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  1. Rothko

    Rothko Porn Star

    Jul 20, 2011
    Well our OP is just a stupid troll, if it were up to me I would ban him, but its not so sadly we will have to put up with this twat until he gets bored and takes his imbecilic opinions elsewhere
  2. Yaztromo

    Yaztromo Lend me some sugar, I am your neighbour!

    Mar 2, 2008
    I can just see old Joliet leaning back in his armchair, broad smile across his face, thinking job done!

    He drops a stupid bomb into the sexuality forum and just watches the ripples of reaction spread out.

    Oh well, it's not a bad thing really, it got people talking and that's always a good thing. Well done I say! :)
  3. Prince Of Time

    Prince Of Time Sex Lover

    Dec 21, 2010
    You know, I feel the same way you do...almost 100%. But DAMN dude, some things are better left unsaid!!!!! Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor, if you know what I mean.

    Yeah, I responded to this thread so now everybody knows that I am a total douche bag just like the OP, since I agree with him and all. Point is, even though I am totally disgusted by homosexuality and all, I would NEVER in a million years dream of coming on here and starting a thread bashing those who have a different viewpoint. And that my friend, is the difference between you and I. I never click on gay videos because they totally repulse me. That is my right. They make me want to vomit. But at the same time, I do realize that there are people out there who enjoy that kind of stuff and it is their right to watch those kind of videos, just as it is MY right NOT to watch them. To each his own! Live and let live. We all have differing viewpoints of what is right and wrong, but at the same time I realize that it is not my place to "put those people in their place". Like I said, I agree with you but DAMN.....
  4. furrychin

    furrychin Porn Star

    Apr 19, 2007

  5. Prince Of Time

    Prince Of Time Sex Lover

    Dec 21, 2010
    Your Welcome! My point was (and is), even though I don't like that kind of stuff, and personally feel that it is wrong.......don't force your views down MY throat (no homo) and I won't force my conservative views down yours. Live and let live!
  6. NorwayMom

    NorwayMom Porno Junky

    Dec 7, 2010
    Because they like it?

    Just hope you have one :)
  7. Ripple69

    Ripple69 Sex Lover

    Jun 23, 2012
    Capnip you may be simply out of touch with reality....

    If you do/did actually have a child, male or female, the correct thing to do is love and support them 110% no matter what their sexual preferance is/was.

    Maybe a hobby like music or art would be good for you b/c it would shed some light on things. As all the folks I know into these type of activities, including myself, get along fine. Gay/Bi or Strait and race too is NO issue.
  8. vibibottom

    vibibottom Sex Machine

    May 23, 2011
    It was a joke, relax...
  9. vibibottom

    vibibottom Sex Machine

    May 23, 2011
    Sooo you are under the delusion that there are NO gay republicans?
  10. AddictedToMILF

    AddictedToMILF Porn Surfer

    Aug 29, 2012
    You choose if you suck dick or eat pussy, you choose if you ride dick or fuck pussy, but you don't choose what your attracted to. Gay guys are born attracted to other dicks but choose to suck a dick. Straight guys are born attracted to females and choose to fuck them.
  11. Capnip-Everdeen

    Capnip-Everdeen Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jun 15, 2012
    That might be the most limp wrist liberal answer I have ever heard. Wow, you must suck obama's penis every chance you get.
  12. badbabysitter

    badbabysitter Porno Junky

    Jan 24, 2011

    just because you're completely uneducated doesnt mean that people who are educated vote a particular way

    it just means you're stupid
  13. furrychin

    furrychin Porn Star

    Apr 19, 2007
    well said
  14. Damien The Avenger

    Damien The Avenger Sex Lover

    Nov 26, 2011
    Being liberal, conservative, moderate, or neither one has anything to do with that. Onl those who are uneducated would come up with the dumb shit you just said and considering the type of comments you like to make if we see your post history I have this to say *sniffs* i smell a troll. Someone get the grill lit and started, I'm in the mood for some barbequed troll today.
  15. Capnip-Everdeen

    Capnip-Everdeen Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jun 15, 2012
    It was a joke people! You are all too sensitive.
  16. PatronofPorn

    PatronofPorn Porn Fairy's Apprentice

    Jun 14, 2008
    No, Capnip isn't tied to Joliet in any way. Their personas and methods are far too different to be the same person. Cannip and Friends and the fuck behind Joliet and Company are two different people.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2012
  17. vibibottom

    vibibottom Sex Machine

    May 23, 2011
    Ya Moms! ;)
  18. Capnip-Everdeen

    Capnip-Everdeen Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jun 15, 2012
    I think I would like this Joliet person.
  19. Diaxis

    Diaxis Sex Machine

    Mar 18, 2011
    <-- I agree with everything you say except this.

    The answer is "all of them if they could". Species don't have any sense of balance, it is simply imposed on them by limiting conditions. When talking about humans, its mainstream to think of American indians living in balance with nature, but this is also hokey, given that they hunted the American mega-fauna to extinction ( remember the Mammoth? ) 10,000 years before Columbus, and there is evidence of over-fishing in some places, or sites where natives would drive thousands of bison off a cliff into a pit. If they had horses and rifles before then, there may well be NO bison today. Animals really aren't any different than mankind, they're just stupider and less adaptable, but ALL species does whatever it can, just like the jack rabbits that got turned loose in Australia. Anyway. That's my fine point. :)
  20. NYPHE

    NYPHE Porn Surfer Suspended!

    Sep 3, 2012
    I suspect you are correct about the OP.