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  1. anal slut

    anal slut Sex Machine

    Apr 12, 2008
    :) I can't say for everybody...We with brains know that the porn industry does all kinds of things that are not typical of everyone......
    As for me...I Love giving women oral...started at the age of 10 when babysitter started teaching me to...So many years later I still Love only much better at it.....I also enjoy rimming a womans ass while doing so..:excited:

    ALL women I've been with in the past when I started getting into rimming ladies asses has enjoyed or loved it...My current GF does Not...
    Oh she admits it feels good but can't get over the fact I'm sticking my tongue up her ass though its clean....She still has issues with Right and Wrong what would someone think I guess...

    As for liking it as much as in the porn world...Don't know...I just Love pleasing women....Or I should say the woman I'm with......
  2. mrwhite480

    mrwhite480 Sex Machine

    Apr 15, 2012
    I absolutely love ramming my tongue into and eating a chicks asshole, as long as it's clean when I'm doing it
  3. babblefunk

    babblefunk Porn Star

    Jan 12, 2011
    I love rimming my wife. Love it love it love it. She was very timid about it (and any anal play) at first, but she asks for it now.

    I've never been on the receiving end and probably wouldn't ever ask to be. From the little experimenting I've done with anal stimulation while masturbating, its not my thing. But if my wife ever got a hankering to give rimming or some other anal play on me, I'd give it at least two tries. Whatever gets her wet and doesn't kill my hard on is worth doing.
  4. mrwhite480

    mrwhite480 Sex Machine

    Apr 15, 2012
    How did you get her to succumb and get into it
  5. babblefunk

    babblefunk Porn Star

    Jan 12, 2011
    Love, tenderness, patience, trust, persistence...

    We've been together going on 7 years. Before me she was VERY inexperienced. We just take things slow, experiment, and I am as steady and loving as I can be. As we've tried new things and she's found I know what she likes before she even tries it, she trusts me to try more and more new things. It's why our sex, even when it was as vanilla as a Mormon sewing circle, has been the best I can imagine. We learn eachother, trust eachother, and grow together.
  6. N.E. Woman

    N.E. Woman More Spicy than Sweet

    Dec 11, 2014
    I have to say, this is one of the better lines I've heard in here. :lol: :excited:

    Oh, and what a lucky woman your wife is.
  7. babblefunk

    babblefunk Porn Star

    Jan 12, 2011
    I'm the lucky one. She's amazing and makes me a better person. And, of course, she let's me lick her ass. ;)
  8. Glory Me

    Glory Me Porno Junky

    Jul 1, 2012
    I don't go for penetration more the a single finger up to the first knuckle but rimming with finger or tongue I like a lot!
  9. aksub

    aksub Sex Lover

    May 29, 2008
    My bf loves it!!
  10. gottaride

    gottaride Porn Star

    Nov 29, 2007
    been rimming wife's ass more and more, she was freaked out at first, but, now, as the heat turns up, she's wanting her ass played with more and more, lmao, she's such a good slut!:excited:
  11. mrgoodtime2

    mrgoodtime2 Porno Junky Suspended!

    Sep 5, 2012
    No! I don't I refuse to stick my tongue in a woman's ass and don't allow anything in mine.
  12. pervymissus

    pervymissus Porn Surfer

    Sep 4, 2012
    love it but it must be clean after a bath or shower, giving and receiving
  13. maryjanneexx

    maryjanneexx Porno Junky

    Sep 11, 2010
    I wouldn't know, but I'm open to suggestion lol
  14. Oz_Homer

    Oz_Homer Sex Lover

    May 26, 2006
    I've done it a couple of times to guys I've been with, and they seemed to enjoy it. I've had it done to me once, but I didn't like it 'cause the guy's beard was tickling me too much.
    I've not yet done that with a woman.
  15. Diaxis

    Diaxis Sex Machine

    Mar 18, 2011
    OK so I have a question about this.

    There are a couple of women in my sphere of dalliances that I'd do this with, but one of them has an asshole that, while clean, has an odor that makes me gag when I'm within 2 inches of it. With the other, I haven't tried.

    My question : is this odor variable and depend on the woman, or are all assholes pretty much odorific gag-fodder? Or does it change with a woman's diet?

    I see plenty in porn pics I'd like to penetrate with my tongue ( Susana Spears! ) but then there are others that look about as nasty as a man's ass.
  16. Emme_

    Emme_ Sex Lover

    Aug 11, 2012
    Ok, I'm drunk. I'm going to straight up ask for him to lick my asshole tonight.

    It's only fair considering he already fucked it tonight.

    Wish me luck.
  17. Oz_Homer

    Oz_Homer Sex Lover

    May 26, 2006
    Good luck :wink:
  18. KnightLover1

    KnightLover1 Mystic Knight

    Apr 16, 2010

    I woudn't mind rimming you out cutie ;)
  19. Oz_Homer

    Oz_Homer Sex Lover

    May 26, 2006
    Hmmm — haven't tried it, so I'm not sure. But maybe it's true that all women's anuses (anii?) have a different smell. The same seems to hold true for their vaginas, so why not?
    BTW, an ex-girlfriend of mine smelt horrible downstairs — like a week-old dead fish — and didn't taste much better, but she absolutely loved me going down on her... Blecch!
  20. davebandder

    davebandder Sex Machine

    Jun 22, 2012
    love giving and receiving! definitely recommended!