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  1. BigTrobbing

    BigTrobbing Porn Star

    Oct 29, 2010

    So which was the one that caused the most anger and which the most hatred??:eek:

    I am doing a study to see which will get stumbleshit the most
  2. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007

    That is sad, but it is not my fault, it is not stumbler's fault, it is certainly not President Obama's fault. None of us deserve the anger that you are working out at our expense.

    Also, I doubt that you or one or more insurance companies are financing your medical treatment and your lifestyle.
  3. BigTrobbing

    BigTrobbing Porn Star

    Oct 29, 2010

    So when he is calling me someone else and no matter what I say that is ok by you??

    The man is sick and an asshole hell you even admitted he hates you also. Unless that was a lie.

    What would you suggest I say to him to get him off this kick that I am someone else??
  4. Sanguine_Narcissist

    Sanguine_Narcissist Sex Machine

    May 7, 2012
    Tell him to "eat a dick", and then you go in and mentally erase his existence from the history of humanity. Think of him as nothing, and place no value in his opinion or any words he says.

    In other words, IGNORE THE FUCKER. You ignore him, he sees his pathetic life and commits suicide. Everyone wins! It's that simple. Let him say whatever the fuck he wants to, and you don't worry your little sex starved brain about what him, and anyone else who agrees with him, have to say.

    People suck and will be insulting you all the time in the real world. You have to learn to deal with it, and accept the fact that we are all nothing but clever names and random pictures on the internet.

    That's all it takes to make da baby jesus happy!
  5. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    Correct me if I'm wrong - I think we both know what would have happened if BigTrobbing were really deidre79 and seen you on this thread.
  6. BigTrobbing

    BigTrobbing Porn Star

    Oct 29, 2010

    What anger?? And what does insurance companies have to do with retirement??
  7. BigTrobbing

    BigTrobbing Porn Star

    Oct 29, 2010

    Who is chunky??
  8. Gypsy_

    Gypsy_ Porno Junky

    Jul 11, 2012
    Think the dimwit is hinting that you're living on disability at the expense of the tax payers. DL, you're pathetic.

    Disability is hard to get and people don't ask to be disabled. :rolleyes:
  9. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I doubt stumbler hates me. He used to be on my Friends's List, but he left in a huff because I said something nice about deidre79, Israel, or Charles Murray. I forget which.

    I am quite certain that you are not deidre79. The assumption that you are is not an insult to you; it is an insult to her.
  10. BigTrobbing

    BigTrobbing Porn Star

    Oct 29, 2010

    This shows how dense dl is, While I was working with MY OWN company, my legal advised me as well as my accountants said since I could not get workers comp (in NY your exempted from it workers are not but owners are) suggested to me to get an additional insurance policy that covered injury and disability. So I did as a person that listened to his team of lawyers accountants and bankers should.

    dl is a socialist that does not approve of someone that is a conservative do what they should as a just in case. I guess if I was sucking off the tit of the government like he must be that would be OK.
  11. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I used to know someone who was on disability because of alcoholism. He spend much of his disability check on alcohol.

    I think BigTrobbing is telling the truth about his accident. I think that if he is on permanent disability, he deserves to be. However, if he is, he should have a different attitude about the government, and the liberals who are responsible for disability programs.

    A large segment of Republican voters receive checks from the government. Their attitude is, "We deserve it. Those people over there don't." However, if the Republicans sweep the next election, and if they get serious about reducing government spending, Republicans who receive government checks will be in for an unpleasant surprise. :eek:
  12. BigTrobbing

    BigTrobbing Porn Star

    Oct 29, 2010


    Post 160 OF this thread YOU STATED:::: "I like stumbler, despite his shortcomings. He does not like me. He has obvious anger management problems, but then again so did deidre79."

    So you and stumbleshit want to play word games??? LETS PLAY.
  13. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    You claim to be 49 years old, and say this accident happened 16 years ago. If you are telling the truth you were paying an exorbitant fee for an insurance company that would take care of you from the age of 33 to the day you die.

    A life insurance policy might pay your wife and kids $300,000 dollars, but when it's gone it's gone.
  14. Gypsy_

    Gypsy_ Porno Junky

    Jul 11, 2012
    SSDI is Federal Social Security disability insurance and like Social Security retirement money what you get is based on what you paid into it through taxes while you were working. In fact, when you turn 65 it becomes Social Security retirement income. You may have this as well as the additional insurance policy, I don't know.

    That was a good move on your part to get the insurance policy though.
  15. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    You do not seem to understand the difference between hatred and simple dislike. stumbler does not like me, but he seldom flames me.
  16. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    You can't flame those that you ignore.........
  17. BigTrobbing

    BigTrobbing Porn Star

    Oct 29, 2010

    So in other words I should say to the government thank you??? Can I have some more??? WHY??? Tell me why ???

    Even if I was on Disability (that the government offers that WE PAY FOR) that does not mean I want more just because you and stumbleshit seem to like sucking off the tit (or people) of the government that does not mean other do.

    How do you communist think?? Your brains are warped. Do you realize that since the golden child took office more people have gone on Disability?? First how did they get it so easy?? I knew people from other blog's that were on their 3-4-5 times trying And now people go on it like it is a job.

    What happens when the money runs out??? We already borrow 40-50cents of every dollar they spend And if and I do mean IF obama wanted to help the people why is he not creating the environment for jobs?? Hell he does not even meet with his jobs czar, in-fact his job czar (immelt of GE) is sending his jobs to China How the FUCK does that work?? Then he stands there with a straight face (the golden child) and says he does not out source jobs. He must think we are stupid, well maybe you commies are.

    BUT wait, he saved gm. Look up how many people will NEVER buy another gm product due to this. And not only that he fucked the people at Delco (because they were not union) so they lost 75% of their retirement, and he gave gm to the unions. And the stock we the people own (lets all thank obama) he bought it at $53.00 and it has yet to go over $18.00 Yea but they saved gm and SCREWED the American people out of over 26MILLION
  18. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    Bingo - enough said.:excited:
  19. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008

    I thought the same thing:excited::excited:
  20. BigTrobbing

    BigTrobbing Porn Star

    Oct 29, 2010

    LOL How stupid do you think I am?? I am not obama I actually have a mind that works unlike apparently you.

    You communists and your word games, OH I did not mean that I meant this. Wait you took it out of context. Really OH sorry Maybe you meant you were on your knees blowing stumbleshit yea that it blowing him, Wait I must have taken that out of context or you did not mean blow job even though his 1 1/2 dick was between your lips.

    Stop it those are YOUR words you stated "He does not like me" How did I take that out of context????? Tell me I would love to hear this.
    See the problem with you communists is that no one ever corners you and makes you answer to what YOU SAID.