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  1. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    So to paraphrase what you said: "don't criticize the mods".
  2. ItalianStallionDanny

    ItalianStallionDanny Porno Junky

    Jul 22, 2009
    I wish they shared your view.... I believe that this should be handled not like an inquisition but more like a court case with a jury other than the mods... Shake can be the prosecutor for all I care, but appoint someone to help defend deidre, thats really what I want for this situation.
  3. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    She's been doing this for two years..... dont you all think that enough should be enough at some point?

    You all talk like this is a recent thing. This has been going on for YEARS.
    The point was she couldnt provide years worth of proof and she was never going to shut up about it.

    Mods do what they do for free. What would happen to the forum if they all decided they had enough of her nasty comments and constant badgering and just left, or resigned?

    Everyone would complain about the spam, their information being posted on the boards and pictures of kids all over the place. Then the admins would have to trawl through and nominate new mods - which one or two people STILL wouldnt be happy with.... and so it would run through again and again.

    DD was the quickest and easiest link to remove. She could have stopped it herself if she had just curbed her enthusiasm for bashing mods and causing more distrust and discontent.

    Dont like the way its gone? Then go. Whats holding you here?
  4. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    One of the true beauties of the internet forums, is the ability to ignore those who piss you off. Deidre apparently does not possess that ability. Those who chose to prod Deidre into posting the criticism of the mods are just as culpable. And yes that includes Shake, standing at the front of the line with his pitchfork ready to prod.

    Who will be the next "easiest link" to remove?
  5. ItalianStallionDanny

    ItalianStallionDanny Porno Junky

    Jul 22, 2009

    Any other conservative woman brave enough to stand up speak her mind on issues....

    sadly thier aren't many more of them arround.
  6. chunky

    chunky Porn Star

    Oct 13, 2006
    I didn't receive a Private Message from you.
  7. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    From everything I've read and heard from DD by DD - no-one could make her do anything.
    If she allowed people to "prod her into posting criticism" then she is over half way to blame. I say over half way because anyone can say anything about anyone - but she had the power to stop it by ignoring it. She chose not to ignore it. Then she chose her words and her insults to reply with.

    Yes, those that argued back are also to blame - but only DD could control DD's actions. And she chose not to do that.
  8. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    It is the crowd of people standing on the sidewalk looking up at the poor wretch in the 13th floor window. They are yelling at her to "Jump, dammit, jump". And the very person who is charged with enforcing the laws against suicide, gives her a little push.
  9. trumpet

    trumpet The Raging Horn

    Aug 24, 2006
    I can't be arsed reading through 12 pages of bleating but here's a quick recap of the reality here:

    Nophest owns and runs this place.

    Nophest appoints the Mods.

    Nophest sets the rules by which the mods operate.

    Nophest makes sure that they do operate by these rules and if they don't they get hoofed (and it's happened).

    Very few people get banned (other than for posting kiddie pics or being kiddies) and that has been a historical fact.

    Very little gets deleted (other than illegal pics and personal info) and that has been historical fact.

    Bleating that it's a "freedom of speech issue" is all well and good, but on this place Nophest is ultimately the one who has the right and responsibility to decide.

    So if you want to make accusations about Nophest or his mods and Nophest decides you're getting hoofed you've run out of bosses to appeal to. Tough.

    If you don't like this then there are other sites. If you think people are being treated harshly by this then notify Nophest by PM, don't make accusations in public.

    If you don't like it you don't have to stay here. Lifes tough, ain't it?

    Does that about cover things?
  10. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Shall I post my message in here?

    How about just the header, that doesn't devulge anything private.

  11. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
  12. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Glad to see you pop in. Anything new to report?
  13. trumpet

    trumpet The Raging Horn

    Aug 24, 2006
    Nothing new under the sun, buddy. Interesting days, eh? I never thought I'd see anyone push Nophest this far, but if I'd realised it was possible I'd have bet on Deidre being the one.
  14. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    Yes DL I know I've been absent from this thread as I believe the main title says it all....

    "Dear Deidre79 step inside please", to me this is an invitation from Nophest the owner of xnxx and Deidre to work out the problem that some see that is causing grieve around here.

    As usual everyone thought it was an open door to put up their opinions to what should happen and as usual it turned into a bun fight. Members got incensed from what they thought that Dee was being kicked out because of her political beliefs, the way she posted, the insults given back friom the insults she recieved. etc etc. If that was the reason for Dee being in the hot seat then we all should be in the same position.

    What everyone seemed to miss was what Nophest wrote in the opening post....Deidre had made accusations of bias against Nophest, Piggit and Chunky, and was asked to prove what she was saying. If she was in the right then the guilty Mods would get booted or if she couldn't prove her accusations then she would. That is it, there were no other ulterior motives.

    In the highlighted quote above Deidre has sincerly apoligized to Nophest and the Mods. In most businesses you get at least one warning before you're booted. From what I read above Deidre has made her apologizes and should be given another chance with a note that if again she accuses a Mod or the Bosss with bias against her that she can't prove then the hammer will fall for good.

    Nophest, even though you are the owner and you have made your decision I believe you should listen to all and sundry that are asking for Deidre to get a second chance.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2010
  15. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    He didnt push her - he gave her the option of gripping his hand so he could help her, or giving the option to jump - which were the options she had before he even got involved.

    Doesnt matter what metaphors or analogies you use, she was given the chance and the choice. She chose what happened to her.
  16. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    Yes, no what does rebuttal mean:excited:
  17. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
  18. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    Ok, being realistic here - There is no way DD would have said her sorry's to people if she wasnt going to be booted.

    When raising a child - you have to not only make the threat, but then follow it through else you get walked all over.

    She had two years to say her sorry's - she chose not to do so until it became too little, too late.
  19. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    This is your opinion, I've stated mine.

    I've seen Shake at work up close and personal, his hand offered in help is countered by the other hand holding the axe.
  20. Hardrive

    Hardrive Porn Star

    Jan 30, 2010
    You are right in saying that the forum is a privately owned business but just like any other business they want to maintain a good relationship with their patrons and associates..

    In a sense, all businesses are democracies. The business is like a candidate trying to win the votes of customers by promising them a product that is useful and of high quality. The customers vote for the product by buying or using the service. XNXX is sustained by the people that visit the site and the contributors that make the site worth visiting. Every time we visit the site or post in the forums or contribute stories, we are voting to keep the site alive. I can't speak for the other contributors but if ever felt that I was not wanted or appreciated or that my opinion didn't count... then I will take my vote to another site. If enough people did the same, in the democracy of the marketplace, the business that failed to appeal to the public would loose voters and they would get voted out of existence.

    All businesses know this but those that forget will quickly learn that even if you're as big as GM or Blockbuster, if you piss off your patrons they will turn to your competitors and leave you behind. I can assure you that many failed businesses started their downward spiral once they took the attitude that they didn't care what their patrons thought of them. I think the people at xnxx are too smart to go down that road. I'm sure they value their patrons and contributors and the last thing they'd want to do is pick a fight with people they know are prolific blogger.

    HD :)