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Last Activity:
Jan 23, 2014
Oct 3, 2007
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North West UK


Porno Junky, Male, from North West UK

madchef was last seen:
Jan 23, 2014
    1. naughtygirl666
    2. naughtygirl666
      Sorry hon not on here that much these days, got some stuff going on that I'm in the process of sorting. Yes it was a great win for us, and we are now in 6th place; which is not bad. Hope you are well and speak soon. ^_^
    3. naughtygirl666
      Yay I'm glad. New season fingers crossed we finish fourth - all is right in the world.
    4. naughtygirl666
      Ooo is icle me included in the'interesting' people?? I'm glad you're okay and yep defo need to catch up. Well start of new season soon ^_^
    5. naughtygirl666
      Hi hon yep I'm going to try my best. I'm great thanks how's you?
    6. naughtygirl666
      Hey stranger hope all is well with you and hope to speak soon. ^_^
    7. richief
      Yep looks like they offered him enough silver to do the deal, oh well lets see what the season brings.
    8. richief
      Well if the Traitor McLeish goes to the Villa then their first home game will be telling, if he doesn't get early success he will never be allowed to succeed.
      Who do we get as a replacement, there is the question, Curbishley, Hughton, both are good and both are free.
      The fuckwits on the site, yeah they bother me, such a fucking lot.
    9. naughtygirl666
      Hiya thanks for the message. Not been on there much but if you see me on feel free to say hi. Hope you are well. :)
    10. Obscene Cupcake
      Obscene Cupcake
      hey baby o. ~ hahaha
    11. 69magpie
      Am going good, and yourself.
      Exactly, you don't deserve to be there...come on, you won the ashes, what more do you want. That should be enough wins for you guys until we come to you and get beaten again....
    12. richief
      I'm doing well, health steady heart is acting a little odd at times and this sporting weekend hasn't helped:), but still kicking along. Hows things in the mad kitchen?
    13. richief
      Cheers, what a great day, and it was a good match too.
    14. InTheMindsEye
      Yeah, I'm tired just watching it down the pub. Still, someone has to :)
    15. InTheMindsEye
      Hey spud! Yeah all good here. Shame your boys couldnt do the business on Sunday. Useless feckers :)
    16. naughtygirl666
      O.oo you here *waves* hello. Ermmm i don't have twitter, sorry :(
    17. naughtygirl666
      Hey hon, thanks for the message. I've just been busy working, not on here much myself to be honest. Hope everything is okay with you and when i can return i hope that you will too? Will definitely keep in touch. Take care. ^_^
    18. naughtygirl666
      I'm very pleased now:)
    19. naughtygirl666
      Happy new year to you too hon and nope, not yet but hopefully soon. ^_^
    20. madchef
      Happy New Year all :)
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