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  1. Coopernius

    Coopernius Sex Lover

    Jan 19, 2011
    For once, I agree with you.
  2. foreverhorny18

    foreverhorny18 Porn Star

    Sep 5, 2010
    It seems that most peoples main argument against homosexuality is usually because two men can't have children. Have you ever thought that maybe there are TOO MANY children being born on this planet? The population is just going to get bigger and bigger while all the planets natural resources get smaller and smaller. If more people were gay and stopped polluting this planet by having more and more kids then that would only be a good thing.
  3. foreverhorny18

    foreverhorny18 Porn Star

    Sep 5, 2010
    And btw no animal species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist (barring asexual organisms) which squashes this "homosexuality is only found in humans" myth
  4. red field

    red field Sex Lover

    Jun 14, 2012
    Hold up a second and think about what your saying... if mankind is supposed to dominate the earth than there is an underpopulation! Look at insects... there's trillions, possibly quadrillions of them! If what you're implying is that we need to manage our population, then why haven't insects taken to homosexuality as well?
  5. red field

    red field Sex Lover

    Jun 14, 2012
    Hold up a second and think about what your saying... if mankind is supposed to dominate the earth than there is an underpopulation! Look at insects... there's trillions, possibly quadrillions of them! If what you're implying is that we need to manage our population, then why haven't insects taken to homosexuality as well?
  6. ctluvr

    ctluvr Sex Machine

    Aug 7, 2010
    There seems to be several idiots posting on this thread!
  7. xnxxbob

    xnxxbob Porn Star

    May 24, 2010
    I think capnip should be tied to a chair and placed in a room with headphones on while an endless loop of the Village People playing Y.M.C.A. plays...........for about a week.
  8. foreverhorny18

    foreverhorny18 Porn Star

    Sep 5, 2010
  9. furrychin

    furrychin Porn Star

    Apr 19, 2007
    yep, that should do the trick
  10. Ryan692002

    Ryan692002 Sex Machine

    Sep 3, 2008
    Don't feed the troll, people.

    As for whether sexuality is in the genes or a choice, I think it's probably a combination of the two with the degree of gene/choice varying between individuals. Now this is only my personal experience.

    Case for genes 1: Subject: Me. Now when I hit puberty I was exclusively attracted to girls. As I got older and discovered this thing called homosexuality I thought to myself what would that be like and the ick-factor hit pretty much right after the thought had happened. So I figure I'm probably genetically predisposed to being straight.

    Case for genes 2: Subject: Monica. Monica had been in two failed marriages with men. She had two daughters. After her second divorce she realized she was living a lie and started dating women exclusively. After a few rough relationships she met the right woman and they are now happily married with a new baby. Now you might think she's a case for choice until you look at her family. Two of her aunts on both sides are lesbians, her sister is a lesbian, two of her uncles on her mother's side are gay. Her second daughter is showing serious signs of liking girls more than boys while her older sister is completely boy crazy.

    Case for choice 1: Subject: Sarah. Sarah was the girlfriend of Monica's sister. And while she was around she was totally into Monica's sister. Sarah had never had a real boyfriend and had been with women exclusively. Some time after they broke up Sarah got involved with a guy, got married, and had a baby. Last update I got was they were still together.

    Case for choice 2: Subject: Vanessa. Vanessa was straight in highschool, straight in college, and for five years afterwards she was straight. She wasn't at all homophobic but she never let on to the slightest interest in other women. There were both gays and lesbians in our circle of friends so she knew we'd be completely okay with it if she was. She wasn't a lesbian. She liked men she just had shitty taste. And after her last boyfriend beat the shit out of her and sent her to the hospital she decided to never be with a man again. She's only been with women since even though she's not particularly attracted to women. Yeah, she has issues.

    Now maybe the people that choose are bisexuals that choose one side or the other but that's still a choice. I used to be a firm believer in it being purely genetic but Monica, who was obviously more familiar with homosexuality, told me about people's stories that seemed to support the combination theory.

    In any case, they deserve the same rights and respect as anyone else. And if any of my theoretical kids turned out gay, well, at least I wouldn't have to worry about teenaged pregnancy and becoming a grandfather too soon.
  11. Awesome Guy

    Awesome Guy Porno Junky

    Sep 25, 2010
    Attraction isn't a choice.

    A straight male doesn't wake up one day and say, I'm gonna go suck a dick today!
  12. vibibottom

    vibibottom Sex Machine

    May 23, 2011

    I did!
  13. Jeffieboy

    Jeffieboy Porn Star

    Nov 6, 2009
    Then you were never str8.
  14. Dizzyworks673

    Dizzyworks673 Porn Star

    Apr 14, 2012

    I look at it this way, I will love my children no matter what. If I have a son who comes to me and says that he is gay then so be it. I would only have the same condition of him being with a guy as I would for my daughters. I would simply hope that the guy he picked treats him with love and respect.

    I really have no problem if any of my children ended up in a same sex relationship. If you raise your children to be good people then I would hope that they chose good people to be with, if that means they chose a partner of the same sex and they really love that person then who am I to step in and tell them it's wrong?

    Like I said I only hope my children end up with good people in a real loving relationship, that's all that really matters. Everything else is just fear and not understanding.
  15. sunnyca

    sunnyca Sex Lover

    Oct 31, 2011
    This is exactly how i would have answered this. thank you.
  16. SweetHemiStud

    SweetHemiStud Porn Star

    Oct 3, 2008
    I was going to try to not feed the troll, but since others continue, I can't resist. The first thing that comes to mind is the newspaper heading in the movie I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. It's probably my favorite part of the movie, for some reason I LMAO every time "Gay Basher Bashed at Gay Bash." This thread makes me think about it cuz sounds like someone needs bashed in the teeth. Now, I'm not gonna run up and down the street with a rainbow banner saying "straight but support gay rights," but when other people pubically and ignorantly violate and try to deny peoples' rights, it really fires me up. Also, when people (talk about) disown or abuse their kids in any way for ridiculous reasons, I am a volcano...I just don't see how you could treat a life that YOU created that way; and if they turn out that way, remember, YOU raised them, so you are responsible for their decision making skills and thus many choices they make.
  17. Jeffieboy

    Jeffieboy Porn Star

    Nov 6, 2009
    LOL What a stupid thing to say. Think about what you said. First off, how long does an insect live? Next, insects are food for almost every living being, including humans. Humans are not. And, how many insects live long enough to breed? A very small percent.

    Also you seem to not know, but many insects live in structured communities, and having only one that can give birth (lay eggs). Ants, bees, wasps, and the like, termites and many more. Tell me how something with no sex drive and is physically unable to have sex turn gay?

    And to say our planet is under-poputlated is ignorant. Tell me which insect destroys his own environment? Which insect kills it's own for no reason? Which insect hunts another species to extinction? Which insect will destroy the planet?

    Humans are dirty, murderous very destructive animals. The only animal with the ability to destroy the planet in a few minutes. The only animal that can think about destruction as we do. The only animal that knowingly destroys his environment with out a care and moves on to the next.

    God didn't say destroy his creation. We are to manage it with him in mind. We are here as the keeper of his creation, not the undertakers. It is here for us to maintian so we have a home, a garden, a well and fresh air. Not to limit our survival.
  18. onehandedtypist

    onehandedtypist Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2010
    If you weren't a homosexual, you wouldn't masturbate.
  19. JohnWood56

    JohnWood56 Porno Junky

    Aug 14, 2012
    Clearly Capnip is craving cock. He is a scared little child, probably fucked by an older brother or the "bigger boys" at school. When it happens again Capnip, relax your ass - it won't hurt.
  20. Flamingheart

    Flamingheart Sex Lover

    Mar 22, 2012
    Capnip.. It's ok if you are gay. This is not a joke or a crack about you..you don't have to tell your mom or dad if that's who you've formed your opionion through. Move on with your life, forget your deeply rooted hang ups and just be happy. Do me a favor and just think about it. Oh and ps...if you are just a bigot, "why don't you mind your own business bc if you mind your own business you won't be mindin' mine" thank you Hank Williams !