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Do you pledge to love and respect men?

  1. Yes, they are my brothers and I love them.

    14 vote(s)
  2. No, men don't deserve my love or respect.

    3 vote(s)


    May 1, 2008

  2. wilburjorgeafraidya

    wilburjorgeafraidya Porno Junky

    Mar 10, 2011
    Not to confuse this very interesting thread but if you are a wolf then you are a lupine not a canine. related but not the same.
    Now you all may return to bickering like before.;)
  3. Chagrin

    Chagrin Friskeh Kitteh

    Apr 7, 2005
    Is THAT where I came from?????:eek:
  4. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    No you is special and was found under a gorse bush.:cool:
  5. smcaaphd

    smcaaphd zOMGorgeous

    Oct 4, 2007
  6. naughtygirl666

    naughtygirl666 The beautiful game's Red temptress

    Jul 26, 2009
    I don't understand what? That you are a twisted bitter man that, because you are unable to find a girlfriend, all of a sudden it's because all women are scum and can't be trusted? Oh i think i understand just perfectly thanks.
    You soul is tortured because instead of realising you have a problem and dealing with it, you find it easier to blame others. If women haven't tried to get close, i can't say i'm that surprised, as mentioned i can feel the vibe you have towards my gender from here.
    Finally if you are in pain about this then you need to do something about it, changing your attitude for one would help. You claim to love yourself, but i don't think you do, you say all women hate you but i think you are just self-projecting your own feelings.
  7. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    The Truth

    That train left the station a long time ago. I think you should be more honest about what happened. You added me as a friend. I accepted your friendship. We exchanged some PMs. We were both friendly and respectful to each other. Then one day, you removed me from your friends list for no apparent reason.

    So what happened? Why did you remove me from your friends list? You never gave me a reason. Surely you had a reason. What was it? Peer pressure? A jealous lover perhaps?

    I was a little upset about it, but not heart broken. This is a porn site after all. Most of the people here aren't worth knowing anyway. I thought that you were different. I thought you were a cut above the other members. I thought you were a true friend. I thought wrong. You are an evil bitch, just like every other woman I have ever met. You have proven my point about how women are evil and can't be trusted. Congratulations, you must be so proud.
  8. TheGuy669

    TheGuy669 Porno Junky

    Jun 29, 2011
    Buddy, you will burn in hell

    Or whatever you Christians believe happens in hell
  9. SilverLycan

    SilverLycan The XnXX Alpha Wolf

    Jul 31, 2008
    And with each passing soul you find unworthy of love, the closer you creep towards your second death.

    We are taught that we will be judged according to how we judged others. So if you are hateful and cruelly judgmental, you will be burnt up, incinerated, less than ashes.

    You are doomed, Gentle Man.
  10. Carrie Joslin

    Carrie Joslin Porn Star Suspended!

    Jan 30, 2011
    Aww... He loves us, Doll! :excited:

  11. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    Did I say bitch? My mistake, I meant to say scank. Sorry for the confusion. :rolleyes:
  12. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007

    I say this as one who is on your Friends' List, as one who will not leave, and as one who does not want you to leave. In this environment it is not a good idea to express vulnerabilities. Save those expressions for PMs to trusted friends. Also, by expressing broad sweeping animosities you needlessly alienate people who might otherwise be your friends. This is true here. It is also true in your personal life. :idea:
  13. stilldontknow

    stilldontknow Porn Star

    Mar 18, 2010
    40 years without knowing the simple joy of waking up next to a nice warm woman. God it must suck to be you.
  14. Carrie Joslin

    Carrie Joslin Porn Star Suspended!

    Jan 30, 2011
    Yeah... Well said, Distant Lover. :rose::)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2011
  15. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    Trust me DL, you are the only person here who will be my friend. That may not be a bad thing. It's better to have one real friend than a bunch of fake friends. Most of the people here are losers anyway. The women are evil scanks and the men are pussy whipped pansies.
  16. Carrie Joslin

    Carrie Joslin Porn Star Suspended!

    Jan 30, 2011
    Psst... By your own making, you are the scank and pussy rolled up in one and can't stand what you see when you look in the mirror. Then you project your own character defects onto others and blame them for your character defects because you cannot accept that they are your character defects and are too much of a coward to personally take responsibility for them.

    Drop your pants, Dilbert... It will only hurt for a moment. :rose:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2011
  17. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Comments like these do not one any good. :(

    BTW, I want you to stay on my Friends's List too. :)
  18. Carrie Joslin

    Carrie Joslin Porn Star Suspended!

    Jan 30, 2011
    You know what, Distant Lover? That is the stone cold reality of it and looking in the mirror isn't always easy nor is it pleasant at times. Also, if you don't, as a friend, encourage him to take a hard look at himself you're doing him a disservice.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2011
  19. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Thank you. :)

    Read comment #73 several more times until you get my point. :idea:
  20. stilldontknow

    stilldontknow Porn Star

    Mar 18, 2010
    Get a grip DL. This clown derides an entire gender as skanks and bitches and you expect the lasses not to call him on it. If he's going to put his bile on display for all to see you can bet your arse he's going to reap what he sows.