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  1. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    And you know for very good reasons. The vast majority of people in this nation think social security is a damn good deal. I know when I was paying into it I didn't mind at all because I knew it was going to the people who had built this country before me. Plus after president Johnson they weren't freezing to death or eating pet food.

    I felt better about that.

    Now that I've paid into it all my life and its just about the only thing I've got it looks like a damn good deal to me. I don't see anyone in their right mind wanting to change that. Especially after all the good its done for all these decades.

    I've said it before and now I have to say it again Ace. Only a fucking fool would believe they can live in the greatest nation on earth and not have to pay taxes.

    But tell me this Ace. What is it about being rich that makes you fuckers so cheap and stingy. Oh yeah taxing you wealthy fuckers at the same rate as the working man would be a terrible injustice wouldn't it Richy Rich?
  2. BigTrobbing

    BigTrobbing Porn Star

    Oct 29, 2010

    You progressives are amazing. How did you get that out of what I said?? I said Privatizing is no worse then letting the government watching it.

    I used bigger letter because apparently progressives also have BAD eyes.

    And it is a ponzi scheme. You need people coming in to pay for the people already in it. And if you or I were to do it the government would have us in jail.
  3. Snugglebear

    Snugglebear Newcumer

    Feb 3, 2011
    Great Forum

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  4. Snugglebear

    Snugglebear Newcumer

    Feb 3, 2011
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  5. Snugglebear

    Snugglebear Newcumer

    Feb 3, 2011
    randybuck862 bravejournal com ][​IMG] My 1st post Great forum
  6. BigTrobbing

    BigTrobbing Porn Star

    Oct 29, 2010

    We should not have bailed any of them out. What ever happened to the American way?? The strong survive and if they fail then someone will pick up what is left and make something else. GM should never have been bailed out, that money we will never see and they told us just that about a month ago. The unions will continue to finish off what they can and then they will be in the same boat they were in before the bail out.

    I know I did not get a bail out did you?? I bet not. What ever happened to bankruptcy?? When obama ran that with GM the ones that got the biggest screwing were the shareholders. Those are the ones that invested into GM They received NOTHING but the unions made out good.

    I know I would NEVER buy a GM product because of what happened there, and many others would not also.

    So as far as I am concerned I can handle MY money better then the government if you want them to take care of yours ten that should be YOUR option and I should have mine.

    Just to make sure you understand I NEVER said I wanted to get rid of SS. So you and Kimiko do not put words in my mouth I said it is a PONZI scheme.:eek:
  7. Whitey44

    Whitey44 Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2008

    The Republicans got voted for this past election because people were unhappy with the economy. This was the same reason that Barack Obama got voted for in 2008. People vote for whomever they think has the magic pill.

    Of course, now the Republicans have to try and keep their campaign promises as Obama has tried. They will succeed in some ways and fail in others. Neither the Republicans or the Democrats have all the answers. But, working together they may do better.

    I like the current balance of power.
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    Only a brainwashed fool would not recognize that government bailing out the greed and corruption of private sector IS the American way and has been since the United States Constitution was written. And government bailouts of private companies and industries sure didn't start with President Obama.

    President Carter had to bail out Chrysler Ronald Reagan bailed out the Savings and Loan industry after it was looted and both the TARP and Stimulus Package were started under George Bush

    But I do agree that it does prove the lie of conservatism as it is preached and practiced in this nation.

    The depth of your brainwashed propaganda is quite impressive. You don't even know that GM is once again a leading brand in the world and most the money has been paid back and GM is a public company again. That saved millions of jobs that depend on the auto industry.

    And if GM has the same unions (which made huge concessions to help save the US auto industry) but different managers and are once again a world leader then the problem was not the UAW no was it?

    Why do you keep crying so hysterically about bailing out GM when GM is not only doing well and paying the taxpayers back, they received a pittance of government help compared to the money we had to pump into insurance companies, banks, and Wall Street?

    And not bailing out the bankers and stockbrokers was not an option. It would have been a global financial meltdown. It would have been akin to standing there watching a nuclear power plant start to melt down and not doing anything about it because you don't want any government interference.

    Who cares what you do? Millions of people don't care if GM got bailed out. What they care about is a quality automobile. That's why GM is now a leading brand in China which is a huge new market opening up.

    You would have no money if it wasn't for our government and I mean that literally.You would have no economy without out government because there would be no way to transport goods. You would not last a month without our government.

    Neither would anyone else because our government not only protects us they also bring us Water, which is something we cannot live without.

    So that's why I say only fools believe they can live in one of the best, safest, and most prosperous nations in the world and not have to pay taxes.

    I don't think I directly accused you but just in case I did I apologize and appreciate you making your contradictory statement here.

    By the way Social Security in no way resembles a Ponzi scheme. Its a trust fund that can be funded quite easily for posterity with some minor adjustments.

    I pointed out that it seemed to me that in Michelle Bachmann's misguided response to President Obama's state of the Union Address she must have screamed jobs about 20 times and blamed the lack of them on President Obama and the Democrats.

    OK, well fine. Now its the conservatives/Republican/Tea Baggers turn to create jobs and if they don't the majority of Americans are going vote against them.

    Because, yes folks, the majority of Americans wants their government to solve their problems and make their lives easier. They want and expect their government to be able to restore the economy and the prosperity we had. That's the 95% of Americans the GOP/Tea Party ignores while they cater to the wealthiest 5%.

    PS And yes I did receive a government bailout on my unemployment extension and the subsidy for my COBRA insurance subsidy which might have saved my life.
  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    The government has never lost a dime of my social security contributions nor yours. Its all accounted for. You can't say that for Wall Street, the bankers, the financiers, or the insruance giants.

    And no one has ever been able to tell me how much money we would have lost if our Social Security had been invested in Wall Street when the stock-market crashed from above 14,000 to below 9,000 and still is only about 12,000.

    But everyone I know who had their retirement funds invested in the stock market lost a lot to the greed and corruption of the money handlers. Not the government.
  10. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    So, basically you're saying you're okay with maintaining a ponzi scheme, as long as it's a PRIVATE ponzi scheme.

    Get real. Social Security is IN NO WAY a ponzi scheme. It takes money in from workers according to a formula, it sends money out to beneficiaries according to a formula. It accounts for every penny. It meets every obligation, and always has.
  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I've also noticed that if things are not going the way we want them to in Social Security or anywhere else in government we can fire our politicians and get new ones.

    That's obviously not true for crooked stock brokers and bankers.
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    You just can't beat those Republicans ...........

    .......... when it comes to hilarity. Check this out:


    Is this going to be bye, bye Boehner already?:excited:
  13. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    So why do you keep backing the same crooked and ineffective Senators and Representatives?

    You have never been exposed to the harsh realities of the business, if you think that crooked bankers and stock brokers get away with illegal activities.

    There have been hundreds of cases of financial crime prosecution in the US since 2000, there have been many companies shut down and their executives jailed.

    You just want to beat on that broken drum, even though it makes no sound.
  14. Whitey44

    Whitey44 Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2008


    I didn't know you were unemployed.
    Hang in there Bud. Things will get better again.

  15. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Not unemployed. Disabled. First time in 1995, but once I got healed up I just went back to work in the oilfield because the boom was on. Then despite knowing about my disability when they hired me, on my last job one supervisor said I was having problems physically and I was too old so they ran me off. (We're still having some official discussions over that one).

    But by that time I was in so much pain in my neck and shoulders I went back to a doctor and they determined that fighting with ungreased valves had restacked the vertebra in my neck and now a piece of one is pressing in on my spinal cord. Between that and the permanent shoulder injury I had in '95 they canceled my ticket to work, with prejudice I'd call it. Because this doctor said he was going to officially disable me so I would not be able to sneak back to work some place. Instead he said it was time to file for social security disability which I did and got approved instantly at least by SS standards.

    I've been waiting a year and half for our worker's comp division to approve the surgery the doctors say I need on my neck. But as usual they deny everything the first time and make me go through a hearing process which takes about six months.

    So that's my story and while I don't think I'd have made it public, parts of it got out anyway so I might as well set the record straight.

    But to state it again, between the time I got ran off and approved for disability the extended unemployment payments kept the payments made and food on the table and because of the COBRA subsidy I had insurance when I got appendicitis which saved me about $15,000 in medical bills.

    Those are the first things I'd seen the government do for the average working people in decades and it helped millions of people avoid total disaster.
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    The hilarity of Ronald Reagan revised

    You may have noticed its Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday. And you probably noticed that because the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers are very busy trying to re-write Reagan's actual presidency and try to turn him into some great conservative hero.

    Well bullshit I suffered through eight years of Ronald Reagan and watched him wreck the country with the lie of conservatism as it is preached and practiced in this nation and am not willing to let those myths go unchallenged.

    So here's five myths about Ronald Reagan:

    1. Reagan was one of our most popular presidents.

    2. Reagan was a tax-cutter.

    3. Reagan was a hawk.

    4. Reagan shrank the federal government.

    5.Reagan was a conservative culture warrior.

  17. ThisFNG

    ThisFNG Porn Star

    Oct 4, 2010
    The moral equivalency argument is so weak.
  18. easttexasbadboy32

    easttexasbadboy32 Porno Junky

    Sep 27, 2009
    I think they come here for the free healthcare, free education, free police protection, ability to sue, and to take advantage of our generosity.

    You don't have to deport the illegals, just cut off the free ride and enforce our laws. They'll deport themselves.
  19. ThisFNG

    ThisFNG Porn Star

    Oct 4, 2010
    follow the money. search campaign contributions. and open a new window than search who voted for for which pieces of dross. put the lists side by side.

    bet you a penny you find the same thing I did, that the same assholes who took our money and gave it to failures and retards in GM/Fanny/Freddy/AIG/BofA/(insert ALL financial, they all got free money), coincidentally received contributions from the same.

    we all now get to pay for it in the form of inflated price, reduced GDP and unemployment.

  20. ThisFNG

    ThisFNG Porn Star

    Oct 4, 2010

    Of course they haven't lost it, they just print more. :rolleyes:

    Google: PONZI

    Maddoff: Takes money from professional investors and pays it to people in the form of outrageous interest returns. Illegal

    SS: Take money from tax payers and pay it to people in the form of outrageous interest returns on minuscule contributions. Stumbler Verdict 'never lost a dime of my money', OK by me!

    I guess taking money from willing idiots, who Federal Securities LAW, by Requires, are not allowed to invest unless they are professionals, and should know better, is Illegal. But FORCING me to pay for your ass, who is too dumb or lazy to PLAN for his own retirement, is perfectly acceptable.

    (And don't give me that bullshit sob story, about stealing old people's money, Madoff was a fund of funds, and only 100 investor/partners, himself included in that number, were allowed to invest. I'm sure even you can divide the size of the loss by the 100 possible members and realize there was no way all those idiots could have invested their 'million dollar' life's savings there. It is called diversification morons! That is why only professionals are ALLOWED to invest in Hedge Funds, they HEDGE market risk, and are not intended as a solo investment.)