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  1. latecomer91364

    latecomer91364 Easily Distracte

    Aug 3, 2017
    Personally, I think both drone strikes were against what ever random target they felt like - a family of 10 all dead - 7 children - all so Biden could shift the news cycle.

    Can't release the names - 'Not the right time'.
    That's because they don't know who they killed.

    Claiming the 2 killed, 1 injured in the car near the Pakistan border were planners and facilitators means absolutely nothing from a lying administration.
  2. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    Ok, was he short? yes
    Black scraggley hair and beard? yes, uh huh.
    Did he have an AK-47 strapped in front with several rounds? YES! WHY YES HE DID!
    OK, that's our man. Push the button...
  3. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
  4. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Biden vs Biden: President takes new tone on Afghanistan compared to earlier in career
    Biden advocated for nation-building in Afghanistan before saying it was never the mission

    President Biden's tone on Afghanistan, particularly concerning nation-building, has drastically shifted over the years.

    Before the U.S. withdrew all troops out of Afghanistan on Aug. 31, Biden spent years advocating for the likes of nation-building in the country, a stark contrast to his recent rhetoric.

    "Remember why we went to Afghanistan in the first place? Because we were attacked by Usama bin Laden and al Qaeda on Sept. 11, 2001," Biden said on Aug. 31 as he addressed the nation following the withdrawal. "We delivered justice to bin Laden on May 2, 2011 – over a decade ago."

    "We had no vital interest in Afghanistan other than to prevent an attack on America's homeland and our friends," he continued.

    But those remarks seem to contradict statements he made during his time as a senator.

    "Whatever we do in Afghanistan, whether it involves the commitment of military, political or humanitarian assets, must be geared toward a long-term solution," Biden said on Oct. 3, 2001. "We cannot repeat the mistakes of the past. If we think only in the short-term, only of getting bin Laden and the Taliban, which we must do, we just are begging for greater trouble down the line."

    In his recent address to the nation, Biden also said the U.S. was never in Afghanistan to nation-build – a complete departure from his past stance on efforts in the region.

    "We did not go to Afghanistan to nation-build," Biden said on Aug. 31. And during a 2019 Democratic debate, Biden said he had gotten in a "big fight for a long time with the Pentagon" because he strongly opposed the nation-building notion.

    But on Jan. 31, 2008, Biden said: "As every military expert that testified before our committee has noted, the battle against the Taliban is not going to be won with bullets and bombs alone. It's going to be won with roads, clinics and schools."

    Similarly, Biden said later in 2001 that the U.S. must prove to the world that it is an agent of "reconstruction."

    Biden also said during his recent remarks that it's "the responsibility of Afghan people alone to decide their future and how they want to run their country. Conversely, in 2008, Biden said the U.S. had to aim higher and deliver more after it had already invested more than $6 billion in Afghanistan.
  5. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
  6. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Biden Says He Visited ‘Tree of Life’ After 2018 Massacre, but Synagogue Says ‘No’


    The Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has disputed President Joe Biden’s claim of having visited with Jewish leaders following the horrific massacre in October 2018.

    Known as the deadliest attack in history against American Jews, 11 people were killed nearly three years ago when a lone gunman opened fire during the synagogue’s Shabbat morning service. The suspect was an admitted and avowed antisemite. Following the attack, then-President Donald Trump visited the site to pay his respects and personally met with the synagogue’s rabbi, Jeffrey Myers, who said the president exhibited a ‘warm and personal side’ unseen by the public.

    On Thursday, during a virtual address ahead of the Jewish holidays Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, President Biden claimed he also visited the Tree of Life synagogue following the attack — a claim the synagogue now disputes.

    “I remember spending time at the, you know, going to the, you know, the Tree of Life synagogue, speaking with them,” Biden said, as reported by the New York Post.

    President Trump and first lady Melania Trump, alongside Rabbi Jeffrey Myers, place stones on a memorial as they pay their respects at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on Tuesday.

    However, the synagogue’s executive director, Barb Feige, says that visit never happened.

    “In a phone interview, Feige, executive director since July 2019, said firmly that ‘no’ Biden didn’t visit, even before taking office when he had a lower public profile as a former vice president and then-Democratic presidential candidate,” reported the New York Post.

    The White House did not respond to the Post’s request for comment. Last year, on the second anniversary of the attack, Biden said, “When anti-Semitism is allowed to fester, it shreds the fabric of our communities and erodes our soul.”
  7. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    America Isn’t Back: BBC Says Europe’s Relationship with Biden Has ‘Turned Sour’

    The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has suggested that Joe Biden’s relationship with Europe has “turned sour”, indicating that the elderly Democrat is losing the devotion of the international media as well as world leaders post-Afghanistan.

    While the publicly-funded BBC is officially an impartial news outlet — indeed, it is supposed to be legally required to be so by its charter — it is widely regarded as having an institutional left-liberal bias not only by Brexiteers and conservatives but by some of its own longest-serving broadcasters, and its content was biased against Donald Trump by its own admission on occasion.

    However, a recent analysis piece suggesting the end is here for Europe’s love-in with President Biden, who did not challenge EU member-states’ “delinquent” NATO payments or unfair trade policy the way his predecessor did, may signal that they too will no stick to the alleged pro-Biden bias of old post-Afghanistan.

    n capitals across Europe, from London to Berlin, Afghanistan has soured the sweetness of Joe Biden’s honeymoon,” the BBC reported, noting that it was “not the fact of the withdrawal itself that has rankled” but the Biden administration’s “lack of coordination with allies, particularly since the NATO mission at the time of the drawdown comprised troops from 36 countries, three-quarters of whom were non-American” — a perhaps especially painful observation for President Biden, who has tried to shift the blame for the botched withdrawal onto President Trump by seeking to emphasise the fact that he pushed for it over the inept way a Democrat-run government executed it.

    The BBC did not shy away from highlighting some of the scathing remarks that have been levelled at Biden in the wake of the Afghan fiasco, such as Czech president Milos Zeman branding it an episode of “cowardice” and lamenting that “the Americans have lost the prestige of a global leader”.

    Even dyed-in-the-wool globalists such as Carl Bildt, the former Prime Minister of Sweden, EU envoy, UN Secretary-General envoy, and current WHO special envoy, would not give the British broadcaster a positive review of the 78-year-old American leader.

    “[Biden’s] ‘America is back’ suggested a golden age in our relations. But it didn’t happen and there’s been a shift in a fairly short period of time. The complete lack of consultations over the withdrawal has left a scar,” he said.

    “Expectations for a revival of the transatlantic relationship have been deflated,” he added.

    Biden losing his cheerleaders among Europe’s liberal “centrist” establishment are compounded by the fact that he came into office having already thoroughly alienated conservative-led NATO allies such as Poland and Hungary, of course, not least due to his having branded them “totalitarian regimes” like Belarus, led by the quasi-Stalinist Alexander Lukashenko.

    The Hungarian government, in particular, hit back at “the continuous lecturing, accusations and attacks” of Democrat administrations over the years, with the country’s foreign minister saying that “It would be great if Joe Biden could tell us why he put pressure on the Ukrainian government to fire its chief prosecutor, and how all of this related to the investigation into his son’s Ukrainian energy deals grinding to a halt” in a stunning public rebuke.
  8. latecomer91364

    latecomer91364 Easily Distracte

    Aug 3, 2017
    Anyone seen @Truthful 1 around lately? He's in Jersey and I've seen his asshole Governor more than I've seen him.

    I hope he's okay.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. latecomer91364

    latecomer91364 Easily Distracte

    Aug 3, 2017
    Think about this for a minute.

    Joe Biden (yes, of course - whoever is putting the words in this useless, senile mouth), actually planned for the debacle of the US exit from Afghanistan. This was okay with them, it's what they wanted. Considering how the Biden Administration is attacking Americans on ALL levels - from the rising Biden caused inflation to the uncontrollable influx of 'future democrat voters' from our completely open Southern border.

    Joe is welcoming hundreds of thousands of unvetted Afghans into our country - upon the advice of the whole 'give them free stuff and they'll vote Democrat' crowd - except - some of these people that Joe is Willy-Nilly feeding into our country will undoubtedly be terrorists - they've already caught a good number that are on our Terrorist Watch List.

    Joe (and his handlers, balh blah blah) DO NOT CARE if terrorists get through. The terrorists that Joe allows into this country will not only kill Americans who Joe cares NOTHING about, but will give his administration more reasons to enact laws that take away AMERICAN'S liberties and freedoms.

    This Afghanistan fiasco may very well not be a gross error in judgement and planning - it may be EXACTLY how Biden's handlers wanted it to go.

    They figure that if the Demo-press doesn't cover for him, then it will be a more expedient method of replacing Joe.
  10. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Majority of US voters favor $3.5 trillion Build Back Better bill: Poll

    Joe Biden (Shutterstock)

    Underscoring what critics call the out-of-touch nature of Republican and right-wing Democrats' opposition to the Build Back Better bill supported by the Biden administration and progressive U.S. lawmakers, new polling published Wednesday confirmed that a majority of likely American voters favor the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package.

    The Invest in America and Data for Progress survey (pdf) of 1,201 likely U.S. voters, conducted from August 27 to August 30, found that 61% of all respondents supported the $3.5 trillion spending proposal. Among Democratic voters, support for the measure soared to 83%, while 58% of Indpendent and third-party voters, and 40% of Republicans, backed the bill.

    Some of the bill's individual provisions saw even higher support among survey respondents, including long-term care (80%), power grid modernization (74%), and updating K-12 schools (71%). Even the bill's more controversial components enjoyed majority support, including a pathway to citizenship for migrants (61%) and free community college (59%).

    Invest in America

    NEW NUMBERS: Voters support the #BuildBackBetter agenda by a +31-point margin (!!!) according to our latest polling with @DataProgress. Let’s. Get. This. Done.
    11:57 AM · Sep 1, 2021

    While Republicans and right-wing Democrats including Sens. Joe Manchin (W-Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.) have balked at the bill's $3.5 trillion price tag, the survey found that a majority of all queried voters do not want to cut provisions from the proposed budget. For example, 75% want long-term care to remain in the package, while 69% and 64% respectively say that power grid modernization and updating K-12 schools should not be removed.

    Surveyed voters expressed even stronger support for the proposed $550 billion bipartisan Infrastructure and Jobs Act, which would invest in the nation's roads, bridges, railways, broadband internet, and environmental resiliency. Sixty-nine percent of all likely voters—including 81% of Democrats, 68% of Independents and third-party supporters, and 55% of Republicans—back the proposed legislation.

    Furthermore, 60% of survey respondents said they agree with the statement that "the wealthy and large corporations currently aren't paying their fair share" of taxes, and that "to fund investments in long-term care for seniors, healthcare, and clean energy, we should raise taxes."

    Tax March

    Invest in America
    SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE CORPORATIONS IN THE BACK: An overwhelming majority of voters — including a majority of Independents — want corporations and the wealthy to pay their fair share [​IMG]
    2:41 PM · Sep 1, 2021

    The U.S. Senate approved the $3.5 trillion budget blueprint without a single Republican vote on August 11, while the House passed the measure along party lines nearly two weeks later. As congressional Democrats advance the process of translating the proposal into legislative text, they face an aggressive corporate lobbying campaign to slash or weaken crucial provisions.

    Earlier this summer, Senate Budget Committee Chair Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)—who played a key role in drafting the bill and has held a pair of Midwestern town halls to promote it—called lobbying efforts against the proposal a "sign of the greed that pervades corporate America."

  11. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    First, it isn't a "build back better" anything unless, you know, political payback.

    Second, people will always be for free shit, right up to the part where they find out they will be paying for that "free shit" plus 10% cause the government always, but always, gets their cut.

    Third, lets review one more time.
    The US collects roughly $3.5 TRILLION a year. Until 2021 the government was spending about $4.5 TRILLION a year.

    This is why our debt is now $28 TRILLION.

    Now, so far in 2021 the biden/harris administration has spent roughly $5.5 TRILLION, want to spend another $4.6 TRILLION AND pass a $6 TRILLION budget.

    So in one year, this administration wants to spend over $16 TRILLION.

    Anyone who thinks there are not huge adverse consequences for every one of us is either not paying attention, or are on the government take.
  12. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Swoon Is Over: Europe Breaks up With Biden Over Afghanistan Betrayal
    By Mike Miller | Sep 07, 2021 1:00 PM ET


    Welp, that was a short marriage. Mere months after glowingly calling the new love of their life “a return to adulthood,” no-longer-swooning European leaders have kicked the inept “cheater” — beleaguered Joe Biden — to the curb, correctly labeling his haphazard, unilateral, disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, “cowardice,” “the greatest debacle that NATO has experienced since its foundation,” and worse.

    At the NATO summit in 2017, French President Emanuel Macron dug his fingertips into then-President Donald Trump’s hand, as reported by the BBC, staring him in the face. Macron would later say: “It wasn’t innocent. In my bilateral dialogues, I won’t let anything pass.”

    Four years later, at the recent G7 summit in Cornwall, Macron again grasped the moment. As cameras snapped, the French president walked across the beach with his arm around the new American president, Joe Biden. The body language shift was clear, said the BBC: “the two sides arm-in-arm once again.”

    That was then, this is now.

    In capitals across Europe, from London to Berlin, the far-reaching disaster in Afghanistan — solely the fault of Biden, regardless of his pathetic attempts at “advanced rationalization” — poisoned the sweetness of the Biden-Europe honeymoon. Again, it’s not that the withdrawal itself has rankled the Europeans; it was the complete lack of coordination or even a heads-up of what was happening when it began — particularly, as noted by the BBC, since at the time of drawdown of U.S. troops, three-quarters of total troops in Afghanistan were non-American, leading to an international scramble to evacuate.

    But, hey — as Joe told us, he has no regrets.

    Not only has our hapless president not second-guessed any decisions he made; he would make those decisions all over again and do the whole disastrous thing exactly the same way. Now that’s courageous leadership delusional stubbornness for the sake of political expediency.

    While I’m hardly the president of the “We Love Europe!” fan club, a bit of perspective is necessary, here. The German deployment in Afghanistan was its first major combat mission since World War II, reported the BBC, so the frustration at how it ended runs deep. Armin Laschet, Germany’s conservative candidate for chancellor ahead of elections later this month, called the US withdrawal “the greatest debacle that Nato has experienced since its foundation”.

    Czech President Milos Zeman upped the ante, labeling Biden’s debacle “cowardice,” and adding: “The Americans have lost the prestige of a global leader.”

    Carl Bildt, Sweden’s former Prime Minister, told the BBC that European expectations of Biden proved to be too high.

    Expectations were very high when Joe Biden came in — probably too high, they were unrealistic. His ‘America is back’ suggested a golden age in our relations.

    But it didn’t happen and there’s been a shift in a fairly short period of time. The complete lack of consultations over the withdrawal has left a scar.

    Without actually saying IT, Nathalie Loiseau, France’s Europe Minister until 2019, pretty much told the BBC that Europe is now going through Trump withdrawals.

    Many EU countries were in a state of denial. They thought they should wait until Trump was gone and we’d go back to the ‘old normal’. But that ‘old normal’ isn’t alive anymore. I hope it’s a wake-up call for us.

    Let’s be honest. A large part of each of us has to love that regret and buyer’s remorse of generally smug European leaders, right? Oh hell yeah, we do.

    So what’s was Europe’s beef with Trump?

    Nathalie Tocci, an adviser to the EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, and a visiting professor at Harvard, told the BBC that Europe’s problem with Donald Trump was less about his foreign policy and more about “America First” and how he “seemed to get on” Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping.

    The main rift under Trump had less to do with specific foreign policy decisions and more that we didn’t share the same values all of a sudden.

    The real trauma of Trumpism was not only ‘America First’ but that he seemed to get on more with the Xis and Putins. That we’re on the same side hasn’t been questioned with Afghanistan.

    What has changed is the growing preoccupation in Europe that as the US withdraws from the world, it may be very committed to protecting values in America — but what about elsewhere?

    Loiseau, the former French minister, said European leaders are now concerned about their own security.

    [C]ountries, such as the UK and Germany always thought they could rely mostly on the US for security. So of course they’re fearing times have changed. But we’ve often said we should rethink how NATO works. We should not remain in a state of denial.

    Europeans even teeing off on Biden over COVID vaccinations.

    European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas told the BBC he canceled his planned trip to the U.S. next [this] week “because I do not find the lack of reciprocity on travel rules fair.” The EU has now removed the U.S. from its travel “safe list” — seen by many as an illustration of growing tensions.

    “There was a time when the US talked about upholding the global order,” Sweden’s Bildt told the BBC.

    But that is not the language now coming out of the White House. Expectations for a revival of the transatlantic relationship have been deflated. And one is resigned to an America that does it its own way.

    I’m confused. Didn’t Joe tell us he had not only heard zero complaints from European leaders but also that several had actually called to tell him they supported his actions?

    Wait — you don’t think Joe was… dare I say… lying, do you? Why I never.
  13. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Biden announces COVID-19 vaccine mandates that will affect 100 million Americans
    By Kathryn Watson, Nancy Cordes, Ed O'Keefe, Weijia Jiang and Fin Gómez

    Updated on: September 9, 2021 / 9:44 PM / CBS NEWS

    Washington — President Biden announced the most sweeping COVID-19 vaccine requirements yet on Thursday, which will affect roughly 100 million Americans. The new measures include a vaccine mandate for all federal workers and contractors, and a requirement that large companies must mandate vaccines or regular testing for employees.

    "My job as president is to protect all Americans," Mr. Biden said Thursday. "So tonight, I'm announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees that together employ over 80 million workers to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week."

    Mr. Biden noted that many large companies already require vaccinations. "The bottom line — we're going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers," he said.

    The Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration is developing a rule requiring all employers with at least 100 employees to make sure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require unvaccinated workers to get a negative test at least once a week. OSHA will issue an Emergency Temporary Standard to introduce the vaccine requirement. Companies that fail to comply could face fines of $14,000 per violation, Mr. Biden said.

    That was just one of the mandates and changes the president announced in a speech on boosting vaccinations and battling the COVID-19 pandemic. The president also announced vaccination requirements for health care providers that accept Medicare and Medicaid, for all federal employees and contractors and for the staffs of Head Start programs, Department of Defense Schools and Bureau of Indian Education-operated schools. Mr. Biden had announced in July the federal workforce would need to provide evidence that they had been vaccinated or submit to regular testing and practice social distancing measures in the workplace.

    Within hours of his speech, the Republican National Committee announced that it plans to file a lawsuit against the Biden administration.

    "Joe Biden told Americans when he was elected that he would not impose vaccine mandates," RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement Thursday. "He lied. Now small businesses, workers, and families across the country will pay the price. Like many Americans, I am pro-vaccine and anti-mandate. Many small businesses and workers do not have the money or legal resources to fight Biden's unconstitutional actions and authoritarian decrees, but when his decree goes into effect, the RNC will sue the administration to protect Americans and their liberties."

    The new mandates are part of a six-pronged White House strategy to battle the COVID-19 Delta variant and boost vaccinations as cases, hospitalizations and deaths continue to climb. The six pillars are: vaccinating the unvaccinated; furthering protection for the unvaccinated; keeping schools safely open; increasing testing and requiring masking; protecting economic recovery; and improving care for those with COVID-19.

    The president started out his speech by saying he knows many are frustrated with the 25% of adults in the U.S. who have yet to get a single COVID-19 shot. That 25% "can do a lot of damage," he said. He made an appeal directly to unvaccinated Americans.

    "What more is there to wait for? What more do you need to see?" he said. "We've made vaccinations free, safe and convenient. The vaccine has FDA approval. Over 200 million Americans have gotten at least one shot. We've been patient. But our patience is wearing thin. And your refusal has cost all of us. So please, do the right thing."

    White House press secretary Jen Psaki said earlier Thursday there will be limited disability and religious exceptions to the federal employee vaccine requirement. Those who are not exempt and do not comply will be subject to disciplinary action, including possible termination, she said.

    "There are limited exceptions, but yeah, the expectation is that if you want to work in the federal government or be a contractor, you need to be vaccinated, unless you are eligible for one of the exemptions," Psaki told reporters.

    The American Federation of Government Employees, the largest federal employee union, is taking issue with the mandatory vaccine requirement, even though it has encouraged workers to get vaccinated. AFGE president Everett Kelley said that "changes like this should be negotiated with our bargaining units where appropriate," and he said the union expects to bargain over this rule before it's implemented.

    Still, Psaki said the president "has every intention of signing this executive order, getting the clock running on the timeline for these requirements, and his view and our view is this will serve as a model to the rest of the country on the need to get more people vaccinated in order to save more lives."

    The president also announced measures to ensure kids are adequately protected in classrooms, as he aims to make more testing available. He's also urging states to require vaccinations for all school teachers and staffs.

    Mr. Biden also said he's using the Defense Production Act to ramp up the production of rapid COVID-19 tests, and at-home rapid tests will be available at major pharmacies over the next several months at cost.

    CBS News has learned the president will raise the issue of COVID vaccination effort on a global scale with other world leaders when they meet at the United Nations General Assembly later this month. A senior administration official told CBS News that while they are "still planning the president's schedule around UN General Assembly High Level week, it is safe to assume we are actively looking at COVID-19 and public-health centered options."

    The official stopped short of calling it a summit, but added that the administration anticipates "that there will be an opportunity for the president to engage with his counterparts on this issue during UNGA week." One topic expected to be discussed among Mr. Biden and his counterparts, according to a second administration official will be about advancing and improving international cooperation on research and development on the COVID-19 front.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 75.2% of American adults have at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot. But community transmission across most of the country remains high, as the Delta variant makes up nearly all of the country's cases. Nearly 650,000 people have died in the U.S. from COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic last year.

    Here are the major measures announced Thursday:

    6:17 PM / September 9, 2021
    How many people are affected?

    The new vaccine mandates the president announced Thursday will affect roughly 100 million Americans, although many of that group are already vaccinated. The White House estimates there are roughly 80 million people working at companies with at least 100 employees. The White House also estimates the mandate will affect more than 17 million health care workers, as well as federal employees, and teachers and staff at specific Head Start programs and Department of Defense schools.

    "This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and it's caused by the fact that despite America having unprecedented and a successful vaccination program, despite the fact that for almost five months, free vaccines have been available in 80,000 different locations, we still have nearly 80 million Americans who have failed to get the shot," the president said, making his case for the need for more aggressive action.

    By Kathryn Watson

    6:17 PM / September 9, 2021
    Companies with 100 or more employees will have to require shots or testing

    The Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration, better known as OSHA, is developing an emergency rule requiring employers with at least 100 employees to require all employees to be vaccinated or get tested at least once a week. Failure to comply with the yet-to-be-released rule could result in a $14,000 fine.

    The announcement marks the most authoritative step involving private businesses the administration has taken yet to curb the pandemic, and it's one that's sure to be challenged in court.

    "The bottom line — we're going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers,." he said.

    By Kathryn Watson

    Federal employees must be vaccinated
    Mr. Biden issued an executive order on Thursday requiring all federal employees be vaccinated, with no option to undergo tests. "If you want to work for the federal government, get vaccinated," Mr. Biden said. "If you want to do business with the federal government, get vaccinated."

    Mr. Biden also issued an executive order on Thursday requiring all contractors who do business with the government be vaccinated.

    The executive orders both refer to the national emergency declared on January 31, 2020 and the National Emergency Concerning the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) declared pursuant to the National Emergencies Act in Proclamation 9994 of March 13, 2020, both of which remain in effect.

    "The health and safety of the Federal workforce, and the health and safety of members of the public with whom they interact, are foundational to the efficiency of the civil service," both executive orders say. "I have determined that ensuring the health and safety of the Federal workforce and the efficiency of the civil service requires immediate action to protect the Federal workforce and individuals interacting with the Federal workforce. It is essential that Federal employees take all available steps to protect themselves and avoid spreading COVID-19 to their co-workers and members of the public. The CDC has found that the best way to do so is to be vaccinated."

    By Caroline Linton

    Workers at health care facilities accepting federal funds will need to be vaccinated
    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will require vaccinations for workers in most health care settings that receive Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement. That covers hospitals, home health agencies and many other types of health care facilities, and roughly 17 million workers.

    "If you're seeking care at a health facility, you should be able to know that the people treating you are vaccinated," he said.

    By Kathryn Watson

    6:19 PM / September 9, 2021
    Air travelers refusing to wear masks could face up to $3,000 fines

    Air travelers who refuse to wear masks could be fined up to $3,000, starting Friday.

    The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced Thursday it will double fines for those who flout federal mask mandates for air travel.

    First-time offenders will be fined $500 to $1,000, while repeat offenders will be forced to shell out $1,000 to $3,000.

    By Nicole Sganga

    6:18 PM / September 9, 2021
    Biden acknowledges "confusion" on booster shots

    Several weeks after the Biden administration announced a plan to roll out booster shots, Mr. Biden acknowledged Thursday there is "confusion" around whether or when Americans should get them. Mr. Biden said that while the administration stands ready, the decision of which shots to give, to whom, and when "will be left completely to the scientists."

    By Caroline Linton

  14. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    And they said trump wanted to be dictator .....
  15. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Turley says Ron Klain's vaccine retweet is legal issue for Biden: 'Breathtakingly daft'
    Klain retweeted a message appearing to praise the Biden administration for executing the “ultimate work-around”

    Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley called White House chief of staff Ron Klain’s recent retweet appearing to praise the Biden administration for executing the "ultimate work-around" for President Biden’s recent vaccine mandate "breathtakingly daft."

    "The retweet was breathtakingly daft on the eve of litigation over the order. It is reminiscent of President Biden admitting that his own White House counsel and their preferred legal experts all said that the eviction moratorium extension was likely unconstitutional," Turley told Fox News on Friday.

    "Courts will now be asked to ignore the admission and uphold a self-admitted evasion of constitutional limits," Turley added. The "problem is that the thing being ‘worked around’ is the Constitution."

    Turley’s comment came in response to Klain retweeting MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle on Thursday, who tweeted: "OSHA doing this vaxx mandate as an emergency workplace safety rule is the ultimate work-around for the Federal govt to require vaccinations."

    "Klain effectively became a witness for the challengers in labeling the order an evasion or subterfuge designed for the courts. Klain leaves the courts in the unenviable position of ratifying an order that the Administration admits is a mere work around to evade constitutional limits. It is akin to claiming self-defense in an assault case while saying that it was the best way to shoot the guy," Turley said.

    Klain’s retweet came after President Biden announced a sweeping mandate requiring private employers with more than 100 employees to be vaccinated or submit to weekly testing. The mandate affects about 80 million Americans.

    About 17 million workers at health facilities who receive federal Medicare or Medicaid will also be required to get vaccinated. The rules will be enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

    "We’ve been patient. But our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us," Biden said in remarks Thursday, adding that the unvaccinated, "can cause a lot of damage, and they are."

    Klain sparked pushback from Republicans and other critics, including Sen. Ted Cruz, who called it "foolish," and added, "He said the quiet part out loud. Biden admin knows it’s likely illegal (like the eviction moratorium) but they don’t."

    Both Cruz and Turley referred to the Supreme Court’s ruling last month that prohibited the Biden administration from continuing its temporary eviction moratorium stemming from the pandemic, ruling the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lacked the authority to reimpose the moratorium without Congress’s approval.

    Turley added in his comments to Fox News that "ironically" during the previous administration, former President Donald Trump was accused of undermining the Department of Justice "with ill-conceived and self-defeating public statements."

    "Ironically, Democratic groups long argued that such public comments from Trump or his staff should be treated as official statements. Courts regularly used Trump tweets in reviewing challenges in fields like immigration."

    He added that Klain’s retweet "can be referenced by the courts as illustrative of the motive behind this obviously awkward avenue for a mandate. It is not determinative. However, it is relevant."
  16. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    White House abruptly cuts feed of Biden mid-sentence as he asks question at wildfires briefing
    Biden's White House has history of preventing public from hearing him off the cuff


    The White House abruptly cut the feed of President Biden's briefing on wildfires with federal and state officials.

    During Monday's visit to Boise, Idaho, Biden received a briefing about the ongoing wildfires that have plagued several states out west.

    While Biden spoke for much of the briefing, at one point he said he wanted to hear more from George Geissler of the National Association of State Foresters.

    "Can I ask you a question?" Biden asked.

    "Of course," Geissler responded.

    "One of the things that I've been working on with some others is —" Biden said before being cut off mid-sentence.

    The White House did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.

    This isn't the first time the White House intervened in blocking Biden from being heard by the general public. Last month, the president's audio feed was cut as he was about to respond to a reporter's question on his administration's military withdrawal deadline from Afghanistan.

    In March, the White House cut the feed as Biden said he was "happy to take questions" while speaking to Democratic lawmakers at a virtual event.

    This latest incident comes just days after Politico reported how White House staffers will "either mute [Biden] or turn off his remarks" out of "anxiety" that he will veer away from "the West Wing’s carefully orchestrated messaging."

    White House press secretary Jen Psaki previously admitted during an interview that Biden is often advised by her staff not to take questions.

    Biden raised eyebrows last week when he told a crowd, "I‘m supposed to stop and walk out of the room" at a White House event following his prepared remarks.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  17. noboat

    noboat Porn Star

    Aug 12, 2009
    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Whats scary is how biden/harris handlers so tightly control the president.
    Deep state.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. hannahsbigdaddy

    hannahsbigdaddy Stoned Always

    Apr 5, 2014
    He probably wanted to ask the reporter if he likes ice cream and if he can name it Secretary of the State.. But on a happier note some singer/ songwriter wrote a song called Blood on Your Hands. That guy should win a couple of awards for that. He even names sleepy joe by name in it. Brilliant.
  20. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    Watched the senate hearings today as long as I could stomach them. Guess what? You'll never guess, so I'll tell you.

    The Dim's are blaming the embarrassing departure of Afghanistan ------ ON TRUMP!!!

    pssst: It's not working.
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    2. hannahsbigdaddy
      I'm not sure he's in charge actually.. more like a puppet if you ask me.
      hannahsbigdaddy, Sep 14, 2021
      conroe4 likes this.