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  1. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    I dont see a problem at all. Private sector unions are a far cry different from public sector unions. Prevailing wage is prevailing wage, and the jobs are out for bid, I call that competition, public sector unions have no competition.
  2. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Oh for fucks sake Ace the crooked mother fucker is feathering his own family's nest and making money off his position as an alleged conservative/Republican/Tea Bagger in Congress. Just like your Tea Party darling Michelle Bachmann raking about a quarter million dollars a year in farm subsidies for her family's farms.

    But let me show you why you can't see what's right in front of you, Ace. Its because you're easily brainwashed by just stupid false right-wing propaganda like this.

    David Koch: ‘Hardcore socialist’ Obama is ‘scary to me’


    Now, I'm sure you're going to take one look at that and believe every fucking word of as the gospel when the reality is instead of being a hard core socialist President Obama isn't even a "progressive" and there's days when he sure as fuck doesn't even look like a democrat.

    If President had a socialist bone in his body he'd have nationalized the banks when he had the chance and many many economists were recommending that. Instead he left them privatized and even though they are back to making money and probably ripping us off again he's received nothing but criticism for that.

    I'm telling you Ace I think being brainwashed is making your head softer by the day.
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    In honor of the unemployment rate going back up to 9% after the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers ran on jobs, jobs, jobs in the last election if they're not doing anything to create the jobs they promised just what are they up to? It can't be all just them ramming their Fundamentalist Christian agenda down our throats can it? No matter how much the richest 5% of this nation believe in and applaud the Christian Fundamentalists being able to tell everyone else what to do that's not really worth much in dollars and doesn't help the rich get richer which is after all the GOP's main mission so what have they REALLY been up to?

    Well let's see as we all know they are attempting to end Medicare and Medicade and stop feeding mothers and infants. They are willing to cut anything except $4 billion in tax subsided to the oil companies making windfall profits at the gas pump. In fact they more than protect them and their subsides the conservative/Republicans/Tea Baggers in congress are telling the Democrats to stop being mean to them.:rolleyes:

    Republican congressman to Democrats: Quit trying to 'demonize' big oil


    This is while we're actually watching the price of gasoline increase instantly everyday for 44 days every time the price of oil increased. Except this time oil only managed to reach $112 per barrel before gasoline was selling for more than $4 per gallon. The last time it took a record $140 per barrel to push the price of gasoline and diesel to more than $4 per gallon.

    And not the price of oil has fallen by more than $10 per barrel and yet the price of gasoline first went up and now has fallen by a fraction of a cent.

    So much for the conservatives being willing to help average Americans because high gasoline and diesel prices hurts everyone and the hurt is usually compounded because it costs more for trasnportation to the store and once they get there the prices are higher because it cost more to transport everything they buy.

    But that's just their buddies in the oil business. The Conservatives are actually protecting rich corporations and stand idly buy while corporate profits are up 36.8% in 2010 and the unemployment has just climbed back to 9%.


    And I just find it hilarious that conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers can stand there and still try to claim that cutting taxes for rich individuals and corporations creates jobs and increasing taxes will decrease jobs. We've had 10 years worth of tax cuts, got Zero job growth for eight years and ended up with a 9% unemployment rate after our economy collapsed due to the greedy and corrupt practices of that same 5% who got their taxes cut.

    And all this when US Taxes are at their lowest rate since 1958. And the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers are still screaming taxes are too high.


    But I also find it absolutely nauseating to see how many Americans can't see through those lies.

    Especially when its right in front of them.


    And there next move is to try and do the Koch Brothers a big personal favor by eliminating the Environmental Protection Agency if they can. Then we can go back to toxic waste dumps and rivers that can catch on fire.


    I have to laugh to keep from crying.
  4. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    The Lie Of Consrvatism Continues

    I've consistently maintained that conservatism as it is preached and practiced in this nation is a lie.

    And here's what I think is a good example of those lies in action. Now, remember conservatives are supposed to be for individual rights, for the constitution, and for a smaller less intrusive government.

    That is unless they can moralize and tell everyone else what to do. In that case they'd jump at the chance to make drug testing of all Americans mandatory. That's right, no rights or constitution when it comes to drugs. And expand government to include a whole new national police force to piss test everyone in the country. Fucking hypocrites.

    Gingrich: We should have Singapore-style drug tests for Americans

  5. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    More Republican Hilarity

    I just love watching Cryin' John Boehner flounder around as speaker of the house but find it hilarious when he goes somewhere and opens his mouth only to have what he says fact checked to epic failure.

    No wonder our economy is still struggling if Boehner actually does represent the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers in congress and they are as ignorant of our economy and economic factors.

    Check some of it out.

    Boehner’s Views on Economy Contradicted by Studies

  6. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Nancy Pelosi Schools GOP/Tea Party Freshmen

    With old Cryin' John Boehner floundering around contradicting himself and scaring the financial markets its a good thing we've still got Nancy Pelosi in there as House Minority leader so she can slap some of those new house members back to reality and basically tell them to man up and take personal responsibility for their actions.

    First, if you can believe this, after things like the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers claiming the health care reforms had "death panels" and would cut Medicare by $500 Billion. Even after running attack ads in the last election against democrats for that. Now they go running and crying to President Obama no less claiming the Democrats are using scare tactics because they are pointing out the Republicans voted to end Medicare as we know it.

    Its hilarious but fortunately Nancy Pelosi has enough balls to straighten their crybaby asses out.

    Pelosi to GOP freshmen: The truth about your plan to end Medicare hurts


  7. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    High School Student Challenges Michele Bachmann To Debate

    I would be willing to bet that Michele Bachmann and her campaign handlers will just pretend like they never heard of an open letter from a High School student challenging her to public debate on the US Constitution.

    That would be the smartest move because I'm pretty sure most high school students do know more about the US Constitution than Bachmann does and publicly debating one could be political suicide.

    But anyway here's the challenge. Let's see if it has legs in the news cycle and what Bachmann says or does about.

  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    John Stewart And Bill O’Reilly To Debate Monday Night

    You can bet I'll be watching the O'Reilly Factor this coming Monday night because John Stewart has agreed to debate Bill O'Reilly on his own show.

    And while in a real debate I'm convinced Stewart would shred O'Reilly's arguments I'm not sure that's going to be the case Monday night because one of O'Reilly's favorite tricks is to get people on his show where he can interrupt them every time they try to say anything. Its a really chicken shit trick that's O'Reilly's stock and trade.

    But I'll still be watching to see how Stewart handles it and if he can actually manage to say anything.

  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Jon Stewart Shreds Bill O'Reilly On His Own Show

    Well Jon Stewart debated Bill O'Reilly on his own show last night and gave old Billo quite the spanking I must say. Stewart successfully countered everyone of O'Reilly's points and rounded it all very nicely by pointing out what was really going on is that Fox News and Bill O'Reilly have a "selective outrage machine" which is both false and hypocritical.

    The only thing I was disappointed in is that near the end of the debate O'Reilly defeated his own argument and proved Stewart's point about Fox's selective outrage machine but Stewart failed to catch it and note it missing his opportunity to totally destroy O'Reilly once and for all.

    The moment of O'Reilly's defeat came with the glaring contradiction O'Reilly made when he tried to counter Stewart's claim that Fox employed a selective outrage machine by claiming Stewart was actually criticizing Fox because of its diversity.

    Well fine Billo you dumb fuck there you go. Why is it great thing for Fox News to have diversity but a disgrace and outrage for the White House to embrace diversity? And the answer is because you're a hypocritical fool.

    But be sure to watch it yourself. Its right here:

  10. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    More Gingrich Claims Quoting What He Says Is A Falsehood

    Another thing that is just laughable to be is watching the Republicans scurrying like so many rats trying to position themselves to run for president and every time one of them breaks from the pack (like Donald Trump) the end up blowing their chance in incredibly embarrassing fashion.

    And the latest one is Newt Gingrich. Now Gingrich is another candidate that doesn't have a prayer anyway because of all his political baggage which includes resigning from congress in disgrace.

    But oh lordy has he blown any any chance of credibility with his last fuck up where he called the Paul Ryan budget to radical of a step and "republican social engineering."

    Well as you can imagine since that's the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers holy grail they immediately started firing at poor old Newt and being the newt he is as soon as he got criticized he immediately flip flopped but managed to do it in the most hilarious and discrediting way I think I've ever seen

    Here's good old Newt:

    Newt Gingrich: ‘Any Ad Which Quotes What I Said On Sunday Is A Falsehood’

  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    In the category of what goes around comes around the scare tactics the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers used against the democrats over the health care reforms are coming back around to bite them. Maybe.

    The reason I say that is this is one of the ads some pro liberal group has come up with which features some GOP representative throwing granny off a cliff. But of course I say maybe because a little of that goes a long ways and if the democrats or their supporters over play it then that will come back to haunt them I fear.

    But so far its just fun and games.:)

    Dem group’s ad depicts Paul Ryan stand-in tossing elderly woman off a cliff


    PS OH FUCK This gets funnier every time I watch it.
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    More GOP Hilarity

    I can't believe House Majority leader Eric Cantor would be dumb enough to do this but now he's set the Republicans up as using extortion to set up a huge interstate fight and tons of hard feelings with what will be bi partisan citizens.

    Check this out.:excited: You talk about a perfect way to bring fourth human jealousy and competition for resources. This is the very blue print for it.

    Cantor Says Congress Won’t Pay For Missouri Disaster Relief Unless Spending Is Cut Elsewhere


    I'll bet the Joplin victims are really not going to like being held hostage.
  13. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    No, but I'm really going to enjoy watching Cantor twist in the wind trying to defend that position. That man is an idiot.
  14. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Here's some more stuff to make your day, Stumbler...from Forbes, no less.


    By the way, I couldn't get the actual ad to run in your link, so here's another one. I love it!

    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2011
  15. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Thank you. :)

    I just added that to my list of documented facts. If it came from the Huffington Post I would not quote it, but it is hard for a wingnut to argue with Forbes.

    This is another Forbes website I like to quote:

    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2011
  16. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Yes indeed, more people should read that. The mythology surrounding the supposedly high taxes paid by Americans is a wonder to behold.
  17. hotjohn4321

    hotjohn4321 Porn Star

    Apr 20, 2010
  18. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Kansas is no place for a woman to live. They'll be burning witches next.
  19. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    And giving human sacrifices after spring planting to guarantee a good harvest.
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    And I think its already beginning to cost them. Here's what I think is the first referendum on Ryan's budget. The Republicans lose a strongly conservative seat in New York today.;)


    Thanks and I think ran into trouble on the Forbes Link. But these are pretty good times for the liberal-left lately.:)