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  1. BigTrobbing

    BigTrobbing Porn Star

    Oct 29, 2010

    Perhaps you should look up why we are in the mess were in and then comment. Just for shits and giggles look up the CRA Act (community reinvestment act) and also look up who used fannie and freddie as their personal piggy bank and as pay back to their political friends.

    Then get back to us. And obozo is the biggest FAILURE that America has ever had as President. Even Carter is happy he is no longer the worst.:eek:
  2. BigTrobbing

    BigTrobbing Porn Star

    Oct 29, 2010

    Unlike demoRats (or should I say progressives) we have morals, and we want people to succeed where are the progressives want to be mommy and daddy to everyone and with the health care until you get old they want to kill you.

    How did clinton do good?? Well he had a Republicans congress and the cut the welfare rolls cut taxes and cut some regulation and what happened?? He had a great economey that is the part you progressives leave out, that he had a REPUBLICAN CONGRESS. SO how did nancy and harry do??

    LINK:::: http://www.sodahead.com/united-stat...y-reid-need-a-civics-lesson/question-1198859/

    OOOPS not so good since they took over in 2007. Poor harry and nancy.

  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I'm with you. I'm looking forward to the election and really encouraged with the way things are going now, including the new" higher than expected jobless claims" report.

    I think that dove-tails very well with the Democratic statements yesterday that the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers in congress are literally trying to make the nation fail economically just to try and keep any of President Obama's policies from working.

    When job creation is still the number one concern of US voters I don't think the conservative/Republican/Tea Bagger job killing approach is going to go over well with them.

    So I see the potential for another Democratic clean sweep and that will be a liberal mandate for the next four years.

    And all I have to do really to prove that is ask Yeehaarider who he's going to vote for?:excited:
  4. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    It was not programs to expand home ownership (which was supported by Republican and Democrats alike) that caused the financial collapse of our economy and the worldwide recession.

    That was caused by the US private sector greed and corruption that bundled high risk loans into huge bundles and gave them Triple A ratings even though they were what would later be called "toxic assets."

    It the same old lie of conservatism as it is preached and practiced in this nation. Blame the government for everything, get the government to relax its guard, then loot a segment of the economy, and then run to the government for a taxpayer bailout. Happens every time the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers are in power.

    Nope, Clinton raised taxes, especially on the top 5% and the economy and job creation flourished.

    Clinton actually reduced our national debt and left President George Bush with a budget surplus.

    Bush cuts taxes for the top 5%, relaxes regulations protecting from greed and corruption, engages in two wars, doubles our national debt (That's about $5-$6 Trillion) and the economy starts shedding jobs and results in the "Great Recession" the greatest economic disaster since the Great Depression.

    That's what the lie and spend policies of the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers actually cost us.

    More than $13 TRILLION to bail out the private financial sector alone.
  5. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Man, you are a pathetic moron. The Republicans have control of one half of congress. They have only had this control for the last 6 months. Otherwise the Dumbocraps have been in control for 6 years prior to this.

    All you libtards can do is blame your own failures on someone else.

    Keep up your loser puppet dance stumbler, it's very entertaining:rolleyes:

    Oh and one more thing. Anyone you would vote for, I would vote against. So your vote doesn't count!!!!
  6. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    President Obama and the Democrats sure stopped the economic free fall within the first six months they were in office by passing the stimulus package and a host of other measures. President Obama and the democrats went on to pass several other measures in the first six months that immediately began to save and create jobs.

    The Unemployment rate was actually going down by the time the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers got elected. Now its going back up and the stock market took a fall because of all the indecision while the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers have a contest to see who can thump there bibles the loudest and kill jobs.

    And I knew you could not name a conservative/Republican/Tea Bagger you think can win against Obama. There is not one that is not actually a laughing stock and far right religious nut case.
  7. easttexasbadboy32

    easttexasbadboy32 Porno Junky

    Sep 27, 2009
    How long did that expensive exercise last? Everything still sucks and there is no end in sight. Hey, at least our credit rating is plummeting!

    Net loss of private sector jobs with every report. If the fruit of his policies results in making 5 new jobs but also losing 50 jobs, that's just a laughable thing to brag about. All those 'new' McDonalds jobs, shall we call this a McRecovery? Beautiful success for the left, the realization of trickle-up poverty.

    He hired most of them into taxpayer funded jobs, not that we needed their services nor could afford their compensation.

    "Under Obama, the private sector has shed some 2.9 million jobs while the federal government has grown by 40,000 (after growing massively, the federal workforce shrank throughout the summer)"

    The liberal/progressive/socialist/communist system always falls apart when they run out of other people's money to spend. This shouldn't surprise anybody. It's hilarious that you blame it on republicans for not just blindly popping the top off the DEBT LIMIT for obama to continue his spending spree. According to obama himself, the mere fact we are discussing this shows a failure of leadership :rolleyes:

    That's what Carter's supporters thought in 1979. Most would sooner vote for a one-armed cyclops than obama again so it doesn't really matter who's beside the 'R' at this point in time :wink:
  8. easttexasbadboy32

    easttexasbadboy32 Porno Junky

    Sep 27, 2009
    “In 1995, a senior Clinton Administration official shared with me the Administration’s targets for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage volumes in low- and moderate-income communities. We had recently reviewed the Administration’s plans to increase government mortgage guarantees — most of these mortgages would also be pooled and sold as securities to investors. Even in 1995, I could see that these plans would create unserviceable debt loads in communities struggling with the falling incomes expected from globalization. Homeowners would default on mortgages while losses on mortgage-backed securities would drain retirement savings from 401(k)s and pension plans. Taxpayers would ultimately be hit with a large bill . . . but insiders would make a bundle."

    Government pushed toxic loans on lenders, who passed them on to others. Noone in their right mind would ever grant those loans, it was a social engineering experiment that liberals assumed would land in the lap of financial giants ...but they aren't financial giants for being stupid. These loans exist because the liberal government wanted them to, period.

    I think you've spent so much time spinning that you don't know which way you're facing when you start spewing that vomit. The government pushed the loans, the private sector pushed then on down the line. Libs freak when it hurt the unions and poor folks in the end so they just reimbursed everybody they liked and called it stimulus/bailout.

    Clinton enjoyed the closing of the cold war and was able to drastically cut defense spending. After pushing liberalism with vigor at first (remember hilary-care) and seeing his actions rejected soundly during the '95 midterms, he about-faced. He reformed welfare, cut entitlements, and basically became much more conservative. The result was a good financial situation for us all and he was rewarded with a second term.

    omamao should have learned from that bit of history.
  9. easttexasbadboy32

    easttexasbadboy32 Porno Junky

    Sep 27, 2009
    Just like I said here:
    How about any 'generic' republican ...according to Ramussen :excited:

  10. Adrian Mayers

    Adrian Mayers Newcumer

    Oct 7, 2008
    Dude you actually blaming Obama for this economy.
  11. 1159022

    1159022 Porn Star

    Oct 5, 2006
    Worrying about Africa and not her own country.
    Millions are starving here and she goes on a trip there.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2011
  12. 1159022

    1159022 Porn Star

    Oct 5, 2006
  13. 1159022

    1159022 Porn Star

    Oct 5, 2006
  14. thikdik

    thikdik Porn Star

    Feb 4, 2007
    You stupid fuck, you think I would waste my time on you. An asshole who lives on here and lives his life through a forum. go eat Richie's colostomy (shit bag) like you always do.
  15. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    I agree, the Republicans will need to come up with something better than the MCshame debacle we seen in 2008.

    What's even worse, that loser McCane is still in congress screwing this Country.
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Actually according to the Congressional Budget Office the Stimulus packaged saved or created more than 3 million jobs and there are 15 straight months of private sector job growth after a decade of shedding private sector jobs.

    And now is the time for even more stimulus spending which is why President Obama just publicly called out the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers in congress out today about them blocking all attempts at Job creation even after they ran for election on Job Creation.

    No see we started out with tax cuts we could not afford and President Bush took a budget surplus and ended up doubling the national debt and creating the Great Recession. See we just had to prove once again that cutting taxes for the wealthy and corporations do not create jobs.


    And that's why President Obama Challenged congress today to approve at least the tax breaks for small business he is requesting.

    Not according to the same Pulitzer Prize Winning source you guys were using a week or so ago.

    "Over the last 15 months, we've added more than 2 million jobs in the private sector. That's far in excess of what it was in the comparable period after the last recession."


    Let's stop right here for a second because the reality is that prior to President Obama getting elected we had to bail out our entire private financial sector the tune of $13 Trillion dollars.

    That is what triggered the economic collapse and the Great recessions which President Obama and the Democrats have been dealing successfully with for the past two years.

    Ok here's two things right off the bat. We have to raise our debt limit because of the lie and spend policies of George W Bush who cut taxes for the 5% wealthiest Americans and kept the bulk of the nearly $4 TRILLION in war costs off the budget.


    And you sure can't lecture anyone on ignoring and disobeying the US constitution and then claim the debt ceiling is even legal under our constitution.

    14th Amendment Section #4

    That's where the debt ceiling debate is headed now.

    Oh I say it very much matters who's going to run against president Obama because most of them are religious zealots and social conservatives while the nation is moving away from Christian fundamentalism and becoming more open minded.

    And I bet you can't name a leading Republican candidate for candidate right now that does not already have an fatal flaw when it comes to getting elected.

    Nope Too big To Fail, the relaxation of government regulations protecting the public from banks and pure old greed and corruption on the part of the wealthiest people in the world caused our down fall and subsequent tax payer bailouts.

    Dear GOP: Fannie, Freddie Did Not Cause the Financial Crisis


    Cox, Greenspan, Snow Agree: Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae Did Not Cause The Financial Crisis


    And what probably had a bigger impact than anything else is Alan Greenspan was dumb enough to believe Ayn Rand. And found out Rand was full of shit and you cannot trust the private sector to regulate itself.


    No I called a bullshit on this one already and posted my proof.

    But the first thing he did was raise taxes and seriously address the rip offs that had once again scuttled the economy and required more government bailouts like the looting of the savings and loans for example.

    And I've already posted the proof that cutting taxes does not create jobs.

    But no matter how rate Clinton's administration how to you explain Bush's lie and spend policies of cutting taxes and starting two wars that were not paid for.

    You do know that according to the Congressional Budget Office just allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire would pay off the National debt don't you?

    CHART OF THE DAY: If Congress Does Nothing, The Deficit Will Disappear


    What bit of history? There's no history there. And everything is ebbing the other way.

    Its like you claiming President Obama ignores the majority of people when actually the majority of the people in the US agree with President Obama; its time to raise taxes.


    Any generic republican actually does sound a lot better than any of the real candidates I agree.

    So who are you voting for Sarah Palin? Michele Bachmann?:excited:

    Yeah well let's see you name one?:excited:
  17. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Well President Obama put the ball back in congress's court yesterday pointing out his daughters can get their homework done and its time congress followed their example and stopped taking time off if they cannot do something as essential and simple as raising the debt ceiling.

    President Obama has also said our solutions require those who can afford it to pay more in taxes and to end the corporate welfare and tax loopholes for corporations.

    He's also apparently backing democrats in congress up saying that any cuts to Medicare must be on the delivery side not on the consumer side.

    And I don't think it will be long now before we see the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers in congress flip-flop and raise the debt ceiling all on their own because otherwise its their rich patrons on Wall Street, in the Banks, and in the top income brackets that are going to get hurt first and most.

    The conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers will not allow that to happen.

    Now, none of you alleged Tea Party folks want to explain how you can claim the Constitution of the US should be paramount unless it comes to money? Then the constitution should be ignored?
  18. 1159022

    1159022 Porn Star

    Oct 5, 2006