1. Hello,

    New users on the forum won't be able to send PM untill certain criteria are met (you need to have at least 6 posts in any sub forum).

    One more important message - Do not answer to people pretending to be from xnxx team or a member of the staff. If the email is not from forum@xnxx.com or the message on the forum is not from StanleyOG it's not an admin or member of the staff. Please be carefull who you give your information to.

    Best regards,


    Dismiss Notice
  2. Hello,

    You can now get verified on forum.

    The way it's gonna work is that you can send me a PM with a verification picture. The picture has to contain you and forum name on piece of paper or on your body and your username or my username instead of the website name, if you prefer that.

    I need to be able to recognize you in that picture. You need to have some pictures of your self in your gallery so I can compare that picture.

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    Best regards,


    Dismiss Notice
Dec 11, 2014
Likes Received:
Feb 15, 1954 (Age: 70)
Up among the gumtrees
I fly..I warble..I swoop.....I'm a magpie


Mischievous Magpie, 70, from Up among the gumtrees

Rebuilding my nest Dec 12, 2014

    1. mishell
      Hi thank you for following me.
    2. Pussy.Patrol
      In ten years time you’ll be lucky if you can see your false teeth, let alone your keyboard. Lol.
      1. 69magpie
        You're a poor excuse of a human right now.
        Dec 19, 2022
    3. Pussy.Patrol
      Hey birdbrain. Are you still a mod? Either way..Pity.
    4. Pussy.Patrol
      16,605 posts! How much money did you make?
      1. Cumgun33 and NGUYENHAU123456 like this.
    5. Pussy.Patrol
      Gotta love it when another member posts that you revealed on the forum contents of a pm between you and I.

      For starters how would they know?

      Secondly I want you banned for that.
    6. submissively speaking
      submissively speaking
      G’morning. :)
      1. 69magpie
        G'day.....well more closer to midnight. :-)
        Feb 20, 2020
        submissively speaking likes this.
    7. Funanyway
      Cool profile picture, and your ok in my book. That 1 geek is a brain dead liberal.
      1. 69magpie
        I'm also a lefty liberal.
        Jan 31, 2020
    8. Pussy.Patrol
      You’re still around? Didn’t know magpies lived on peanuts.
      1. Cumgun33 likes this.
    9. Pussy.Patrol
      What a waste of time this place must be for you.
      1. Kinkydick9 likes this.
      2. 69magpie
        Ain't you sweet.....I didn't realise you cared about my feelings :D
        May 8, 2018
        Funanyway likes this.
    10. IamAdirtySinner24
    11. Medo22006030
      Salvation I buy you
    12. Jos Robinson
      Jos Robinson
      Thanks Collingwood old chap !!!
    13. Pussy.Patrol
      Ejls... gone? Looks like you're the last still hanging around.
    14. Jos Robinson
      Jos Robinson
      Hi Collingwood....thank goodness for the sane, considered remarks on the 'Knife Attack' thread !!
    15. Hugh Jorgan
    16. Pussy.Patrol
      Hey birdbrain. Did they catch all those refugee rioters in Melbourne yet? Perhaps you'd like to let more in? That being the case, keep them in your own backyard, OK.
    17. unclebuck57
      Thanks 69 MagpieI hope the mod can move my thread to the proper area.
    18. deleted user 55874
      deleted user 55874
      Happy New Year! :)
    19. Twisted Fate
    20. ronniebug
      It said to do it in privaate chat...then if I did it wrong..please explain how to then...im not arguing just politly asking
      1. 69magpie
        What are you asking???
        Aug 22, 2015
      2. 69magpie
        If it is what I think it is then answer my PM as talking about it here will break the rules.
        Aug 22, 2015
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  • About

    Feb 15, 1954 (Age: 70)
    Up among the gumtrees
    I fly..I warble..I swoop.....I'm a magpie
    Sexual Orientation:


    May the Magpies prosper
    (Floreat Pica)

    Give me a home amongst the gum trees
    With lots of plum trees, a sheep or two,
    a kangaroo
    A clothesline out the back, verandah out
    the front and an old rocking chair.


    Sarcasm is my second language
    First joined.. July 18 2008
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