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  1. the fox

    the fox A Feisty little Animal

    Oct 19, 2006
    but what you going to do. try and go near the subject of gun controle and people get a little testly and no goverment party is going to tutch the subject so close to the us electing a new king ;)

    hell fox news said that gun controle wasnt an issue after the cinema shooting instead deciding costumes are the issue
  2. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008
    That's cute...I forgot about that...

    Guns don't kill...costumes Kill....:confused:
  3. the fox

    the fox A Feisty little Animal

    Oct 19, 2006
    you should see me dressed up like batgirl...i'd give you a heart attack
  4. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008
    You Know...I bet you are Killer..!!....:eek:-:rose:
  5. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Actually more recent polls are showing a majority of Americans are in favor of at least some gun controls.

    Plus no one is talking making all guns illegal, taking them away from law abiding citizens, or even stop selling them.

    But there are some pretty common sense things we could do to at least cut down on the carnage specifically re-instating the ban on assault weapons and high capacity clips.

    Also I think requiring people to take a gun safety course before buying a gun is a perfectly sane thing to do.

    And here's another example.

    Maryland Shooting Plot 'Could Have Been Another Aurora,' Reports Say (UPDATED)

  6. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
  7. Wolfegard

    Wolfegard Porn Surfer

    Jan 6, 2012
    I knew yall wouldn't let me down! I find stupidity so hilarious, especially your performance Stumbler, Bravo! *applause*
    Continue...I wish for more entertainment.

    I love how everyone just obeys me XD

    The best part is you will continue to do so!

    HaHAH it's a beautiful thing
  8. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Really? Why didn't you provide a link to support what you are posting?
  9. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    James Holmes Dances Us to the Edge of Armageddon

    Didja hear? Some nutjob shot up a movie theater a few days ago, killed a bunch of people and wounded a whole lot more. Clearly, this means we need tighter gun laws. It’s precisely because of Americans’ love affair with guns that these sorts of tragedies happen. If we were like Canada, Norway, Finland or any other country with sensible restrictions on gun ownership, violent crime would drop and these kinds of spree shootings would never happen.
    If you think the primary issue with the Colorado shooting (and mass shootings in general) is gun ownership, you’re missing the point.
    Whether it’s liberal pussies whining about the “gun lobby” or retarded rednecks living in fear of the mythical gun-grabbing Obammunist, no one bothers to broach the most interesting thing about spree shootings: the fact that they even occur in the first place. The Second Amendment has been in place since the Constitution was ratified in 1789, yet it wasn’t until the 1970′s, when the phrase “going postal” entered the lexicon, that people decided to start shooting up their workplaces, schools and other public places for no apparent reason.
    There’s a reason why nobody bothers to bring this up: the answer is a broadly uncomfortable one.

    As much as the media loves to paint spree shooters as schizophrenic nutjobs with no rhyme or reason to their actions, a cursory look at spree killers from Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold to Anders Behring Breivik shows a remarkable number of similarities:
    • Above-average intelligence.
    • Well-read; if not academically driven, they have extensive knowledge of philosophy and literature.
    • Shy; they have difficulty making friends.
    • Outcasts, frequently bullied at school.
    • Pathetic to nonexistent love lives.
    Much like how serial murderers from John Wayne Gacy to the BTK killer fit a common psychological profile, spree shooters are all cut from the same cloth: intelligent losers.
    From there, we bounce to the money question: why?
    It’s easy enough to explain why Chicago, Detroit and St. Louis are crime-ridden shitholes: thugs gonna thug. Your average mugger, rapist, or thief is on the left half of the bell curve, barely more intelligent than an animal and incapable of realizing any higher motivation for their actions. This doesn’t stop liberals from offering up all sorts of cockamamie explanations for inner-city crime. But when a white guy with a triple-digit IQ leaves behind a gigantic manifesto before shooting up a political party’s youth camp, the same people who love making excuses for Tashawn from the South Side can only talk about gun control.
    When I first heard about the Colorado shootings on Friday morning, my first guess was that the shooter was a lonely, intelligent weirdo with no love life. Turns out I was dead on the money:
    SAN DIEGO (USA TODAY) — A portrait of two distinct people is slowly emerging of James Eagan Holmes, the quiet, intellectually gifted neuroscience student turned suspected mass murderer.
    Those who knew Holmes in the upscale San Diego community where he grew up remember a polite young man who kept to himself and excelled academically.
    “He was really talented, really smart,” said Porsche Parkman, 19, who attended Westview High School with Holmes’ younger sister, Chris. Holmes graduated from the school in 2006. “He was so nice and his family was always there for him. Nothing seemed wrong.”
    I don’t have a definitive answer for why spree shootings happen, other than to say that they are a product of society itself. We live in a wonderfully “free” society, where people supposedly can rise and fall on their own merits, fuck whoever they want and not give a shit about anyone else. Where everyone is fully autonomous and can do whatever they damn well please.
    The price of a society like this is that there are people who will fail at navigating it, and these failures sometimes pick up guns and ventilate the winners out of demented frustration.
    Note to morons: this is not a defense of James Holmes or his ilk. Holmes, Breivik and other spree killers are monsters and if I had my way, I’d put them all up against the wall (the ones who haven’t killed themselves). But they are monsters spawned by a monstrous society.
    If we want to stop spree killings, banning guns isn’t the solution. The solution is to unearth the reason why so many intelligent young men want to kill to begin with.

  10. McDick

    McDick Porn Star

    Jan 16, 2010

    There's been plenty of gun control advocates over the years who have stated their belief that private gun ownership should be illegal. That has been their goal for decades. So when some benign looking "common sense" proposal comes along, it's usually met with a great deal of suspicion from the NRA and from gun owners.

    They know how deceitful and double dealing the gun control advocates can be. They know that requiring a simple gun safety course which can be done on a Saturday afternoon and only cost $25 can develop into something much more ominous.

    Eventually the course requirements will become tougher and tougher, longer and longer, and more and more expensive. So what begins as something that seems like it's no big deal will develop into an obstacle so great that gun control advocates will be able to achieve their goal of eliminating gun ownership.

    That is the liberal way. That is the way they use incrementalism to achieve goals which few people would support if they came right out and stated their objective. They are far too dishonest to be trusted.

    All this silly bullshit about wanting gun owners to be liscensed and their guns to be registered is only a first step to achieving their goals by trickery and deceit. It won't work. We're onto their lies. Your push polls don't mean a thing. Wait till the debate really starts. Democrats supporting this will run and scatter like cockroaches. Even Harry Reid knows this. That's why he can't seem to find any time on his calender to even debate it.
  11. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008
    You know, that is exactly what happened to getting a license to drive a motorcycle in Texas.
  12. McDick

    McDick Porn Star

    Jan 16, 2010

    No, actually that's not what happened in Texas. It's easy to get a motorcycle license and register a motorcycle in Texas. The registration and licensing laws make sense and are designed to enhance safety and protect motorcycle owners.

    With motorcycles, there aren't well funded, decades old organizations who wish to eradicate all motorcycles and are willing to use lies, deceit and trickery to achieve their goals.
  13. darthel0101

    darthel0101 Porn Star

    May 25, 2012
    Diesel fuel and fertilizer are regulated? ----- see the Alfred P. Murrah Bldg in Okkie City.
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Look I personally met our state's Hatchet Mary when I visited my mom one time. But even that was bullshit. Yes, she killed him with his own roofing hatchet. But not the end with the blade on it. She kept hitting with the hammer end until there were waffle prints on his brain.

    Then a few years later a guy in his 70's who thought he could abuse a Native American woman got stabbed more times then years he had lived. Because it takes a while and not just a little effort to kill someone with a two inch pen knife.

    So no there's no way for us to stop all that. But a hatchet or a knife or any gun with a limited number of bullets (remember the cowboys only needed six) CAN DAMN SURE MAKE US LESS THAN SITTING DUCKS.
  15. tim929

    tim929 Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2009
    Okay...one more time. This clown was under the care of a psychiatrist. As usual the system failed to raise red flags regarding the mental stability of a person that clearly shouldnt have been allowed to posses a firearm. Gun control isnt the issue. Mental health reporting is.

    Here in Seattle a couple months ago we had a shooting at a coffee shop where the shooters dad stated that he had been trying to get mental health care for his son but was unable to. The result was five dead. When are people going to wake the fuck up and realize that we need a method of reporting mental illness to authorities in an effort to prevent this sort of thing rather than focusing on guns? The guns didnt shoot anybody. The shooter did.
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Yeah if you watch the cop shows Tim they're almost always dealing with mental illness.

    But I guess I missed the part where you explained the reason to give some one 100 shots.

    Like I've asked before. In your opinion why don't we have the same problem with fully automatic machine guns?

    Riddle me that one Bat Man.
  17. McDick

    McDick Porn Star

    Jan 16, 2010

    The reason that we don't have the same problem with legal fully automatic machine guns is because registration laws on machine guns have systematically made them so rare and expensive that only the top 1% of the country can afford them.

    I understand a Thompson submachine gun now sells for about $18,000 and that price is climbing every year. This is precisely what gun control advocates want to do with all guns. They want to start out with simple, benign sounding licensing and registration requirements that will grow so restrictive and so expensive and so difficult to comply with that someday private gun ownership will be almost unheard of.

    This is how double dealing, deceitful, gun control advocates operate. They won't come right out and admit what they want to do.

    The NRA and gun owners are on to their dishonest and devious ways. The strategy won't work. The NRA will fight them and gun owners will vote those who support these measures out of office. Even Nancy pelosi came out today against any new gun laws.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2012
  18. tim929

    tim929 Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2009
    The simple reason that we dont have this issue with fully automatic weapons is because the process of getting a class three firearms license requires an extensive background check. And by extensive I mean bordering on but not quite to the point of being invasive. Passing that check isnt easy and most of the people who wouldnt pass dont bother to try. Those that wouldnt pass simply dont.

    The system works and it works extremely well. Over half of the fully automatic weapons in the U.S. are in the hands of private citizens.

    There have been a number of very high profile shooting like this in which the single common thread was that the shooter was known to be mentaly ill. Not just somebody going to see a counselor for some confidence issues here...Im talking about well and truely fucked up.And there were people who knew it and could have said something to prevent them from getting a gun! The latest shooting was no exception, he was under the care of a psychiatrist, and there has apperently been a copycat that was busted befor he could do anything and he too is known to be mentaly ill but didnt have a record that would prevent him from getting guns and as a result they nabbed a whole pile of guns when he was arrested.

    Back in the good old days when parents felt that their son or daughter was suffering from mental illness they could simply voice their concerns to the appropriate doctors who woulod do an evaluation and if they were found to be unstable they were placed in care. Sometimes that meant being put in a hospital and other times it simply meant intensive outpatient care. We need to bring those days back but with a twist. When these concerns are expressed there needs to be a red flag placed on the persons record so that iof they attempt to buy a gun they will be denied. Its not that hard. When they do a baisic background check for purchasing a rifle they simply run your drivers license and they have the answer in a couple minuets. Isnt it worth it to save lives and preserve peoples freedoms at the same time?
  19. Bonedragger

    Bonedragger Newcumer

    Jul 21, 2012
    keep in mind

    Keep this in mind...
    The only reason China did not invade the USA during WWII is fact they knew that almost every household in USA had a gun and they knew they would not stand a chance. If we had gun control then and China knew that almost every citizen had a gun they could have taken over the country easily just for fact they had so many more people.

    That is only reason the USA has never had a war on their homeland because 99% of all americans have guns, without guns who knows where we would be.

    Don't know if this video has already been discussed but it hits nail on the head about gun control

    Won't let me post link don't have enough post, google "criminals for gun control"
  20. deviousdave

    deviousdave Title request rejected

    Mar 8, 2008
    I think I can offer an alternate reason...