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  1. Crashnburnt

    Crashnburnt Sex Machine

    Aug 22, 2017
    When I was younger, I rarely ever used a condom when i was fucking girls, usually when I was with men though. Do you use condoms??
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    2. Troublesome69
      I do with prostitute s and men and woman suck my cawck without one
      Troublesome69, May 16, 2021
    3. Usemyfertilewife
      A condom is a waste of good cum, pump her full. If you get her pregnant consider it a win and never stop fucking bareback, breed them all.
      Usemyfertilewife, May 24, 2024
  2. Jeff_m

    Jeff_m Porno Junky

    Oct 28, 2020
    I had a guy slip his condom off when he was fucking me. He was rough and i didnt notice until i felt him fill me up with warmth. He failed to tell me that he had been edging for a few days.
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  3. Crashnburnt

    Crashnburnt Sex Machine

    Aug 22, 2017
    I felt lucky that I never got a girl pregnant. I thought it was cause I was good and careful. It wasnt till later on in life that I found out I have a very very low sperm count.
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    1. Usemyfertilewife
      Keep filling them up with cum and enjoy it.
      Usemyfertilewife, May 24, 2024
  4. dark_secrets

    dark_secrets Sex Machine

    Apr 30, 2018
    I don't, though conventional wisdom would suggest that I do. One might say I've been lucky as well, especially given what's entered me.
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    1. 431 Tarheel
      431 Tarheel, Mar 5, 2021
  5. coastguy53

    coastguy53 Porn Star

    Jul 9, 2018
    First few times, condom. As we get to know each other not as important.
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  6. Christophel

    Christophel All natural

    Jul 25, 2015
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  7. VampirTARA

    VampirTARA Dracula's daughter

    Jul 18, 2017
    I am a Druid and in my religion sect it is forbidden to use condoms or any contraceptives. We believe it is against nature and the goddess Danu the mother of the earth, the gods, fertility, wisdom, wind and of all the Celtic people.
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    1. Usemyfertilewife
      Good fo you as I fully agree. If the woman gets pregnant than that is the way God wants it. If she is black bred even better.
      Usemyfertilewife, May 24, 2024
      ShavedCock69 likes this.
  8. secretlyprivate36

    secretlyprivate36 Porn Star

    Dec 4, 2014
    Depends on what she wants, condom play every so often. But skin on skin!
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  9. flybinite

    flybinite Porn Star

    Aug 20, 2020
    I prefer a guy use one when fucking me. Let a guy fuck me during work hours 2 days ago. He totally filled the condom with cum. Glad I didn’t have it leaking out of me the rest of the day !!!
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  10. Fattah cakep

    Fattah cakep Newcumer

    Jan 31, 2021
    i like freedom
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  11. Kinkywild6969

    Kinkywild6969 Porno Junky

    Sep 24, 2018
    When I get fucked by random guys I always play it safe but yes I prefer without one.
    I have one or two friends around that are my fwb. It feels good for them and me since I do love it when a guy finishes inside.
    It goes without saying that I once had a little accident with a guy that was fucking me.
    I'm not sure when the condom ripped but I didn’t feel it happen. We probably been fucking for about five minutes or so, not until he pulled out so we could change into a different sex position its when we both realized it had ripped.
    It was a scary situation knowing that I didn’t know the guy and/or the people he had been before but he assured me that he was clean and I had nothing to worry about. He then put on a new condom and slipped himself behind me once again so he could finish me off.
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  12. NaddyX

    NaddyX Porn Star Banned!

    Aug 28, 2011
    I haven't been fucked yet!!!
  13. Ginger_slutty

    Ginger_slutty Happy Harlot

    Jun 24, 2020
    I see lots of guys will say they never wear them. Those guys do not have a chance with me. I do not accept any argument or debate with a partner on the subject. He will wear them or find someone else to have sex with.
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    2. 1 Toy Maker
      Yes right because you're amazing?
      1 Toy Maker, Mar 4, 2021
  14. JackPenny

    JackPenny Sex Lover

    Jan 9, 2021
    I haven’t since I’ve been married, outside of a couple years when she got off the pill and we weren’t ready for kids yet, then I wore them. She had told me that if she hooks up with another man, she’s planning on NOT requiring condoms
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  15. german-rosi

    german-rosi Porn Star

    Dec 6, 2014
    once we know the person is safe then no comdon
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  16. fatman90

    fatman90 Sex Machine

    Sep 17, 2012
    No condom but I knew the guys and knew that we didn’t have anything to worry about.
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  17. inmyhand

    inmyhand My Goddesses Toy

    Apr 10, 2014
    only if random hook up if know man or woman then no
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  18. harsh34

    harsh34 Porn Legend

    Nov 26, 2015
    No condom ...... always interested in ass fuck
  19. hisnhers

    hisnhers Porn Star

    Jan 21, 2019
    Probably not as often as I should, but it is always a good idea!
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  20. Biig j

    Biig j Porn Star

    Nov 2, 2019
    your choice..:rolleyes::)
    . cdmm (5).gif
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    1. david871
      Wow, i would love to feel that up me
      david871, Mar 8, 2021