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Last Activity:
Dec 24, 2013
Jan 10, 2009
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Manchester U.K


Porno Junky, Male, from Manchester U.K

TZRules was last seen:
Dec 24, 2013
    1. _angelic_sin_
      check my new pictures are working...i know your around somewhere ;)
    2. *slut*
      Your welcome sweety...
    3. Cockateer
      Hi there, sorry, I wasn't at home most of the day. Well, business as usual here. And how are you? Any naughty halloween activities tonight?
    4. _angelic_sin_
      ahhh no im not lol i got there most weeks though which works in my favour in the sauntering home part :p to be fair i normally get a taxi at 5am :p i think theres a few warehouse stuff available but im not sure!! i got my job and uni so im safe for now... looove tattoos though can be pretty sexy. do you have any yourself?
    5. _angelic_sin_
      Its right next to the centre!! lol i just googled yours haha! SBW, near essex, so pretty cool but not as good :p ahhh the infamous job hunting, that really sucks :p
      what you be your ideal job then?!
    6. _angelic_sin_
      ahh noo that sucks :( im sorry to hear that! i know what chavs are, even though i live in Manc for now i come from Essex so i deff know what your on about. im living in Hulme currently, what about you? x
    7. _angelic_sin_
      hey :) how are you? xx
    8. Wife loves black
      Wife loves black
      Yes on most nights talking to cockateer and always says your offline...
      Thought you had got a job at nights or something.
      Will be online later if you are
    9. Cockateer
      That's one difference between UK and Germany: Here the hospitals usually don't have dentists.
      Anyway, some things have to be fixed, so it'll be dentist time for me soon.
    10. Cockateer
      Thanks, I had toothache, and my dentist is sick. Thank God currently I'm painfree.
    11. Cockateer
      Thank you, let's guzzle a pint of lager :)
      42 is correct. As for cumming 6+ times: Reduce the masturbating. You can perform five or six times with the right woman. I'd concentrate on less but more intense sessions, Just stop before you cum, that also helps building up more sperm.
    12. Cockateer
      Your cock suffers? Well, I'm a pornographer, have always been one at least since I first orgasmed at the age of 10 (you know my age, don't you). It's all a matter of training. Sites like xnxx and friends like Wife loves black keep me young, my cock and balls are in brilliant shape.
      I've been unemployed ever since I had to file for bankruptcy (I was selfemployed), and that was in 2004. Good luck to you!
    13. Cockateer
      Well, quite busy. It's getting colder now, so I had to fix some things in the garden etc. I'm unemployed so I have "too much time". Nope, I never have enough time of course, but I can't spend 24/7 in front of xnxx. ;)
    14. Cockateer
      Friends of "Wife loves black" should be my friends of course. :)
    15. Wife loves black
      Wife loves black
      Hope all goes well tomorrow.
      Yes busy day mondays.
    16. Wife loves black
      Wife loves black
      We are great ty will be better at 5 when we get home lol, you ok?
    17. TZRules
      the oldest i have fucked is my 22 yr old fuck bud atm lol, just a "toyboy" at 20, but not had any complaints from the fuck bud yet :p
    18. Wife loves black
      Wife loves black
      Would love to see you Fuck my wife
      What is the oldist you have fucked?
    19. aslimguy
      nah i am actually from rochdale small world this internet place
    20. Emily23XXX
      I have a weekend in Vegas about 1/3 written, just have to be in the mood!!! Glad you liked them.
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    Manchester U.K
    sex, women, motorbikes