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  1. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    deidre79 has various moods. She can be charming. She can behave as though the best defense is a good offense. She has always felt threatened here. Compliments seem to run off her like rain on an oil skin. Insults cut, hurt, and draw blood.

    That is the best answer I can give to your question. I have been asked yes or no questions about her that have more complex answers.

    This thread once again makes it obvious that deidre79 has many friends and admirers here. We probably want her to stay more than she does.
  2. ancient's OBVIOUS SOCK!

    ancient's OBVIOUS SOCK! Sex Lover

    Jul 18, 2010
    That explains how his shit ended up all over the goddamn place. Just look at the threads!
  3. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    I tried not to lol.... but I couldnt help it.
  4. billblondel344

    billblondel344 Porn Star

    Apr 29, 2007
    if deidre 79 is getting banned by you mods are you going to drop her quotes off your posts???,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;)
  5. InTheMindsEye

    InTheMindsEye What a cock!

    Jul 23, 2009
    Use the waterproof bag I said

    And keep it zipped up. You think I'm cleaning all this up? Ha! You have another think coming Miss.
  6. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    You can get it back, sweetie....the effect is only temporary. :)
  7. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    *turns her big brown eyes up to you and opens them widely and blinks cutely while slightly pouting her lips*
    Pretty please?

    Edit - Kimiko - tell that to him! He's given up and left me unfulfilled!
  8. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    "That does not mean I do not think that he is not culpable."

    I think my head just exploded.
  9. InTheMindsEye

    InTheMindsEye What a cock!

    Jul 23, 2009
    FFS! Puts the marigolds on. Looks at you* Stallion shit?!?! FFS. Get me the hose. No, not that one!!! The hose with water in it. Sheesh
  10. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    *grins prettily and kisses your nose then watches you work*
    Little finger? Haha! Whole hand I think.......
  11. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    You like those triple negatives? Better than coke or sniffing glue ain't they?

    Neither that nor the quoted phrase came out the way I wanted them to.
  12. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    Deidre is not getting banned by any mod.

  13. Lookn4awillin1

    Lookn4awillin1 Porn Star

    Jul 8, 2008
    Doesn't matter who banned her, she is banned, yet you still choose to keep her quotes as your signature. What a pitiful fucking soul you are. I can see why you wanted the moderator job, only fucking attention you get in this life. Bet your dog doesn't even sit in the same room with you.
  14. Deleted User kekw

    Deleted User kekw Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 28, 2008
    I don't recall shake going around saying "I WANANA BE A MODDDD!"

    He was probably asked, and accepted.
  15. Lookn4awillin1

    Lookn4awillin1 Porn Star

    Jul 8, 2008
    He took the job, which means he wants it. I never said he went around trying to get the job, yet he remains even though there are people that could fill the role without so much discourse. He was and is a shitty choice. Now, had they asked you to join him as moderator it would really stink of shit around here. By the way troll, didn't I give you permission to fuck off?
  16. Deleted User kekw

    Deleted User kekw Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 28, 2008
    Ah, and I suppose your choice in mods would be more along the lines of baller16 and deidre79? :rolleyes:
  17. ancient's OBVIOUS SOCK!

    ancient's OBVIOUS SOCK! Sex Lover

    Jul 18, 2010
    Oh.. not bad, but I think it could have been better. It's personal, but not in that sort of "I actually know what sets you off" sort of way. Actually, come to think of it, it's lacking a bit in creativity.

    Perhaps I'll give it a try:

    Fuck you shake, you half-born mother fucker. Perhaps when you crawl your undeveloped carcass out of that whore's womb you call home, you'll finally be able to look down and jerk that shriveled piece of meat that is so desperately begging for attention.

    I think this one has "Best Of" written all over it.
  18. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    Those quotes are not there for her benefit. Never have been.

    And I don't keep animals in my house.

  19. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    That's a GREAT idea! I vote for ROM for the next mod opening that comes along...
  20. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    Define 'beyond necessity'.

    I am a staunch person who can be defensive and isn't afraid to make a stand for it. Who wins? Nine times out of ten, I was on the offensive trying to humiliate her? Are you suggesting I was going out of my way to pick fights with her?

    You say you've reviewed my posts and formed these opinions? I don't think you have. I think that in your newbness, you want to score some points with some senior members by jumping on the Save Deidre bandwagon. Which is understandable, we're all looking for our place in the world, but in this case you've overreached yourself.

    Since you're a bit of a newb here, Stallion allow me to educate you. What is about to happen, what will follow these few words... this is an e-bitch slap of the first order. This is me sticking my e-foot so far up your ass that you can floss with my shoe laces.

    Exhibit 1. Deidre's first comment in the New Mod thread.

    Insult. To chunky, piggit and myself, where previously no one had mentioned her in any way whatsoever. But even I know this is an extremely mild insult and hardly worth attention. Par for the course around here.

    However, it is worth noting that this post was made at 2:19 local time and no one said anything to her regarding this. It is post #18 in the thread. Post #19 was congratulatory by a person I'd never heard of. Post #20, that gets interesting.

    Exhibit 2.

    This is post #20 occurring at 3:39 LC (local time). 1 hour and 20 minutes from her last post in this thread in which she wasn't responded to. What was the purpose? She had expressed her opinion and any of us who might have seen it didn't care to respond. Posting again, only this time with even more invective, serves no purpose to to try and instigate an argument. To pick a fight.

    Exhibit 3.
    Post #23 @ 3:59 LC. Again, having received no response to her two previous attacks, 30 minutes later, on the nose, she attacks again. This time not only insulting the moderators, but everyone who has had the extreme bad form to congratulate us on our new positions.

    Finally, my response. Are you ready? Are you really sure? Because I don't think you are. You had better sit down and put on a flame retardant suit because I don't think you're bare skin can handle the intensity of the flame that I through down upon her like atheistic hellfire.

    Here it comes... Exhibit for the Defense 1.
    OH MY GOD! OH SHIT! IT BURNS! EVEN NOW, AFTER SEVERAL DAYS, I CAN FEEL THE PAIN FROM THOSE FLA- eh... flames? :???: Um. Wait a minute. Why, there's not a single blistering retort in there! After three successive insults to my person almost uninterrupted in the thread, this is the best I can do? Me? The master manipulator who has the power to cause posters to commit forum suicide? Who's mere presence influences others to do my dirty work with just the sheer force of my will like some Mind-Controlling Puppet Master from Hell!

    This post occurs at 9:21 LC and is post #25.

    So, let's reassess for a moment. Posts #18, #20 and #23 are all insults that went unanswered by anyone. My first response to her contains not a single insult, just a bit of sarcasm and a cheeky grin.

    Let's continue.

    Exhibit 4. Post #27 at 9:27 LC.

    We have another insult in response to my post to itiswhatitis. Going just by post count, we know have 4 insults from her to my 0.

    Exhibit 5. Post #28 at 9:30 LC.

    Insulting post #5 to my still 0 count. At this point Deidre has posted in this thread more than any other forum member and every single one of them contained an insult to which she received not a single insult in return.

    Exhibit for the Defense 2. Post#29
    In this post I ask Deidre what she wants me to bring after being challenged to 'bring it'. The second sentence is in reply to her assurances that she stands by every word in my sig line.

    Now, that's extremely important to all you people who bitch about it. Deidre has never once asked me to remove it. Not a single time. She's either telling me how proud she is of her words there or that I'm mocking her. Which is it?

    Still, no answering insult directed at her.

    Exhibit 6. Post #30.

    A threat and an insult. She's going to damn and all the other mods/admins every chance she gets. She is basically instigating a jihad here. And yes, I'm aware of the irony of that statement when it concerns Deidre. She is stating that her new mission here is to harass all of the mods whenever the chance is made available for her to do so. Keep in mind, no one has insulted her in this thread at this point. Not me, not piggit, Chunky or ejls. No poster has even replied to her directly besides me and I did so each time without insult.

    Exhibit #7. Post 32.

    She is replying to Rockprincess's comment that there's another fight in GD. Apparently this constitutes pandering to the mods.

    Exhibit #8. Post #34

    After Rockprincess responded with her usual aloofness and said she was having a good morning but did not insult her, Deidre, everyone's favorite damsel in distress, tells another poster who had done her no harm nor insulted her in any way, to kill herself. After all, sucking on a tailpipe would cause the inhalation of deadly carbon monoxide gas, thus bringing about the death of that individual.

    Exhibit #9. Post #37

    Rockprincess suggested that anyone who would tell another person to kill themselves (I'm paraphrasing, click the link in the quote to see her actual words) could not be a Christian. (I personally disagree with this under the grounds of the No True Scotsman fallacy, but that is beside the point.) Deidre then insults her again, calling her trash and calling Rockprincess's completely insult-free posts in response to Deidre garbage. Then wishes more ill upon someone who had done her no harm by wishing her a terrible day.

    Exhibit #10. Post #46

    At this point in the game there has been a little back-and-forth between richeif and Deidre but no actual insults thrown. Some veiled hostilities, definitely, but this post is the important one. I will re-quote the pertinent information.

    She treats others how they treat her. Given the previous 9 items held up for scrutiny, I think anyone can see that this is not the case.

    This is the summer of the first 50 posts on the new mod thread. Out of 50 posts, Deidre has made 24% of all comments with 12. Of those 12, eight contained insults and a directive for a member to kill herself and a promise to harass all the mods at every opportunity. 66.6% of her posts on the first page were flames.

    I've made 5 for a total of 10% of posts. Of my 5 posts, the percentage that contained an insult? 0

    Let's move on to page 2.