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Do you pledge to love and respect men?

  1. Yes, they are my brothers and I love them.

    14 vote(s)
  2. No, men don't deserve my love or respect.

    3 vote(s)
  1. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    I see the resident virgin and freak show contestant is still here and still bleating that women are evil.
    I seriously doubt every word you say, women hate you from the outset even though you are kind and respectful, well we only have you word for that and as you still call yourself the pussy whisperer then I guess your word as all the veracity of the "the check is in the mail". Stop whining, start working extra shifts and save that cash for some cosmetic surgery.
  2. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    No, I didn't miss that. I read it and posted a reply. Did you miss that? :rolleyes:
  3. tommyturtle

    tommyturtle Having an Out of Shell Experience

    Apr 5, 2008
    My apologies, I did miss your reply. Did you ask her why you were dropped as her friend? It sounds like you might have jumped to a conclusion about what happened.
  4. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Sure, it blows his whole narrative. God help him if he ever actually manages to have sex with a woman. :)
  5. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    I think the woman would need help more than him.
  6. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    No doubt. Have you ever read A Confederacy of Dunces? This guy is Ignatius J. Reilly reincarnated.
  7. Bill24

    Bill24 Sex Machine Suspended!

    Mar 30, 2011
    Fucking little worm!! I'd fucking pay money to find you in a club somewhere running your mouth the way you do just so I could kick the shit out of you while everyone applauds.
  8. catrina604

    catrina604 Porn Star

    May 2, 2009
    I honour to treat my man like a King and in return I am to be treated like a Queen.
  9. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    No worries, it was an honest mistake. It's not easy to find the post among all of those snarky attack replies. It got lost in the clutter of hate and stupidity.

    No, I didn't bother to ask at the time. Since she gave no reason, I felt slighted. I came to the conclusion that a person like that was not worth my time. This is how woman typically treat me. Are you starting to see my point? People are so quick to judge me. They never bother to take the facts or my feelings into consideration. They just want to cut me down. They can all fuck off.

    When she posted that trash about how it was my fault, I decided to ask her why she removed me from her friends list. She never gave a reason. Did you notice that? She didn't give a reason because there was no reason. She is full of shit. I guess she thought that most people would just take her word for it. After all, she is more popular than I am. That's fine, she and I both know the truth. That's good enough for me. Just remember one thing, she blamed me for something without any proof or details. I don't even know what I'm being blamed for. Do you? She couldn't even come up with a convincing lie. Like I told you, she is full of shit. :rolleyes:
  10. curiousgirl

    curiousgirl No straight lines. Insistently curious.

    Jul 25, 2009
    I do go through my friends list from time to time and remove people I haven't heard from in a long time or who are no longer on the site. But there have been a few times that friends have disappeared from my list. I just got a PM yesterday from Lioness asking why I had removed her as a friend. I hadn't, and had to re-friend her. Then there have been a couple of times that "it" has sent out friend requests to people whose friendship requests I had rejected. I sent a PM to the mods about that. The friends portion of this site is not always reliable. And honestly? I hadn't noticed that you weren't linked as a friend any longer. I wish that rather than just ignoring it or labeling me as an evil bitch, you would have PM'd me and said "what's up?"

    I sent you a PM.
  11. Chagrin

    Chagrin Friskeh Kitteh

    Apr 7, 2005
    I don't think I have that problem. Could somebody have access to your account? Unlikely if that's your only problem (somebody messing with your friends list but not posting or PMing people or anything), but perhaps you should change your password just in case.

    But if anybody else has the same problem, say so so curiousgirl isn't alone on that. Seems strange to me that one person would have that problem and no one else.
  12. curiousgirl

    curiousgirl No straight lines. Insistently curious.

    Jul 25, 2009
    I posted my last response before I saw this one. So let me address this. First, I just want you to notice that my responses to you have never been snarky, nor will they be. As I said my PM to you, I will not get into name calling. You say people are quick to judge you -- but you have been guilty in this instance of judging me before the evidence is in. When you say that you decided to ask why I had removed you from my friends list, you had posted that yesterday. I didn't see the thread until today -- when I sent you a PM and posted my response. Despite what it looks like at times, I'm not on here 24/7.

    As far as people taking my word for something and me being more popular than you -- I have to laugh. Not at you, but at the idea of me being popular on here or people taking my word for this. First, I am not at all setting us up in a "please take my side" sort of way. I don't care at all who takes my side or takes yours -- the same way I didn't care if someone saw me on your friends list. There aren't any sides as far as I'm concerned, Gentleman. We're not on two different sides. Don't you see that? I was ignorant of your feelings about it. And you were ignorant of the unintentionality of dropping you as a friend.

    As far as the popular issue. What's funny is that probably a month ago, I sent a PM to a friend on here -- one who is popular -- and told him how much I feel like the outsider looking in sometimes, the little girl wanting to play with the big kids on the playground. We're all such a mess of insecurities -- men and women.

    As far as me being full of shit. You're going to think what you want to think.
  13. curiousgirl

    curiousgirl No straight lines. Insistently curious.

    Jul 25, 2009
    If I'm alone in it, that's fine. There is a mod who knows I PM'd about the issue. And it could be that it's not the forum but user error. I recognize that.
  14. tommyturtle

    tommyturtle Having an Out of Shell Experience

    Apr 5, 2008
    It happened to me once shortly after I started accepting friend requests several months ago. At the time I thought that one of us had made a mistake.
  15. Carrie Joslin

    Carrie Joslin Porn Star Suspended!

    Jan 30, 2011
    I respectfully disagree with you on a couple of things... With all due respect, I do consider it rude to drop friends without at least a PM with an explanation contained within. It isn't too much to ask in my humble opinion and you may find that the person you drop may be concerned about you and wonder if something is wrong since it's not all one sided as many tend to think.

    EDIT: If in fact it was unintentional please disregard the first paragraph.

    Curiousgirl, I don't agree that we're all full of insecurities. Personally, I am not an insecure person in my opinion so please don't include me in that blanket statement.

    Please forgive me but I say what I feel and if you are offended by this post I'll tell you that it was not my intention. In closing, I don't like theGentlemen because of his harsh blatent attacks on women and the fact that he runs and hides and cries like a bratty little 3 yo child who has never had parental guidance but you are feel to waste your breath on him if you wish. :rose:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2011
  16. badgurl22

    badgurl22 Porn Surfer

    Jul 17, 2011
    do you have an email? you can take me! i can show you want you always wanted to see. i always treat men better then women. i like to be dominated by them. i am their slave, and am useless compared to men. i would let your virgin cock inside me any day!!
  17. origen01

    origen01 Porn Star

    Nov 18, 2008
    the women on this site are angels....
  18. Chagrin

    Chagrin Friskeh Kitteh

    Apr 7, 2005
    I dunno, that's sounds pretty devilish to me! :-E
  19. badgurl22

    badgurl22 Porn Surfer

    Jul 17, 2011
    sorry but i was just raised to believe that men are better, and thats just my personal opinion. woman are just baby making fuck slaves for your enjoyment. i would love to be your fuck slave!
  20. Carrie Joslin

    Carrie Joslin Porn Star Suspended!

    Jan 30, 2011
    LOL Uh huh... I just love the word sarcasm, don't you? :excited: