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  1. OneDesire

    OneDesire Porn Surfer

    Feb 23, 2015
    I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was! To catch them them is my true test, to train them is my cause, POKEMON!

    Ash woke up to his favorite song playing on the radio. Today was the big day. He was so excited he couldn't sleep much the night before, he had stayed up playing the snes the night before.

    Ash got dressed. He choose his favorite light blue jeans, pulled his shirt over his head and dawned a short sleeved letterman jacket. Ash grabbed his favorite fingerless gloves and went to accessing the pc he had in his room.

    Ash withdrew the potion he had found a few days earlier. He had ambitions of being a pokemon trainer his whole life. Although he hadn't caught any pokemon himself yet (those damn balls are 200 each!) he knew that one day the potion would come in handy. Ash threw on his favorite official pokemon league hat. It was the red and white edition with the logo on the front.. is dark black hair stuck out from it a little, but he felt he looked the part.

    Ash ran down the stairs and was quickly stopped by his mother who was at the table.

    "Right, all boys leave home someday, It said so on t.v. Professor Oak next door is looking for you"

    Ash grabbed his backpack and headed out the doors. He was finally old enough to leave out on his own, and he wasn't that great with goodbyes. His mom smiled at him knowingly and he walked out the front door without looking back.

    Good ol Pallet Town. Shades of your journey awaits! Or so the towns sign read. Ash had never given it much though. It was a small costal town, although the tides coming in were to strong to swim without a boat or a trained water pokemon. The town was surrounded with pillars to keep the more dangerous pokemon out. The only exit to town was in the north area.

    Excited to start his adventure Ash ran out into the tall grass leading out of town. It wasn't more then a few steps until he heard a voice shouting out to him

    "HEY WAIT! DON'T GO OUT ALONE!" Professor Oak cried running towards Ash. "that was close,...wild pokemon live in tall grass!" He warned. No sooner then he finished his sentence, the two were attached by large yellow rodent.

    Professor Oak reached out and pulled Ash behind him, placing himself between the young boy and wild pokemon.

    "A wild pikachu" Professor Oak announced, "By the looks of him, he's rather immature"

    Professor Oak reached into the bad and produced a red and white pokeball. There was nothing especially strong about it, it was a standard issue ball. They really didn't have any other choice though neither has a pokemon of there own for defence. It was a long shot, but professor Oak threw the ball.

    The ball hit the mouse on its side and split open. A red light emerged surrounding the wild pikachu. The light scans and registers the DNA of the pokemon, and breaks it down into digital form. The light retracted back into the ball and the two watched in anticipation.

    The pokeball rocked back and forth. A wild pokemon's instinct is to fight the conversion. It takes training for them to accept the transformation.

    The ball stopped rocking and the indicator light on the ball had stopped flashing.

    "ALRIGHT!" exclaimed professor Oak, " wild pikachu was caught!"
    "Whew!" Professor Oak was an older gentleman and needed to catch his breath after all the excitement. "A pokemon can appear any time in tall grass" he warned. "You need a pokemon for your own protection"

    Ash felt horrible about the worry he put Professor Oak through, and the old man could see it in his eye.

    "I know" he continued. "Here come with me."

    Ash followed Professor Oak back through Pallet Town. He lead him through there quiet town to the south most end where his lab was. Professor Oak's lab was covered with books. There were a few assistant wearing the same white lab coats that the professor had. Everyone seemed to content with their research and didn't pay attention to the young boy entering the room. The professor lead him past some bookcases into the lack of the lab.

    "Gramps!...I'm feed up with waiting!"

    "Hmm? Gary? Why are you here already? I asked you to come by later, ugh whatever, just wait over there."

    The professor was clearly agitated. Gary was his stuck up grandson, and the two boys had been rivals since Ash was a baby. Gary had grown up in wealth, due greatly to the advancement in pokemon research that the professor pioneered. Unfortunately the result was a spoiled, impatient jerk as far as the rest of the town was concern. Professor Oak had tried to avoid conflict by separating the two.

    "Look Ash," the professor said changing his attention. "Do you see that ball on the table?"

    Ash turned his attention to the table to see a pokeball sitting on the table. The dim red light indicating it held a pokemon.

    "It's called a pokeball, it holds a pokemon inside, you can have it" the professor exclaimed! "Go on take it!"

    Ash couldn't believe his luck! His very first pokemon! His heart was beating fast as he turned his attention on the the red and white ball sitting on the table. 'What could be inside?' He wondered 'a charmander, maybe a squirtle or even a bulbasaur?'

    Ash approached the table with excitement. His head swirling with anticipation.

    "HEY GRAMPS!" Gary protested, "What about me?!"

    "Be patient Gary, I'll give you one later" replied the professor. This was exactly why he didn't want his grandson here at the same time.

    As Ash approached the pokeball Gary couldn't control himself any longer. He ran towards Ash and shoved him out of the way.

    "No way Ash" he cried, "I want this one"

    "GARY!" yelled Professor Oak, "What are you doing?!"

    "Gramps" he cried "I want THIS one"

    "But I,... oh, all right then." Replied the professor, clearly to tired to argue with his grandson. "That pokemon is yours....I was going to give you one anyways" he added

    "Ash" the professor called "Come over here."

    Ash approached the Professor much more mature then his rival.

    "Ash" the professor continued "This is the pokemon I caught earlier, you can have it. I caught it in the wild and it's not yet tame." He warned.

    Ash graciously accepted the pokemon that had attacked him earlier. Ash thanked the professor and headed for the door, excited to finally start his adventure.

    He hadn't made it out of the back room when Gary came running to him

    "Ash wait, let's check out our pokemon." Said Gary, eager to prove his superiority as a trainer already. "Come on, I'll take you on" he added.

    Before he could respond, Gary released his pokeball and in a flash of red light, a small kit fox looking pokemon appeared before him. It was small in size with long ears. It had dark fur with a lighter tan color on its mane and tip if it's tail. He recognized the pokemon as an eevee.

    Ash looked towards Professor Oak. He gave him a slight nod, he was just as feed up with his grandson, and knew the younger pokemon wouldn't cause very much damage to his lab.

    Ash turned his hat backwards, reached back, and threw his pokeball towards Gary's eevee.

    In a flash of light the wild pikachu was standing before him. Ashes pokemon was slightly larger than Gary's. It was all yellow with some dark striped on its back. The pokemon's tail was thick and zigged zagged back and forth and had a little bit if brown at its base. It reminded Ash of a lightning bolt. The ears were similar to the eevee had it had two red spots on its cheeks.

    Pikachu lowered it's ears back and growled at the other pokemon. Eevee stepped back hesitant. "Tackle him" ordered Gary and the pokemon compiled. Eevee stuck pikachu and Ashes pokemon was knocked on its side. He immediately rolled with the hit and was back on all fours. Ash was taken back when he noticed a small amount of electricity crackling in his pokemon's cheeks. 'This is an electric type' He though, and ordered his pikachu to attack with a thundershock.

    The mouse looked at Ash with an uncanny understanding. Pokemon were after all extremely intelligent. Pikachu returned his attention to Eevee. Ash could see the small bolts of electricity building in the cheeks of the small mouse. Pikachu leaped in the air, curled it's body tight. At the pinnacle of its jump, it threw it's arms and legs open and a released a Lightning bolt. The electricity hit eevee hard.

    "Tackle" commanded Gary again, but the surge of electricity had Eevee paralized. His pokemon didn't move. Pikachu let out another growl and Gary's pokemon was loosing it's will to fight. The shock had started to wear off and Eevee tackled Ash's pikachu once again. Ash could tell that Eevee was demoralized and the foxes hit didn't seem nearly as hard. Perhaps that had to do with pikachu growling.

    "The enemy's weak!" Cried Ash, "finish them off!"

    With that the mouse let out another bolt of lightning and struck his opponent again. Eevee was hit hard, and soon fainted. Reluctantly Gary opened his pokeball and withdrew Eevee back into the safety of its pokeball to rest. Ash did the same and the battle was over.

    "UNBELIEVEABLE! I PICKED THE WRONG POKEMON" whined Gary. "Ok Ash, Gramps,... smell ya later"

    with that Gary stormed out of the lab in defeat. A few moments later the pokeball in Ash's hands busted open and Pikachu was standing by his side.

    "What!" Professor Oak cried. "Would you look at that. It's odd but it appears your pikachu dislikes pokeballs. You should keep it with you, it will make it happy"

    Ash looked down at his new companion.

    "Piick-AA" exclaimed the pokemon in agreement.

    Ash nodded in agreement and the two thanked Professor Oak and headed out of the lab. Ash stopped by his mom's house to rest let Pikachu rest awhile before heading out of town again.

    when they were finally ready, Pikachu jumped onto Ash's back and the two headed out of town. Ash walked through the the grass much more confidently this time with his new companion.

    The road sign read route 1. It was the most direct route to Veridian City. The route was anything but that, wild grass grew everywhere. Barricades had been built along the ledges of the hillside by travelers over the years, but had eroded away. Trying to climb them was no longer an option, but if you were headed downhill, most weren't to high to jump from.

    Ash continued north being guided by the breaks in the ledges, and the tree lines that grew in the grassland. In an open meadow the crickets became quiet.

    from out of the grass a pokemon appeared flapping it's wings. The dust and sand hit Ash blinding him. Pikachu jumped to his defense, whipping the bird with its tail. The bird flew into the air and let out a mighty flap of its wings. The air stirred and a small gust of concentrated air struck Pikachu before he could avoid it.

    "Pikachu!" Cried ash, distraught for his new friend. "Thundershock!"

    The little mouse gathered his composure and sent a lighting bolt directly towards his enemy. The attack seemed to be especially effective against the bird, and it collapse after that hit.

    "Good job" said Ash, acknowledging the efforts of his new pokemon friend.


    A few miles down the road the battle seemed to be talking it's toll on Pikachu. Ash was enjoying his company and had decided that if he didn't want to. He wouldn't try to force him in the pokeball. He offered pikachu the potion he had and the pokemon seemed revitalized after drinking it. After defeating several more of those pigeon looking pokemon, Ash and Pikachu arrived in Veridian City, much stronger then when they left a few days ago.

    Ash was taken in by the city. It was larger then Pallet Town, and had both a PokéCenter and a pokéMart. The city was also home to the closest Gym to his town.

    Gyms were the key to becoming a great trainer. To call yourself the best in the world, you have to defeat the Pokemon League. They didn't just let every asshole with a pokemon compete though. To prove your worth to compete with the best in the world, you had to collect 8 badges. Those badges were held by the Gym leaders throughout the world, defeated the leader of the Gym, get a badge. Collect all 8 badges and you were seen as being worthy enough to compete with the world best against the Pokemon League.
    Badges were also seen as a symbol of respect I both people and pokemon alike.

    Ash found the local PokéCenter and walked to the counter. He was greeted by a beautiful young nurse. She had on a pink dress covered with a white work apron, matching her white stockings. Her red hair was pulled into two loops and tucked into her work cap with the centers trademark plus symbol. 'Fuck' thought Ash. He never seen anyone that attractive back in Pallet Town except maybe Gary's sister.

    as Ash approached the counter, she was greeted by the nurse.

    "Welcome to our Pokemon Center! We heal your pokemon back to perfect health."

    Ash stood awkwardly in front of the attractive nurse. He had never actually been in a PokéCenter before and wasn't familiar with the proper etiquette.

    "Is this your first time here hon" she asked, breaking the silence.

    Ash nodded in agreement.

    "Chansey" she said, directed at the egg shaped pokemon at her side. "Watch the counter please?"

    She walked from around the counter and introduced herself.

    "Well, I'm nurse Joy,...and our pokemon over there is Chansey"

    Ash had heard that the centers often used chanceys because of their natural nurturing abilities.

    "Hi I'm Ash" he replied.

    Nurse Joy had seen several trainers come in and out of the center in her short time working there. Most of their pokemon were knocked out and in need of immediate medical care. She was impressed that this young man had taken a proactive approach to the care of his companions.

    "Well if you would return your Pikachu to its pokeball, we would be happy to submit him to our device here and bring him back to perfect health.

    Pikachu expressed some concern over this, but him and Ash had grown close during the last few days.

    "What do you say" Ash asked his yellow friend.

    "Picka" the mouse replied lifting it's it's arms into submission.

    Ash removed the pokeball from its holster on his belt and pressed the button in the center. Pikachu was transported into his ball.

    Ash handed the ball to nurse Joy who placed it on the strange looking device. It started blinking and Ash could see the colors on the ball flashing in response.

    Joy was impressed by relationship Ash seemed to have with his young pokemon and knew something was diffrent about him.

    "In the meantime" she offered "can I show you around?"

    "I'd like that" admitted Ash.

    Joy showed him the Pc in the corner of the room that he could use to store both items and pokemon via digital format. There was another service where friends could exchange ownership of pokemon. Ash didn't know these services existed and asked how they work.

    "Follow me" she replied and took him by the hand. She lead him behind the counter into a back room. Ash was looking at the complex computers and cables that transfered the massive amounts of data held in each pokemon.

    "Do these....." he began, turning to face nurse Joy.

    his sentence was cut short by a kiss. Ash didn't know how to respond, but Joy took the lead. She pressed her lips into his and opened his mouth slightly. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and Ash closed his eyes. His arms fell to his side and he kissed her back.

    Joy stepped back and removed her apron. Ash stood in shock taking in the sight unfolding in front of him. His head was spinning and he wasn't sure if this was real. She threw her apron at Ash's feet then fell to her knees on its. Ash felt his cock bulging in his pants and was released when Joy unbuttoned his pants, and released his growing meat.

    As she took him into her mouth, Joy could smell his precum and it was matched with her own. She could still feel his excitement growing as she rolled her tongue over the head of his cock. By the time he was completely hard, Ash had a full 9 inches of thick cock to feed Joy.

    "OH!" she said excitedly, realizing all he had to offer her. "I've got to try this."

    Joy stood up and released a few of the buttons holding her dress up. With just a little wiggle, the dress dropped and she was on display for him.

    She had a great figure that the dress had concealed. She was fit and toned. Her perky tits were somewhere between a size B or C. Her white stalking rode up to her thighs and we're connected to a garter belt. She pulled down her panties and Ash could see she was a natural red head.

    Joy got on all fours and presented her ass to Ash. He didn't hesitate to move behind her. With his engorged meat in his gloves, he gripped his cock and pressed it against her pussy lips. With a little pressure he entered her and was instantly rewarded. He felt the velvet walls of her fuck canal hug his manhood, and he started to work his tool in and out of her.

    "Oh Ash" she moaned with pleasure.

    Joy could feel him touching and stretching every part of her. She buried her face into the floor and screamed.

    Joy reached between her legs and found her clit. she rubbed vigorously and was soon covering his cock in her creamy juices.

    Ash could see her cum covering his shaft as he pulled out of her. It was building up in her lips when he pressed his dick back into her pussy. Ash could feel his balls building up and gripped her by the hips.


    He spilled his seed into her welcoming hole. Pump after pump oh thick sticky cum coated the inside of her cunt.

    "Oh Ash"

    Joy laid there completely satisfied with cum dripping out of her pussy. Before catching there breath there was a 'ding' coming from out front.

    "I'd better get back out there" said nurse Joy, "Pikachu should be ready by now."

    "Thanks" replied Ash, still taken back by the whole turn of events.

    Joy finished getting dressed but left her panties on the ground.

    "Here" she offered, handing them to Ash. She knew that trainers traveled a lot in per suit if the badges and rare pokemon, and she wanted him to have something to remind him of her. Ash took her panties and placed them in the items compartment of his pack.

    "Will I see you again?" Ash asked.

    "Possibly" she replied. Nurse Joy was still in the PokéCenter training program. Her, her sister, and her cousin were traveling all around the world to complete their training at different centers. The company wanted them to train in the care of several different types of pokemon, so they moved around often.

    They left the back room and Pikachu was returned to Ash.

    "Thank you" she said in a professional tone."Your pokemon are fighting fit. Please cum again."
    She placed a special emphases on the work cum. Fucking tease.

    Ash let his companion out right away and the little guy was happy to be released. Ash left with a smile on his face and headed for the mart to get some supplies.

    He was still daydreaming when. He made his was to the mart. As he entered inside, the clerk recognized Ash right away, as he had made several deliveries to Pallet Town.

    "Hey" he started in "your from Pallet Town right? Professor Oak's parcel came in, will you take it to him?

    Ash was a little reluctant, but the professor did give him his first pokemon. He supposed it was the least he could do. Ash put the parcel in his backpack and finished his shopping. There were display cases that had everything you could need. They had everything from antidotes for poison, to heals for paralysis. 'I bet Gary wished he had some of these' Ash thought. The PokéMart was out of pokéballs, so Ash settled for a few of the lotions that came in handy and headed for home.

    The trip home only took about a dad. Ash was able to save a lot more time jumping from the ledges instead of going around them. He did run into a rat looking pokemon, but Pikachu didn't have much trouble. He was already growing stronger, and Ash could see the bolts of lightning were doing much more damage. Ash made it home that next afternoon.

    He went home to get some rest and something to eat. His mother was happy to see him. After a few hours he decided to head over to Professor Oak's research lab.

    "Oh, Ash" the professor greeted him."how is my old pokemon? "

    Pikachu was at Ash's side as always and the professor could see they had both gotten a bit stronger. "Well he seems to like you" he went on "you must be talented as a trainer!"

    Ash was proud to be called a trainer finally. He wiped the smile of his face and offered him the delivery.

    "What?" Responded the professor, "you have something for me?"

    Ash handed him his package.

    "Oh, this must be the custom pokeball I ordered" he said excitingly.

    Professor Oak gathered his thoughts and remembered he had a favor to ask of Ash.

    "GRAMPS!" interrupted Gary, It was starting to seem to Gary that there was no escaping him.

    "My pokemon have gotten a lot stronger!" he bragged, "let me show you!"

    "Ah!, Gary good timing" replied the professor. "I have a favor to ask of both of you" the time in the professors voice seemed to become serious and the boys paid close attention.

    "On my desk over there is my invention, the Pokédex!" He said. You could hear the pride in his voice as he continued, "it automatically records data on pokemon you've seen or caught!....it's a high tech encyclopedia! "

    Oak handed them each a pokedex. There was a sadness in his voice as he explained.

    "It was my dream to catalog every pokemon in the world, but I'm to old, I can't do it. I want you two to fulfill my dream!...now get moving you two, ...this is a great undertaking in pokemon history!"

    "Alright Gramps, leave it to me" Gary replied. " Sorry to say Ash, but i don't need you! ...I know, I'll borrow a map from my sister and tell her not to lend you one!" With that he ran out to beat Ash to his sisters house.

    Gary really pissed him off, but a map was a good idea. It would help him navigate from town to town, and he could mark where certain pokemon were found. It was possible she had more then one, she was sorta a home body, always had her nose stuck in a book. Ash decided it was worth a shot.

    He arrived at Gary's house long after he had left. Just as suspected, she had her nose stuck in a book.

    "Hey" offered Ash, being as pleasant as he could.

    She looked up from her book to reciprocate the greeting. She was still in her school uniform and had a certain librarian look to her. Ash looked at her for the first time in awhile and realized how sexy Gary's little sister had really become. Her eyes were blue and hidden behind her black reading glasses. She had brown hair like Gary did, but hers was straighten and cut at her shoulders. It framed her face well.

    "I was hoping I could borrow a map" Ash asked.

    "Gary took it already"

    Ash was disappointed when he saw bother on her desk.

    "What about this one" he asked.

    "That's my last copy" she explained. " and I may need it for research.

    Ash approached her and sat on the table. He could feel his bulge growing. She was still sitting in the chair. Ash reached for the map and she slapped his hand.

    "Look" Ash argued, " I need a map and there is no way I'm letting Gary have the upper hand"

    "Well looks like your out of luck then aren't you?"

    Ash grabbed the map but before he could get it away, she got a grip on it. They were both tugging and fighting for the map and Ash became concern they would tear the last copy. He remembered the was he froze when Joy had kissed him, and he needed to do something. He tugged, and when the schoolgirl was pulled in, he kissed her on the lips.

    Just has he planned she froze out of shock. After a couple of seconds though she snapped out of it, grabbed him by the shirt, and pulled him in for more. The turn of events left them both confused, and the map fell to the floor.

    They were kissing passionately when Ash made a move. He reached under her skirt and removed her pantied. She smiled back and pressed against his chest.

    Ash was laying back on the table, and Gary's little sister was climbing up to straddle him. Ash was already hard when he post on ed the head of his dick at her pussy, dripping with anticipation.
    Just as soon as he had positioned himself, she eagerly dripped down onto his shaft. Ash smiled at the realization that she wasn't a virgin. He didn't even have to work his cock in, she just swallowed him whole. What a little innocent looking slut.

    She rode his cock until she orgasmmed all over Ash. She flooded her fuck canal with her own cum.

    Ash hadn't finished yet and pulled himself out from beneath her. He made her bend over the table and lifted her skirt over her back. He didn't ask permission and he didn't want to she was a spoiled brat and deserved what was comming. Ash aimed his cum covered cock at her asshole and pressed into her arse.

    She seemed to love it and moved her fingers to her swollen cunt. As Ash pumped her asshole like an oil well, he could see the map on the floor. While keeping stride, he kicked the map into his backpack on the floor. The excitement was getting to him and he could feel himself about to cum

    "OH MY FUCKING GOD!" He shouted, pulling out of her ass. She instantly turned around and dropped to her knees. Ash kept stroking his cock and it didn't take long. She opened her mouth to accept his load. Ash had a better idea though, as he felt the first pulse of cum leave the head of his cock, he aimed for her glasses. Most of his shot landed on the lens of her glasses, but enough got around.

    "What the fuck!" She cried, pulling off her glasses. Ash took advantage of her temporary blindness, snatched his pack and ran out the door.

    It would be a long time before he came back. Maybe she would forgive him by the? Maybe not, either way his adventure was finally on its way.

    Ash took one last look over his shoulder at Pallet Town. He took a step into the grass....

    "Your pokemon adventure awaits" he reminded himself.
    • Like Like x 4
  2. Norton X

    Norton X Oddball

    Dec 30, 2013
    This is good.
  3. OneDesire

    OneDesire Porn Surfer

    Feb 23, 2015
    If there is a fan base for this I will continue on, involve misty/brock. Please let me know through comments and likes. I read them. I don't know about you guys. But i remember growing up with this. Thought it might be fun
    • Like Like x 1
  4. OneDesire

    OneDesire Porn Surfer

    Feb 23, 2015
    Thanks! I swear when my laptop is fixed you won't have to pit up with so many typos
    • Like Like x 1
  5. chris10intn

    chris10intn Porn Surfer

    Feb 25, 2015
    The best pokemon story I've ever read good job keep it up
    • Like Like x 1
  6. daverjax

    daverjax Porn Star Suspended!

    Nov 26, 2008
    very good job; I've always wondered if perhaps Jigglypuffs song had OTHER effects.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. OneDesire

    OneDesire Porn Surfer

    Feb 23, 2015
    I just finished 2, but I'll incorporate that into part 3 ;) it kinda works out as Ash will be headed to Mt moon
  8. Softbondagelover

    Softbondagelover Porno Junky

    Feb 22, 2015
    I am far from a pokemon fan, but I like how ya blended those scenes in...
  9. OneDesire

    OneDesire Porn Surfer

    Feb 23, 2015
    Thanks :) and hey! It's not everyone's thing. Just something I grew up with that I thought would be fun. To try
  10. funderburgw

    funderburgw Newcumer

    May 31, 2011
    definitely want to read more of this you don't find a lot of good pokemon stories
  11. OneDesire

    OneDesire Porn Surfer

    Feb 23, 2015
    Thanks, there is a 2nd one, I'm working on the 3rd now
    • Like Like x 1