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  1. piggit

    piggit A Fine Wine of a Woman

    Jun 11, 2006
    I stated some time ago that I wish you well and expect you will be missed here.

    I accept your apology and am sorry that I left you feeling indifference from me.
  2. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    I want you or someone else to explain in what way could we treat her unfairly?

  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Tenguy I believe the sentence is self explanatory and you can try and bullshit your way out of that all you want to but don't expect me to say it is anything but bullshit backtracking.

    You remain a fucking liar and getting more outrageous and vicious all the time as well as irrational.

    Same deal as always tenguy post where I've indicated any kind of victory in this or PROVE you're a vicious lying fuck by this time.

    What Poll thread was too hot tenguy? I'd like to take a look at that myself to see what was so bad you felt you had to alert the mods to it?

    Where is it? Which one? Man I want to see that because I'd be real fucking interested in seeing what a thread that's getting too hot looks like around here Dear Old Mother Hubbard.

    Which one tenguy?

    It looks like senseless babbling to me. What the fuck are you talking about? What PMs? Where?

    Cool. Are you publishing a PM you got tenguy? Or a part of one? If so what happened to the rule of not posting PMs without the writer's permission?

    What the hell do you all have going tonight tenguy?

    What mod informed what members tenguy and how do you know these things.

    I just came off another thread where you insisted on blatant lies and I'm suspecting the same case might be going on here.

    What are you referring to here tenguy and who are you referring to?
  4. bacterius

    bacterius Porn Star

    Apr 10, 2008
    Deidre don't be pathetic, apologizing for who you are is low. It's a porn forum, move to something more productive.

    Shakezula, I must say guy, that since you have become a mod here the shit has hit the fan. Some people were born leaders, you are clearly not one of them, you can't even defend yourself properly, or at least like a mod would. I bet you got picked on at no end growing up.
  5. ancient_red

    ancient_red Sensual Skeptic

    Nov 20, 2008
    Seriously? This is still going? Chroyst, you'd think some people hadn't realized the order of events, which started long ago. DD starts it and keeps it going. I, at least try to ignore here, and painfully try to squeeze polite words out to her through my teeth. I do pretty good as long as she's not making unsubstantiated claims, starting fights, and then flopping like a world cup player for the noobs.

    And I don't post sexual materal?! Well not since I came back from my extended break from DD and her ilk. But I have stories, and have helped many people sort out their problems in the sexuality thread.

    Anyway, I will reiterate that same point that I did before. And with less venom:

    DD after all the shit you've slung, and all the apologies you've made meaningless in the past, can you really expect us to take this most recent "apology" seriously?

    If it is serious, you will have a long uphill batlle ahead of you.

    Or you would, if it would correct the problem that got you banned. But it's unrelated.

    In regard to Shake, the poll thread, and my obvious sock:
    Sock is a fictional persona with fictional origins, fictional motives and opinions. Just like any good sock. He is a troublemaker, and didn't ever suggest anything else. He'll be amusing, from my perspective and maybe from others as well. I hope so. Expect him to be an fuzzbrained ass on a regular basis.

    Shake asked me to stop busting her balls, more or less. I can post the text if he wants me to. Shake didn't say anything to me that made me think that he saw me as an agressor. Just like I don't.

    As for the poll thread. It was requested, it was a joke perpetrated by a sock, and I it was not expectd by me to be taken seriously. (Sock has confided in me that he was kind of hoping to see hown many socks would vote +1 on everything but the dd blame, vs the number of socks who voted +1 only on all the dd blame. He also had meant to make it public.) I half expected the thread to be a rallying point for her supporters, and I don't blame sock for his inability to predict where the thread would go.

    And what about my thread about a dateline show. Who was the invader there? This forum is open, and NO thread of any title has any claim as a sanctuary against opposing views. The DD flamewars are awhole board issue and can't be understood from the perspective of a single thread.

    As for the ban, I would have agreed with it based on bahavior alone. That said, these forums don't work that way, and even if they did, I have no influence among the mods/admin.

    No matter what the results of all these proceedings, I intend to treat everyone on these board equally. I attack ideas, not people but I am prone to reacting to silliness in kind.

    Tenguy, DL... I will probably disagree with you on almost everything, but you have just as much right to state your mind as I. On this issue, I think your ideas are wrong but it doesn't reflect on your character as people.
  6. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009






  7. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006
    I'm sorry, man. I said my piece. Odd as it is, I'm at a loss for words.

    Shake absolutely refuses to accept any culpability in this entire episode and I don't think I can say anything else that would make him accept his responsibility because he does not perceive himself as responsible for this situation and uses his position of authority as a shield to hide his behavior behind. Yet, more evidence that he lacks the necessary maturity for any form of authority.

    Worse, I don't want to press this issue because I don't want to be banned. And as of the last week, XNXX has become arbitrary.

    I do agree with your sentiment that if dee-dee is to be banned, then Shake should step down for the good of the community. Regardless of our personal feelings concerning dee-dee, she is a fixture of this community that is now missing in relation to Shake's appointment. Shake isn't necessary - a host of people would step in, if asked - and if he cared about this community (the good, the bad, and the ugly of it) he would recognize the cost of his little title to the community and offer to step down for the betterment of the community. At the least, offering such a gesture would defuse the complaints, and realistically, would probably not require fulfillment of said offer.

    Agreed. I'll step down from my post as mod, killer. :rolleyes:

    Are you fucking retarded, Kiki? She's 10+ish hours away from the slowest ban in Internet history. What more ill-treatment is required? A parting email bomb from XNXX?

    This is gloating, Kiki. Stop arguing with her. Can't dee-dee have one nice last day on XNXX? Even killers get a nice final meal (right, richie? :lol:)

    Is this REALLY worth your time, Kiki? Leave her alone!

    And now you're offering her life advice? Tell me: you really don't care if she learns something. And then you wrapped it up with a plea for leniency coupled with an insult on her capability to learn. Exceptional.

    I love you! :kiss::rose:


    You have your games and we have ours. Leave us alone.

    She doesn't need proof. The admin's entire scenario is incredibly dehumanizing. Who gives a shit if she runs around calling Shake a pedo so long as Turkish spam gets deleted?

    Only Shake - and it's about his stupid pride and immaturity - not his ability to click the delete button on Turkish spam.

    "Rule: Respect moderators."

    Pretty standard on internet forums. Except for XNXX. Until now.

    A largely unnecessary rule before because you and chunky merited respect. If it wasn't given, you acted like adults and walked away.

    Right. This was not new behavior for dee-dee. And perfectly acceptable before.

    Until Shake.

    Delete your sig. Don't equivocate or renege. And your support for dee-dee could be a little more full-throated.
  8. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    If one has made unsubstantiated accusations then one should apologize and accept responsibility for one's actions. That's called being an adult. Deidre picked a fight this time with someone she shouldn't have and this is the end result.

    And what, in your learned opinion should I be doing to defend myself? And defend myself from what,exactly? Those who think I shouldn't be mod? There is nothing I can say that will change their minds. And what am I supposed to lead? You are yet another person who thinks of mods as if we possess some kind of royal title. Defend myself as a mod should? On most other boards I've been on you can get banned for looking at a mod funny. Are you suggesting I should go on a banning rampage? Are you lining up to be first?

    I've noticed you a little bit these last couple of weeks and you appear to be the sort that comes in making loud proclamations and then skips out before you have to defend yourself.
  9. hedonism96

    hedonism96 Porn Star

    Jul 22, 2008
    WOW!!!! I go away for a few months and expect all to be the same when I return! SOme hope! Deidre being banned???? But honestly, this thread is so much like kindergarten, So much hate and acrimony!

    At least there was some light relief from some members, not mentioning any names Richief!

    Diedre has always been a unique individual, usually fuelled by pure alcohol and vitriol, and I for one am sad to see her go. I have not always agreed with her (well, maybe once), but I liked this forum because it was a forum for all voices, especially those that I disagreed with. RIP Diedre, I for one will miss you maniacal rants!
  10. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    KN your adamant refusal to accept the fact that I had no hand in sophists decision is pretty fucking funny. Is deidre being banned within days of my appointment as a mod? Yes. Is that because of anything I said to any other mod behind the scenes or to the admins? No.

    The timing is significant not because I instigated the decision but because deidre was so incensed that her screams of mod abuse grew so loud that god took notice. Once she was shown to be completely full of shit, his judgement was swift.

    Now tell me king of the nothing, where were your cries of my unsutiability when you came pming me to participate in your award thread, I assume as a mod to validate it in some way? Otherwise, why would you care if I posted in it or not.

    And where were your protests when you said on the second page of the new mod thread that I was pulling back on my stance with deidre now that I was a mod?

    Your full of shit KN. If deidre does not get banned I will remove my sig, as I promised, but not before.

  11. hedonism96

    hedonism96 Porn Star

    Jul 22, 2008
    Just goes to show that things can change! Of all the people on this forum you are the last person I would choose as a mod. Just as well I am not nophest. All power to you Shakezula and congrats, not my choice for so many reasons, but kudos anyway! Enjoy your tenure
  12. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    I am slowly moving from my stance of not knowing to not wanting you banned, I accept your apology and if you are allowed to stay I hope that you will still fight your corner in the political and religious threads with your usual passion but without the death threats.
    If you go I wish you well, if you stay I am ready to fight with you over politics and religion

    Was he?
  13. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    At a loss for words, that is a fucking joke. A typical long assed rant from the king of idiots.
    And still with the killer, well if it amuses you keep it up, I will try to find a short worded insult for you, yampy twat springs to mind, but I'm not sure yet.

    Just one thing more, in your so called plan for the liberation of Wales, how just are you going to achieve this, are you going to go for peaceful protest, or take up arms, killer?
  14. Hardrive

    Hardrive Porn Star

    Jan 30, 2010
    I followed Miss D's last post to this thread and from a quick perusal of the posts it seems that she had been under attack and someone wanted her banned???

    I'm too new on xnxx to understand what's going on so will someone please tell me who is responsible and why has this action been taken?

    HD :mad:
  15. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    Read the very first post by the admin. Post #1.
  16. ItalianStallionDanny

    ItalianStallionDanny Porno Junky

    Jul 22, 2009
    Shake you really made alot of people hate you since you became mod.... Without you we wouldn't have this dilemma... I've reviewed your statistics and posts thuroughly and as much as i hate casting my convictive index fingers you are more to blame for this situation than deidre, after due reviewal of course....

    All that aside, way to make the entire forum pretty much hate you, except for maybe stumbles kim or the other mods... but good god!

    You sound like you want to be the next forum stalin
    • Like Like x 1
  17. ancient_red

    ancient_red Sensual Skeptic

    Nov 20, 2008
    Imagining our opponents as more powerful, and more evil is a method of self aggrandizement.

    The more evil, and twisted our opponents, the more pure and righteous we are to stand against them
  18. ItalianStallionDanny

    ItalianStallionDanny Porno Junky

    Jul 22, 2009
    some good sociology references in there.

    Of course it is all perspective from the eye of the beholder.
  19. ancient_red

    ancient_red Sensual Skeptic

    Nov 20, 2008
    Agreed. And thanks.
  20. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    Explain why this dilemma is my fault, if you would be so kind. I'm very curious.