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Do you pledge to love and respect men?

  1. Yes, they are my brothers and I love them.

    14 vote(s)
  2. No, men don't deserve my love or respect.

    3 vote(s)
  1. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    He forgot the choice where he doesn't deserve the respect he so desperately wants.
  2. curiousgirl

    curiousgirl No straight lines. Insistently curious.

    Jul 25, 2009
    Carrie, I get a ton of friend requests from men who have never contacted me, never left a VM, never said a word on my albums or my threads, never sent a PM. I used to send each one of them a PM asking why they wanted to be friends. That became cumbersome and so I generally accept them all. After a time, if there's no contact, I drop them. I don't drop (intentionally) friends I've had contact with. Sometimes the friend requests are a bit overwhelming -- and I'm an old lady! I have no idea how you young'uns keep up with all of them. And no, I'm not offended by your post. As far as the insecurities, all I meant was that each of us has some area that we feel insecure in -- it might be our looks, our intelligence, our bad breath, our stinky feet, our lack of social skills, our lack of money ... whatever. It's not that we all have all of them. You're right, I shouldn't have said all of us. If you have absolutely no insecurities, more power to ya. I hope that it will always be that way for you.

    Exactly what I meant.


    I just want to say that he did make an apology. And it was appreciated.


    Your apology was very much appreciated. And I will be answering your PMs as soon as I get some sleep. It's been an exhausting day.
  3. bostonmasstina

    bostonmasstina Slut Wife

    Dec 2, 2006

    Ugly people, Blind people and all kinds of people fall in lust, fall in love & fall down the stairs everyday.

    People that have never seen a picture of each other have gone head-over-heels in love on the internet, not because of looks but because of personality and other magnetic forces.

    I have never seen a picture of you but I think that your personality is ugly (and you may think that of mine too). You say you're kind & polite to women in real life, I doubt it. You have a resentment of women that shows here and I'm willing bet that it shows face to face.

    Consider an extreme makeover and start with your social skills.

    Tina :rose:
  4. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    Reality Check!

    You are a hypocrite. You criticize me for being disrespectful of women. The fact is, you don't respect men. You think I'm a loser because women won't date me. As if my life has no value without a woman by my side. If I recall correctly, you once suggested that I either get a sex doll or go gay. You are exactly the type of woman that I refer to in my posts. Women like you give all women a bad name. You are also a self admitted slut. That speaks volumes about your personality and character.

    Yes, I am polite and respectful of women in real life. Unfortunately, many of them choose to throw it back in my face. You are right about one thing. I do have a resentment of women. I think most of them suck ass. You need only look at the women on this site. Sure, there are a few nice women out there. However, the bad ones far outnumber the good. On this site you can count the decent women on one hand. That is, when you are done jerking off. :p No, my resentment does not show in real life. I'm very good at hiding my true feelings. My job depends on it.

    You are in no position to judge me. You are a woman and don't understand the complexity of the male mind and ego. If you want a date, all you have to do is leave your home. It does not matter where you go. If you are out in public long enough, a man will ask you out. If you want sex, all you have to do is spread your legs and say "come and get it boys". That's not how it works for men. We actually have to make an effort. A woman bragging that she can get a date is like a man bragging that he can write his name in the snow without using his hands.
  5. Lioness

    Lioness A Fun Flirty Frisky Friendly Felion

    Jan 31, 2007
    You started the whole thing with your whining...not her.
  6. Saya91

    Saya91 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jul 25, 2009
  7. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    I have been giving this a lot of thought. I think you might be right. Maybe women just don't think I'm worthy of their love. I'm short, bald, ugly, white, poor, and have no social skills. Most women probably don't even notice me. The others laugh in my face. I believe the term is sexual selection. :(
  8. onenauhgtygirl29

    onenauhgtygirl29 The Nauhgty Night Prowler

    Apr 9, 2008
    I have seen many men who were all the things you say you are that have still had girlfriends and sex. They weren't beautiful women, and not all of them were particularly nice. Some were sweet though. My point is you can get a girlfriend, but what kind of girl have you been setting your sights on? I've seen many men who aim for women way out of their league and then be hurt when the woman doesn't respond the way they wanted. I've also seen them overlook less physically attractive girls who liked them despite their faults.
  9. TheGuy669

    TheGuy669 Porno Junky

    Jun 29, 2011
    Try to find some medication that will make you asexual, then not only will you not have a sex drive that makes you want to be with a woman, it will also prevent you from getting rejected seeing as how you won't be going on any dates. Or anything of that kin.

    But most importantly, you'll shut up.
  10. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    I understand where you are coming from. However, the situation that you have described seems more like a friendship than a romantic relationship. The two people involved have to be physically attracted to each other to some degree. If they are not, it's just a friendship. Have you ever heard the term "let's just be friends"?

    How can you fall in love with a person if you don't want to have sex with them? A woman can always fake sexual excitement and orgasms. Men however can't. If the man is not sexually aroused, he can't fake it. There will be no sex. The couple could use toys or porn, but it wouldn't be the same. You don't get the physical or emotional connection. The couple would feel unfulfilled and miserable. A relationship like that is doomed to fail.
  11. tommyturtle

    tommyturtle Having an Out of Shell Experience

    Apr 5, 2008
    I never had sex with a woman I wasn't emotionally attached to. I need that personal involvement before getting physical. That's just my style. I don't believe in building a relationship around sex. Sex then becomes an emotional part of the relationship.

    On the other hand I haven't had sex with many women because of that attitude but it works for me.
  12. Obscene Cupcake

    Obscene Cupcake sexy fluffzilla

    Jul 1, 2010
    "I am a virgin. I'm not bothered by that fact. I'm just mentioning it for me no reason at all. i am proud of that!

    that said, you women won't suck my dick so therefore you don't respect me. i treat you with respect, but you are all cunts so you don't deserve it. from now on, instead of just respecting you and calling you cunts, i'll call you fucking cunt faced bitches.

    it's YOUr fault i'm still a virgin".

    = what i heard.

    maybe if you actually just asked "hey can you suck my dick" we'd do it. that's what the xnxx classifieds are for, anyways.
  13. Obscene Cupcake

    Obscene Cupcake sexy fluffzilla

    Jul 1, 2010
    honestly, when i saw "take the pledge" and the word virgin (if you hover your mouse over a thread it gives you a preview) I thought you were going to ask for someone to pop your cherry. I thought "D'aww how sweet. ya know, if no one else can do it, and he lives nearby, i'll so volunteer".

    then i read your thread. you were just a pissant bitching and saying that ALL WOMEN are DISRESPECTFUL to MEN and we need to SHAPE UP. written in a disgustingly cheerful tone.

    I was willing to fuck you dude. you blew it. and i've only been with one other person so you KNOW i'm clean. too bad *blows kisses*
  14. Obscene Cupcake

    Obscene Cupcake sexy fluffzilla

    Jul 1, 2010
    o-o you've done anal *awed* my parents told me to never take it up the butt. they said it hurts and it's gross. they told me this when i was 15. er, my aunt and uncle.
  15. Chagrin

    Chagrin Friskeh Kitteh

    Apr 7, 2005
    First time I get ahold of ya, it's going in yer pooper!:eek::excited:
  16. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    I think you are missing my point. The two people must have both a physical and emotional connection. If they only have one of those things, they don't really have a romantic relationship. They are not a couple in the true sense. They are not really in love. They are either friends or fuck buddies.
  17. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009

    Great idea! :excited: Why didn't I think of that? :confused: Thanks! :excited:

    When should I ask them to suck my cock? Before or after they laugh or scowl at me? :rolleyes:

    By the way, no man has ever met a woman online. Anyone who tells you different is a liar.
  18. bostonmasstina

    bostonmasstina Slut Wife

    Dec 2, 2006
    You're delusional

    Tina :rose:
  19. stilldontknow

    stilldontknow Porn Star

    Mar 18, 2010
    Completely deluded mate. Met and went out with a fair numer of online women. Where do you dredge this shit up from?
  20. Miss D Meaner

    Miss D Meaner Porn Surfer

    Jul 12, 2011
    Women are not your enemy. But we do have the right to be treated with a degree of respect ourselves.

    That is to say, don't expect us to pick up, clear up and dish up. Just because we have tits and a pussy doesn't immediately put us in the "woman's job" category.

    And actually, while we're at it, we want our efforts in the workplace to be recognised. We no longer want to be paid less than our male counterparts for doing the same job to at least the same degree of competency, with the results of our labour coming in about on a par with those colleagues with dicks.

    We would also appreciate it if you could have a word with your brothers, and see about the raising the stature of females in all cultures around the globe. We no longer want to be treated as chattel, to be raped and abused by our husbands without legal redress. We want the same rights in law as our male relatives, neighbours and guys in general.

    We don't want to be condemned if we get raped, or sold into marriage. We want a life and to be seen outside of the home, to walk unaccompanied to shops, parks or water gardens.

    We want the the right to vote, to own property in our own right, to receive education, to be able to divorce abusive spouses, and never to be punished for enjoying sex outside of marriage without being fearful of familial reprisals, beatings and ultimately death.

    These are our terms. Meet our demands, which will elevate females higher in the eyes of most societies around the globe, and then come back with your pissy whine. We may be in a better position to listen then.