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  1. bigbird

    bigbird Dirty English Gent

    Aug 4, 2006

    You want me to scramble your eggs? OK thats cool as post-snip I can't fertilise them anymore !
  2. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    While you are sorting Kimi's eggs, knock me up a bacon butty.;) No sauce.
  3. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Well, that's good, because I am NOT going through that child-bearing thing again! :)
  4. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    You keep running your mouth from behind a computer and behind a giant ocean, you fucking fake ass douchey little pussy. You're lucky nobody's there to wring your fucking neck for running your mouth.

    Working class wannabe? NOBODY WHO FUCKING IS WORKING CLASS WANTS TO BE WORKING CLASS, YOU FAKE ASS FUCK. You don't even know what the fuck working class means, and you sure as shit ain't working class cus you wouldn't have survived with your catty ass bullshit. You would've found that working class people don't take your shit and will force you to either back up that wannabe hardass talk or shut the fuck up.

    None of you are working class. Quit fronting. The only place you get away with your catty ass bullshit is the suburbs.
  5. x__orion

    x__orion ::.unhomed.::

    Jul 2, 2006
    Martial ability - nor the ability to threaten - does not a man make.
  6. x__orion

    x__orion ::.unhomed.::

    Jul 2, 2006
    Perhaps you should take a look in this country. There are huge numbers of people who are arguably 'working class' who are more than happy to stay where they are. Their lack of motivation, their disinterest in the mechanisms of social mobility - education, for example - leads one to the inexorable conclusion that these people are simply happy to sit in menial jobs or on the Dole, and live at the Government's expense.

    Perhaps it's different where you are. Perhaps everyone in a shitty job in a shitty part of town wants to live in a big house. But here, it's not like that. You can't generalise our working class with reference only to yours.

  7. bigbird

    bigbird Dirty English Gent

    Aug 4, 2006
    You big girl's blouse - next you'll be complaining the child birth was "painful" ffs ! - if you were a guy and you'd been kicked in the balls you'd know what REAL pain was all about!

    Now we have an order for cum stained scrambled eggs and a bacon bap for someone else - come to think of it - I like the sound of that - so how about knocking up a round of bacon sarnies - we can fuck when you've finished the washing up :excited::excited::excited:
  8. InTheMindsEye

    InTheMindsEye What a cock!

    Jul 23, 2009
    You would have thought that after 4 and half years in this forum he would have learned to stop foaming at the mouth at the slightest perceived sleight to his manliness or station in life. Funny though. :excited:
  9. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    You are so fucking predictable, you my son have no idea at all how life in working class areas works, you aint no working class hero baller, I doubt you are even working. You are a middle class church school misfit, the rich kids pity you and the working class despise you. Now you stop fronting, stop wanting to be what you can never be, get out of momma's cellar and find some work. Fucking pussy.

    And I am not the one talking tough from behind a computer, all the time it is the same old threats, the same old boasts, same old baller, so easy to wind up and so predictable in his replies.

  10. scotchncoke

    scotchncoke Porn Star

    Sep 24, 2006
    HAHAHAHA more keyboard thuggery,Nothing like a pissing contest.
  11. bigbird

    bigbird Dirty English Gent

    Aug 4, 2006
    i feel its sad that the OP is so fixated to create a thread bringing up an old argument - ho hum as treebeard would say!
  12. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    Like you can talk about being a man. Shut your twirp ass up already. You're a pussy, and you're nowhere near as intelligent as you think you are.

    The only thing you should be apologizing for is what your country did to the world and the fact that you try to defend it and BS others about it. You people from England(or at least from the suburbs of it) seem to not know what working class means so I'll explain it to you. Working class means that you're helpless, from birth. It means that if the conditions are right, you can create opportunities by working in a factory or some other hard labor(which are mostly gone now, especially around the East Coast where they are most needed) but that your education was most likely lacking, you don't grow up in a nice house and you grow up in hard-nosed working class areas. Of course, really the only requirements for being working class are being helpless and having to create your own opportunities by working for them, which of course is only possible if the company/industry that your town was built around doesn't fuck you over and send jobs and thus opportunities everywhere else. Oops, too late. By definition, working class means that you have to work in order to survive, and that if you can't work for whatever reason, you won't have any opportunities and you most likely won't eat. Athletes can be working class, as well as musicians, actors, etc. They come from shitty areas and because there's an opportunity that they can create by playing sports or doing some other profession where it doesn't matter where you come from, what opportunities you had, or how good of an education you got, they can make it out and make a better life, and most of them give back to those places once they have. Nobody who has a choice wants to be working class. The only people who want to be working class are people who aren't working class. The working class has been comprised of the same ethnicities for its entirety, ethnicitites your country slaughtered, traded as slaves, or forced out of their homelands. The only way somebody who isn't one of those ethnicities can be working class is if all of the opportunities that their ancestors had aren't available to them, or in other words, if somebody in their family fucked up their finances and they were forced to be working class because of it.

    Maybe you should read up on sociology before you run your mouth without a clue yet again.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2010
  13. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    Who the fuck are you and why are you talking?

    Not exactly shocked that yet another person on here doesn't understand how unacceptable crossing the line these people are crossing is though. Maybe if you actually lived it or knew anybody who did, you would.

    Keep running your mouth, you pussy ass little fraud.

    How are you working class exactly?
  14. x__orion

    x__orion ::.unhomed.::

    Jul 2, 2006
    You don't know where I was born.

    I was born smack bang in between the two of the roughest places in London. Right between Brixton and Peckham; y'might of heard of those places. I know a thing or two about working class, kid. But so fucking what? This wasn't supposed to be a pissing contest. Please stop making it one.

    How do you explain, though, what I cited? The people who clearly are working class - in economic terms - who are surviving on subsidies, handouts, and odd jobs - yet have no desire to move? Who have no desire to take the education that's offered to them for free, nor to seek experience through the myriad of volunteering schemes that seek to help the unemployable become employable? Who are perfectly content living on other peoples' money?

    In economic terms, they're working class. In economic definitions - socialiogical ones, too - the term working class extends from those who work manual labour, from assembly lines to building sites, and goes on down. It covers those on benefits, the unemployed - the lot. And not all of them want out, because apparently they can afford 56"plasma screens and yet not have to work.

    Sorry. Editing. For God's sake, stop blaming British Imperialism for the 'creation' of the working class. That's absurd, and indicates a fundamentally warped view of history.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2010
  15. InTheMindsEye

    InTheMindsEye What a cock!

    Jul 23, 2009
    To be honest baller I couldnt give a fuck about crossing any notional line you draw in the sand. Contrary to the voices in your head, you do not decide whats acceptable and unacceptable...maybe in your own fridge you do, or your momma's fridge....but not on here, and certainly not to me. I'm talking to let you know what a prick you are, but I guess you heard it a thousand times before judging by the effluence that comes from your fingers to our screens.

    And it's my birthday. So give me a kiss! :kiss:
  16. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    I care, I really do. No, KID, you don't know shit about working class so quit fronting. And no I've never heard of any of those areas nor do I care about them in the least. Go to Chester sometime or Darby and then talk about how hard your town supposedly was. Except, if it actually was, you wouldn't be the catty little bitch that you are and survive.

    Just like you, those people aren't working class.

    No, it does not. Sorry but you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about, as usual. I also didn't say it was only the English, and I didn't blame it on Imperialism. The working class was created in England by the Anglo-Saxons and everywhere else that it naturally is by the royalty there. The difference is that back then the highest ups were the bravest warriors or had some other legitimate blood line. They didn't pull some bitch shit and they didn't seek to profit from other lands. They also did not grow up sheltered from the realities of the rest of their citizens.

    In places other than England, France, etc etc, there were civilizations where everybody had a purpose and where they lived within nature because places outside of certain parts of Europe didn't have the benefit of less extreme conditions. The Mayans for example, when things were harsh for the "common" people, the royalty would publicly do painful things to themselves to show that they felt their people's pain. The Native Americans in certain areas had rules that if everybody didn't eat, nobody ate, and that included the chiefs and other tribal leaders. The only thing even close to your societies in Europe would be the caste society in India. Everywhere else, it wasn't like that, until you forced that on them with guns and bitch shit like pretending to be their friends. So yes, the current working class most definitely exists because of your country and others like it. If you were actually working class, you would know that. Hell, if you knew anything about history, you would know that.

    These are the lines I grew up with. They're the lines people from your country forced on the world. You don't get to just pretend they don't exist as soon as they don't benefit you anymore. I thought everybody who wasn't an Anglican was less than a human? That everybody who wasn't "civilized" like you didn't deserve their land or their opportunities? Interesting how things that are written down don't just magically disappear isn't it?
  17. x__orion

    x__orion ::.unhomed.::

    Jul 2, 2006
    Skipping the diatribe, answer me this: if those people are not working class, what are they? They certainly aren't middle-class.

    Oh, and pardon me for citing Wiki, but the working class can cover the unemployed:

  18. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    Well baller boy I claim to be working class because I am, my father was a gardeners labourer, my Mother stayed at home raising six kids when the last kid was old enough she went out cleaning middle class folks house. I started my working life at fourteen delivering milk, a lovely three o'clock start, then I joined the Army, not the ROTC which is as close to soldiering as you will get, but as a grunt, someone who humps that 50lb bergen and shoots that rifle and fires that expensive missile system, and before you start saying that the army as a hierarchical system Sergeant's are working class son they just get to shout at idiots like you.
    Where are your creds rich boy, where do you work, rich boy, and the line you so jealously shout of is so far away from you it is a dot. Now fuck off back into mommy's cellar and leave the grown-ups to play.

    Oh dear I forgot about baller versus Europe, what a piece of work you are baller, you live off the endeavours of European industry and condemn it all in the same breath. Fuck off back into mommy's cellar, fronting, catty, douchey, you have been gone over six months and your insult thesaurus is still thin.

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2010
  19. Krieg

    Krieg Unholy

    May 31, 2010
    hmmm..online pissing contest. Interesting.
  20. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    I already defined working class. You know where the definition I gave comes from? Fucking sociology textbooks, which are quoted from people who coined the term, like Marx.

    Now shut your punk ass mouth already cus I'm tired of you. You're not working class. You're not intelligent. You're just another spoiled little brat pulling childish shit because you're wrong, as usual, and can't accept it. Luckily for you, there's nobody to force you to accept it or put you in your fucking place.

    None of that makes you working class, you unoriginal little douche.

    Quit fronting, and quit copping insults and culture.