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Is abortion MORALLY wrong?

  1. Yes, abortion is morally wrong.

  2. No, abortion is morally okay.

  3. I have no idea or am too big of a pussy to decide.

  1. formost

    formost Sex Machine

    Mar 18, 2011
    I on the other hand I can certianly beleive your ignorance. Federal law dictates that no state can refuse to allow a woman to get an abortion .
    But there is nothing that says that any state has to provide the facility or insure the availability of that abortion. And so far,each state still has the authority to "regulate"such establishments.

    It is more compliced than 'abortion" There is the kind of abortion.There is age , marrital status, who pays the bill, where the facility can or cannot be located , who can or can not perform and or participate in the proceedure. and most of this is still controled by the state and suject to local juristiction.

    So it is still entiraly possible that a woman could not get a legal abortion in some states.

    And the last time I checked an illegal abortion was still a crimminal offence in most states.

    Since no government can force, any municipality to house or provide the facilities for abortion nor force any one to perform or participated in the abortion proceedure a woman's federaly mandated right to control her body only gets her so far.
  2. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    You're sure doing a lot of babbling to prove I'm right. No state can make abortion illegal. There are some allowable restrictions but you can bet a whole bunch of abortion laws just passed by the states are headed to the supreme court to be struck down again.

    I was just pointing out the obvious ignorance and misinformation CFH420 was trying to spread.
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I don't have to go any further than the highlighted statement to point out your bullshit here. The majority of people in this nation support a woman's right to decided what to do with her own body.

    And I haven't seen you change anyone's mind. In fact I think most people have been pretty clear about objecting to your approach and reasoning or lack of same.
  4. formost

    formost Sex Machine

    Mar 18, 2011
    The United States is democrocy a (democratic form of government)
    Women have the legal right to abortions ,not because a majority believes they should have, But because lawyers did an end run around the democratic system through a liberal Supreme Court

    The Constitution guarentees those who oppose abortion the very same rights to try to effect change as it does those who support it.

    And they have done some good at it. They have managed to stop that hanus Partal birth abortion procedure.

    forced counceling before the procedure,
    made them harder to get.
    And they are about to reduce governmrnt funding for family planning which will in turn reduce the number of abortions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2011
  5. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    No it won't. That's just sickening bullshit. Canceling funding for planned parenthood means more women will probably lose their reproductive organs due to sexually transmitted diseases. And more women will die from breast cancer. And more women will have unwanted pregnancies.

    By the way, in what states to they force women seeking abortions to get counseling first? Show me that will you?

    Hey and don't forget you've also managed to murder some doctors and blow up some clinics. You telling me that's your constitutional right as well?
  6. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I need to call a bullshit on that statement in particular. In fact a majority of Americans do support a woman's right to abortion.

  7. formost

    formost Sex Machine

    Mar 18, 2011
    From what I've seen most people in here don't give a shit. What ???You and a couple others??? And by far the most complaining about me has come from you.

    Which I find interesting given your age and all...
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Have you been watching the poll numbers on this thread and the other one? Your argument is losing about three to one I believe.
  9. formost

    formost Sex Machine

    Mar 18, 2011
    Hey Stum, Read what I said. I said legalized abortion was not not a result of a majority. The "people" had no say in the matter. The Supreme Court took that away from all of us. Had it went before the people as it should have it probably wouldn't be legal today.

    counting for a margin of error that pole you quoted doesn't show an overwelming pro abortion constituency.

    Contrary to your false accusations about me, I would not ban abortions.
  10. formost

    formost Sex Machine

    Mar 18, 2011

    those poles are meaningless:excited:
    first ,most vote going in ,not going out

    second, This Porn site is almost comepletely liberal . It would scare the shit out of me if it wasn't;) after all it is a porn site.

    The fact that 1/3 actualy admit to being pro life in here amazes me . And it doesn't surprize me in the least that I'm the onlty one willing to defend my unpopular stand in here :rolleyes:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2011
  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    No they didn't. The Supreme Court did not take a fucking thing from you or anyone else. The Supreme Court of the United States of America GAVE THE RIGHT for women to decide what to do with their own bodies. Pure and simple.

    That's what you can't take. Not being able to tell someone else what to do.

    And this is the best you can come up with after making an utter fool of yourself trying top claim One Nation Under God and In God We Trust has been with us for 200 years when it was actually 1956?

    This is the best you can do when asked where are there laws that say a woman must receive counseling before having an abortion?

    This is all you've got to say after being proven wrong point after point?

    Then we sure know which one is delusional and blinded by their own prejudices don't we?
  12. formost

    formost Sex Machine

    Mar 18, 2011
    The supreme Court made a law by presedent allowing women to have abortions by interpritating Constitutional law that had absoluty nothing to do with abortion Man look it up for yourself It is a historical fact

    There you go again with your fucked up accusations, about my possition so you got to make me out to be a bad guy. Its' a damm shame that is the only way you can discuss anything
    One Nation under god has been with us since the Declaration of Independance And the fact that in "god we trust was ever on money destroys your" Secular" falicy So go ahead nitpick the dates you don;t change a thing.

    Proven?????? Because YOU say so???? Don't make me laugh:laughing::laughing::laughing:

    The only thing youve proven is that you can not rationaly discuss anything
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2011
  13. Saborg

    Saborg Porno Junky

    Apr 1, 2011
    yeah apparently we have been given so called *free wills* to do what we want.
  14. formost

    formost Sex Machine

    Mar 18, 2011
  15. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Let me get this straight? I guy that thinks One Nation Under God and In God We Trust has been part of this nation for 200 years instead of 1956 is going to now interrupt Roe v Wade which there is a right to privacy and that right extends to a woman's body.

    You look it up because you've been wrong about everything else including this.

    Let me show you and everyone else what a bullshitting phony you really are.

    I double dog dare you to show me one nation under God in the declaration of independence. You cannot do that you bullshitting fool.

    It is not even a part of our government. It was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1956. Its right here:

    Louis A. Bowman (1872–1959) was the first to initiate the addition of "under God" to the Pledge. The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution gave him an Award of Merit as the originator of this idea.[13][14] He spent his adult life in the Chicago area and was Chaplain of the Illinois Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. At a meeting on February 12, 1948,[citation needed] Lincoln's Birthday, he led the Society in swearing the Pledge with two words added, "under God." He stated that the words came from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Though not all manuscript versions of the Gettysburg Address contain the words "under God", all the reporters' transcripts of the speech as delivered do, as perhaps Lincoln may have deviated from his prepared text and inserted the phrase when he said "that the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom." Bowman repeated his revised version of the Pledge at other meetings.[13]
    In 1951, the Knights of Columbus, the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization, also began including the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance.[15] In New York City, on April 30, 1951, the Board of Directors of the Knights of Columbus adopted a resolution to amend the text of their Pledge of Allegiance at the opening of each of the meetings of the 800 Fourth Degree Assemblies of the Knights of Columbus by addition of the words "under God" after the words "one nation." Over the next two years, the idea spread throughout Knights of Columbus organizations nationwide. On August 21, 1952, the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus at its annual meeting adopted a resolution urging that the change be made universal and copies of this resolution were sent to the President, the Vice President (as Presiding Officer of the Senate) and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The National Fraternal Congress meeting in Boston on September 24, 1952, adopted a similar resolution upon the recommendation of its president, Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart. Several State Fraternal Congresses acted likewise almost immediately thereafter. This campaign led to several official attempts to prompt Congress to adopt the Knights of Columbus’ policy for the entire nation. These attempts failed.
    In 1952, Holger Christian Langmack wrote a letter to President Truman suggesting the inclusion of “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Langmack was a Danish philosopher and educator who came to America in 1911. He was one of the originators of the Prayer Breakfast and a religious leader in Washington, D.C. President Truman met with him along with several others to discuss the inclusion of “under God” and also “love” just before “liberty and justice”.[citation needed] At the suggestion of a correspondent, Representative Louis C. Rabaut of Michigan sponsored a resolution to add the words “under God” to the Pledge in 1953.
    At the suggestion of a correspondent, Representative Louis C. Rabaut of Michigan sponsored a resolution to add the words "under God" to the Pledge in 1953.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Rev. Dr. George MacPherson Docherty (left) and President Eisenhower (second from left) on the morning of February 7, 1954, at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church

    Prior to February 1954, no attempt to get the Pledge officially amended succeeded. The final successful push came from George MacPherson Docherty. Some American presidents honored Lincoln's birthday by attending services at the church Lincoln attended, New York Avenue Presbyterian Church by sitting in Lincoln's pew on the Sunday nearest February 12. On February 7, 1954, with President Eisenhower sitting in Lincoln's pew, the church's pastor, George MacPherson Docherty, delivered a sermon based on the Gettysburg Address titled "A New Birth of Freedom." He argued that the nation's might lay not in arms but its spirit and higher purpose. He noted that the Pledge's sentiments could be those of any nation, that "there was something missing in the pledge, and that which was missing was the characteristic and definitive factor in the American way of life." He cited Lincoln's words "under God" as defining words that set the United States apart from other nations.
    President Eisenhower, though raised a Jehovah's Witness, had been baptized a Presbyterian just a year before. He responded enthusiastically to Docherty in a conversation following the service. Eisenhower acted on his suggestion the next day and on February 8, 1954, Rep. Charles Oakman (R-Mich.), introduced a bill to that effect. Congress passed the necessary legislation and Eisenhower signed the bill into law on Flag Day, June 14, 1954.[16]
    The phrase "under God" was incorporated into the Pledge of Allegiance June 14, 1954, by a Joint Resolution of Congress amending §7 of the Flag Code enacted in 1942.[16]


    Pardner you're the one trying to bluff your way through this with what ever bullshit you think will fly.

    I'm the one shooting it down.
  16. lenben

    lenben Sex Lover

    Jul 16, 2010
    The pressure to insert the phrase "Under God" in the pledge was not to support religion. It was designed, in that anti-Communist era. to "stick it" to the unGodly communists who of course were avowedly NOT under God.
  17. formost

    formost Sex Machine

    Mar 18, 2011
    The use of the source of a higher power IE God or Gods to gain power, justify actions certianly isn't new to the world.

    It is and almost always has been a powerful means by which a small group can manipulate and or control the masses.
    and there is no doubt that the conservitive republicans with their judgmental bible thumpers are using it in an effort to control the american people today. No more any where than in the issue of abortion.

    But that doesn't mean that every one who believes in god is out to ban abortion
  18. AZRIEL


    May 1, 2008
  19. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I'm not sure I agree with that. The insertion of Under God was sponsored and promoted by the Knights of Columbus.

    No you're right the use of God and religion were the grand power of manipulation for all Kings and Governments up until the Founders of this Nation came along and created the first secular government in the history of the world deriving all its powers to govern from human beings instead of God.

    And the small minority trying to manipulate the majority on issues like abortion are the Christian Right which pretty much includes most conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers.
  20. formost

    formost Sex Machine

    Mar 18, 2011
    The founders of this country were overwelmingly beleivers in a creator.(ie God) a supreme being that has dominion over life on this world. It is "The Church" America's founders sought to separate from government, not God,

    Fighting against imorality is a "church" dictated responcibility and opposing it legaly is a Constitutional right. The people "Christian" or not have the same right as you to effect change in this country. The " church"( man's church) has political power in this country. That, stumbler is just the way it is, an has been since this county's foundation.
    Your just going to have to live with that. Attacking me with rediculous and unfounded accusations as you have changes nothing and makes you look ignorant.

    If you desire to speak rationaly on the suggect let me know.;)