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    Best regards,


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Daddy's Gurl
Last Activity:
Apr 16, 2014
Oct 13, 2009
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Godess of All

Daddy's Gurl

Porn Surfer, Female, from Heaven/Hell

Daddy's Gurl was last seen:
Apr 16, 2014
    1. koryme
    2. 1stprize
      Saw your question on Writers United Group site. I don't think it matters what you post, if you have a romantic story that you want to tell, post it. I encourage you to share your stories. I would appreciate it if you would send me your stories. I can be reached at chuckblue1 at gmail. com Looking forward to reading your stuff. You can look me up on sexstories here on xnxx.
    3. Daddy's Gurl
      Daddy's Gurl
      looking for someone to chat with
    4. Daddy's Gurl
      Daddy's Gurl
      SO TOTALLY ZOMBIED... there is nothing to do, and no one to talk to. geeeeeesh
    5. Daddy's Gurl
      Daddy's Gurl
      just kicking back on a fri. whats everyone up to? long time no chat i've been mia sorry peeps
    6. dirtydavid
      Happy Thanksgiving.
    7. syckoboi
      aww well that sucks, but the teasing part is always pretty fun. you can cum over and tease me anytime ;-) so, what have you been up too?
    8. syckoboi
      nice. yeah, that's true. would you like to cum over and spank me? lol. who have you been teasing lately?
    9. syckoboi
      hi sexy. nothing much is up, except for me. lol, you know i'm always such a naughty boy. so much so that i think i need a spanking. ;) how have you been sexy?
    10. Daddy's Gurl
      Daddy's Gurl
      Wow some one tell me please how does God belong on a porn site????call me blonde but when i come on this site i dont need no preacher yelling at me about fire and brimstone...
    11. Daddy's Gurl
      Daddy's Gurl
      i say that alot too, i ll try anything once and maybe twice if i like it lol u know we might want to take this to private messages since everyone can read this lol
    12. syckoboi
      ssdd? stupid shit dudes do? lol. i'm pretty much into anything, i like hanging out, sex, roleplay, incest, shooting pool, bowling, love talking to a goddess like you, video games, dom/sub. i like a lot of things, just ask me if i'm into it & i'll tell you if i am. pretty much i'll try anything at least once, but those are just a few things i like doing. what do you like beautiful?
    13. syckoboi
      i'm good. what's up?
    14. syckoboi
      you're welcome. thanks for accepting my request. how are you?
    15. Daddy's Gurl
      Daddy's Gurl
      update: well i have not been writing, my computer died and took everything with it. RIP u silicone pain in the ass lol anyhow have not been ignoring u peeps just have troubles... lol also i got a mad case of spring fever lol hugs
    16. Daddy's Gurl
      Daddy's Gurl
      ok update time, as i said that last part of trapped is still being validated, geeesh come on xnxx get a move on lol and i have another one in the works, its not as easy to pump out stories, lol i guess i will never flood this site loloh btw people in the ride Tara was not... repeat not his daughter, it was not incest! geeesh i dont know how many people keep asking if Tara was his daughter lol well i guess that is about it for now. later peeps hugs!!!!
    17. Daddy's Gurl
      Daddy's Gurl
      Hey everyone the last part of trapped is being validated it should be ready to read in two to three days enjoy
    18. Daddy's Gurl
      Daddy's Gurl
      Hey everyone i have another story being validated right now, it should be out soon its called trapped. hope you like it :P Btw domdadsc thanks for the comment.
    19. DomDadSC
      Nice stories!
    20. DeGuru
      Could not find your story send me the link please.
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  • About

    Godess of All
    changed age.. becuz age is only a number not who we are!

    reading, writing, sex


    There are no taboo's if its something two can agree on:kiss:
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