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  1. jk90us

    jk90us Amateur

    Mar 18, 2009
    Needed a new pair of slacks for a business meeting next week and went to a small shop near my house that opened recently because they had a sale. I arrived at 8:45 just before they were set to close. Only person there was an older guy in his mid-60s manning the counter. He helped me find a pair of slacks and I went into the dressing room to try them on.

    They were nice but too big so I asked if he'd bring me a different pair. I took the slacks off and waited. I don't wear underwear so I was bottomless. The guy tapped on the door and I opened it a little to grab the slacks. To my surprise he opened the door wider and stood there with three pairs of slacks in his arm.

    His eyes darted to my exposed penis a moment then back to me. He handed me the slacks and too the other pair. Then he walked off. I left the door open and tried on the slacks. The last second pair I tried was perfect so I took off the last pair. The clerk walked over again with two shirts and said they would go nice with the slacks.

    So I took off my shirt off while he stood there and was stark naked. I noticed his eyes dart to my dick again. I tried on both shirts and chose the one I liked the most. He asked if I liked any off the slacks and I showed him the pair I liked. He said if I put them on again he would mark then to be hemmed.

    I put them on and followed him to the big mirror. He knelt and marked the hems. Then he asked if they needed adjustments anywhere else. Before I could answer he ran his hand along the inside of the slacks as if checkin the fit and his fingers stopped right against my balls. He said they feel fine to him. I just smiled and said they feel great.

    He cupped my dick in his hand and asked how the front felt. Was it too tight? I instantly popped a boner as he held onto me and joked that they are a bit tight now but still fine. His expression never changed as if touching my balls and dick were all a normal part of fitting slacks. Lol

    He followed me back to the dressing room and waited until I slipped the slacks and shirt of. My boner pointed right at him and he stared right at it a moment. I was horny as hell so I started stroking myself to see what he would do. He just stood there, so I continued until I shot cum on the carpet.

    He then walked off saying I can pay at the counter when I am ready. The entire thing was so surreal. I dressed and walked to the counter where I paid. He gave me an extra 10% discount, maybe because he enjoyed the show. I'll pick up my slacks Tuesday after they're hemmed. Maybe if he's there again I'll try on some more clothes.
    • Like Like x 4
  2. Reddcock

    Reddcock Porn Surfer

    Mar 23, 2015
    That's hot. I love jacking off for others.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. hornygirla2

    hornygirla2 RAY OF SUNSHINE

    Aug 18, 2014
    Wow! That was quite a story.

    This may be a silly question but is that normal? For an associate to cup a guy's balls when they're checking if the pants fits right?
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Frolip84

    Frolip84 Sex Machine

    Sep 23, 2011
    Obviously fake stories should go in the story subforum.
  5. doggie1313

    doggie1313 Amateur

    Aug 26, 2008
    Frolip84 just because it has not happened to you,does not mean it does not happen,I got sucked off by a male sales assistant once ..or twice ...it happens,helps if you give him the right signal's..
  6. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Ehh...I don't know. I'm the ultimate skeptic here, and this one is far from unbelievable. I've spoke with many men who had similar experiences though with more follow-up, and I myself have encountered male and female sales people that resulted in much more.....If it is made up, well done! It's believable.

    Hush....an alias
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Frolip84

    Frolip84 Sex Machine

    Sep 23, 2011
    People always try too hard to write details when shit is embellished. Maybe the story is true, but there is no way that certain details and actions happened or were noticed. Amateur smut always reads the same
  8. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    That's one of the dumber things I've read of late. I have vivid down to scent, sight, and sound recollections to minute detail of events in my life dating back some 40 years. Granted, till 30 I had virtually zero distractions so simply dwelled upon and rehashed them no doubt drilling them into my memory, yet events of the last 20 years with a flood of diversions and new interests are just about as clear.

    ........and he's speaking of "today."

    Hush....an alias
  9. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    Slacks? What are you ninety?
  10. Rothko

    Rothko Porn Star

    Jul 20, 2011
    Im doubtful the story is ttue but actually is a great one nine the less