She was given fair chance and fair warning. She chose not to take it and in doing so, is now going to pay the price.

    Also.... notice how her vile language and insults stopped on this thread? Notice how she just rolled over to be banned? ... dunno about anyone else,but to me, this speaks volumes.

    If she had proof, then why not take the time to find it and once and for all get the matter sorted? Answer; some people just like to moan and complain - even if they imagine the grievances against them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2010
  5. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Sliding my finger deep into your tightness as I feel you tense, like a coiled spring, my lips and tongue and fingers assaulting you, wanting you to feel me everywhere at once...to be overwhelmed by me...wanting to feel you as you convulse against my eager mouth, to taste you...so close...so close! Mmmmm, cum for me, sweetie...:)
  6. Emily23XXX

    Emily23XXX Studette

    Oct 6, 2008
    My thighs squeeze together, my hand grabs your head and, everything in my being tenses up at the powerful orgasm rips through me!!! spasming, as the waves hit me!!! Why juices flow from me in a sudden gush into your mouth and down your chin!! Your talnets never seize to amaze me or the other members of this forum!!:excited:
    Thanks hun!! ;):kiss:

    Ok continue on with the bickering!!! :)
  7. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    wrong, my sentence does not say that the mods have always been fair and even handed to Deidre, does it. Nor does it say to Stumbler, it says "to me"

    Now one time I could understand you not getting what I was saying, but four or five times, you are too fucking stupid to breathe. I repeatedly said it was my opinion, not Deidre's but you persisted.
  8. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    :rolleyes: I apologize again to the forum but your post here SemiLunate speaks all I need to know about you. The personal interaction between the mods and myself that I perceive to be an indifference is not going to be seen or noticed by any of you, should it have been? The fact that Chunky, piggit and ShakeZula have treated me in a manner which I found less than professional is my view and not yours. I stopped with the vile language because I am an adult, have the others? I have not rolled over I am doing what I want, what the majority obviously wants, and your post proves it. Can anyone on here be an adult and stop demonizing me? The price I am paying is actually a gift of not having to deal with so many of you anymore and I think you know who you are. Thanks +
  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Always the personal pissing test no matter how trivial and how obvious you're being wrong is.

    Its perfectly understandable for you to try and change what you said and what you meant now after all this shit. But I'll tell you the truth tenguy you ought to at least use a longer sentence next time to try and flip flop.

    That one is just too fucking plain and too fucking simple.
  10. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Hey Stumbles, get a fucking clue. You overstepped once again and you were fucking WRONG.

    I told you that when you were doing your victory dance, I told you that earlier today and I'm telling you now. I don't have any first hand knowledge of how Deidre was treated by the mods, but you think that you do.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2010
  11. tommyturtle

    tommyturtle Having an Out of Shell Experience

    Apr 5, 2008

    I am sorry all of this happened. You are the only person I have asked to be a friend and I thank you for accepting my friendship. I will miss you.
  12. piggit

    piggit A Fine Wine of a Woman

    Jun 11, 2006
    I feel quite certain that if nophest was inclined to investigate, he would be able to discover whether Shake (or any of the mods) is distributing information about socks. And based on this thread alone, I think we can be sure that his ass would be out on the street if found guilty of such actions.
  13. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Then I suggest that y'all tell Shakes to stop threatening it, as he did on the new moderators thread.
  14. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    You have not apologized for that which you were punished for, which is insisting that mods treated you unfairly. Indifference is not unfairness. We are to treat everyone with indifference when enforcing forum policies, such as the deleting of posts, etc. It's not to be done for anyone at any time unless two very specific circumstances are met.

  15. piggit

    piggit A Fine Wine of a Woman

    Jun 11, 2006
    deleted ... misunderstanding
  16. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    I said if I were not a mod then I might not be bound by those privacy rules we keep. However, if I did start a thread giving away socks, I expect I would be banned so whether I were to do it now or then, the result would be the same. And getting banned is not in my best interests and so I won't be doing it.

    Try not to be so literal, tenguy.

  17. deidre79

    deidre79 Supertzar

    Jul 16, 2008

    Don't be sorry Tommy please, I will be ok. Thank you for actually being so friendly and nice...Life is so much more than a porn forum and I am going to start living mine because I really haven't seeing that I have been spending so much time here. Check you pm box. peace+me
  18. bladeway

    bladeway Porn Star

    May 15, 2006

    SZ 1
    DD 0
    Game Over?

    I'm late joining, I had to look at a lot of hail-damaged trucks.

    What a shit storm. I can hardly believe this subject was made public. It's simply tactless. I would have handled it differently for sure, but since this is the way it is to be...

    The argument for making this public to avoid baseless conspiracy theories is stupid. That barn door was left wide open when this forum sprang to life four plus years ago. Furthermore, I firmly believe this shit storm is the indirect result of the actions of our mods.

    The irresponsible appointment of SZ-to-mod kicked-off a string of unfortunate events. (notice that I am not saying "I told you so!" I didn't foresee this:() Since then, DD-bashing has become a sporting event; this is clear to see.

    As SZ pointed out repeatedly, our expectations of the mods on this site should be very low. Indeed, with his appointment, any illusion of credibilty on this forum began to evaporate, and any illusion of integrity here should be closley examined. So, how much can it hurt the mods if DD went overboard with her accusations? What is it that she really hurting? And who can say that the mods aren't at least partially responsible for her current beahvior toward the forums mgmt?

    It is given that DD can go overboard with her accusations. Now suddenly that those acussations reach our mods, she is to be banned. This is fucked up.
  19. piggit

    piggit A Fine Wine of a Woman

    Jun 11, 2006
    Who is 'they?'
  20. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    You have been vocal in your opposition to me. Has anyone sanctioned you in any way?
