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    Best regards,


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Jun 26, 2011
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June 22
Now living in Japan, Tokyo area.


Newcumer, from Now living in Japan, Tokyo area.

Erin and the twins are doing fine. Saki and I just had our second child and he is a real hand full. So Cody now has a brother. Feb 17, 2018

    1. teelov510
      Whatever happened to the Japanese twins stories
    2. Sagire
      Are you still checking in here periodically?
    3. Sagire
      Just wondering if have been able to write more on your history or if the "Rebecca, Do My Bidding" story has more to it now?
    4. Sagire
      How are you doing Mike? I truly enjoyed most of your story and would like to hear more of it since the "change" to Japan. Do you still write?
    5. Sagire
      Hello Mike ... Can you provide a status update? Have you written more? If so, where did you post the stories?
    6. geedo101
      I hope you still are having sexual release within erin
    7. 1MTNMN45
      Erin and the twins are doing fine. Saki and I just had our second child and he is a real hand full. So Cody now has a brother.
      1. misterjedi, lycan13 and teelov510 like this.
    8. geedo101
      your married to saki but hows erin doing
    9. Sagire
      Are you back after the long hiatus?
    10. misterjedi
      Welcome back Mike,
      I hope both your girls are doing fine too ?
    11. Sagire
      contined... What changes have occurred since that really bad time. Did you move to Tokyo to primarily to separate yourself from some of the memories? I also assume that Tokyo is a much safer place for the life you lead now. Are Saki and Erin well?
    12. Sagire
      Hello Mike ... I know it is a bit late, 4 years late, but I just have recently found your stories. I appreciate the effort you put into them and I hope that you and the girls are doing well. I truly would like to know how you all are doing.
    13. lycan13
      What happened to War Baby?
    14. TallGuyTX
      Read the asian twin stories, loved them, keep up the good work!
    15. h0Ax8omb3r
      Wow I read all your storys a while back and absolutley loved them, its great to see them reposted. I hope everything has been running smoothly with you and your girls
    16. fenris10
      There was a story that you had posted a while back and when the whole purge thing happened here they went away. I was wondering if you could either repost them or if you would even be willing to send them to me I would greatly appreciate it. It was the twins story after My Asian Treat. Thank you.
    17. moparguy2012
      I just got through reading Hot Box. It was a great read. And Congratulations on being a Grandpa. I hope Erin and Saki are doing well along with the babies.
    18. 1MTNMN45
      Live in the moment and enjoy each and every second.
    19. moparguy2012
      Maybe you could post the storiest that was taken down on another site. Anyway glad that your back.
    20. moparguy2012
      Welcome back Mike. I hope all is going as well as can be.
      1. 1MTNMN45
        I'm doing well, and so are the girls. Thanks for asking. And thanks for reading my stories. The change in venue has got me started again so we'll see where this goes.
        Feb 27, 2015
        Sagire likes this.
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  • About

    June 22
    Now living in Japan, Tokyo area.
    Sexual Orientation:
    Six feet one inch tall with 8 inches of pure all American man meat on a 200 pound frame.

    I keep my girls happy. And deep.
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