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    Best regards,


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    You can now get verified on forum.

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Last Activity:
Dec 30, 2016
Jan 4, 2014
Likes Received:
Jul 11, 1994 (Age: 29)


Sex Lover, Female, 29, from California

KellyKim794 was last seen:
Dec 30, 2016
    1. Fleetxpress
      What's poor old Kelly done to deserve all these negative comments about her? Give her a chance.
    2. timfree
      That's is your opinion. Obviously you are concerned that if you posted nude pics, you would get negative comments. People who criticize others are insecure.
      1. Bcd3 likes this.
    3. timfree
      You make derogatory comments about other Members pics. This is an adult, sexually oriented site. Pictures of you naked would be appropriate, so the people you comment on can have an equal opportunity to comment on you. Your comments it seems are mostly about nude women you think don't meet some standard you have about nude women. Freedom of speech is great if you have something to back it up with!
      1. Bcd3 likes this.
    4. jdm320
      Kelly, do not mind all the negative BS you are getting. Everyone has their opinions. You know the old saying "Truth hurts". Some people on here post positives even when there is nothing positive about the pics. Be your self, if you dont post nude pics, then that is your decision. Be yourself.
    5. KellyKim794
      You disabled your comment. What does me not posting nude pictures have anything to do with this?
    6. SaroB
      So all you do is go on threads and say negative things, when you have yet to post a nude picture or anything you have a album of basic pictures. Pack up your negativity bs and GTFO!

    7. KellyKim794
      I can't even reply to you.
    8. rolyoz
      Why dont you get a life and stop being a total bitch. You are far from perfect yet you get a kick out of being nasty to others on this site.
    9. beds
      I love all of your posts! You remind me of my ex ;)
    10. king&queen
      Kelly all dude is saying is true but at the same time people on here are hypocrites as well they talk all this good shit about judging others yet they do the same shit! So take all that bullshit talk with a grain of salt! They can either love you or hate you and either way you be you and fuck the rest! What can they do? Nothing but cry to the administrator like little bitchs! So to all the haters kick rocks and if you dont like it then dont stop by! Chumps!
    11. Anonyinrc
      You are obviously anything but a looser or a retard. I hope you didn't take my comments to mean as such.
      So....what about this friendship thing girly?
    12. Anonyinrc
      Who the hell am I? i am someone who finds you extremely attractive with the exception of the way you treat others here in this forum. All of us here try to keep the negative comments about others to a minimum. Some of the people that post their pictures for all the world to see are actually quite insecure and are virtually laying everything on the line. All it takes is for one person to make a negative comment about their post and it causes them to shrink back into the shell they have been in for most if not all of their adolescent life.
      On a different note, it only takes one or two kind words to start a chain reaction which eventually could reveal a truly beautiful human being.
      Please, please, try to be a little more considerate and encouraging when you leave comments.
      I noticed that you don't have any friends as of yet. Would you give me the honor of being your first here at xnxx? You are a beautiful woman and I would absolutely love to see more of you!
    13. iffeelsgoodngetoff
    14. Anonyinrc
      Yeah, she seems like a real stuck up cunt huh Slideclip? I bet she just needs a real good fucking though!
    15. timfree
      Where are your naked pics!
    16. Slideclip
      Getting ready for a bath
      Views: 3,709
      Posted By KellyKim794
      Wow, so gross.

      Wow, so gross.

      your post on my thread thats what im talking about
    17. Slideclip
      ill bet, little girl, I forgot more about men than you know.... and all of them know it, so watch your mean and shitty posts
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  • About

    Jul 11, 1994 (Age: 29)
    Hi. My name is Kelly. I'm 19 years old. Not much to say.