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  1. Wafarer

    Wafarer Supreme Warlord Banned!

    Jul 28, 2008
    Hi Christina!
    Short answer, yes. As Rich points out, there are a number of women here, that I can count as friends, through pm. I like them, were they available, I strongly believe I could love them, after a time.:)
    Apparently 20% now find...a soulmate(wait some time before you say this! I have seen three good couples fal apart/split because, imco they `spoke too soon', an ideal to me, not naturally found in nature)? no, girlfiend, spouse, wife/husband on line.
    I still keep an open mind.

    oam I love the Latin language, learning more bit by bit.
    Tempus fugit...

    Waf :kiss:
  2. Carrie_J

    Carrie_J Porn Star Suspended!

    Sep 1, 2010
    You know, people spend many hours posting in forums and doing other interactive online activities. I mean, there's actually a lot of discussion that goes on and much of it tends to get pretty deep so it shouldn't be a really big surprise when some people do become emotionally attached to one another.

    lol You're absolutely right in that their are much stranger ways to meet... :excited:
  3. RedRain4

    RedRain4 I Invented Sex

    Jan 28, 2009
    I have encounterd guys online that I have had very strong feelings for but I knew in my heart of hearts that it wasnt love. It was more of a deep connection because I was able to be honest with that person. Being in Love is knowing in your heart there are no questions to be answered. That you feel completly yourself without hesitation and without compramise. Enjoy the time you have with the person you have meet online. and be careful.
  4. Furred Goddess

    Furred Goddess Big Beautiful Bitch

    Jun 27, 2006
    It is totally possible. I met my husband online and we were able to build and sustain a relationship that way for over 4 years until I was able to move in with him. In those 4 years, I only got to meet him once before we moved it.
    I have a boyfriend now whom I met online, he, my husband, and I are working hard to make sure things work out and if they don't, then that is life!

    I am not saying it's a great way but for shy timid people, the internet can let their real personality shine through without the constant worry of being judged. I know there are people out there who fake and front when online but just like in real life, there will always be trolls.
  5. splattie

    splattie Sex Lover

    Apr 19, 2008
    Of course its possible to fall in love online, then go out on online dates on chats/forums, then have an online wedding and finaly have some online kids. Yes I believe in online love.

    On the other hand I also belive in UFO, Vampires, and Pink Unicorns...
  6. WhaWhaWha

    WhaWhaWha Registered Self Abuser

    Jul 17, 2007
    Everyone knows the Unicorns are extinct. They were wiped out by the centaurs.
  7. juan roddez

    juan roddez Newcumer

    Nov 1, 2010
    and the difference is...?
  8. splattie

    splattie Sex Lover

    Apr 19, 2008
    difference is when you realise that you forgot to use rubber and shes not on tabs :)


    Oct 24, 2010
    I think that if you care for someone enough you can make it work, But maybe that's just me being naive.
  10. 2 Inch Jake

    2 Inch Jake Porn Star

    Oct 9, 2009
    I fell in love online to an extent. The girl i'm with now is the daughter of a friend of mine. Her mom had tried to set us up for over a year and we both ignored her because we lived 1000 miles apart. She added me on facebook once, things clicked, after months of talking online/phone we met in person and the rest is history.

    We've been together for like 5 months now and things are great. The first time i've ever even thought about the whole marriage deal and all that. Only time will tell but if things keep going like they are I will propose in about another year or so. I don't want to rush things anymore than we have but i'm confident this one is here to stay.
  11. GayGuy40

    GayGuy40 Geordie Trollop

    Oct 5, 2010
    Dunno if this helps, but me and my partner met on a chatline, not quite the same, I know, but we are still together after 5 years. :excited:
  12. naughtygirl666

    naughtygirl666 The beautiful game's Red temptress

    Jul 26, 2009
    I think you can feel a very intense and strong connection for the person. If you take it the next step and speak to them via phone or skype, again this connection can grow.

    People are alot more honest and open on the internet i've found, from personal experience. I've met some very dear and special friends online.

    As for love?.. I've heard of it happening for many but for me personally i know i'd have to meet that person face to face, to see if it really was love or just some kind of fantasy. Sometimes the fantasy of being in love can trick our minds into thinking we actually are. Once you meet that person face to face; laugh, kiss and hug, that is when you'll know for sure. ^_^
  13. splattie

    splattie Sex Lover

    Apr 19, 2008
    Dude no offense but as your nick suggest your a little merrier than about 90% of people in the world. It's a little smaller pool to catch from :)
  14. breck

    breck Porn Surfer

    Nov 1, 2010
    People have to start somewhere, communication at any level is the first step to happiness!
  15. naughtygirl666

    naughtygirl666 The beautiful game's Red temptress

    Jul 26, 2009

    Yes but that being the case wouldn't it make it harder? I don't quite understand your logic here.
  16. smcaaphd

    smcaaphd zOMGorgeous

    Oct 4, 2007
    I always wanted a unicorn for a pet when I was a kid. My dad would only let me have a hamster. I glued a toothpick to his tiny little head, for a horn, and made some wings out of a shit load of feathers I collected.

    Trouble is, when I sat on him, he didn't fly, just kind of went all flat - maybe unicorns really don't exist :(
  17. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    There we go my first Smc giggle of the week. thanks hunni you is [​IMG]
  18. thikdik

    thikdik Porn Star

    Feb 4, 2007
    No it is possible to get laid on line but not fall in love.
  19. christina2706

    christina2706 Dark Haired Beauty

    Mar 27, 2010
    Congratulations Jake!:) I love hearing positive things like this and I'm really happy for you.
  20. 2 Inch Jake

    2 Inch Jake Porn Star

    Oct 9, 2009
    Thanks, I always was a skeptic but things that are meant to happen will happen I guess. :)